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Will it be 25 or 50 base point rate cut?

25 bps is priced in but 50 bps is catastrophic. Markets will tank and the economy is in deep trouble if Powell abruptly cuts rates by 50.
The fall goy got the call to make it 50 bepis.
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Another question.

Is it going to be a soft landing or recession?
Unironically a soft landing. Even if theres a recession, its not going to last very long. Historically speaking, recessions don't last long and are literal nothing burgers.
No cut. The economy is going great, so there is no reason to cut rates.
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Trying to lock in an interest rate for a mortgage either today or within the next 7 days. Am I going to wagmi, bros?
>50 bepis
hard dump
>25 bepis
normal dump
>0 bepis
hard to say without knowing your local market...and are you prepared for 30 more years of work?
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yes but I have some other things going to generate passive income. House is a 2020 build in a growing part of town, looking to finance ~$360k
>Historically speaking, recessions don't last long and are literal nothing burgers.
So what is a noteworthy burger for the financial world then in your mind if not a recession. A repeat of something like the Bronze Age Collapse?
Explain what will happen to my stonks and BTC for the following
Jews will win, you on the other hand my friend, will lose.
scampump into dump
>Markets will tank and the economy is in deep trouble if Powell abruptly cuts rates by 50.
why is that
What would be the purpose of making lending cheaper?
>2020 build
hope you plan to dump before the warranty is out...10 years maximum
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50 bps

We're going to tank.
25 bps hike or no rate cut. simple as
>Verification not required.
The whole market was predicting a 25 cut from up until ~2 days ago. The sudden shift to cut rates by 50 indicates the economy is much worse than it seems to be and Powell fucked up by not cutting rates sooner. You want the FED to be predictable not change tune suddenly causing panic for the market.
not sure im just a daily tourist. i assume you are implying the inflation isn't in the desired levels for a 50bps cut? also i heard 50bps is priced not 25
Rates were risen at a historic pace. Cutting aggressively on the first cut given how fast they were risen seems too aggressive.
>The sudden shift to cut rates by 50 indicates the economy is much worse than it seems to be
how did that happen? rumors from inside?
and what would happen after a possilble 50 bps cut in human language?
We're aiming for 5ish years. About to have another kid and wanted somewhere to let them grow up a little more before making the next move.
either way I will make money trading, lets just get it over with.
>Rates were risen at a historic pace.
no they weren't. they could barely raise the rates even a tiny bit without destroying the economy. we should be at 20% rates right now to actually fight inflation. the fact that they're even considering a cut now just shows how shitty and built on sand the economy is
whatever happens people will sell the news, bobos and pinkjaks will spammed.
In b4 he goes full retard, picks 75 bps and bobo's end up running /biz/ for the rest of the year as everything craters.
Hopefully no cut. This market needs to learn its lesson and stop throwing tantrums when it doesn’t get its way.
That's not gonna happen as long as too big to fail is official government policy.
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Raise ze bepis.
Deux 'ondred poahnts.
>no cut
Small pump
how soon until kikes pump the market by 75bp?
Here's what's gonna happen.
>Powell announces 25 bepis cut
>moonboys who thought we were getting 50 (and thought that would be bullish) ree and dump everything
>25 bepis is actually good for the markets long term so we get a v-shaped recovery
Realistically that would happen but some of us dream of clownworld going truly full retard and the implications that would bring.
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The fact that people are undecided if 50bps or 25bps is better for the market shows how pointless these cuts are
This nigga won't do shit
why the fuck does it have to be a multiple of 25, can't they cut like 30 or 40
it doesn't make any sense
>FED cuts by 50
FED cuts by 25
>FED cuts rates by 42.69
>pump because of the funny meme number
they would never
Just like how we're paying 19 cents for gas right now!
You know. From all those times they fixed inflation.
no landing, the plane exploded a year ago and we're about to get pelted with the debris
when will these insufferable kikes announce the shit the other kikes already are trading on since premarket?
What about diet bepis?
Either way the zoomer monkeys with leverage will be liquidated
75 bepis as Elizabeth Warren demands.
I guess it's a nothing burger if you don't mind a -50% in major indices for a year or two and 5+ years until recovery to pre-recession levels. the worst type of recessions at least.
Yeah that shit was ridiculous. Fuck her
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I like how everyone forgot about carry over trade. If you know one thing about wall street is that they are greedy and they haven't unloaded a fraction of that carry over since August.
I'll die laughing if no cut
some retards here were actually gaslighted to believe dovish fed = market dump
holy fucking retardation, it's crazy to me that some of you idiots might lose money shorting
yeah very cool but that's not happening
why? you don't trade
Inflation is at 20%. They have to raise rates otherwise it's just kicking the can down the road.
Waiting for the announcement with my butt clenched. I could crush a diamond
I posted something similar yesterday and didn't get any answers as to why no one is taking about this. the Yen is the highest against the USD since December 2023 and no one cares
probably not now, but maybe some day.
retards are born everyday. you're one of them. fed cuts rates, money rushes in. how much rushes in? it's reactionary. 25 bps. everything is as bad as it gets and we're gonna fix it 6 months out. 50 bps. oh god everything is terrible. straight to 10% advertised unemployment (really 25%).
Everyone is too short sighted and want immediate results, then when something goes wrong everyone they go on how obvious it was
It dumps no matter what you dip.
It always does.
So when's the announcement? It's getting late in some parts of the world.
10 minutes for the press release and 40 minutes for Powell's speech
>Verification not required.
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25 bepis and not a single bepi more.
Bps status?
I would pivot her bepis if you know what I mean.
The music is about to stop.
Here we go sirs
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will btc.d shoot up or fall? will we end today at 60?
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50 beeps and pray I don't alter it any further.
ITS 50
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kek it really is
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50??? What the FUCK. Do they want inflation to roar back?
TBD (total bobo death)
The real solution is to cut back on social programs to lower poor fatty demand for food.
Inflation was caused by COVID money printing and Russia starting a war temporarily fucking energy markets.
Both of these are not coming back, so the high inflation isn't as well. We might even go further towards deflation from the China slowdown
>50 bepis
Uh oh
They probably foresee the economy going into a recession
That's my low IQ take
This is bearish. They’re putting their thumb on the scales for Harris which means no 100k giga-pump on a Trump victory
Oh noooo things must be bad if they’re cutting 50 pointerinos
Buy or sell?
FALSE! Prices of assets and goods are sky high and continue to rise. This will further exacerbate the issue. It's truly over!
Or they're gonna blame the inevitable recession on a black DEI hire whore as a scapegoat.
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it's ogre, bull fags
we might see one last delusional pump by morons who don't know what this means, but rest assured, we have entered a downtrend that will last MINIMUM 5 years. get out now.
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yeah, that's the delusional pump
get out. now
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>pic related
i bought the top aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
yep. i think you might be right. now that it's pretty likely that drumph might pull it off despite all the kamala astro turfing they want to throw as many wrenches into his gears as possible.
i bet if they succeed in offing him they'll change it right up to bullrun.
what does this mean for crypto though?
It's unironically over. A 50BPS hike while stock and home prices are at an all time high with inflation still being present. They will do another 50bps before December. Young people without assets are completely and utterly BTFO. The "meme" was true; You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
I want to get off mr. Bones wild ride
good, i want my savings to go up on crazy leverage to own the heckin zoomers

btw im a zoomer but smarter
Real yields are still positive, nerds
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>the yids are uninverting
>the Japanese are unwinding
>the rates are cutting
How do I cope with this big of a rate cut? My blood pressure is through the roof. I am literally shaking.
You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?”
Well, do you punk?
have you considered jorking it to hentai?
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>conveniently after the election

wow its almost like kikes meddle in our democratic process or something
you think this means assets are going to pump? oh my sweet summer child
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0.25 would've confirmed that everything is fine and they're gradually bring things down since inflation is better

0.50 is holy shit we're seeing a major shitstorm on the horizon. The last time they did a 0.50 rate cut was September 2007 and before January 2001. The markets all took a shit for the next several months

Better buy some fucking gold etfs now
FPBP, I was right.
Isn't Oct historically good for BTC? I think we'll weather this.
I cashed out and I’m waiting for the crash. Going to slurp everything
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the covid dump and the repo market blowup that preceded it, the morgage crisis, these were recent something burgers, a recession is just a statistical footnote at this point. Peoples' lives on average have been worse over the past 4 years than in a typical recession. They also changed the definition of a recession, making it even more meaningless. Even the silicon valley bank mini crisis was more of a somethingburger than a recession would be, if they announced one on the news right now. Its nothing more than a word from the fake news at this point.
The endless flow of dem vote... refugess across the southern border has also contributed greatly to aggregate demand.
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Daddy's on yassssssss
The variance in the empirical measurement is laughable compared to the (projections) which normalize extremely fast after these guys all high 5 to jpmc
>some corrupt, leftist boomer doing his best to help kamala
Nice painting
Oh well. You'll still go to work tomorrow. LMFAO
>purple tie
>purple ID
youre an insider aint you?
Why is Twitter saying this is good though? Also what does this mean for the usd other currencies?
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this. Great stress relief.
Much weaker dollar.
>Markets will tank and the economy is in deep trouble if Powell abruptly cuts rates by 50.
Go throw your money into a gold etf right now. USD and stocks are all going into the shitter for the next several months
>why is twitter full of morons
Fed cut rates by 0.5%
So in the end, we are all living in America. America does good, green arrow goes up and in a shitty Euro town an anon becomes happy.

What a life
Gina my love.
true im in euro town and i watched the fomc meeting.
The money printing is not slowing down. Look at federal spending vs federal tax revenue
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What did they mean by this?
va GINA asking the real questions here
I'm in a southern euro slum and we are popping off fireworks, saluting and clapping right now, anon. They might even send over some jets.
Those faggots will draw any number to keep their corporate utopia going.
> in a shitty Euro town an anon

Hey, thats me
They will send jeets instead.
>nothing to worry about the labour market or the economy
cuts to 50 bps instead of the expected 25
The bigger the cut, the more it indicates that Powell thinks the labour market and economy are healthy.
JP looks tired men
they must have cut him off the adrenochrome for a while until he gaves them the rate cut
Maybe he knows it's too early for the bepis tip but his bepis is being forced
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Based J Pow
If that's true why have we been in one since 2008?
Be honest OP, did you think "cutting rates" meant increasing them?
So all those tens of thousands of women the high tech firms had to lay off for doing nothing but making TikToks about eating free food can get back to work.
>says we'll probably never go back to "free money" era
kek. it's over for software chuds.
>its never about anything else
>nothing else is discussed
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>everyone got their pump profits? alright...and...PULL
Are they cuttin 50 because we're in deeep shit or just to please dems?
Why not both?
they have to keep markets propped for the "election"
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This guy seems pretty honest and down to earth. I don't know why you all hate him so much.
The crab is the perfect lifeform
i pray for that mens heart
he must get so much psyquic heat
fucking stressfull men makes me glad i have a simple life
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i like him
I am become Bepis
the cutter of rates
>he's choking
uh oh he said the R word
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what does this means?
100x short eth the second that gringo stops yapping. hundreds $ profit. like taking candy from a baby
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stupid nigger centrally planned economy will fail fuck this shit
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Fags here hate him because they want Gotham to be ruled by the clowns, because they think they can profit during chaos.

But sadly for them, Bruce Wayne doesn't sleep.
I think he is one of the sanest people at the top
Boot locker
>that gringo
>100x short
>hundreds $ profit
still fake and gay. wake me up when the economy actually tanks and people don't even have to say it
can someone explain in layman terms what this all means? I am retard
They can't because economics is a meme science. Some say cut rates bad some say cut rates good. Nobody understands shit but they all pretend that they do.
WGMI, Euro town bros
>Taking out loans gets .5% cheaper
>Printer goes Brrrrr to create those loans
>Dollar goes down because the supply increases
>People sell their dollars and buy equity.
>Assets rise
>can’t afford milk because inflation
>sell stocks
Gee I wonder what is going to happen to the YEN when the FED cuts rates.
I'll spell it out for you retards, dollar weakens and yen grows. That carry trade massacre in August will only worsen with each FED rate cut. Japan can hold their rates but eventually have to look at their own economy and rampant inflation, they will eventually raise their rates exacerbating the carry trade unwind.

shut the fuck up kikeshill
where else would i keep my boots?
Rolling. Quads means tkd and falling stocks
the problem is he says one thing and does another, for example:
>economy is perfectly fine guys
>cuts 50 bps
literally the todd howard of /biz/
checked and absolutely based.
checked and kekked
They want kamala to win
>>says we'll probably never go back to "free money" era
>kek. it's over for software chuds.
??? low interests is a good thing for software companies
>The full moon "harvest"
>150 days after BTC halving
>Stoch RSI crossing back up on the weekly
>Bull flag fully formed
Yeah we're going to move soon
Its 50bps. So no V shape. Rather an U shape, with a wide 4-6 month gap
Undercover reporters recently revealed that he's a corrupt leftist that wants to be remembered a critical figure in the fight against drumpf. Also, under him, the left took control of the fed and has infested it with dei. Every time he opens his mouth, half of what he talks about left diversity stuff.
>simping for this guy
But Anon, 50bps means a scam pump then a 5 year bear market with a -80% drop.
try 4-6 years lol
Does it mean cheaper hoomes?
yup, especially in real terms (i.e. a 300k house will be a hell of a lot cheaper in 3 years compared to a 300k house today)
>boomer 401(k) and home equity will be protected at all costs as the middle class dies quietly and a permanent caste system is implemented across the globe that will make 99% of all people into debt slaves as the greatest amount of wealth in history accrues to a new Brahmin class of asset owners
How are we coping my dudes? Is it the "hyperinflation is good because I own Bitcoin" angle with maybe a touch of "fuck you I already got mine?"
Page 3 they boil it down and say nothing will happen or change for 4 years. Maybe that's their control model and they aren't sharing the options, but it seems very bland given the traditional indicators like sahm, yield curve inversion, etc are suggesting volatility in the next 2 years
Jerry is the first non Hebrew head of the fed since Volcker
free money era is 0% or even negative interest rates which were trendy after 2008
He's an investment banker who is worth 8 figures fucking moron what side do you think the dude is on
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That’s numberwang
I didn't know you stockfags had it so hard, I'm sorry.
where are you at, dogshit traders?
show yourselves you fucking animals
retarded fucking monkey
whoever did manage to gaslight retards into shorting a cut, well done
probably the move of the year
>Inflation was caused
I think you mean 'accelerated'
it is going to 0 regardless
I'm right here. S&P under 5k in under 3 months. under 4k in 6 months.
and at that time you will have forgotten your short sighted nature and will say yes why didn't anybody see this coming.
... and your point is?
i think i had a stroke and misread your post as something completly different
post your position
I'm making a collage of this thread's retardation
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inb4 "it's different this time"
>cherry picked data points
Ignoring COVID as an anomaly. You can see recessions are becoming more severe from 2001 to 2008. Bankers get greedy, use more leverage and take risky trades knowing full well they will be bailed out by taxpayers.
What does it mean?
he cherry picked values to hide the fact that he does not trade, has no positions open, has no skin in the game, just comes here to shitpost and "bobo post" as if he's "trolling" (in 2024)
>How are we coping?
Stacking my 401k and buying residential property, duh.
Over the last thirty years there has always been a cut of 50 bps right before a major recession.
past performance aren't an indication of future performances
but what you wrote is so predictable that it's already priced in
>3 straight years of S&P losses after .50 bp cut
so basically they are getting ready to dump on Trumps watch and blame him for their kikery
>thinking Trump can win

If they can force sleepy Joe into office, it will be even easier for them to force a #StrongBlackWaman.


You ain’t black
How long of a rally do we have?
they want trump in for when war were declared also. he will be blamed for everything.
I doubt Russia will scalate to a war before Trump goes into power. When Trump gets in they will negotiate a peace deal. With Trump there is no more money for weapons so Ukraine can't keep up the massive corruption with them.
There will be no peace. It will be frozen for a year or two at most.
>muh orange diaper don make a deal
Cut = cheaper money/inflation = pumping stocks.
>Cut = cheaper money/inflation

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