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Should I go all into crypto now or wait until the next bear market?
is she retarded
Me in the back.
This idiot fucked up the last gamestonk oppty he had with a retarded YouTube stream. Did he fuck up on purpose? Has he been bought
I fell for it
Charli O
>Gestalt still alive
Easiest trick in the book. The can was emptied ahead of time so it was easy to crush with a little force.

What gives it away is that he cuts right after crushing it, never picking it up or allowing us to inspect it from any other angle, because it would be revealed the can did not disappear at all but was merely crushed along with the paper.
tfw no goth goblina gf
same, brother. I need me a goth goblin gf so bad. mental illness never looked better
no, you can see 8 seconds in that he drops the can behind the table as the girl is taking her top off. he drops it at the same time he turns to look at her
No you retards the can went into her cans.
I had to rewatch a few times but I finally caught it
they got me
and i even read the webm filename and all
god boobs are awesome
This anon is Gay
what makes it perfect is that he doesn't even hide it, when you watch it the second time it's so explicit
literally impossible to not look at the girl the first time
lmao I saw him dropping the can while she was undressing

cool video
This genuinely worked on my, fuck my monkey brain.
i remember doing this trick with a saltshaker when i was a kid 20+ years ago and i didnt need no fat titties to do it either
she's a woman
The best part is I instantly looked at the girl, said to myself "wait no, this a diversion", started watching the guy again, then instantly went back to watching the girl when she started to take her top off. The best part is I knew what was happening, I just didn't care because I was ok with it.
crypto is a ponzi, should never be more than 5% of your porfolio if you're willing to take the chance to lose all of it
Seems believable.
yeah she looks retarded but she's strangely kinda hot
Got me the first time..
I'm going to invest in a gf just so she can do this
after watching it the second time i saw how the trick worked kek, that was a good trick ngl
This shitty video is like 10 years old, how old are you fucks?
Me too.
Isn't that the game stop guy
ALL investing is a Ponzi. Crypto is just faster.
Based face blind autist
fiat,bonds,stocks... all have value in the current government run economies where they control the money supply and demand taxes.
'bitcoin' has no value, what would you do with one? are you seriously gonna scan some QR code and wait 10 minutes for a transaction? no you're just gonna swipe your credit card or NFC smartwatch or whatever, thats why its destined to crash to 0 long term.

just buy VOO instead
no one uses BTC to do daily transactions, doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Can I ask how old you are? I don't use gold or silver when I buy my basedmilk every day but its still valuable.
gold and silver are used in many industries and market sectors from electronics to jewlery. almost nobody uses bitcoin.
same lol
yes but do it cautiously i started accumulating memecoins with the unicorn.meme airdrops and its been working out pretty well for me so far, i really dont want to put my savings into crapto rn
If you have not gone all in already, you will probably die poor. EOS and INJ have been at their cheapest.
How can i trade crypto on my IOS phone?
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We all did anon.
>i started accumulating memecoins with the unicorn.meme airdrops
Its boinkers for me, farming shitcoins while waiting for the rewards. easy mode for degens like me.
Going all in now is like jumping into the shallow end, you might get wrecked.
DCA is better if you can't wait for the next bear market, or you can use Superbots to automate, it’ll keep you from getting rekt with the market votality.
Yeah, feeling a serious compulsion to bury my dick between her tits, its unreal.
Let's be real. It's like gambling but with worse odds, only the high IQs are making profits off it. I only keep a small percentage in it, maybe 10% max.
Rest of the time, I’m making gains where it counts, Fun and Tribally, gaming for profit, not hopium.
im in the same camp
bitcoin was meant to be a 'fuck you' to banks by replacing them entirely. other than a small minority of transitions in a 32bil GDP latin country bitcoin has had almost no penetration so far.

show me millions getting paid and buying groceries in bitcoin and then ill start investing in it.
amazing vid.. didnt even see the can dropping several times.
I thought she was just being dumb.. turns out im the dumb monkey lol
>show me millions getting paid and buying groceries in bitcoin and then ill start investing in it.
When or if this happens its value will never go up again lol. itll be worth shit like paper money when the normie mass of goyim touch it
just dollar cost average and be patient for many years. BTC belongs in every portfolio. please don't underestimate having a peace of mind.
large scale adoption will bring an increase in value compared to fiat that is greater than anything so far.

but whether that happens ever is 50-50 in my opinion
Better to wait, these prices are fomo entry prices. You can still ape into SUPRA at TGE regardless of when it happens
go all in so we can finally dump and start clean
if you can see that, it means you're a faggot. i've literally never seen him drop the can and i've watched that webm millions of times.
god i need a fucked up bitch like that
It’s up to you what you want to do. I’m still accumulating SUI while the price is below $2—more time to make it.
Mine is QAN. If it gets to $1, I'm buying an island.
reddit tier comment
Lol I was thinking what was the point of that you stupid cunt and it wasn't until I read this comment I realized what happened
this vile whore needs to be stoned for causing me to be fooled like this

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