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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>zoomers are casually making $500,000 a year now
It's so fucking over bros
>automating insurance business processes
>faking fake shit we made up and is fake
how did we get to this point?
You just believe anything people tell you huh?
People on the internet wouldn't lie
If you are the top 90-95% in your field as a white male, or a beautiful white female, america is absolutely still the greatest country in the world and a land of endless opportunity. No argument there at all.
Neither of them are white tho.
go back to /pol/
Lol he's lying. He makes about 300k total compensation when you include equity. I would know since I'm the one that hires these kinds of fuckers.
The guy is clearly a jew, wouldn't shock me if he is related to SBF lmao, you faceblind retard goy golem.
Can you give me a job? I'm pretty good at stuff
those are all jews
>Uhm SWEATY we are on /beez not /pal
Go back to /v/, /tranny/.
Yikes, you must be some really dark skinned Indian/African to consider those Latinos "white"...
>as a software engineer
He's lying. C-levels at midsize companies don't even make that much. I work at a Fortune 50 company and engineers don't make anywhere near that. Especially doing something as simple as automation of insurance processes.
Everybody makes approx $150k per WAGIE gig now that’s a fact Jack
I was software engineer once (before crypto mooned and I retired), he is absolutely bullshiting about $500k unless he is talking about stock options or other equity he thinks could be worth $500k one day. I was the highest technical title at my company and my best year was $460k after the company stock mooned. The top 0.1% were making $500k-$1mil+ but I'd say 90% of software engineers are what we call code monkeys and they top out at $100-200k max after a few years. That was back in like 2021 tho so maybe inflation but the job market for software engineers hasn't exactly been hot. $500k, no way, unless you're top tier at google or won the lottery with stock options at a startup.
WTF is with this website and calling anyone who isn’t a blonde hair blue eyed super model non-white? You people would consider half the entire European continent to be brown.
It's just low effort shitposting. I wouldn't take it seriously or give them (You)'s.
These interviews are staged fake and gay hawk tuah is a Jewish girl with a nose job to look white.
Go back to Rebbit you cancerous site ruining faggot
I mean half of Europe is swarthy mixed race mutts
We're already there, fren
How much people are working these 6 figure + jobs where they just get to chill? Dam I wished I went to university…..
if you dont look white, you arent. whats so complicated about that lol.
Well they definitely aren't paying you for comprehension
>white guy better than me?
>he is not white!
Yup yup.
>greeks, romans aren't white
glad to clear up the confusion
>he thinks the tiktok videos are real life
massive cope
check levels.fyi or the salary threads on r/cscq
experienced engineers at big N making that much isnt uncommon

>engineers don't make anywhere near that
true, engineers dont make shit kek
SWEs on the other hand...

and a SWE manager at a big tech company easily makes 7 figures

and they are not the only ones, just wait until you find out how much fund managers, investment banking VPs and partners at big law firms make
wow that's crazy the top 1% earners in white collar fields make a lot of money
the median compensation of an american swe is 180k per levels.fyi, which is quite accurate
a civil enginee makes 80k on the other hand kek
>anon finds out racists are terminally retarded
it's literally cia mockingbird glownigger PSYOPS, and you're a dumbass for falling for it. nigger.
When I watch these videos I sometimes wonder if they really mean 50k.
Hes fresh out of college, probably not even 3 years of work experience

Do burgers call that experienced?

His 500k are probably inflated by stock options though
You're a gullible nigger. Hey if you send me all your money I have 1 million USD to send you. Make sure you send it to my address then it can unlock
>top 10%
lmao no. Top 5% sure, but that's true even in third world shitholes
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But Mike Rowe told me that learning a trade was where the money is. I rebuild engines in a hanger and haven't spoken to another human being since March. I make $30/hr. Am I winning?
>30 an hr
Maybe if you live in a cheap area. I mean it also depends on how much $ you can spend per month on bags and your current bag amounts too
Also it really is sad how little blue collar workers make when it is legit a high skill set. A lot of it is high IQ even though I notice the people that go into them sound like retards when they talk. Weird dichotomy
When a SWE tells you how much he makes, they are talking about "total compensation."
They will even include the price of their health insurance in this figure, something no one else does. They're all full of shit.
i made more than that in airdrops so far this year from holding a few nfts i minted
wew I'm actually gonna fucking kill myself soon
you need to make it quick and save some oxygen for the rest of us
ok I might be an idiot but there is no way that is the body language of someone making 500k in corporate America. I just don't believe it. He has the body language of a minecraft youtuber.
post body fatass
Bro he's doing implementations designed from an individual contributor level analyst. Either his company is retarded or he must be some expert in a niche that no one else can develop for.

You can get away with that if you're an extremely valuable SME that can't be replaced (which I doubt he is).
>tfw you realize you're middle-aged and make less than zoomers

it's over bros
he's either a youtuber or a blogger with lots of followers..
i heard these peeps make good money from ads
Hello retard, if your skin isn't white and your eyes aren't blue/green you are literally not white and also a subhuman.
Not gonna lie, l haven’t hit the jackpot yet, but those Telegram tap games have been a solid ride so far. Still on Hamster and Boinkers, and hoping they don’t flake out.
>I'm not a fan of NFTs thou.
The duality of detective anons.
My wife owns a blog which she monetizes via mediavine and Hydro Online and she earns more than I do working as a Materials Engineer, so I'm also thinking of switching career
I can see that I need around 50K impressions to get on the first platform but the second one doesn't require any. I'll try it out, and hopefully I make something from it
I see alot of similarities with sam bankrupt fried. but skinnier.
It's not ads based so on boarding should also be easy
You guys don't actually fall for these fake interviews right?
I'm an actuary at an insurance company and I only started making 120K when I got an ASA (Associate Society of Actuaries), which takes most people 5 years of taking graduate level mathematics and statistics courses alongside their work - and this business analyst bitch just makes 120k?
the reason he makes so much is because his daddy set him up for it, it doesnt take exceptional programming skills to automate some insurance databases
Just started blogging and seeing this is a good motivation. I'm using Adsense and the second platform for now
You have to understand that the entire tech sector is basically, "Smart white kid daycare." If you're not in a senior role after 3 years, you fucked up. Technical expertise isn't the point, you're proving that you'll support the political and socioeconomic status quo.
they arent white retard theyre jews
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let me guess, you think this woman is "white"
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>Smart white kid daycare.
corporations aren't interested in hiring white men anymore. it's time to do what we're best at: innovating and being the master of our own domain by creating new businesses.
also, of this 6%, less than half of that is probably men. these giant corporations probably want more ESG/DEI points by hiring women anyway.
you don't necessarily need to switch. you could own a blog that talks about your current career while working your job
I make 2 mil. $ a year "working" remotely full time for Google, lmao, 500k$ is nothing after all the taxes and everything you're left with 150-200k$ which is nothing in HCOL states.
>Just starting...

tell me how you were able to cope with adsense. that shit sucks
She's white, now whether she is a caucasoid is another question.
Btw everybody posting here is a nigger.
I mean states where a shitty home costs 2-3 millions of dollars and the state takes incredible taxes.
and yet we got 15year olds owning homes and exotic cars.
stop bitching and go get that bag
Nice, I make $5 million p/y remotely too. Just need to have in-demand, marketable skills and be able to not be a retard.
The removal of ads from hydro as an earning requirment is a big step forrward
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It's funny to me that you cut the date off that screenshot. Like it might compromise your argument or something.
if you write about what you love, then you will never run out of ideas.
content monetization is entring a whole new lever
>idk like 500k lol
And he's not banging the mulatto girl with his small Jewish cock?
i think i just found mr beast.. kek..
btw i make some good money from blogging and content creation but not up to $5m
$150k wagie gigs is a joke here, that’s why I’ve been hustling on my blog for over a year, just started monetizing it with Hydro, once it takes off, I’m done with wage life.
>It's funny to me that you cut the date off that screenshot. Like it might compromise your argument or something.
the date is literally in the headline, and as a bullet point under headline. also this image has been circulated here for quite awhile.
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Hello, fellow Hydro-ers! I also am a big fan of Hydro™, and sirs, believe me when I say that I make a lot of passive money with Hydro™ without ever even posting ads. I always do the needful knowing that I make money online while I sleep with Hydro™.
Publishing date is important, and it's missing. Headline says 2021, photo says 2018, we can assume it's sometime after both, but if it's before >>58990007 was published, it's much less helpful to the Deytukurjerbs-American cause.
They literally aren’t you retard
money isn't worth anything. they printed it all from nothing anyway
wageing for $$$$ yngmi
sounds ... fair
>american swe is 180k per levels.fyi,
thats crazy bc i looked up my company which is fortune 30 but not SW specific and they have no data whatsoever for any of our software positions nice sample size retard
>go back to /pol/
/biz/ and /pol/ are the most essential boards on 4chan. You can't understand the markets without understanding politics.
So fucking kys jeet
sir, you are retard.
>if i don't understand it, it's fake
>It's so fucking over bros
why is that bad?
Compelling argument.
Rebuttal: You mad. (Also wrong. They fired all the minorities they hired during the hiring expansion; being a white dude remains the easiest way to get a job; if you can't get one, it's your fault.)
You got it wrong nigger. With the launch of Peaq by EOM we're only getting started. Only DePINs fans can relate
oh no! only 300k?
theres no way this kid is making 500k at an insurance company. none of the top paying tech companies do insurance, so he's either working at a well founded startup (doubtful) or lying
These interviews are done in Australia. So 500k dollarydoos which is 350k real money. That said I think hes full of shit. Ive seen quite a few of these interviews where people are throwing out some ridiculous numbers. Senior swe positions here are usually about 350k. For comparison I'm an offshore engineer working in oil and gas for 240k fail dollars a year which is top 5% of all wagie salaries in Australia.

Tldr. He's lying or daddy got him the job at his company.
>Senior swe positions here are usually about 350k

More like 150k.

I started working at 72k (my old boomer parents thought I had made it when in reality this was like then starting to work for 20k using government inflation)

The guy who trained me at work had gotten 1% raises for 10 years and killed himself 1 week after learning what I made and that I thought he wasn't good at coding.

This was back in 2022, I job hopped to 90k a year later. Which again, was double what people twice my age were making.

Idk what games are being played here but it convinced me to study deeply the economy.

And by study i mean bobopost nonstop for 3 years.

To all the rational investors out there over the age of 50 buying 50 P/E stocks. God speed, I will see you when you are 100 and ask what you paid for.
>His 500k are probably inflated by stock options though
Something they don't give juniors.
he looks like an olympiad type kid
ben shapiro and all the establishment faggots love to tell you to go to trade school. but they always send their kids to universities.
Chuds need to march through the institutions, not fall for the tradefag meme. More power to the working class, yes, but white men deserve to rule in EVERY INDUSTRY.

Its the same shit the shills do with convincing anons that white women are fucked and that there is no hope blah blah.

Dont get degrees goyim
Dont date white women goyim
Don't do anything but cry
If he’s high enough level he could make 500 but more realistically 250-300. Or maybe he got lucky with equity like those nvidia guys.

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