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Aviator General - No Schizos Allowed Edition

How excited are you?
Can you imagine the candle once this trends on Base?
What’s the make it on Avi?
>no schizos edition
Finally a thread where we can discuss the facts. So what’s the latest status of the bridge now that the final audit was completed 30 days ago? I’m so excited!
Just a few more fixes, then the web app will be ready to audit.
Smile Pattern forming on the yearly. It has been written.

You Will Know Them By Their SMILE!
That doesn’t make sense. When the bridge was being audited a 2nd time, the team said that the only thing they were waiting on was for hacken to finish. What other fixes are they working on that prevents them from releasing the bridge??
How would I know? They’ve haven’t said anything. The web app was not included in the audit, so I assume there was a reason. Not sure why they don’t just finish first, then audit the full codebase when they are ready to go live. Seems like that would be the normal thing to do.
I would bet money that this is the hang up though. The backend needs to wait for confirmation from the L1 transaction before initiating the L2 transaction. Their junior dev probably has struggled to figure this out, so for demo and contract testing purposes, they could have just skipped this part for a while and initiated the L2 transaction via post request from the UI instead of having the backend confirm on the blockchain. Just because it looked done on test net, doesn’t mean it was.
>They’ve haven’t said anything
Interesting. After 9 months of waiting for the audits to finally be over with, you would think that there would be some type of update on where the project is in terms of development. Is no one in the tg asking these questions? I got insta banned back in July and they never allowed me back in :(
My read on this team is that they always tried to make it seem like they were farther along than they were, to avoid having to admit that they really just aren’t very good at building software. If they said back in April “we are ready to audit the first iteration of the contracts. Next we will work on the UI and backend.” It would have at least been honest, instead they told us they were auditing the bridge and to expect main net soon. Kek. That’s… fucked up
Yes, there is an element of dishonesty going on all these months. Too many “soon” posts, but to their defense, they never defined what “soon” meant. For all we know, soon could mean 2026
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5m make it / 500k sui
Audit n2 was completed, some changes getting done before release.
You can read the skybridge-audit-report-for-dummies to see.
>pic related
Also the invite-only test run was successful and some things are getting improved based on feedback
I get you might have been frustrated but there was a major shuffle in how upgradability and supersonic work especially considering future-proofing and how some integrations will come into play. The second audit was much bigger than the first and when the audit came back people asked questions about the report and we got the audit report for dummies explaining so Qs get answered.
>No schizo posting pls
Testnet and a lot of back and forth with the Optimism folks made the team essentially start from scratch. Maybe they didn't communicate as well as they should but they're delivering something big and the many other projects wouldve died / given up during the bear summer
The team was already working on fixes prior to the 20th so technically, it’s been over a month that they have been working on these. Have they run into problems? I’m a little worried at this point considering all they were waiting on was hacken to finish. What about the arcade? What’s the status of that?
>I’m a little worried at this point considering
thinly veiled schizo posting won't be tolerated friend

Tech documentation, improvements from invite-only test, integration improvements (learn and earn, web component that can be used by other devs)

>What about the arcade?
We're going to get a massive update this fall. Development never stopped
i want to make it with my AVI stack and then quit my wagie job and just make games for the arcade
Im tired of hearing about how much work they’ve done and how hard it is. They are a green af team, that’s always been the issue. Having to start from scratch again in the summer like you just said only speaks to my point. You are telling me they put 7-8 months into development before hitting a wall and essentially had to start over? That’s retarded.
>no schizo posting pls
Allow me this one; you seem to know about the recent delays and updates to expect in the fall. So which team member are you? Can we be honest and schizo free a thread for once and get a real discussion going?
>thinly veiled schizo posting won't be tolerated friend
I’m posting with good intentions. Please don’t ban me again :( I can only be banned so many times :’(

>Tech documentation, improvements from invite-only test, integration improvements (learn and earn, web component that can be used by other devs)
I’m talking about the fixes. Why are they still working on fixes after working on them for over 1 month? Are they having issues? I hope not. Thoughts and prayers being sent their way

>We're going to get a massive update this fall. Development never stopped
What will this massive update be about? The last update we got was from February and it was about a friends list feature they added.
Fall officially starts this week. Are we talking beginning, mid, or end of fall?
Hi friend. It’s been a few hours since you last posted. I just wanted to do a wellness check on you. Everything ok?
Not schizo but found myself wondering if it's possible that CoinBase has influenced this SB release schedule? Could CB have said something like "we'd like to see the arcade nearing Beta so we can announce it along with Skybridge."

No illusion over the teams dev prowess or project management aptitude, but there were all those team members messages (at least Kerasu) this summer about "we have no idea how big this will be."

This was well after they changed their approach and stopped giving dates. Has there been any status updates on the arcade?
Wouldn't CB have been pushing for a SB release for onchain summer?
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"haven't said anything"
>literally a blog post for dummies pinned to the tg and posted on twitter designed specifically for you with a full breakdown.
>still can't understand
>needs a blog post for retards
you have the worst takes on everything technical, please stop having an opinion raj. you are not a programmer and have never delivered a product before and it shows so blatantly every time you open your mouth that it's just plain embarrassing now

organic id swap, nice.

>not allowed in tg
dude walks in and drops the n bomb, gets a 1/5 warning. can say it 4 more times.
yet you're "unfairly removed".
so don't be a jew, tell us what you actually did, not just what happened to you. you always leave out that detail :)
clearly this is the case as the UX and logo change are all part of branding and feel which is a key component of how CB adopt normies.
schizos don't want you to read between the lines about this and will keep saying bla bla bla muh missed summer, muh low volume coin.
you can listen to them or think objectively why the project has put a bunch of importance on this while telling you explicitly in the blog post it was at the behest of CB.
aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform and there is even an API.
the fuddy has never worked with a large institutional client that has valuable IP around its branding so he doesn't understand this concept which is why he can't fathom it.
>aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform and there is even an API
What platform you gymcel. When was last tiem you had sex with other man?
>aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform
Thought we agreed to cool it with the schizo takes. This is so fucking delusional I’m embarrassed for you.
Have sex with Jay
>replying to the same IDs
>”organic ID swap”
kek mind broken baggie. This is a No Schizos Zone

>what’s the status of the arcade
See >>58992579
>massive update this fall!!
In other words, no one knows. Lee the string tied tight as they continue pulling you along, and be sure to stay tuned!
>5m make it / 500k sui
What is the math behind these values? Or rather, what are the price expectations? $1? 50 cents?
comparisons to GALA's previous mcap, which is the closest thing to avi last cycle
Comparing avi to gala worked back in the summer of 2023. We are now starting fall in 2024 and still nothing released. I think it’s time we give that comparison up, anon. We can’t even break through .003. Going back to ath is looking like an impossibility. Catching up to, and even exceeding Gala? lmao
Ah, fair enough. A 0.80 cent ATH would be nice
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Schizos really ramping up, we are close
>7-8 months to make a half finished bridge that got cancelled
>our new bridge will be made in 2 months tho dont worry!
lmao, lol.
i think you are right
My Capitol is invested hoping i get lucky on a software sale coming weeks so I can Invest in avi before the boom
Let's be realistic for a second here though. Is the GALA ATH even feasible? That is only a mere 6.6 Billions dollars mcap but we know that you need to shove your coin down everyone's throats in order to gather so much liq and not many succeed.
So.... why would AVI manage to do it while other 4 million coins fail? Make me buy more. Because I'm quite happy with only a moon bag right now.
You faggots playing with tranny tier NAFO dog meme coins are idiots. OSMO is the 2024 defi play
>Is the GALA ATH even feasible?
No. It has been over 1 year and we have no products, but baggies will come here and post the same rehashed hypeman shit that they’ve been posting for months. Bigly soon trust the plan
Sigh.. Can someone that is not having a maniac episode respond to my question, please?
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no one can predict the market, anyone that is claiming to has an agenda (this is investing 101) YOU have to make your own decision anon
>>5899456>will someone please predict the price for me? Moonboi posts only pls hehe
That was a direct answer to your question you dumb nigger. Or are you wanting someone to tell you “LFG $.25 by November!”?
See? Look at what you did. You made me fuck up my green post you absolute gorilla nigger. FUCK you
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there is nothing you can do to make me sell my bag.... now how does that make you feel?.....click
>No Schizos
thats just not going to happen
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*bones rattle*
i love this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
What does sui mean?
Suicide stack.
The amount of coins that would have made you wealthy had you actually bought before it started taking off.
Basically, you're going to want to kys if you see the price take off and you had the opportunity to make a ton of money by buying a decent stack, but you didn't.
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Hope you brought a water bucket, Anon.
Will I be able to semi-retire with a 3.2M stack
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1B mc is 15cents which I think is feasible if we get a bullrun and they release the arcade. That's $480k for you.

Many elements need to align...but proper bullrun + functional arcade + Coinbase affiliation +hype/timing could send it much higher. Too many variables to speculate beyond 1B MC at this time. We need to see if SB releases in the next few weeks and how that goes
The minimum purchase to prevent kys from missing out when it gigamoons.
2B mcap would put me close to millionaire just from this coin alone huh. I have other bags that I also have high conviction on, hopefully this one cycle will send me straight into retirement.
Ok let's stay realistic then. As far as I can see and if my math is correct:
>15 cents is a x50
>25 cents is a x100
>50 cents is a x200
And so on. I don't know if biz would ever be this early and make it so easily. Yeah, maybe that's how SHIB holders felt like during the huge 10B pump last cycle. But what are the chances this happens again and we all make it? It sounds like a fucking fairytale IMO. Even so... I remember that they will use 2B tokens as BASE liquidity so the numbers might be even lower. Idk, what I think will happen is we crab way more than other coins and then we have like one day of giga China pump past $1 and if you miss it, no matter you stack, you will sui.
And one more thing. During that "longer than expected" crab, many will give up and sell their whole stack at a mere 300-500 mil mcap. Because who would think that there will be a huge pump worth billions? Only the strongest holders will capitalise on it.
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ah yes, no matter how much you change your id, you can always peg the schizo by how he repeats back your keywords when he gets extra butt hurt. how does it feel to know that i have a finger in your brain and i effortlessly control how your neurons fire?
I caught Avi in early Aug 2023. There were some medium articles, flight paper, tokenomics, and the ENS addresses. The main question was whether it was a legit project or rugpull. I didn't think it was a scam. These were the uncertainties which come with being early.
I thought the token could hit 1B based on the arcade premise and what Gala did so I bought enough to retire myself when Avi hits 1B. That's all I need. It was a gut feeling that made me go in big and I haven't lost the conviction yet.
Plenty have been shaken out since the spring so I'm not sure if Id call it an easy victory with Avi.
Idk how many anons are still here holding 20m+ tokens since last year but it will be a well deserved victory. I have plenty of other high conviction holds but still believe Avi is my make it token.
I'm the legit schizo from TG can I post here
This tells us nothing.
You’re a retard. You think everyone else switches ids because that’s what you do
can the avi coin even recover at this point ? too many "friends" of the project are top 100 holders. they will use the tg baggies as exit liquidity no? mssive sell off at the .01? baggies will have to endure the another period of dumping and crabbing while top holders get they profits
will top holders relaly allow me to make it? i am not so sure. i hope i do not get burned
>massive sell off at the .01?
We will be lucky to even make it half way there
well that is unfortunate.
It is. Like you said, the long time friends and supporters that have been dumping on us still hold a large chunk of the supply. They sold the top and many bought back in at the bottom. They will keep milking avi for what it has in order to show support for the project
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Are these long time friends and supporters in the room with us now?
Whenever you're ready.
Will i make it if i wait 1-2 more months before investing
The longer you wait, the lower the entry. Don’t be exit liquidity for the teams friends ;)
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>caught switching IDs multiple times and replying to himself by accident
>has a 30+pbtid = jeet meme made for him
>has an "if only i fudded avi more" meme for him with every id he used to samefag attached to it
>as soon as he's called out on the 30+pbtid meme he switches to doing 1-2 posts
>gets brave when people are out eating medium rare lamb chops in upscale restaurants and having old fashions at michelin star rooftops and too busy to reply
>goes back to 30+ pbtid including up to and surpassing 60 posts per thread
>too stupid to change his speaking style
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>it's not me!!! it just isn't okay!
>guys i swear i sold i just... i just hate the team okay!?
>i'm just REALLY concerned about your holdings for some reason even though i dont know you
>no, there's no reason i never talk about anything good but also try to twist everything to the negative like some kind of salty jewish pajeet

god you must HATE seeing the price go up without you.
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Recently some top members of the community were invited to a private testnet of the new UX V2 which was created by the team directly from valuable feedback of the community.

In this test, one of the community deployed and bridged a brand new ERC20 contract from Ethereum to Base in a handful of seconds, without having to write a single line of code.

This is what sets apart Skybridge and Aviator as Coinbase pivot towards supporting and growing utility based projects that will help them to onboard 1 billion crypto users.

Whilst there are other bridges out there, none of them allow projects to deploy their existing token to a new network without the help of a dev.
Base is the first target due to the team's close relationship with Coinbase, but more chains will be supported in the future including from Base to ETH and other EVM chains.

Don't take my word for it, you can find the transactions here:

1. Create new contract on ETH:

2. Deploy contract from ETH to Base:

3. Bridge token from ETH to Base:

4. Withdraw token from Base back to ETH:

As you can see, the tech is very real and there is a proven need for the utility and Coinbase involvement has been confirmed.
Despite this, you can clearly see the same fudder with the same fake conversations and talking styling in every thread.

Price is beginning to rise and it's a small cap about to work alongside CB so it only requires a very little amount of buy volume to catapult through ATH and go back to price discovery. Don't get fudded out of life changing money.
Looks good on paper mate but until they begin making some moves I would rather avoid this coin altogether. It's sitting at this mcap for the past 7 months. I would rather spare me the headaches and false hopes that I will make it and check what the reality is in a couple of months. ATM AVI is just a "what if this happens?" Everyone is either ultra bullish or ultra beariah.
>See above comments
>AVI will never break the past ATH because of x and y!
>AVI will get to $1 and past that because of x and y!
Nah. Make some moves or stfu. I won't play this game anymore.
That's fine, and I hope that strategy works out for you.
Speculation and filling in the gaps before the retail market arrives is how whales are made, but I understand it's not for everyone.
Most people have never run a tech project or bought a product to market before, so they have no context for their expectations except a gut feeling that they just literally made up out of thing air.

>Nah. Make some moves or stfu. I won't play this game anymore.
See you at 500m.
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>i didnt get invited
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So it's gotta be this week right
>most people never ran a utility project before so they don’t know how these things work
Most people got fucked by utility projects and know exactly how they work. There is a reason why everyone says “utilities are a meme”. Avi is no different than all the other hundreds of failed “biggly soon, 2 more weeks, trust the plan” bullshit token that are long gone and forgotten. Gtfo with that bullshit. No one is buying this shit anymore. The he fake pumps don’t even phase anyone anymore and no one is taking the bait. Thanks for playing, faggots. You farmed all you could from biz. It’s time to close up shop and try again
>close up shop
>>proven product
mindbroken retard

go get rugged by another memecoin dumbfuck
>proven product
>only insiders are allowed to use
>shh can’t say more, muh NDA

My rugged memecoin is up nearly 60% this week. Have fun crabbing at .002 for another 8 months while the team works on deciding which color they want the gradient background to be on the 7th iteration of the logo LOL
so uh
onchain halloween?
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Anon. Why must you persist with this nonsense?
Whenever you're ready.
Stixil said he would kys himself if the bridge doesn’t get released by Halloween. Let’s hope it doesn’t
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So many signals. So many green flags.
If SkyBridge+CB listing+Arcade+Good Marketing...
My good God. Am I really going to become an actual millionaire?
Most likely. I feel really good about it from what I've seen on testnet and the new UI. Base is hurting for something to shill that isn't a scam, and if it's the pride and joy of Base, then Coinbase makes it their new baby. Questing will only further get normies involved, and that's where the dumb money comes into play causing fomo.
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reminder to everyone that we're at 16 mil mcap
even if this was just the bridge with nothing else at all going for it at all, i think this would be undervalued
even if this was literally just a nothing meme coin made by the only good people from OG shib, this would still be undervalued
our last pump was caused by the announcement of the audit happening and good market conditions
thats nothing
its so fucking easy, especially if you think the bullrun hasnt really started yet
I notice you are using a new id, while I not. Same shit every thread
le hecking genuinely concerned holder has arrived
Yeah totally. I post because I’m heckin concerned… definitely not because I know it’s vaporware.
thats even worse
That’s… fucked up
This is so fucking delusional I’m embarrassed for you
Why? There’s a million other coins in this market with more market interest and movement. You are married to a bag, I’m not.
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i forgot i still had jimmy and hilms wallets saved and just saw them in my bookmarks again
jimmy has been very slowly selling this whole time and just fully exited a week or two ago, oddly enough exactly when he started coming back to the threads and TG to start his retarded nothing fud again
hilm has been slowly exiting too and hes almost completely out now
its weird how theyve slowly exited in the same way and at nearly the same exact time, its like an indicator
why do you post about this uninteresting bag im married to so much more than i do
why do you insist we care about how much you dont care about it
Do I? I’m at 11 pbtid in the thread at you’re at 7. Why is there a new avi thread everyday? I’m not completely uninterested in it, I used to hold it, so I know enough about it to comment. you faggots annoy the shit out of me with these threads, so I stop by every once in a while to remind you how dumb it is. This team has been blowing smoke for over a year. It’s not going well for you retards
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This sounds like something therapy could fix...
or should I say...
How does this image make you feeeeeel?
Man I have to let you know Romanian whores ain't cheap. The quality ones tho. What I have left is a God damn moon bag and for Romania trust a fella it is more than enough. Can you comprehend that at 25 cents I will have 1 and a half milly and can buy a nice car, get a nice rent and use the rest as a cash reserve? Btw you don't know shit I'm younger than anyone in that TG smelling like dead skin and boomer supplements. Let me know if you need anything else since you have no life I might give you daily updates from mine so you can imagine living yours.
Also, I might buy back some if my stack on Tuesday. So yeah I'm fine don't worry about me I'm not leaving.
Now follow Chris Brown's advice and Run It
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>Why is there a new avi thread everyday?
mostly because you keep making them

>you faggots annoy the shit out of me with these threads
good. i hope you seethe every day thinking of jay's big juicy legs

>every once in a while
same shit you said last thread with 60+ pbtid. oh based fisherman. yes we know what an archive is. yes, anyone who has seen your work knows this is cope.

>It’s not going well for you retards
i'm up 30x already and i'm going to be up 300x once CB is done massaging my balls.
sorry you're too stupid to buy at a good entry.
but you sold right, so why do you care?

ooooh jimmy and hilm selling the bottom? i fucking love it. i guess the schizo fuddie only resonates with other schizos. talk about irony. post wallets?

he wants a better entry.
normal people get over a token they don't like.
i can't even remember half the shit i got rugged on, yet this guy is here supposedly selling in february, giving us 7 months of daily bumps with 60+ pbtid.
who would make fudding a token their job?

it's either a pawpoor fag being paid to fud because those literal rug pull sri lankans are that butthurt that strepsil won't help them scam.

or it's a retard ex link hodler whose only strategy with investing is fudding his bag because it worked that one time back in 2016

or it's an actual autist schizo with mental issues living in his mom's basement working for free thinking he's some kind of captain marvel.

in all three cases, it's a psyop.
anyone stupid enough to not notice this deserves to lose their chance to buy a coinbase coin.
>post wallets?
Top kek I cannot WAIT to get rid of you and never see a word that you type. Btw, wanna BET that you WILL round trip AVI because you will be scared to sell because every other baggie that married his bags knows your wallet and will publicly shame you in that TG chat? Bitch we will see each other next bullrun regardless of our stacks trust me. The only difference will be that I can afford not making it this time, or the next or even the next after that and I will STILL be younger than all of you. You should get very well acquainted with Max75 he could give you some advices on what he did until 63 until he tried crypto. Fucking mummies. If I were your age I woukd have a top 5 stack faggot what is your excuse for holding a mere 10K when you are 35+?
>what is your excuse for holding a mere 10K when you are 35+?
AND LIVE in a first world country where the average salary at 35+ should be 4-7K £, $ or €? Fucking failed boomers with no life 24/7 talking with their internet friends because they have 0 IRL AND I WONDER WHY insufferable old farts
>never see a word that you type
>2 posts of pure cope and seethe
sir who the fuck do you think you are you talking to lmfao.
i am a top 50 wallet and i made $10k overnight in my sleep from my other investments, lower your tone when speaking to your superiors kid.

protip - women hate young guys. enjoy being a kissless virgin until your 30s. you know i'm right. screenshot this. you can enjoy stacey the zoomie after i've finished stretching her out for a bit. maybe you can even start a family with my sloppy seconds and a little bit of me in every kid.
oh you forgot you changed your id again, lmfao.
sad sad sad. nice bait though. imagine flexing on being romanian while speaking a butchered version of spanish and actually being the homeland of the gypsies who are hated even more than the syrian rapefugees.
who'd you scam the phone from?
>protip - women hate young guys.
I fucked more whores during this summer than you did during your whole lifetime fucking low testosterone boomer. Have you ever left your computer nigger? Like actually go out in real life and try to date a young girl? If you think you did something and stuck your old and wrinkled pickle in her for 10 minutes while she hated every minute of it, you are very wrong boomer faggot. Trust me, I've seen girls my age with boomers at restaurants and they keep glancing at me every fucking time. They want a young bull bro and you are just a retarded old and wrinkled that missed his younger years being an autist. Just because you got rejected by girl your age 20 years ago that doesn't mean we all do HAHAHA SUCK MY YOUNG COCK BITCH.
Sure thing John we are all gipsies and guess what we scam faggots like you every fucking day sit down dumbass you missed a lot of life lessons. I'm here to teach you if you want to but you gotta lower your tone first and be a good old wrinkled dog on a leash. This is your last bullrun before you post a "I'm 50 and I didn't make it yet I missed out on my life no wife, no kids" thread.
Young girls scam you with 10 minutes of action and faking everything , gipsies scam you in 10 minutes, indians scam you. You are just our piggy bank dumb fucking faggot SIT
>they liked me for me
>i had to pay them because uhhh JUST BECAUSE OKAY

>we are all gipsies
yes we know

nigga you sound deranged. can we please have the retard autist fuddie back? you larping as tate's #1 hustler's university pupil is just cringe.
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>I fucked more whores during this summer than you did during your whole lifetime
>thinks stirring the cum of 6 other men is manly
>riddled with STIs and for sure has several strains of herpes
>has never felt true love or the touch of a virgin who chose you and only you
>doesn't have any game because he just gives the whore money
>can't figure out how to get normal women because his only move is to throw some cash at a poor drug addict
oh ngmi romanian bro

anyway, buy more AVI.
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AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Hacken have now completed their SECOND audit of AVI's bridge including a 60+ page report outlining a huge number of contracts and features as well as some very important security fixes in place that help make it one of the only truly audited (no Certik) bridges in the space.

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped into selling for cheap whenever you see some retard with 30+pbtid; they've been at it for months just check the archives and in this thread. If you read some of the dumbest shit you've seen in a long time - congratulations, you've meet the Rajeeshes.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

>What happens then?
- AVI deploy their token to BASE which gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- Holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees for tokens
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing due to the team's proven connections
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 feature

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at /biz/ midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing.

>May 2024
where the fuck is stixil
based hilm kek
t. low patience zoomer who has never built a thing of value in his life except a really cool story of his flossing one time that got a lot of likes and even stacey left 3 love hearts.
Yeah yeah suck the STDis from the bottom of my cock. Who the fuck implied that I paid ESCORTS? It's a difference between getting quality bitches and taking them to a bar or expensive dinner and paying a gipsy slut to suck me off for $20. While you jumped to conclusions I fucked big booty bitches all summer at festivals, clubs and at the sea side and after that I blocked them like a good samaritan so that boomer can get scammed by them in 2 months. They will come back after seeing that money won't make them cum. They always do. AND while you faggots stayed indoors staring at my fucking wallet watching me live my life I prayed to sweet baby Jesus Christ for AVI to pump so I can never see you again fucking drama queens. Holy fuck you are retarded and have 0 God damn things going on in your lives it's mind boggling. Stixil please pump AVI already I WANT TO LEAVE.
noun: whore; plural noun: whores
a prostitute.

noun: prostitute; plural noun: prostitutes

a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

>engages in sexual activity for payment
gee whiz anon i dunno anon it sounds like you spent a lot of money for one of the most common commodities in the world:

now before you try to weasel your way out, i am a master of the dictionary and therefore i have already covered all my bases by reminding you that a whore is also a:
call girl
male prostitute
rent boy
call boy
grande horizontale
fille de joie
working girl
woman on the game
woman of the streets
lady of the night
scarlet woman
woman of ill repute
lady of pleasure
I have another example

noun: whore; plural noun: whores
a prostitute.

noun: prostitute; plural noun: prostitutes

a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

I'm also a master of the dictionary, here are a few example
Your mom
Your sister
Your grandma
Your aunt
you sound like your peehole burns when you take a leak.
Catcpha: D0WN0
You sound like you can only cum if you get pegged or fucked in the ass
sounds like paying all those gypsies for sex has pushed the overton window for you and now you can't get off from normal sex. you want to peg me in the ass?
Say it with your chest you fucking pussy you got so emotional you forgot what pegging means dumb ass faggot. You forgot you have a dick? Is it that small that you need a plastic one? No wonder you take testosterone supplements small dick bastard. Why didn't you faggots shill AVI this summer instead of staring at my wallet?
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kek i'll be sure to post screenshots of your shitty swing trades now, it clearly pisses you off.
i bet there are a lot of them too
I understand the fact that you were busy on biz sucking each other off but Twitter was and always has been a very good option B.
>Oh nooo le biz fud must be destroyed! I better waste my whole fucking summer defending it!
SHILL YOU FUCKING CUNTS stop being so fucking useless
>work for me for free
hmm no i don't think i will.
Post it faggot everyone knows what my based fox is and I've checked it every week and saw it jumping in views every fucking time. The people that care about my trades saw them already and trust me I'm not swinging that's my final stack in this God forsaken coin with the shittiest and parasitic community only 5-8 people are actually doing something for AVI while the rest stay in here 24/7 and suck each other off
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you sound like you need to see the theravist friend.
death stranding 2 will be playable on Aviator Arcade. thank you hideo
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rent free, clown
Nah, nah that's my last message to you faggots you know my wallet you will have to send me 30K AVI for every extra message from now on. Useless pieces of shit
Ok. Well I have 1.1 million so I think I’ll be alright.
Goodbye Hilm, I'll miss you kind of like an amputee misses their gangrenous leg. Sad that you're gone, but necessary for our survival. Sayonara faggot.
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>extorts you
based chad hilm.
*gets up from lawn chair*

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