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Lmfao, okay Hanukkah you made your point edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:


Previous: bankrupt
Fuck you all
S M G more than carpets!
Where quality is affordable.
buh dum
DJT lockup ending soon, I expect a doomp
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ASMB stock ladies!
Wait for trials results
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I like trains so I'm buying UNP.
When charts for leverage stocks such as TQQQ say that it's up 300% over the past year for example, does that mean that over the last year I would have turned $1000 into $4000, even if say at some point mid year, the stock tanked 50%?
I heard 70,000 Israeli are now disabled. I’m selling
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What do you guys think of prop firms?
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quick rundown on how this works? you get to play with their $ and take a % of the profit? what if you blow the account youre not liable?
Need me a little neck master
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can somebody please redpill me on ASMB?
what is that?
where can I get $150k of buying power for just $150/mo?
that basically pays for itself with NVDA or GME
why did that guy keep saying “/bant/“ in the last thread?
is that a stock? how do I buy it?
yes, the percentage is accurate. the idea behind "leverage bad" is that that 300% might be a little bit higher without the downdraws. if you jump in at a bad time and need the money in the short-term, then leverage might be a problem, but over the long-term you see the real return of the leveraged etfs and it definitely seems like theoretical bullshit is the only contrary. that being said, I have read something that 2.5x leverage is some type of ideal, but I cant find it now in the very short time that i looked for it for this response
no because you have to account for slippage, which is basically that 3% up and 3% down results in a lower number than 1% up and 1% down

this is why BOIL, JNUG, and all other 3X ETFs always go -99.99% down in the long-term
both ES and NQ futures spiked an entire 1% with no wiggles, no extra volume in the hour break from market postmarket to futures. what the actual fuck happened and why arent you niggers talking about it
wait till you learn about 0DTE options, TQQQ is nowhere near as leveraged as an OTM call
I'm not letting it die
faking out crapto tards
why has smg been so dead?
all the shills got reassigned to /pol/
idk who to trust
Is it time to sell Nvidia? It seems like the ride is officially over
It moved to /bant/ and probably permanently. This thread is just a gravestone for what was.
basically anything above 1.5 is guaranteed to get liquidated at some point
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>Tesla semi coming into fruition with expected 50k delivered in 2026
>auto summon rolled out to all customers
>FSD coming closer to being FSD
>robotaxi launch/announcement next month
>Tesla energy leading energy storage with massive growth y/y
>Cybertruck best selling EV truck and can't keep up with demand, this is without offering their cheapest model

Yeah I'm thinking TSLA is a buy
My 32 stock profitability port vs Nasdaq composite index. I did some very minor trading also, some small soxl etc profits when the setup was obvious

Earnings and revenue up YoY every year for at least 3 years
ROIC above 12% minimum
P/e max 15
Generally upward moving price
Good fcf yield
Margins stable or increasing
No obvious red flags like a lot of debt or unstable earnings

I totally ignore mcap and dividend. And sell stocks that rerate up so I can buy another cheap one.

Any other collectoors?
I have tried to use the bant version several times, but any post you make quickly gets buried by dozens of posts about porn and vaginas
I too am giving up on the /bant/ thread.. 3 posters make up half of every thread..
Filter the Canadian flag and it gets much better. All posters from that country deserve death.

dump EVO
Shut the fuck up, scoops.
Big bepis tomorrow
Brotip; doomp eet
wait for interest rates tomorrow, vol is low because big boys are waiting it out to see if we get 25 or 50 bps cuts. if its 25 i expect NVDA to go to 110 or downwards. 50 and we get 120+

looks like market is pricing in 50 and expects it 75% but have a feeling j pow is gonna cuck us real good
>looks like market is pricing in 50
that would be big dummdumm....gonna lmao when he goes "we still need muh dadaaaa"
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This economy feels so fake and gay.
Stocks will start mooning when the rates decrease, meanwhile inflation is still up (tfw deflation never ever) and unemployment is sky rocketing for many industries. I feel bad for new college grads.
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Core was 3% whats the logic on a cut? Did Unemployment blow up?

I don't see the justification? In fact I'm looking for a hike.
And a red day
Just know that any decent one makes you paper trade first it acts as a review period. They won't exactly look for only Top 100 traders in the world, like I know a guy who is a total dipshit and still got in but you have to try using good discipline, good TA and trade to win to get in.
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You’ve got it backwards, 0.25 and everything is green, 0.5 and it’s red.
the dot plot is what matters, much more than 25-50
I agree that 50 will cause even more of a panic
but even 25, if they signal less aggressive cuts for 2024, 2025 (market expects 2.75% terminal rate, that's a LOT of cuts!) it is going to be a hawkish surprise which will force repricing
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i predict 25 then confirmed 25 at the next meeting
Market wants 25 bepis and favorable forward guidance. Fed wants 50 bepis because they're behind the curve. Bigger cut isn't bullish, it's bearish because it means the fed is expecting a recession sometime in the next 6-12 months (an actual recession they openly admit we're in instead of the faggotry they've pulled the last two years with the plunge protection team) and especially if their forward guidance has more rate cuts sooner than expected. The market is also on the precipice of either accepting or rejecting the triple top and thus the fomc meeting will almost certainly be what decides what direction it picks.
I think this will frighten the market, that the Fed is not easing enough, that the Fed is doing too little, too late, making the hard recession inevitable
even if they say "data dependent on the speed of future cuts" to keep the door open on 50 in future cuts, if they indicate in dot plot that they'll be doing 25bps cuts in following meetings will not meet the expectations for 120bps cuts for 2024, nor 240bps cuts for 2025
Everything seems fine to me desu, they should raise if anything imo
in particular, check out the new orders in the past several manufacturing PMI
we’re healing. regardless I’m going long because the fed knows we either moon or crater into a recession. tomorrow seems extremely important
what the fuck does scoops mean?

does that have something to do with these rate cut things?
I’m 50% CVNA and 50% GME right now

what color lambo should I get?
the new amazon of cars!

first time I buy something that baggie shills... let's see how this goes lmao
Who's that boobie monster in blue? t. I love money and whores
Fire everybody.
Sell everything.
You cannot keep thieves hired inside companies.
They need to go bust else the immorality in the economy will skyrocket.
You need to rugpull them else they will eat you.
Your money is already stolen.
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It's going to dump so fucking hard tomorrow.
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Yeah one look at reddit for 5 min and I'm ready to short at open
When they left for /bant/ they didn't tell me anything. They just left me here. They thought I've forgotten that. But in reality the only reason I followed is to fuck up their new thing. L.M.A.O.
Who the fuck wants to be confronted with racism every thread just because of the random flag he was assigned to at birth. Pedophile retards. No wonder they don't have any friends.
I think taytay is one of those few businesses that doesn't need to fire their workers because the business doesn't have immorality rot.
It's not rot if your business is immorality. It's the fuel.
thanks anon that'll be useful in the future
oh I know if they're cutting its bad news.
Wait we finally got Triple top. Oh boy I'm buying all the puts
i hate that faggy gook so much
Imagine that battery bank catching fire holy shit.
If today does not end red you can call me a monkey's uncle.
Russia's landscape is getting more beautiful day by day
What happened to this place its so fucking dead?
there is a good video of a bus going up inflames thats still about 10x smaller than a semi fire would be
How are people still asking this?
I just came back for feds dead day baby
I sold gitlab and residual soxl, and bought more uvxy
This is the cuck thread, real /smg/ is on /bant/
who would ever go on bant?
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proof that bant/smg/ ist just the pedophile smg. This smg is the only real smg, always was, always will be. Idiot.
It just happens to be the case that there are a lot of pedophiles at smg
As it would appear
>Imagine thinking this isn't a bull market when we have 2 smgs competing with each other, attacking each other.
muh triple top
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It was enjoyable at first but the thread has degraded.

ah no this one is better

fuck it...shorting brk with leverage
Some of us won't make it through this.
Here is what's gonna happen.
They will cut 25
Market will pump
It will start the recession
I say when we sell
Now is the time to start panicing bobo
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Tonights the night boys
ath rejected quickly...2 more weeks of september

What do you think happens to all the hedges after the press conference? Into September quarterly OPEX? With an unpinned VIX? With no more event risk to hedge until October?
i think we just crab into the election and then shits fucked next year because taxes are probably getting raised
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September 18, 2024: 50bp rate cut
September 18, 2007: 50bp rate cut
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Market is at ATH
inflation already in 2.5% range, we're back in pre-covid era of were economies struggle with too low inflation and endless money printing does nothing
yes it was just a supply chain inflation thingy been saying this for years
Cute alien
>last time shit got cut this hard crypto didn't even really exist yet and the whole economy was in the toilet
Oh hell, 2008 fucked everything for years, this is gonna get really fucking bad.
went straight for the ath then did a 360
>Dxy down
>Gold down
>Stocks down
>Oil down

What does this mean?
Welcome to 2008 part 2 electric Boogaloo, get ready to short literally fucking everything for the next couple of years because we are officially in full blown depression mode.
post your shorts bro
you're so sure of this so you've definitely gotten some 100x leverage shorts to become rich right?
sounds like we got a wild mumu who bought the all time high

Guys, I can hear the bears growling
It's over I think I'm going to travel the world or something like that
JPOW if you are reading this I said 75 and gave you the option for 25 with later pain. You fucked it all up now.
Sorry to all the bobos
I see it now. The recession was obvious weeks ago.
Half a point! My tech job and stocks gains are gonna happen. Maybe I’ll get laid too!!!
Let it be known that I am no monkey's uncle.
Guess what nobody's gonna have money for in a recession.
The bobos are just early. Today was the "shit's fucked" sign for the markets but because they cut rates we're going to go higher. Doombull confirmed, recession next year, new ath this year. I cannot believe the fed gave up fighting this early, we're all well and truly boned in the next six months but it'll be a party until then. Triple top got accepted on the three month chart because of this FOMC meeting.

And /bant/ smg isn't so bad when the canadians aren't around. There's one in particular that hit 86 posts last night shitting the place up, day of the rake is now.
I'm assuming this is a bug in the page display lol
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You still haven't learned how this works?
so do I get this straight when I buy a bond etf I can basically lock in the yield because it will rise in value if the yield falls rrrright?
Enter Bernard Arnault

The cunning psychopath that will suppress your name, and separate you from any form of money.

All those who have worked underneath him suffer from immense morality rot. Those who have worked in fashion industries should be carefully filtered.

Fire all of them, but watch where they go to next. They are repositioned to cause havoc for Bernard's competition.

This is extremely bad for GDP.
He suffers from theft too... But remember the luxury products are sold at discount prices. This is strategy.
the big boys don't want trillion valuations
if stocks are cheap they are cashflow monsters who can gobble up everything that just ran out of investor's favour
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reminder its not too late to jump on the yieldmax chad bandwagon and collect a monthly divvy
>700k nw
I didn't make it.
Go on without me, bros.
> the most important /smg/ day of the past year and we couldn't even get to 100+ posts today
jannies really fucked up this board's culture didn't they
by making it hard to get money out?
Why are people saying rate cuts will nuke stocks? Wouldn't it do the opposite, allowing businesses to borrow more with less debt?

Also there has to be a better way to fight spamming then this faggy email verification shit
The argument is that a normal cut/raise would be 25 basis points, so going 50 bepis indicates the Fed is panicking, worried that they've already been slow on the trigger.

Imagine you're a passenger in a car. If the driver is turning the wheel slowly, you feel pretty happy. If he suddenly jerks it to one side, you're worried.
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You know its time to get some big heaping bags of garbage. And what do you know, I have just the products for you.
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any tips on chudmaxxing my portfolio?

current spread:
Tesla 30%
Exxon: 20%
Trump media: 10%
Lockheed: 10%
Smith and Wesson: 10%
nestle: 10%
s&p500: 10%
Futures PUMPING and I didn’t buy enough levered tech dogshit FUCK ME.
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if i had 700k id go full in on margin day trade and fuck latinas all day on a villa somewhere what are you doing man

most important day was and always will be NVDA earnings
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go shit up bant faggot we have actual stock market discussions here
Could you tone down the racism, I need tips on moderate risk mutual funds
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>TFW the jannies literally don’t even know how to ban good or no nothn
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This retarded shit is gonna go parabolic, isn't it?
change to log scale
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I don't understand futures, what does this mean? Bullrun back on the menu?
2008 was a blip, a funny little goofball, a clown. This one is the real deal.
I don't like the structure why would you hard cap yourself into a divvy and fees. if you're a true believer whatever.
this chart looks ridiculous, what a shit timeline to become an adult in. No wonder everything is going up in price 20% every year. Starter homes in my neighborhood are approaching 1 million dollars, fuck me

Money has been devalued so heavily, and the market is extremely overvalued. All the metrics point to these two facts.
Have the bears killed themselves with the rate cut and rally today?
>Two more quarters
Yes, obviously.
this or manually adjust to real numbers
my FNGU doin a lil sum
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I fucking sold my TSM yesterday I'm so fucking retarded AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH fuck I'm gonna just put my shit into a hedge fund.
now is the time buy!!!!!
i have a little over 7k in extra student loans sitting in my account, can some advise me on a play to make to turn that into 10k+ by February so I can instantly pay that loan off when I graduate
IWM or QQQ options.
if you feel like watching charts daily, long dated at the money calls on UVIX, probably expiring Nov or Dec first.
I'll consider it but probably prefer something less involved than options. I will be studying for the bar exam and don't need a huge distraction.
then look at using trailing stop and limit buy orders on something simi volatile like IBIT
Gay market today. Really fucking homosexual price action.
You were right, up is now.
There was a meme that goes something along these lines:
>I stand with the military industrial complex meme
Anyone have it and can post it?
Don't play. Invest. Try a nice stodgey mutual fund. Even if you only make 5-10%, that's money you saved.
what do you guys think about AMD stock? i feel like whenever they catch up to nvidia in AI, even if to a smaller extent, their stock might moon similarly to NVIDIA's (on a lower level ofc)
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How'd everyone's day go? Will this uptrend continue or will we see a liquidity grab tomorrow?
do you have examples of this happening with a leveraged etf of a major index?
I'm currently ITM on 3 $17 puts dated to 10/4. how much lower can we expect DJT to go?
Up 8.2%, with my LEAPS pretty solidly in the money. Still have a ways to run, I'm hoping.
Rates cut. Golden bullrun initiated.

The end is nigh, bobos. The sweet oblivion of death awaits you.
Stocks are just worthless pieces of paper aren’t they
Like the prices of these stocks has nothing to actually do with the company right
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full port into NVDY or MSTY with margin and collect a monthly divvy. use the divvy distribution to buy shares in the underlying companies or just keep as cash and you can keep your stock position and pay the loan back with the divvy
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mirin 100k+ port, day went pretty well for myself. + 1600 on RH +1300 on fidelity. only realized 300 in profits on NVDA shares bought a few days ago though.

+900 AH..hoping for A GREEN DAY for QUAD WITCH / OPEX cuckoldry
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its a buy near 130-140. also the CEO's of the two companies are literally distant cousins and Jensen had his start out at AMD.
What is the best free market visualizer? Piracy and cracks are fine too. I'm not paying shit to monitor my $300,000 portfolio
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Umm stock bros... Im thinking i will bag quarter of my life saving to Ubisoft in 2026
It can still go down by €12.91
tradingview. And you don't really need to
"monitor" your portfolio, checking every week or so is fine. The more you check the more you feel tempted to sell. Either you have good ideas or not
>monitoring 300k
Brother. Is wokesoft really going to deliver a banger? Something that will revive its gaming cred? Look at their studio staff lists and past year of releases. I do not say it is the worst idea, but please see who you're trusting with c your cash.
ASMB stock ladies!

wuts this?
this sounds like me, thanks anon
gold has outperformed stocks for the pat few years

You would have made better returns holding a shiny rock instead of your stock pics, embarrassing.
Its over.
We have anything from soft makes and monster hunter wilds to play until 2030.
Plus all the roguelites your heart can desire.
>birth rates cratering
>old people only increasing in number

Nursing home/assisted living facility companis/REITs?
i hear a lot of talk about jobs in that sector being "safe future proof jobs", which is the same idea basically ... what i dont get is what makes people think people will be able to afform nursing homes in the future

there'll be high class nursing home palaces for the 1% and a palliative pigsty for everyone else

i'm sure there's ways to invest profitably in some way related to our demographic developments but i dont think thats it
Wtf is going on with Intel? They halted trading
Nevermind, here's why
ASMB stock ladies

Clinical trials will be sucessful
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Put in short put order for SOXL at strike price 26.5 with oct 11 expiry.

Good idea?
>stock pops 10%
you cant make this shit up
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According to astrological cycles we are going into a cancer phase next year, ending the current phase of gemini 2010-2025. Before gemini was taurus from 1995-2010. Taurus was a time of optimism and energy marked by the dotcom bubble, presidents were youthful or alpha like, clinton, bush jr. Gemini is a time of mass travel and migrations, obama came to power here and migrations to the west increased greatly. Cancer is a time of emotions and abortion rights will probably expand greatly, kamala will wind up winning according to the signs, after kamala we will probably get another 8 years democrats that are pro abortion rights, so I'm guessing gavin newsom. Around 2040 we switch to the leo sign phase from 2040-2055. This will be a time of fire and great violence most likely from the negative effects of 15 years of accelerated population declines from abortions. Isaac newton predicted the world enters an apocalyptic state around 2060 so if I were to assume israel collapsing completely mid century and radical islam destroying trade with saudi arabia and the middle east is going to happen. After 16 or so years of democrats there will be a true strongman around 2040 to usher in the leo age of violence and fire. Leo the lion, trumps comparisons to lions? Perhaps a young and trump like christian fundamentalist or violent takeover of the democrat elite by an islamic leader looking to wage holy wars from the white house? Women will likely be pushed down around then from positions of power.
whats that site where they show the futures of lean hogs and stocks?
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By the time we reach the end of the cancer phase western societies will probably be a civil war of jihad and monarchy. My guess the stock market won't hold up as inflation and economic conditions destroy global companies. Perhaps bitcoin mining outruns the SP500 as upside risk is better and energy production is more valuable then finished goods and services in collapse. Take for example a leader like apple incorporated. Their growth is finished for a decade now and their entire business has shifted into aged demographics with hearing aid products. They can't actually grow because of stalled demographics and global conflicts like in ukraine are destroying food supplies for growing countries and slowing their population growth preventing them from moving the global economy upwards. Apple can't do anything to increase their marketcap other then destroy their cash to buy back stocks but then destroy growth with insider selling hence their low dividends. I would argue any company that relies off asia supply chains will experience serious decline in 10 years unable to get out in time for the destruction around 2040. Once again you could probably outperform index funds by thinking outside the box. Coal mines in west virginia will wind up being more valuable then tech companies the way the world is going from a global security perspective. Nobody will want to touch a fancy tech company that needs an asian factory that needs oil from the middle east that is getting held ransom by hezbollah terrorist groups that have no stable states to control their activity like israel. Coal mines will be infinitely easier to secure then oil rigs and require a lot less broken supply chains to secure its resources from. The world is going back 400 years when israel implodes.
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I smell niggers
why the fuck are these threads so slow? this rancid shit is from monday, literally almost a week ago. a couple years ago our /smg/ threads would be fucking maxed out 10 minutes before market open. we would have like 20 minimum per trading day and like 10 on weekends.
>he doesn't know
smg moved to bant after the email verification shit
How the fuck do you buy bonds or even browse a list of US corporate bonds. I’m Australian and I’m having a real hard time.
Is it on bant now?
Not that nigger I knew the email verification foggtry was a thing but I didn't know about th emove.
the mop race wiped us out
where's my fuckig baerhs8x. my dad would kill u
what's mop
what the heck
what the heck
alright, time for bed boomer
I still smell niggers
I'm an Alabama nigger and I wanna be free
I posted in an /smg/ around april when RKLB was $3.70, and have continued accumulating since then, i think a lot of the doubts that were presented back then (Lack of progress towards new launch product, poor revenue growth between 2022 and 2023) have been addressed, I feel very optimistic about the future of this company and my investment.
I have swing traded RKLB for a tidy profit. Its a stock I follow but I figure there will be a pullback between now and the first Neutron launch. I hope to buy in again for around 5 dollars. Could be wrong though.

Also as slow as this thread is, it’s higher quality than /bant/ smg.
anyone else stocking up on AAPL puts for when china invades taiwan?
What is a 'bant'?
Wondering the same. Bizarre.
the obvious answer is people finally lost interest after they tried to pick up trading during covid

the other obvious answer is that there were only ever a handful of posters who are now spamming bant with cp shit

my personal theory is that this clown market price action is so fucked up its scared everyone away
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sunday night graphs
rv sales have been pretty anemic this whole year
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>bofa thinks its forecasts are correct
Thanks anon, doesn’t look great. I’m questioning if I should add a little consumer discretionary to my portfolio, or if I should short something in CD as a hedge for my portfolio over the next 12 months
it's Australian slang for boy cunt
>Bought DJT at $50
>It's $13 and still dropping now
No idea how I should cope with this.
By buying more when it hits $3
Niggers tongue my anus
Going A-Z and setting up those alerts once a month. Only good ROA+ROIC+ROIIC companies with improving rev and earnings ofc.

I've checked out hundreds of other people's portfolios and I'm the only one buying exclusively profitable+growing companies. My live account is outperforming. Why complicate everything with 200 IQ turnarounds and hope n change. Feeling extremely positive.
How is tesla even going up? I foolishly bought this stock around 200$ a share a few years ago and its been red ever since about last month.

Yet all the data for it shows they have declining car sales and people are now even more turned off by the brand than ever so why the fuck is it up to almost 250 now?
I'm pretty loaded up on YANG for that
accept that you are a retard
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kek retail baggies
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I'm finally breaking even on TSLA again...
Unrelated, is it time to go ALL IN ON INTEL?
ASMB stock ladies!
how about you do some research yourself instead of listening to the hivemind, see >>58985767 and go and look at the sources. Tesla will have 3 supercomputers specifically designed for AI with their custom D1 chip, they already have completed Colossus in Memphis.
my dude everything that guy does is a grift
Congratulations on your indirect donation to donald trump. You successfully helped contribute to his bypass of campaign finance laws.
To make me feel better of losing thousands, can anybody tell me your biggest losses on a single stock?
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i sold LUNR the day before it went up 50%
ive made good money swing trading it, but this was unexpected
i am not having fun anymore, therefore, i am not doing it right
Any opinions on HE?
It was a popular play back here a while ago. I can only assume everyone lost money on it up to now.

However with this stock offering it could prove attractive or cheap enough to offer an upside?
online casino had its peak a copula years ago
consumer credit isnt doing as well as expected
semiconductors are overpriced, next to moon is probably intel in 25/26 or some microcap gamble
tobacco is doing quite good all things considered
oil coal gas is priced in and only have dividends going for them
what are some good shit to look out for in the future?
steel, coke, copper are probably safe bets long term. buy some throughout 24/25
any i missed?
I came here a lot during trumps time in office. I come here less because I'm poor and to afraid to lose. Made like 3k from here during that time which was nice. Thread memes were entiretaining enough to make me come back and read. There was always someone shitting on a clf guy some stories about some guys who worked at Amazon and the this week in smg guy making youtube videos. I'm not bright I just want to make a little money.
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The quote that broke /smg/
I bet it will go back up over the next year.
Source: my ass
tsla going to $300 would be cool
My chink stocks are surging today. About time they did something.
I did both.
Always hedge your bets
that's why i always bet on both red and black at the casino
The blockades are growing.
The Ottomin have added these to the Ottomin army.
Well, I bought YANG at 15, dies that make you feel better?
>Market goes down
>I buy more
>Market goes up
>My portfolio goes up
Way more than if I had listened to some retard bear that's got half their wealth in some jeet crypto scam trying to convince me that they have the secret sauce and the economy is going to collapse any day now.
Maybe figure out clean drinking water before market analysis.
Why spy up?
whatever happened to pendulum
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Markets are booming. How's everyone's portfolios doing?
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how long can they keep people from getting spooked, seems like it shouldve already happened
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NVDA Chads we are so back
How? It's been 120 earlier after the drop to 100 and it's just got back up to 120. Earnings didn't keep pace.
I bought NVDA before the split, waited a few days for fomo buyers, and then sold at 130ish each.
>microcap gamble

With the fed rate cut, I'm taking a guess that it'll be a few months of mega fomo'img into specific penny stocks. I think it'll be a weird ride for the space sector after the ai stocks. Maybe ai will do better in space or something? I dunno.
You invested in RKLB too? I did it purely because they have a lot of satellites. My uni does this NASA program and my robotics club researched that satellites are good for autonomous vehicles.
GME. But it's been expected and I never buy over 24 per share. My cheapest was 17 back last December. I don't panic sell out because it always seem to stabilize itself around mid 20s. I honestly think it's just option traders trying to make a few bucks from GME being volatile when it gets meme'd in the news.

I told people at my workplace that DJT would jump Monday after Trump's first assassination attempt and it did. You either missed the last time that it'll ever go up or you'll have to wait for another event out of the blue, probably not for a couple of months. Unironically I think that if Harris becomes president and sucks at her job, DJT would go up out of people's spite.

>Yet all the data for it shows they have declining car sales and people are now even more turned off by the brand than ever so why the fuck is it up to almost 250 now?

The market is weird. I know an engineer who works with a popular car manufacturer who told me that sales are declining and he had to cancel his meeting trip to Japan to cut costs. The average person isn't buying cars right now. There will be other sectors feeling the hurt when people don't spend on the economy.
Last comment to
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didnt expect the line to keep going up forever so lost alot of gains by not buying in
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i've completely failed to see what the space sector has to offer as added/newfound value for /smg/ that isnt already satisfied? best you can hope for is that some new space business grabs some government contracts for launching and retrieving shit into and out of orbit
maybe the contracts are lucrative
stock market isnt really about value though, its just a game between poorfags pumping and dumping i guess
maybe it is as you say about that space stuff
>I know an engineer who works with a popular car manufacturer who told me that sales are declining and he had to cancel his meeting trip to Japan to cut costs
same is happening in the company i work for
its not automotive, but heavy machinery
orders are down like 20-70% year on year depending on the market region
currently living off of china and india orders but with the increase in chinese brands that sell both ICE and electric machines for 1/4-1/2 the price its looking dismal for the future
(at least our) current production is just now catching up with the order backlog that was created during the pandemic, dealers sitting with big stocks that arent selling
Q3/Q4 and next years numbers will be abysmal for machinery (and automotive too i suppose)
travel is halted, recruitment is stopped, new projects suspended
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Bros I bought micron 120 calls expiring on Friday with beer money.
What are the odds they hit?
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ripped right back up to 120 pretty quick and is almost back to pre earnings price. whole selloff made 0 sense and next quarter projected 10B revenue from blackwell.

"Blackwell chips are expected to see 450,000 units produced in the fourth quarter of 2024, translating into a potential revenue opportunity exceeding $10 billion for Nvidia" - Morgan Stanley

its gonna go right back to 135 before next earnings in november and then to a new ATH with a bigger than expected beat and guidance

additionally MU just beat and is up AH which is gonna pull semi ETF's higher which have a high % of NVDA as top holding

>another green day
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We're so back.
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sell within the first 5 min of open

turned that beer $ into hooker $ good job dave man (GJDM)
I'm worried IV crush is gonna make it worthless. I mean it was like 30 bucks but my biggest gains usually end up being my most retarded ones (I threw a few hundred at PANW way OTM puts and hit a 121x when they dropped back in Feb as an example)
Why futures aren't moving?
you should be good just be ready to pull the trigger at literally 9:30 EST or you may get cucked

Yeah, uh, oh, yeah
Trappin' out the trap, oh, yeah (Yeah, yeah)
I'm flippin' out the strap, oh, yeah (For the syrup)
I'm flippin' the— oh, yeah
I'm thuggin' the thug, oh, yeah
I'm thuggin' again, oh, yeah
I'm blessin', I'm bless, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm flippin', I'm flippin', oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Uh, oh, yeah
Trappin' out the trap, oh, yeah
I'm flippin' out the strap, oh, yeah
I'm flippin' the— oh, yeah
I'm thuggin' the thug, oh, yeah
I'm thuggin' again, oh, yeah
I'm blessin', I'm bless, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm flippin', I'm flippin', oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
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>tfw you just stay all in
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ain't much but its honest work. holding through the august / september manufactured dips was the worst though.
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u blind breh? markets will open at intraday ATH across almost all 3 indexes tomorrow if these hold to the open
You seem pretty decent. What you think of the unity call ramp that's building? It got dumped bigly today and it smells like a fakeout before a giga pump
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Unity stock? Personally never traded it but the 3month chart looks great. don't know enough about the company to give an opinion.

NVDA is going to 130 as soon as tomorrow if this bullish narrative carries over from japan/china --> DAX --> Nasdaq & friends. market looks bullish as fuck and even bitcoin coming back near 64k. ATH Nasdaq with 70k bitcoin is on the horizon. NVDA @ 135 alone adds quite a bit more overall market cap to the indexes. would hate to be a bear rn
Maybe it's CNN mobile site that's not working.
why has so many tickers are becoming green while whole market through red red for the day till the close?
1,488 niggers doing the conga in a straight line towards your anus
Haven't posted in a few months

You're still making gains, right anons?
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>but its honest work
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good morning Americans, the only posters who matter
why is cocoa up 6% today
Intel if you wanna double your money in 3y
Time to buy Chinese stocks?
bilibili to make anime real
Share picks
Should've bought a month ago. You're buying my bags at a 40% premium now.
Whats the deal with mutual funds? Are they a scam or what? I recently did some of the securities industry exams and they focused so much time and attention on studying mutual funds and annuities. The more I learned the more stupid annuities seemed for 95% of people. Bonds i guess i at least see the point in some cases. But what about mutual funds? On paper i saw no major flaws, but I've asked several people if they ever buy shares in any Funds and they always scrunch up their nose and say they never have.

Can I get a QRD on the real world versus the hypothetical BS i had to learn to get licensed?

Actually in general despite on paper being a licensed broker i still know jackshit about actual trading.
No shot. Why do you believe this?
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Super Xian Jinping is going berserk
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HOw'd everyone's day go?
Hit £10K after 15months still probably need to ramp up my savings it I'm to retire at 55 as planned (15 years) but I had a particularly expensive holiday this year and have had a big payrise so I can probably kick it up a gear.

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