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Wtf would you not sell if recession is nearly 50% likely?
it will only enter recession after a blow off top. So there's money to be made. This is what most top analysts are doing. Why else would they be warning you about the recession, just because they're so nice and are looking out for you? They're buying.
Blowoff top happened in March. Things are deteriorating now
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No it's 100% but number will go up regardless
Welcome to the new normal, faggot
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>They're saying a recession is IMMINENT
Well then it's a good thing I know how to paint
Source? How do they compute these odds? I'm not buying it.
How come you don't see all this doom in the real world?
Shops are full of people buying shit, all the companies I work with are expanding, houses are selling just fine.
Until I see despair with my own eyes I'm going to keep buying, sorry.
hey dummy, you cant start a recession while people are getting 5+% holding cash...not even 4%. gotta shake em all out back into stocks before you dump it
35% Chud
That's math
The best analysts would never share their outlook or give free advice. There's also however, no profit to be made by fudding recession
We've been in one for years, you giga retard. Vote trump if you want bags to moon. Vote kamala if you want to become an indian street shitter
Because some people think they can get the top when they are not entitled to it or have endured for it.

>Perhaps it's their character.
This is why I think neither Trump nor Kamala actually want to win the election, neither want to be left holding the bag.
i'm sitting on cash waiting for the big kahuna then i will swoop in like a vulture
Best by the end of 2025 as the market cycle peak happen before end of 2025, can sell the crypto holding to vesta for passive
>people who are actively lying about the economy being in a real depression since 2020
>barely now admitting to the real recessions that's been going on
>by predicting a chance of it "happening"

Whew lads, sounds like some people forgot we live in clown world run by lying fucks.
Trump is the assclown that started taxing crypto in the first place, fuck trump.
good news for jeb
let me translate for you mongoloid retard
>there is a 65% chance we won't have a recession
you're welcome, now dilate and then kill yourself faggot
Recession is always 100% likely. I have no confidence in anyone's ability to predict the specific timeline.
Anyways two important things.
>People are momentum investors, not value
>People make decisions at the margin
If I know my impending doom awaits me sometime in the next few years, I don't throw it all away right now, because right now isn't bad yet. Even if I knew certainly when a catastrophe would happen, I still wouldn't give up prior to it happening, because I know this time represents the last opportunities for profit.
You fuckers act like a recession is a mega-crash to 50% of current value overnight. What's most likely is the stock market will slowly dip around 15% over the course of a year or so and then something else will happen, headlines will change, and people will give up thinking a recession is coming except for a crazy few. Nothing interesting happens.
It is weird that you mention me on this post considering my actually optimistic viewpoint. You even reinforced it
>people are momentum investors and make decisions at the margin
Anything below 40% has literally zero percent chance of happening.
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Unemployment is probably worse than they are letting on.
If nobody sells then there is no recession
If everyone panic sells then there is a recession
This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Just laugh at those stupid glowie fucks. They are a joke.
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Damn, I still can't believe Omicron killed me and my entire family and my entire local hospital.
Should have gotten vaccinated, it's all my fault :(
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not always, see 2008

So what's the Black Swan this time?

Remember Klaus said a cyber attack like covid. I remember.
we've seen preludes this past year, Iran and Israel engaging in cyber warfare exchanges, and now recently this explosive electronics attack waged by the west on Lebanon. It's going to get ugly. Attacks on infrastructure and electronics equipment in the very near future. Biden admin, nato and israel have been shaking a hornets nest to the point of blood-red fury. Islamic allies of palestine, Iran, hezbollah, russia and its allies are going to strike back. fuck this gay nigger worshiping dystopia.
AI meme dying
Losing two proxy wars at the same time
Anyone who used AI for even a second in a corporate setting can attest to how unbelievably useful it actually is. The only people that consider it a "meme" are unemployed faggot losers on this site and every other social media (reddit).
Yes, being able to generate your own emojis with AI is a fucking meme, but writing out a 40-page business requirements document for insurance companies in under a minute is not, and I have personally done that. It (mostly) delivers on all its promises.
ok bro, lol
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>Using AI to create legal documents
This has got to be bait. If it's not please find a lawyer that isn't chatgpt
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Dumping as much as I can to buy before the October surprise (mini bull run) then dump right before the election. After that, wait for the economy to crash so we can picrel together
You don't know what a "business requirements document" is. Maybe ask ChatGPT to explain it to you (it has nothing to do with lawyers because it's not a "legal" document).
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Okay bro let me know when you have something better than this little guy. In the meantime I'll wait for nuclear power so that shit can actually be profitable.
If you had any reading comprehension skills whatsoever, you would understand the reason I said to find a lawyer is because you're using AI generated garbage in a setting involving insurance. Can't say I'm surprised someone who uses AI in a setting like this doesn't know how to read.
it just shows you how much your job isn't needed.
Pepperidge farms remembers the cyber pandemic
pic rel is from 2022 when a recession was "almost guaranteed."
I don't trust shitty forecasts. Even your forecast says to stay in the market until 2026.
Doesn't matter, I'll sell when the weekly SPX goes red. Could be tomorrow, could be 2026. I don't care. Do your own homework instead of relying on disingenuous, manipulative financial media.
Are you bad at math? If thats accurate then there is a 55% chance we don't enter a recession even after next year

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