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I'm the type of coworker that never calls off. I hate waging. I just lack balls with this aspect since I always feel I'll get called out on it and I'm a horrible liar.

Anyways my sick days have capped for a few months now. I want to use 2 at once.
What if he asks me to go to the doctor to get a note? I don't want to do that
Say you got food poisoning from eating at some place, make sure it's an exotic place, somewhere dumpy, or somewhere you known coworkers dont eat. Do it into the beginning of the work week and say you must have got food poisoning during your days off. You can be hush hush and embarrassed about it cus everyone gets it. If they press just say it's really bad and you will be hugging the tiolet. If they persist and being annoying just straight tell them you are having constant diarrhea and blood in your stool. It will probably never reach that last point but it is a last resort. If you do have too get a note you can do an online doctor which will be a 50/50 chance but if you truly never take sick days you can probably just get away with it because no boss wants to deal with that shit pun intended.
you need to find the right kind of doctor. There are some that will just give you a sick note if you ask for it. then you can use your days
>What if he asks me to go to the doctor to get a note?
Ask him to lick your nutsack
>call phone doctors while comfy at home
>”diarrhea is killing me but no other symptoms and I have to miss work”
>a couple generic questions about my health and my medical history
>”ok anon, two days certificate”
>48 hour vydia marathon and I didnt have to leave the house or spend a dime.

Simple as anon. Simple as.
eat KFC for 2, 3 days and get diarrhea
no company is gonna ask for a doctor's note for using sick days
this isn't middle school
Hey, guys. Can I say I ate bad sushi and call it a day? Is that good enough for 2 days? I feel like food poisoning can only be used for one day
Idk, man. Some actually ask. I just don't know if my employer is one of them since I never tried

I can maybe lie for one day, but I'll be really bad at lying for 2 days in a row
No 1 rule. DON'T self-diagnose. Just say you feel awful and you don't know what it is. Don't put on a fake 'ill' voice either. Nothing bad will happen. Make it 3 days while you're at it.

I fucking hate the janny that runs this board like you wouldn't believe. Fucking leftist tranny. Bans people for complete nonsense reasons yet lets scams run rampant.
>he doesn’t call in because he has a really bad headache (true), but forget to mention it’s from the hangover
>"Not coming in today. See you all on ____!"
Literally that easy and I do it all the time.

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