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next to Michael van de Poppe—one of the paid shillers for Chainlink. Just look at that photo. You really think they were discussing their favorite cryptocurrencies, DeFi, or RWAs? Nah, they were probably hatching plans for the next big contract. I mean, he’s getting paid in LINK tokens to shill Chainlink, while Sergey’s busy dumping on all of us.

And what are we doing? Waiting for the next carrot to be dangled in front of us, hoping for that miracle pump.
how tall is sir gay anyway?
Vitalik is 6'1. Don't have the pic on hand but you can find mr blue shirts height from that info.
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Fud? Not even close. Just because you don’t want to face the truth doesn’t make it any less real. Want me to drop some screenshots of other paid shillers? The evidence is all around you. But hey, enjoy the blind faith—some of us prefer to see reality. Remember TRUTH > TRUST. Right?
so everyone who talks about chainlink is paid by chainlink? kekfuddies
bro you just wrote a fanfic based on a picture GTFO here
You talk the same in every thread and you are mentally ill. The pool is still closed and my bags remain unsold. See you in the next thread in an hour to remind you again.
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it really is plain to see these are waif ex or current baggies effectively in the throes of a mental breakdown
i get how it's happened, but posting this sort of shit is just not the right coping mechanism
anyone got a picture of sergey nazarov and charles hoskinson standing side by side? i may be able accurately estimate sergeys height because i recently bumped into charles hoskinson and that nigga 5"11
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sergey is around 6'7" but hes crouching in this photo
>paid shillers
Are we supposed to be annoyed by the shills when the fudders have been spamming 10x harder since 2019?
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yes, because the FUD pre 2021 was always tongue in cheek, while the actual astroturfing from the team never stopped
so fuck you faggot
Damn, this is like standing next to the founder of FUN, a once in a lifetime event
>the FUD pre 2021 was always tongue in cheek
Holy shit no it wasn't.
Read the zeus capital report, that was a collection of /biz/ fud from 2019-2020. Tell me how tongue in cheek that shit was.
Fudders back then had Bloomberg asking Google if their partnership with Chainlink was fake.
holy fuck the zeus report was literally the most lazy and low effort fud collage with zero impact on Chainlink itself
holy shit, kys
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Read the report, it was literally a collection of /biz/ fud that was spammed 24/7 from 2019-2020.
And it was anything but tongue in cheek.

Pic is just a single tiny example of the kind of fud spam that happened on here in those days.
I've read the report
>it was literally a collection of /biz/ fud
exactly, which was low effort and insignificant
your pic is literally one retard spamming his pasta for 5 days, holy shit kys
the main theory was that Simeon the Bulgar compiled that report in an effort to short LINK, nothing to do with "fudders" or /biz/tards whatsoever
did zeus report shake you out of your bags, anon? because afaik, nobody gave a shit, it was instantly recognized as /biz/ fud and we all had a big laugh
i'd hardly call a 59 page pdf that got picked up by various media outlets "low effort". it only seems low effort to you because you know the ins and outs of chainlink. retard.

nobody "picked it up" and nobody fucking cared, LINK literally broke the ATH just a few months later, Zeus twitter never took off, and whoever was behind it realized his efforts were futile and they completely abandoned it
why are you so desperately trying to exaggerate the absolute nothinburger of zeus?
it was the NEXO Bulgar, that's it holy fucking hell stop playing the victim, the current FUD is a direct response to 7 years of astroturfing
fuck you
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>low effort and insignificant
Nothing low effort about spamming fud about technical details 24/7.

>your pic is literally one retard spamming his pasta for 5 days
Not 5 days, 20 days. He kept going for another 14 days.
Pic is all the posts that weren't in that collage yet. That pic I posted first must've been made as the fudder was only halfway done.

Now multiply this one example by a few hundred different pastas, and you get a sense of what the fud was like back then.
>retard shill arguing in semantics and in circles at it again
just keep in mind that it is plainly obvious you're one of the paid astroturfers, have you ever considered changing your format a bit, so it doesn't become immediately apparent it is always (You)?
lmao what a completely deranged reaction.
I bet you're the faggot who spammed those exact posts back in 2019.
a number of crypto outlets wrote articles about it.
>why are you so desperately trying to exaggerate the absolute nothinburger of zeus?
all i did is disagree that it was low effort and mentioned that it was picked up by a number of (crypto) media outlets, which is all true. you complete spastic retard
you lost that bet because I was a total permabull back then
I was entirely unfazed by zeus, I actually laughed
the fud itself was low-effort, not the act of compiling it
>all i did is disagree that it was low effort
>I was entirely unfazed by zeus
That has nothing to do with your fud being the exact same back then as now.

That one example I posted was about Chainlink adoption being zero after 4 months of mainnet (note the very specific timeframe).
And it was posted over 200 times.
That's exactly the same as today's fud about CCIP for example.
>Chainlink adoption being zero
>That's exactly the same as today's fud
yeah and that's the worrisome part, negro
kek and the mask comes off
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oh and here's your "low effort" fud.
Imagine sitting down at your keyboard and writing all this headcanon. And then spamming it every day for hours.
And remember, this was after two years of Link going up against the market, being on the verge of going parabolic.
how is that any different from this?
or this
or this
mind you all those spam pastas persisted for YEARS, instead of mere months
I can't even recall that specific FUD pasta you keep harping on about, imagine how insignificant it actually was
>how is that any different from this?
Where did anyone say it was different?

/biz/ was literally created for shitposting about coins. And you simply can't deny that the fud spam back then was exactly as egregious as it is today.
Obviously the shilling was greatly reduced.
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I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversations. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.
why do all these crypto people look so weird?
4'11 (like Gauge)
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Checked. Remember when this nigger cited Zeus Capital in his link analysis video?
he keeps getting fatter and fatter its unreal
Dwarf face on the right
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>Michael van de Poppe
I actually like this dude
Why isn't Sergey on Ozempic yet?
I just love bullying linkies
The more you bully them, the more they get mad and point at you saying you're fudding and bringing up points to try and justify an actual scam
Except I don't give a fuck, I just enjoy seeing you seething while you continuously post on biz about it, thinking the thousands of US dollars you put into it will somehow flourish while Sergey keeps selling his tokens and robs you of your money
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kek fud cucks still seething mad after being called gay cucks in their IDs

dare I say it...
that's not belly. He has to wrap his penis around his waist like a Saiyan tail
He’s technically a giant
Chainlink is all used up. There will be no more hail marry pumps.
The only value a shitcoin has is its speculative value, and Sergey exhausted all of his credibility with all the prior fraudulent corporate partnerships, like Google and Swift.
That or a bagcel, correct.
No one is in it "for the tech", lol
7 more years bagcel and you will be able to stop living in crippling misery and start your real life once LINK aka token not needed, shoots back to $52
>Fudders back then had Bloomberg asking Google if their partnership with Chainlink was fake.

And it turned out to be fake, like every other "partnership"

I mean, it's laughable that in 2024 a shitcoin is still pulling the old Chink partnership scam of 2017-2018, lol

What a sight to wake up to. The cult taking a MASSIVE blow to their fake partnerships and then the utter desperation of trying to win semantics arguments

Go back to debate club pussy

Price is all the matters

Catfishy drinks shit for breakfast lunch AND dinner

THE Cuckolds of crypto lol
>the current FUD is a direct response to 7 years of astroturfing

Nailed it. I held LINK 2017-2020 and the current tranche of bagcels is the most loathsome group of turds on /biz/, even more so than the Jeets.

If I honestly knew any of you bagcel LINK niggers irl, I would legitimately assault you.
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fuddies are still seethin LOL

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