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Quantum computing allows those with access to it to control every possible reality. That means that even if you make a good decision (a decision that has a high probability of success) they can control your individual reality to make sure you lose and they win. Are you losing in this reality? It's because that's what they decided for you specifically out of all possible realities.
the indeterministic interpretations of quantum mechanics are scams
Bohm's pilot wave theory is the correct one
copenaghenfags will seethe at this
elon musks chandelier
this is why link is not $1k and will miss $81k
>> control the illusion.
why would it matter/ it's not real anyway.
>he thinks it's real
lol. lmao.
>infomation travels faster than speed of light
Please physically end yourself in all possible dimensions.
>choose to abandon determinism over localism
localism is obviously the one to ditch
pilot wave theory has no flaws
seethe more
>anon watched 1 sci-fi movie
Christ is King. We'll be fine
anon, we moved well past kings hundreds of years ago
Hmmm...cheeseburger 'puter
>he thinks times will continue to be like his
Got some bad news for you, even more if you're jewish
Fortunately I'm already kind of comfy, so if that what that shit means it means I'm gonna make it if I try, thanks OP.
>even more if you're jewish
you mean like jesus was?
nice movie prop
>le wires and le lights on a screen mean I'm magic!
Grow up.
Then why did the Jews crucify him and still kvetch about Him 2000 years later? Your argument is non sequitur; you have no good rebuttal to what that anon said so you stubbornly and mockingly state he was a Jew because you have no argument in good faith in the first place. Your understanding is founded upon a very vague atheistic idea of who Jesus was and you choose to debate not the historicity of His existence or what He said and did but simply the fact Jesus was brought up in a Jewish household. This same Jesus whipped the Jews out of the temple and turned over the moneychangers tables saying, "My Father's house shall be called an house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves."
huh. I wonder if it meant everything when musk made his profile pic, him dressed as his controversial 'satan's champion' costume for halloween. huh. why was that controversial again? whatever. is it hot in here? I knew I could cook cookies on my dash. never realized it works in the trunk too! my car smells like sugar. which is comforting.
>but simply the fact Jesus was brought up in a Jewish household
no no he absolutely was a jew, believed in the jewish god
>quantum coping is back
we are so back
Then why did He and the apostles explicitly say the Jews are the enemy of mankind and turn the Gospel to the gentiles? You evidently haven't even read the Bible and you're making shit up which is as Jewish as pipul.
because they became corrupted and going far from the teaching of the old testament, which is a jewish book
you just cant measure these random fluctuations because your devices suck but theyre not random its all calculated
there is no proof that quantum computers work
Do you know how qm works? They can’t save states when they do computational tasks so it’s a nothing burger

The only thing it’s useful for is breaking SHA but you can use rsa encryption

Basically short ibm ig if anything
>Quantum computing blablabla
midwit take, it's a nothing burger
Welcome to like 2007, when this shit came out and people made threads just like yours
Information necessarily has to travel faster than light if both the universe's expansion and black holes move faster than the speed of light, which is accepted by all scientists
in this reality... because they want you to think they don't
Soo I can use my Vesta nft to be a real estate owner in every reality with quantum computer huh
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You can if you integrate plasmonic/photonic systems to store those states independently.
My mission is to struggle, manifest visions, and entertain those watching
Oof, now you talkin' !
A hell of a meme, my boy ! Thanks for sharing.
Anything that has the word “Quantum” in it is a meme
Luckily, I’m already comfy. SUI’s hitting double digits this cycle, so if that’s what it means, I’m gonna make it.
Jesus was just a fairy tale. to create the first forms of goverment/law. for retards (like you) who fell for these silly stories and think they are real. you probably think movies on t.v are real too.
oh ok
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no one checked my quints.
The universe isn't expanding and black holes are actually blindingly bright on the inside, their gravitational potential is just large enough such that any light entering the swarzchild radius remains in perpetual orbit
Blackholes are just new universes. We live inside a blackhole. If you travelled through a blackhole and where able to withstand the massive pressures you'd just pop into a mini universe with it's own planets, solar systems and black holes
Holy checked
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makes sense
Cringe, you're making stuff up. You better repent from your unbelief.
what about nuka-cola quantum?
nope, it's literally how it is
it's basically the same thing with Luther and the catholics. Luther was 100% a catholic, not happy with the corruption of the church, and he created protestantism from it. Jesus was 100% a jew, not happy with the corruption of the jews and he created christianity. The god he talks about is literally Yahweh the jewish god. Same thing 100%, you can look it up.
American education is in shambles if you didn't know this very basic stuff

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