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If you didn’t make it this cycle, retire a poor chad. I don’t see what’s going happen to you anymore
you have demoralized me
Don't let any pajeet demoralize you. Just do ya thing.
2025 you will not even remember this time because your brain will be so riddled with dopamine from the insane public fomo and diamond bullrun.
You don't know what happens tomorrow, your Ranjeet.
Most of the crypto users join the space this bull run and they have the potential to make more money than faggots that have been in the space a decade ago. So sit your ass.
Watch us moon while the OGs cope and seethe.
Story of the ghosts.
But note that you can't moon with airdrops so shut the fuck up if you feel like you're an OG like that.
You just a retard
The OP didn't demoralize you, it's just that you're so fucking weak.
You're highly likely a deluded noobie.
Are you for real about that, anon?
At the end of the day, crypto is a jungle, and only the biggest apes survive. We’re either making it to the moon or burning in a crater somewhere along the way. Just don’t be the guy who sells 5 minutes before the pump
Better tell the faggots.
This word about crypto being a jungle is enough for the wise. That's why I prefer to go algo trading now instead of manual trading.
2025 is so close now. Don't be over-enthuasistic.
Smart move, anon
while everyone’s getting wrecked trying to time the market, they keep it chill, sticking to strategy no matter how wild things get.
What matters most is now. What strategy works for you
some shitcoin called ROCKY actually helped a lot to pay bills this month, but now I'm depleted again, should I buy back or retire?
I prefer tool that keeps it chill, sticking to their strategy no matter how wild things get.
can't retire a poor fag, it's the reason I've been stacking EOS week in week out. If the rest of the market refuses to pamp, it should, post halving.
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What if i retire as a poor rich chad with an active sex life? its possible thanks to unicorn.meme just saying....
Lmao, OGs flexing like they run the game, while noobs are out here printing mad gains with algo trading.
I've been in the trading game for around 5 years now, and when it comes to perpetual futures, that's where the big moves happen, if you've got the chops, you gotta keep yourself from YOLO-ing into overexposure. One other thing that's been working for me is using automated systems like SuperBots, no feelings involved, just pure execution, everything's laid out, so you're not just flying blind.
At the end of the day, it's not about innovation, it's about control. They create artificial scarcity, manipulate demand, and make sure that the masses are always hungry for more, even when they have enough. The few who see this, well, they either play along and profit or opt out entirely. But for the majority? They’re just sheep in the pen, waiting to be sheared.
Airdrops are for kids and some pathetc noobs without capital, real mafians run their deals via algo bots
Algo trading levels the playing field.
You’ve nailed it, avoiding overexposure is key
Even though I’m getting it right with algo, I still appreciate airdrops. Freebies are for us all.
Algos know how to manage that better and minimize the risk associated with overexposure
Only the likes of Tigers and Lions of crypto survive at the end. Or even crash. You just have to know how to play the wild game smart.
They're not foolproof. Overexposure can still happen if the market swings hard enough, and no algorithm can predict those moves with 100% certainty.
Nothing is ever 100%. You have to look at win rates. It's that simple
What could be smarter than automating ones trade, while earning passively anon?
I've written manual trading off because it’s time-consuming, emotionally driven, and prone to human error.
How about sudden changes that require human intuition?
I'm talking about those that stick to strategy and work towards maintaining steady gains without chasing unrealistic perfection.
it's the way emotions fuck with trading that made me to look into algo trading
>this cycle
There was no bull yet, you fucking retard. The next one is the actual last one and then a democrat will win and we'll enter a 10 year depression
its all baked in the price action. The algo handles that
freebies are the way. Been gathering sails on Parasail for a while now, low effort, high potential.
Gonna see those rewards roll in soon enough.
I think balancing automation with some level of personal oversight might be the best approach to manage risks effectively.
I also switched to algo trading 'cos I was losing my sanity faster than I could count my losses.
The win rate's much better
It's not just about switching; it's about switching to the best option or you risk getting rekt.
Well, I still prefer platforms that offers more control and reliability over time.
Freebies are for poorfags.
>You just define yourself.
there are options that work with your non-custodial wallets.
Don't fade such platforms. Be better, be bold.
Uncanny valley comments ITT. Good to know I'm still able to sniff out jeet bots, even with the advancements of AI.
And the best thing to do as a trader is to avoid falling for any risk you know.
learn to trade, that way you won't depend on any shit created by some dev in india
Why does this thread sound like just bots talking to one another lmao
j thread
Freebies and airdrops can be smart opportunities to get involved in projects early on
Stake eos vesta tgt can make a good life?
Solid, no need to hand over funds to a third party while benefiting from your strategies.
Avoiding all risk is nearly impossible in trading.
you are also on the thread are you a bot?

what token are you buying? take the lead and stop waiting for others

just tell me you don't know how to trade
You've said it all. The first anon that makes sense.
Staying informed and cautious has opened my eyes in the space
You don't need a soothsayer to tell you investing in bitcoin and ethereum is the safest, and may be play safe with some DePin tokens like helium or filecoin that can easily be restaked on parasail for a good apy
Will your AI sniff my butt?
Then you automate your trading so your dumbass don't make no mistakes
Staking EOS is fun, the rewards are fucking juicy. Fucking 20% on Binance is crazy.
>just tell me you don't know how to trade
Probably the reason and why the anonfag keeps missing it.
Sticking with it and avoiding the perfection trap is how you win. Forget chasing the perfect trade, consistency and patience get the gains.
True. Nothing is perfect.
Rule No. 1: don't stake on CEX.
And everyone makes mistake. Those gurus should know that fact.
The rewards are shilly though.
You can know how to trade and still use algo
I avoid staking on CEX at all costs, cos they come with high risks and crappy conditions.
Parasail’s restaking platform is way better, it's secure and offers a safe refund option if needed.
Passive income at ease
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>Freebies and airdrops
I'm glad the SUPRA blast-off campaign is still on.
Not if the win-rate is good. If the past performance is good, I don't see why you can't use it
That’s where you’re screwed, thinking you’re smarter than the market? Trying to mess with the plan will wreck you. Stick to your damn fucking strategy if you wanna make it as a trader, that's what bot does.
If past performance is on point, why not go for it? Thou they’ve proven themselves with solid results and can handle trades efficiently.
>Rule No. 1: don't stake on CEX
I avoid staking on CEX like cancer. Superbots' vault is better, secure and reliable for staking assets while avoiding the typical CEX dramas.
I told you to buy palantir but noo they're a meme stock. Fuckers are now crying about not making it this cycle when I'm sitting on shares from 14 at 36. The next play is soundhound, Blackrock owns
agreed, i'm probably gonna jump back into the market early 2025 and hit the moon, just gotta wait for this few month dump to occur to appease the bears.
It ain’t just about knowing how to trade, I can trade too, but I let the algos handle it ‘cause I’m busy with my other gig.
>And the best thing to do as a trader is to avoid falling for any risk you know.
Risk differs, if you don't take risk, what makes you a trader?
Take calculated risk instead
Exactly, but OGs with fat bags aren’t wasting time farming those shit airdrops for peanuts. They're all about multiplying the stacks with some silly as automation system available.
Interesting take, I made $58k on wormhole this year and about $70-80k in total if I count in other disappointing airdrops like zksync and layerzero. Is your portfolio even worth that much?
that was with $400 in fees burned and two weeks of clicking about 3 hours a day

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