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Yes, every generation finds things to whine about. That is what makes us human
Office wagie life is hell. Colleagues are passive aggressive douches, management are sociopaths and egomaniacs. Sure, it's a living but if you love doing it there's something wrong with you.
How dare you notice office life is soulless. You should be grateful for your job instead.


OP truly is a faggot.
You find people complaining about their jobs everywhere.
Dude got paid 50k in the 1990’s to work in insurance, and he got a severance in the movie. I rewatched it recently and was fucking jealous honestly because I keep getting fired and replaced with Indians. For 70k a year.
This is how I feel about my job. $180k+ a year to sit on my ass while my highly trained workers run around me to do everything. But I feel like I'm watching my life pass by. I'm seriously considering moving abroad for 6-12 months to find love and reset my mentality.
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You sound gay and need a ladyboy.
Yep, and now they get to help us squander their wealth on Dplay so they can feel the validation of win
Which part of your video is supposed to be bad?
Didn't you see the part about there being white men in the office? Imagine the horror!
Marx's theory of alienation explains this phenomenon. Humans are not built to find satisfaction in mere "stable and high-paying" jobs. What we derive satisfaction from is having a visceral connection to the fruits of our labor. This is deprived from us in typical office job.

A typical office worker's job is so abstracted and disconnected from the end result that his lizard brain does not understand what it is he is accomplishing. He will never use the products that he helps make or sell. Maybe he will not even see or touch it, or maybe the product is so intangible that it can't be seen or touched by anyone. He did not even decide what those products are or what he can contribute to it, such decision are made for him by the higher-ups.

People were evolved to hunt game and then be directly rewarded with the meat. Even as recently as the middle ages most jobs involved physically doing something that produced some tangible result. But after the industrial revolution, that became a rarity.

It's not rational that we feel this way. Evolutionary speaking there is no problem, it's easier than ever before to ensure one's survival. But the environment changed so quickly that evolution hasn't caught on. We are not programmed to feel like that the optimal strategy is actually the optimal strategy, and so we are doomed to either devolve society back into something far from optimal, or suffer.
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Life kind of does pass you by when you get into a routine like this where there's no fulfillment. the quality of your life will not increase whether you made $250k, or $300k. i want to do the 1 year travel type thing too, but i think it's some kind of escapism or grass is greener mentality, but it might be a good reset and perspective shift. personally, i don't think i can ever derive satisfaction out of a job, even if it was some high-profile executive career. i think creating my own successful business is truly the only way to achieve satisfaction in earning money.
>and need a ladyboy.
Don't we all?
I have the same idea. Currently I'm looking for jobs that will be 100% remote in my field so I can fuck off to a different country. I don't even care about the pay anymore.
Coincidentally, I am going to Thailand in a couple of months. But I'm not gay and I don't fuck with ladyboys.
Thankfully I'll have enough cash to take care of my home expenses and live in another country for up to 18 months. But a remote job that I can do 2 or 3 times a week would be ideal. That's not really feasible in my line of work though.
I just want to be a blacksmith making the finest swords
There is no "evolution" in being able to accept this bullshit as long as humans are creative and able to think.
I’d be excited to make 50k in current year
>I rewatched it recently and was fucking jealous honestly because I keep getting fired and replaced with Indians.
literally me since like 2019 I'm honestly impressed I'm still alive with how many jobs I've churned through already
Zoomers have this fantasy of office work but they don’t understand the hell it is. You lose years of your youth so quickly, doing the same thing every single day. It’s only because it’s so hard for zoomers to get an office job that they create this fantasy
>Currently I'm looking for jobs that will be 100% remote in my field so I can fuck off to a different country
That's a good idea. you can at least take care of some expenses, and/or allow you to travel more luxuriously abroad.
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Yeah. When we found out our whole lives were about preparing and training us for thinly veiled slavery in one form or other most of us weren’t thrilled. Offshoring and efficiency experts were already making work life pretty shitty by then. Inflation began to steal from us very quickly post 9/11 & Dotcom without raises or promotions to compensate as Boomers still won’t step aside even today and they are the only ones with money to fight a “unfair” dismissal/forced retirement. The Boomers are a fucking plague.
All wagie life is hell, but it's worse now because the barrier to entries are higher (super competition) and pay doesn't go as far.
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You'll know if you ever get stuck at this kind of job. It's like getting paid to sit still in a room and stare at a wall. Sure, it's better than shoveling tar in 110 degree heat. Most things are. But there's an axis of success called "job satisfaction" and if that's zero for you, a bigher number in the bank account doesn't mean much.

t. happier in a blue collar trade than I ever was working as a pencil pusher in a cubicle
Millennial here and I feel this way often and have to remind myself to stop giving a fuck and just do my best without over working myself. Let stuff fall. Don't get everything done. Who cares. Explain reasonable excuses. Be a yes man. Be nice to people. It will all be ok
>Colleagues are passive aggressive douches, management are sociopaths and egomaniacs
Don't even get me started on female bosses. Imagine going into work every day and taking orders from someone who confuses sass with job competence, spends most of her work day browsing Amazon, and whines about how she is "exhausted" when asked to do basic job functions
Too many people are going to these countries which is ruining the appeal. USA will be third world soon enough
at first I was complaining about gen z for quitting all jobs, until I understood that most jobs nowadays are shit and pay shit, some have to use things like $rocky or put almost all their salary in crypto to survive, but gen x was much luckier and still did nothing
Gen-X here. I literally burnt out at a stable high-paying remote job.
At least, your generation will be put out to pasture by AI before you have a chance to burn out. You don't know how good you have it.
>oh god I need to sit indoors and type at a computer :(((( what a grand tragedy, I feel my youth and vigor slipping away
>in his free time? Indoors typing at the computer
Shut the fuck up actually
>USA will be third world soon enough
In two weeks?
Cant you read a book or do side hustle in the meantime?
It really was like that.
All through the 90s, "popular culture" was all about rebelling against the stable, happy suburban life.
It kind of culminated in shit like American Beauty; the narrative was that suburban family life always had some kind of dark undercurrent and was actually le bad.
>do side hustle in the meantime
This is exactly what I did, and the side hustle ended up making enough for me to quit. The scariest part is how fast time passes. I learned everything there was to know about the job in 6 months, then I blinked and 3 years had passed
I think it's some form of hypnosis where if you're not doing anything new or challenging, your brain falls into a rhythm. I think that's how people wake up one day and they're 70. And life has passed them by
> has a city centre apartment he's bored spending money on
> gets to fly all the time with work
> job is so brainless he can manage it despite permanent insomnia and injuries
Woah... le bad?
>fuckin' a
>Newfrens who don't know his job is covering up the company's many crimes based on a death-spreadsheet, and this is what's soul destroying about it.
Yea it do be like that.
Gen x is cancer. Worse than boomers
Not their fault life feels soulless and purposeless when you work in a copy paste office. This shit is inevitable, project mayhem is the only way forward.
Humans yearn for conflict and war. Peaceful times are the most boring shit imaginable.
Whoever the cunts were that gave our country (America) over to Jewish oligarchs is the worst. Boomers are pretty fucking awful though.
What do you do? I replace the Indians that replace you for 200k when management eventually realizes the Indians can't do the work.
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I wage at a grocery store and I like my job but now I don’t have a life outside of it after recovering from being a neet for 3 in a half years. None of my coworkers actually care about me, and when I got promoted from cart pusher/bagger to cashier a lot people disliked that fact, like 3 kids I work with and a group of old ladies. I also had another kid put me down and talk shit to me while using me for information and asking me personal questions like how much I’m getting paid hourly and saying I was the worst cashier he’d ever seen when I hadn’t even been doing it for a month, I don’t say hi to him anymore and now it’s kinda awkward.

Also have like two maybe three managers who probably aren’t my biggest fans either, walked in on one of them talking shit about me even though we haven’t had any conversations outside of her telling me what to do sooooo I dunno what I’m doing wrong, maybe it’s my tism since I’m really horrible at holding down conversations unless it’s work related while everyone is having fun conversations about life and college and laughing with one another. I tried getting into some hobbies like Muay Thai but the teacher was really bad at teaching and I was sparring with literal amateur fighters and no one was really holding back their strength either plus no body talked to one another so that was a waste of a couple hundred bucks, I asked if this was a normal experience on /xs/ and they said that it wasn’t even worth learning new peoples names…… so yeah, there goes my idea of getting a hobby…

I just want friends honestly, I don’t care about a gf just yet but I need someone to talk to besides my parents, I thought if I stopped being a neet I could make friends but I was wrong, gravely wrong, and giving up talking to my co workers only makes things worse. Sometimes the idea drives me insane that I don’t have any connections in my life, I want memories and fun and my early 20s are swimming away
>bro just sit in one place for 35 years
Well you're on /biz/, I wouldn't recommend working to make friends, although working a job for a company and making friends is a bit different than business partners being friends.

For me the thing that annoyed me about my early 20s is the lack of life experience, you've been in school your whole life and you're just now figuring out who you are and what you like, and eventually you'll figure out what your life goals are, as far as girls go I recommend getting your fill but not making any life changing decisions before you're ready like kids.

I'm not going to say I'm an expert yet, but being on /biz/ is a start to learning things that you can expand on and research, if you focus on more than just cryptos although it's good to learn them too.

Aim to get assets that can produce income for you such as a vending machine, small indoor or outdoor organic crops, an ice machine, and if you decide to start a business of any type do a ton of research on legalities of things such as how to pay taxes, how to make the most of your total income production (I.E if you made 50k as a business owner, you're able to write a lot of things such as reasonable travel, equipment, costs of doing business, and you end up spending more on useful physical items for your business and having less take-home pay on paper instead of it going to taxes

I'm just mentioning this early to you so you can plan bigger things eventually, but getting experience in life anyway is good, honestly me personally I might have squandered the money without a bit of hard knocks throughout my 20s and some of my early 30s

Also the dollar itself might cease to exist altogether in our lifetime so really the sooner you can set yourself up the better
Invest a little money into a savings account like a Roth IRA now, even if it's 20 dollars here and there you'll thank yourself later, and it's good practice to be on top of things

You might get some expendable income here and there to play stocks but you should aim to have things you really own and can either continue to generate revenue (no matter the currency), or at least if you need to sell something you can sell it for a much smaller loss

But with all that said you could be holding a bunch of bitcoin and are just asking for advice making friends and enjoying your 20s, definitely try to have some fun times in your 20s but try not to totally forsake thinking about your future in favor of having a good time, try to have the best work/life balance you can. If you can travel and handle foreign cities/countries that's a good way to make memories in your 20s if you don't have a friend circle, but if you're after good local friends good luck to you.

Take care of your physical health with good healthy food and mental health by finding a way to escape being around people you don't want to be around, but for this time being working as a young guy also makes some memories, some good and others to be used as fuel.
18 to post on 4chan
you waste most of your day being in a place you don't want to be. Why do you want that?
The problem was those jobs were soul crushing. Plus, there was a palpable sense in 90s America that something was off and the relative prosperity was built on lies/wouldn't last, so the (totally justified) paranoia didn't help.

Nowadays, the problem is the jobs are still soul crushing (actually way more so), and also the paychecks don't go nearly as far. And now it's just plainly obvious that the system is complete bullshit. In other words, things are way worse so I don't blame people for calling Gen X whiny, but it still wasn't great back then, so I don't blame them for whining.
Indeed, so go away since you are so young that you would disregard an argument based on nothing but a name.
getting your ass ate and cock sucked nightly in a middle class home in a safe neighborhood was something americans looked down on
he didn't know how bad it could get.
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>Labor creates value
>foundational concept of Marxism
>>digging a pit in the middle of nowhere is contributing to the economy
Probably how he justified 3 of his kids starving to death while he sat reading at the library, before he got his starts on the commie grift. After all, labor creates value, and he was hard, hard at work - reading his favorite newspapers.
Also equivalent exchange and surplus value are in direct contradiction to one another, as another low-hanging fruit-but-irrefutable-argument. [spoiler]Ironically, I don't really have much of a problem with the practical implementation of communism in a vacuum - Dengism has proven resilient enough to be proven as a transiently working economic model; but only after decades of evolution away from the spluttering spastic retard that was Marx & Marxism, and certainly not within a Western cultural climate. Ironically, the best part about communism is it's consistent ability to unite the working class to organise and mass-execute retards such as yourself (since, while it is a common facet of revolutions, very few lead your types so willingly to the slaughter, since they lack the autistic logical-economic basis of doing so).[/spoiler]
18 or older.
>hmm I think I will...start murdering random people on the street
>I'll have enough cash
And why exactly arent you ballsdeep in btc?
Most fun office job i had was a low paying customer support internship got harassed by all the office sluts old and young, but especially the foreign french ones my lord, smoked weed, didnt give a fuck about it. Finding racist girls hating on niggers. Good times.
I hate to break it to you but it’s probably to do with your looks. Are you sub 5?
I have 5.3 BTC that I won't sell for at least 10 years from now. But I'm more balls deep in ETH
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Forget people bitching about work in the late 90's / early 00's, try the early 80's whine

>Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
>Pour myself a cup of ambition
>And yawn and stretch and try to come to life

>Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin'
>Out on the street, the traffic starts jumpin'
>The folks like me on the job from 9 to 5

>Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'
>Barely gettin' by, it's all takin' and no givin'
>They just use your mind
>And they never give you credit
>It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it

>9 to 5, for service and devotion
>You would think that I
>Would deserve a fair promotion
>Want to move ahead
>But the boss won't seem to let me
>I swear sometimes that man is out to get me

>They let you dream
>Just to watch 'em shatter
>You're just a step on the boss-man's ladder
>But you got dreams he'll never take away

>You're in the same boat with a lot of your friends
>Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in
>And the tide's gonna turn
>And it's all gonna roll your way

To them, a 9-5 was a hard day's grind. 8 hours. Not allowed to chat, but otherwise a lax, friendly atmosphere.

Caught it on a radio partway into a near-solitary 18 hour overtime shift, few years back (contracted, treated like dirt, semi-heavy physical requirement, no benefits, no progression, no nothing, constantly dodging on legal infringements, overqualified and a "competitive wage" aka few cents above minimum minus taxes) and I've never felt such incandescent disgust when I stopped to actually listen. One of the things that made me just kick work entirely. I do the bare minimum to survive, few extra shifts for pocket money, and barely a dime more.
Let it burn. If rent goes up, I'd rather camp outside than save up for a mortgage at these rates. If the day comes that it's between starvation and more work, somebody's getting hurt. I never asked to be put in this society. And I know for a fact that I don't have to be treated like this
>neet for 3 1/2 years
you probably look autistic to them and they probably hate you because you do your job well and don't complain
do NOT make friends at work. download bumble or some shit and talk to random people there. maybe try getting a better job. are you good at maths? if so, try learning something getting a more "technical" job than that
Yeah people do this if they sense any ‘tism in you, it is a natural biological instinct programmed into the minds of normalfags to protect their in-group and they use their hatred of you as a bonding mechanism that unites them further and makes the ties within their group stronger

I don’t like working at a job because of this. Like I don’t mind doing the work but putting up with evil coworkers is the least appealing thing to me
reading your story, it's likely that you hold link. bagholding for a long time makes you narrow minded, because you have to stop second guessing your decisions until it's second nature to not engage with outside opinions
It's no different than this generation, or any other generation. People hate stability.
>ad hominem attacks are the best these retards can come up with
incredible. also, you misunderstand the "labor creates value" stuff. it's not that labor creates value out of thin air (marx never said that), but that applying labor to a commodity increases the value, and if it's sold, boom that's where profit comes from. real easy example:

>i buy a log for one (1) dollar
>i add some of my heckin laborino to it and make a chair
>sell chair for five (5) dollars

i dont think it's a good wholistic example to use over the entire economy, but if you're going to criticize something, you might as well understand it. especially since the post about alienation had NOTHING to do with the labor theory of value. you just saw "marx" and sperged out like the autistic NPC nigger faggot you are.
I mean the movie is right, office work is hell, I am so happy with my WFM job
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>ad hominem attacks
>these retards
The irony is palpable.

>implying the economic behavior of an economic theorist is an irrelevant ad hominem attack
An ad hominem would be saying that his scraggy beard makes him look like a financially irresponsible hobo; letting his own children starve to death indicating his financial ineptitude and irresponsible, as well as repeatedly squandering money that was lent to him is not. If you're going to try to dismiss an argument as if it were a logical fallacy, you might as well understand what the logical fallacy is. Furthermore, observation alone isn't grounds for dismissal in it's own right - simply that observing a logical fallacy means an obvious and easy-to-make counterargument is made available, that makes said fallacious argument easy to dismiss. If you fail to make such a counterargument, you're making an appeal to authority in your own right.

>applying labor to a commodity increases the value
Again, assumes that the labor applied is appreciative to value, which is a false cause on a basic conceptual level (since you do love your logical fallacies). From the "digging a hole" example, to short-term-fixes-long-term-problems, to untrained labor depreciating the value of material, even to a common criticism of GDP (the two bull crap eaters); it's wrong on almost every angle, yet is a foundational tenant of Marxism (one informed, quite obviously by Marx's relevant financially incapable life choices and self-absorbedness, as was touched on). Value is primarily dictated by demand - supply is only relevant in terms of scarcity, labor is almost irrelevant otherwise. You ain't selling that fuckin chair if nobody wants it.
It's "not a good wholistic example to use over the entire economy", it's not a good example full stop. It's wrong

So again, you are either underage, inexperienced, naive, or just plain stupid (an observation, not ad hominem - closer to poisoning the well, because again, you love your logical fallacies)
>Sure, it's a living but if you love doing it there's something wrong with you.
this, its soul crushing. those who love it have no soul. its hard to be happy being a pencil pushing cubicle monkey unless you get paid a ridiculous amount of money for doing something enjoyable. the majority of these office jobs are not that enjoyable though, you just sit there not using your brain and feel disconnected from your mind and your body most of the day. it's nice to be inside in the air conditioner and not breaking your back doing something very difficult but you don't feel alive working in the average office job.
>The irony is palpable
i did more than call you a retard

>that pic
>those paragraphs
nigga i said im not a communist and that i dont think the ltv isnt wholistic over the whole economy, but nice try
link, please
Nobody mentions how fat you get in these jobs either.
I understand, anon...
I remember when I was in graduate school I was incredibly lonely, just hadn’t made any friends. it was as if a switch flipped after college. I wasn’t outgoing in college but I had a small group of friends. when you enter the working world you’re kind of on your own in respect to friendships. for the most part, you don’t make new friendships and your old ones fade away as your lives move on.
Fucking boomers wannabe
this. jews fucking hated it and it shows.
this. why are so many of them like this? just let me do my job and it'd be more bearable but noooooo they always have to be up to some sort of nonsense
>since I’m really horrible at holding down conversations unless it’s work related while everyone is having fun conversations about life and college and laughing with one another
the irony that i keep it strictly work related because i don't trust these people in workplaces and thus shut myself off from there. what they think i am is likely very different from what i really am outside the workplace. i don't want to show them the real me, they don't deserve it
Reminder that all this
>le millennial writing
Was gen x.
Millennials didn't make the marvel movies.
Millennials are 35 year olds looking to buy their first and only home.
>Millennials didn't make the marvel movies
Yeah, a bunch of faggots did
>Millennials are 35 year olds looking to buy their first and only home
The cruel irony is that every millennial I know who got married young and bought a house in 2012-2016 is currently sitting on easy six figures in equity with a $1000/mo payment

Meanwhile the late bloomers who wanted to focus on their career are rentcucking to this day
not true, I worked as an engineer building internet infrastructure, I personally over saw the implementation of equipment that made the pornography channels work on IPTV.

If you dont see the value your work creates, its because you are not creating value.

You are also a faggot
working with women was the best part when I worked in the office, I would take over their project, that they had endlessly bitched about how hard it was, how much work, how they couldnt do it.. then id do a weeks worth of work in a couple hours, fuck off for the rest of the time, and then get rewarded for being a high performer who actually got things done.

Peoples lives are what they make of them.
In my experience female bosses are great because they're easy to push around. You can do very little work with a female boss. A male boss will have the balls to tell you to get off your ass, a female one often does not

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