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Dividend investing is based. Growth stocks/funds are jewish. Companies should pay their stockholders dividends.
Dividends are racist due to white people having the vast majority of the wealth is rooted in the historical and ongoing consequences of systemic racism. The racial wealth gap, which has been exacerbated by discriminatory policies and practices, has resulted in white families holding a disproportionate amount of wealth.
why? sell the stock to someone else at a profit. we do not intend to pay out dividends for buying debt in our company. thank you.
Dividends vs growth and selling gains?
Growth stocks are the best way to hit six figures if starting out. Trick is to find a company that isn't in the scandal of diluting shares, ie. stay the fuck away from pharmaceuticals, natgas' and social service companies.
Dividends are counted as income while simply selling stocks are capital gains. Dividends just transfer some of the inherent value represented by stock into cash and given to shareholders. This means the value of the company (the stock value) lowers an equivalent amount to the dividends issued.
Dividends are for old people with low income tax brackets.
Old people and neets have alot in common you know
Jews aren't white
>sell the stock to someone else at a profit
Defeats the point of ownig it
It’s Iq nigger AFQT scores correlate .78 with income it’s basically an Iq test
Jesus Christ what's wrong with his face?
>Have dividend share stocks worth $1000
>Get $100 dividends
>Get taxed
>$100 is now $80

>Get growth stocks worth $1000
>Company shares grow $100 more
>Sell $100 worth of share
>Capital gains (Lower than dividend tax)
>only taxed on the 10 dollars (pretend it's same level of tax 20%)
>taxed 2 dollars.
>$100 is now worth 98 dollars

Dividend investors a geniunely retarded.
What if you're big rich though?
>>Sell $100 worth of share
You now no longer own that share.

The purpose of a company is to reward its shareholders.

Also depending on your country and account type, dividends can be tax free.
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and then i get another 80 bucks later because i still own my shares. you, however, will only get the 98 bucks the one time because you no longer own the share.

>growthies, when will they learn?
A healthy company can generate enough Cash flow to pay 2-4% Dividend per year.

Take Netflix for example, instead of playing a Dividend they keep producing woke Shit and pissing away Shareholder value. I dont get why growthtards get such a boner for spending every Penny within the company
Well dividends are tax exempt if you have $0 income up to $40k
Dividend investing is saturated by boomers who literally did no work to earn those high yield shares.
Unless you start with $1.5million or more you can't get anything substantial in dividends.
Sure but the company has more which it uses for more growth = increase in share price. So that next $100 increase, I still get $98. While you continue to get 80 bucks. Which also adds on each 18 dollar lost in taxes.

Also most people who're getting dividends are reinvesting it back to the same company. So meaning they're getting taxed and then they're investing it back into that company. While growth investers, if they want to reinvest it, they just don't sell. 0 dollar on the tax.
Not everyone is a NEET.

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