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Who's this?
good. keep the wagies busy
Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire
Good thing we don't have sick days anymore and just get 7 yearly free 'bonus days' that we can use whenever we want on top of our usual PTO.
matt walsh is a retarded, balding, grifting faggot
If you don't literally work yourself to death, you aren't a man.
?? I take sick days to get free days off of work, not because i have a tummy ache :( what a retard lol
I haven't had a sick day or a paid vacation day in my whole life.
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if a motherfucking employee comes into my business and gets everyone sick I will fire them. Fuck Good GOY matthew walsh
matt walsh is one of the people at the daily wire who i actually think is retarded enough to believe what he says. same with michael knowles. ben knows he's lying and so did candace before she got fired.
he's right. If your job can't be done from your laptop your job suck ball
Why tf would I care what this Shabbos Goy think?
A literal who beard baby.
>i'm going to post something that upsets me and will upset everyone who reads it too
you're going to die of a heart attack and it will be funny
He is based and redpilled and trolls the trannies epic style
lmao breadtuber retard
he's a faggot. It's funny that I saw this post as I was about to use my sick days tho lmao.
Boomer that de-aged.
umm what about covid???
This guy is trying so hard to be the next andrew tate but he doesnt have the charisma
he reminds me of that one dude. Tyler lopez.
Tai lopez
He's a pasteurized version of 4chan personified before it was invaded by Russian bots and became an FBI honey pot. Only thing he doesnt do is name the jew, because he knows it would end his career. But he's such a hardcore christian, it's obvious he NOSEtices.
get to work wagies the jewlords demand it
Modern conservative
the most loyal goy
If you have a job where employees are interchangeable like warehouse work or in a cafe then fine, take a sick day, doesn't matter
If you have a proper job it becomes more difficult because people aren't interchangeable. Things fall to shit if you're not there at short notice and it's a headache to sort out when you get back
I have never taken a sick day in 6 years, just cba with the fallout when I return
If things go to shit without you then that's their problem and not yours.
In my country if you don't use your sick days, they just accumulate and when you leave the company you dont get paid for them, they just dissapear.

So only an imbecile wouldn't use them up. Some people here still don't use them however kek
>not spreading contagious diseases to your coworkers is le bad!
It's a double edged sword
It's also job security if you are necessary for things to keep working, which I value with my specific life circumstances. I can hand over for planned leave, it's just short notice like a sick day which is the issue at times
>Have fever
>Go to work
>Work at 40% capacity
>Get everyone else sick
>Whole office now behind
>Jannet, my secretary, gets very sick
>Now have to cover her duties
>Jannet also lives with her grandmother who contracts illness and gets hospitalized
Just stay home and keep your germs with you. That’s exactly what sick days are for.
don't care
got a tummy ouchie. I'm calling in
got a sniffly nose. I'm calling in
got a prolapsed anus. You know I'm calling in.
what would they do if you got hit by a car and were going to be in hospital for a month.
Conservative grifter
yep. i aint been sick in years due to the coof measures my company and most companies enforced aka 'don't come to work sick you fucking cunts'. prior to that i would catch the office sick every fucking year off some fuckwit infesting everyone.
He is a jew you dumb fucking boomer
You must work goy! Those shekels aren't going to produce themselves!

Who has the video where a college kid tells him to name the Jew?

> "Behind each one is always, A WITZ, A BERG, A STEIN,

that video cracks me up with how Walsh plead the fifth on that question.
Caring about work is cringe.
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>resting is for chumps says man who does nothing but write blogposts about which aids infested gay clubs he frequents
All these weak, office dwelling males claim to work 12 hours a day. They start the count when they get up to make coffee and end it when they finally turn off their phone at 9pm, but they dont subtract the 6 hours they were doing jack shit.
The entire conservative philosophy is "rules for thee not for me"
Kosher Cuckaervative, pro grifter.
yeah, coming to work and spreading your illness to others is the adult choice.
These kinds of comments are designed to attract attention.
I'm going to hide this thread.

Remember to always sage every post you ever make unless you intentionally want to bump a thread!

See you never.
There is currently a big push by the jews for us to work more and be sick less so the west can compete with china
the next president of the united states
Collapse into a heap I think, only I have the knowledge required to keep vast swathes of the software running

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