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Altcoins and Shitcoins what's even the difference
No "people" don't care about utility. Retarded influencers said pushing memecoins would help get normies in but all it did was make crypto look like more of a scam and bring actual scammers to do daily pump n dump shitcoin scams. Fucking sick of this dogshit
Utility in itself is a meme, so they’re all essentially “token not needed” shitcoins. They always over promise and under deliver. The only case where tokens have an actual use case would be gaming projects or some shit like that, but no one even cares about those.
Shitcoins /memecoins are unironically better. Utility is bagholder simulator. The token inflation and vesting schedules neuter any pump and makes it a miserable experience to hold it. Then you add staking for everyone, instead of limiting it, and the inflation is even worse.
Of course memecoins are not without their pitfalls, and for both cases the idea of a fair launch is not realistic. But atleast with memecoins the team launching the coin will eventually run out of coins, and their is a possibility of a takeover. It is however impossible to get rid of the team that keeps dumping on you with their incredibly large stacks and vesting, hence it feels like the selling pressure never stops on utility shitcoins.
Also utility is still an facade like this anon pointed out >>58983552 evidently.
Nigger, the [current year] average crypto user doesn't even know what utility is. Most are way too dumb to read a white paper or to understand or slightly grasp technological concepts outside the sphere of doggycatniggercumcelebwhore.
>The only case where tokens have an actual use case would be gaming projects or some shit like that, but no one even cares about those.
I can see the gaming narrative pick up again. It really is one of the few cases where a token would be needed. People shit on gaming but I think it’s mainly due to the fact that it hasn’t been done right, but there is still lots of money in it and more to be made.

All these other utility projects really have no reason for a token besides maybe “dao” purposes which, I assume, most people don’t give a shit about
Altcoins are shitcoins that passed the 10 billion marketcap.
Once DePIN Decade starts you will see
Shitcoins are subset of altcoins.
See OP
"utility" alts are just memecoins with some promises.
Old /biz/ utilities alts like grt, band, link, rlc etc didn't dump further until now bc there are a lot of bagholders thinking they will pump again.
Memecoins go straight to the point without delaying deadlines and false promises
Are you talking about Token2049?
Why is every pajeet in Singapore while the market is tanking?
>Once DePIN Decade starts you will see
Can you help me understand exactly what DePIN is? To me it seems exactly like the IOT narrative from 2017 where everyone was going to use blockchain to build smart cities.
>Shitcoins /memecoins are unironically better. Utility is bagholder simulator.
Only better for 24 hours.
>Let that sink in.
Altcoins at least pretend to have a purpose, but shitcoins are just gamble.
The key difference lies in the value and legitimacy of the project behind the coin.
Well naild about utility alts being memecoins with some promises, in fact, fake promises.
SHitcoins aren't only gamble, they're shitcoins that even others are calling themselves shitcoins like shit and boink.
They might sound ridiculous, but that's the magic of the space, sometimes the biggest moonshots come from the craziest names.
So it's always better to take advanatge of time and situation.
It's a crazy, chaotic world out there.
So what’s the takeaway? Embrace the chaos. Buy the stupidest, most ridiculous coin you can find and hold on for dear life. Worst case, it goes to zero like everything else. Best case, you wake up one day and find out you’re a millionaire because some billionaire thought it was funny to pump your shitcoin for a meme. We’re in clown world now, and the only way to win is to laugh along with it.
You mean superset.
Valid points to go home with.
Nah, Venn diagram, you freak.
One thing for sure is that you can't HODL memecoins for life, even though there are blue chip memecoins now.
Is Internet of Things still a thing? I think decentralized physical infrastructure is its extension.
Reminder avax won
Lmao, true. If you're not betting on a coin named after a dog or a food, are you even in crypto? Sometimes it’s the craziest plays that pay off, now gathering shitcoins, hopefully i get rewarded.
IoT has not impact the space as memes has done, Note this before you push it.
Utility's cool and all, but it ain’t the endgame, anon. Just ride the hype, get the community buzzing, sprinkle a bit of utility, and boom, bags secured.
Not about points but about what's making money now in the space.
Anon is based
Get in early on the right memecoins and wait for your bags
utility & legitimacy, keywords
>wen, shib, cat, wif, icp, zk, strk
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There will aaaalways be idiots who believe in muh utilty and future adoption without realizing the 'two more weeks' notice has been delayed hundreds of times over the last 6+ years.
Those who see crapto for what it truly is (money printing from air, i.e. Tether, the biggest excuse for 'collateral' in the whole industry) understand that ultimately it has always been a shitcoin game. Newfags and normies are just noticing NOW because news outlets reported on $NIGGER and all the stupid unfunny dogshit on Solana. Even then, those who know are two steps ahead, buying memecoins that don't suck dick nor have $100 in TVL total.
TL;DR: Shitcoins/memecoins are king even if you don't think that's true. Buy CAT, ETH, BNB and SHIB before it's too late, and remember the FED will act anytime now and will act *hard* when it happens so your time is limited atm.
btc + eth if you are smart and already have money (because you are smart and you used that smart factor to build wealth without depending on investing, specially crypto investing)

memecoins if you have little wealth but have some common sense

altcoins if you just want to lose money (few exceptions)
Ignore Celsius, Terra Labs, FTX and all the other pieces of shit run by literal criminals in the past few years tho. This anon's argument would be pretty sily otherwise!
it's quite absurd how good japanese artists are at drawing armpits and feet. truly something else.
Big whiffa.
using crypto for anything more than buy/sell orders is for a minority of computer nerds that care about it. it's a niche, it's always been a niche, no matter how much conmen want it to be more than that.

staking/farming is as mainstream as it gets and it'll be that way probably forever.
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These are the men that manage to make little girls wearing dresses horny somehow just by tickling your brain with specific positions and expressions. It's artistic, erotic black magic.
>memecoins if you have little wealth but have some common sense
While this is risky, it's a sure way to win and as well loose it all, a 50/50 bet
The only things really working now are those telegram bot games, I'm never a fan of them, but now I have to join them, just started with boinkers and Memefi, hopefully I get something,
they’re basically free money at this point.
It’s about sticking to a plan to stay consistent
Is not about faith, Memes can drive attention, but the real value comes from what they deliver, whether it’s innovation, community engagement, or something new in blockchain and AI. That’s what’s going to stick around after the hype dies down.
This is not the only thing that worth exploring. Diversifying into other projects, especially those with strong fundamentals and real-world applications, can provide more sustainable and long-term benefits
We don't do that here.
Meme plays have become a big deal more recently
That's what most faggots don't get.
Is like a joke that becomes a serious business in crypto
Yes, also, not being too greedy, that's what kills, some would want to get 1000x before they TP
Lot of OGs back then wouldn't touch a token without utility, but they are the one spanking slut machines now
I don't mind 1000x but there's known right now even DOGS
They see shitcoins as something to run from now everyone is looking for shitcoin that can 100x
They still have their place in the space even though new players seems dominating
Perceptions have changed, this is where the money is. More projects launching
Dogbat. I'm tired of the utility meme. Only stacking dogbat because it's basically a better version of BNB and BNB will be guaranteed money
shitcoins are what down 99%, dh utility nor stable vesta rwa narrative
The new players are seeing a rapid increase in community. Boinkers is on its way to 5 million already
Number go up alt coin. Number go down shit coin.
>but the real value comes from what they deliver,
That’s why I’m farming shitcoins on Boinkers, low effort, good rewards, and they’re doing some interesting stuff under the hood.
>Shhhhh, got that from an insider.
Maybe you're just a demented pedophile
Especially with something like Nuklai, giving devs the tools to make AI apps easier.
>Basically like building a house, but in the AI game.
Shitcoins are the fertilizer we're all chasing now.
Just keep an eye on the potential risks and stay informed.
Nice, but sometimes, the meme hype is just too irresistible to pass up.
It's time to play it cool.
Not the shitcoins I am farming
Especially on the TON blockchain.
Is farming shitcoins worth it at the end? Tell me something I don't know.
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I got in with DOGS here now BLUM and BOINK coming
The key is to cash out at the right moment before the hype dies down.
these telegram games have become so popular. I'm almost overwhelmed, I am sticking with a few that have announced their airdrop

Many projects have announced grand plans and failed, like Tapswap. What makes you think the same won’t happen with the current wave of Telegram games?
Make sure you know how to take risk.
I hear you. For me, risks are only worthwhile if there’s potential for gains.
Acid games don't play. That's why I fuck with them in the first place
Oh look. Another retard maxi
Can I get wasted quants?
I was off by one. How gay
It worth it only 2-3 out of 10 times; now compare that with getting into proven utility tokens in narratives like AI, DePIN or RWAs that's actually worth it at least 8 out of 10times. Make your pick.
I'm having the fun of farming with SUPRA blast-off campaign. It's all gonna be juicy.
only those who are innit for the long run.
what do you think about projects building around the data narrative?
The question is how do you faggots know how to cash the fuck out?
Nuklai’s got that big dick energy of data marketplaces, turning data into a free-for-all buffet.
Watch the big devs flex their models with this.
Are you in it for the long run or you're just a meme chaser? I mean for the short run.
Most times the quiet ones are the ones that pay off, More spins and friends mean more coins.
It's a no-brainer to want to explore decentralized data management solutions at this point. The AI rave is almost at peak and you know there's no AI without data; viz a viz other sectors that need data to improve their decision making processes like finance, transport etc. Data is indeed the new oil!
Key mentions would be some platforms like Nuklai, Filecoin, The Graph etc that are creating products that can bring huge upgrades to the data ecosystem.
Yeah, great fundamental projects like RIO and NAI will have the altseason while those riding only hype might not really do well
How do you even start it if there's zero potential gain? Don't be deludedly retarded.
Utilities still matter, anon. Just look at Parasail, they’ve got a secure restaking platform for DePin tokens.
>It’s where the real value is.
I'm still trying to understand how this works.
You just spin the slut machine and send boinkers to the moon. It is quite easy to play
1000x ain’t bad, but don’t be a dumbass, take profits while you're waitin' for it to moon.
If only their price action would catch up to their utility kek
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I bought some NAI recently seeing the low price and utility it has. Hopefully, it turns out to be a good investment
DePIN projects will do well in general, and those two are also promising
>I'm still trying to understand how this works
It’s simple, just think of it like farming shitcoins. You spin a wheel, get rewards, and upgrade your gear to send more Boinkers to the moon. It’s stupid fun, low effort, and there's potential for good rewards when the token drops.
Easy money, no cap.
while everyone’s chasing pump-and-dump bags, I'm here spinning the slut machine, dragging my friends into it, and watching the shitcoins roll in like clockwork.
kek. one think you must learn is to ensure you follow the hype while stacking your fundamental shit. because 9 times out of 10, the money follows the hype.
of course the projects with good utilities will stand the test of time
we can't deny it's potentials.
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Happening soon. Vesting schedule adjustments already Bringing good results. No more ATLs but now a solid bottom cup forming for a strong reversal
>Hopefully, it turns out to be a good investment
It will!
There are no close competitors for its decentralized data management solution products. Hang in there. Kek
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>Just look at Parasail

what if i don't like restaking
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price has bottomed out. i'm guessing you are not too retarded to know that that means.
i think you are looking down on Ocean. nevertheless, data management protocols will be huge given the recent and continuous growth in the data industry
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journey with me to mars anon
who the fuck do you think you are?

if i'm lucky to get 50X from my Nai bag, imma take some profits off that shit.
Yea, that's what makes you a smart man and YGMI, because your father isn't a dev
No, I'll actually go farming some shitcoins in the moon with my gangs
Long term or not, the key’s getting in early, farming when needed, and taking profits. Jeets who bagged DOGE and PEPE ages ago are still holding it in gain. If you can’t HODL, you’re never gonna make it, anon.
Utility is king for long term, I'm still holding QAN because I know one day it will dominate the blockchain space with it quantum resistant feature
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I'm all in on AUKI already,I'm I too early
Smart people are building and networking before bullrun.

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