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After holding for over 3 years I panic sold earlier at $55k. Someone please tell me it'll go back down lower...
Kinda feels like it won't honestly.
we are closer to 70k than we are to 55k, let that sink in
What decided this decision?
>Sold just before a new financial cycle
Oh no no no
>panic sold earlier at $55k
Did you seriously think it was gonna go down much lower like 50k or even down to 40k?
you truly are a clown for selling during the bull cycle. See you at 80k.. or maybe i wont since you'll be buying rope.
>held since the last top the whole fucking way down
>only now decides to sell
This is bs. If you were going to panic sell you would have at 15k
i've been on this board since 2018, it's actually fucking hilarious how the sentiment changes from extreme fear-perma bear to extreme greed-perma bull in the matter of DAYS. You cocksucking dumb retarded whore. If the price was sitting at 45k right now, you would be spewing the exact same horseshit about "MUH I TOLD YOU SO"
Kill yourself.
Everyone here just holds forever, we're just shitposting and you're taking it seriously. If we're talking seriously, my plan is to sell 10% close to this years peak and buy back in next year. The rest of the stack just sits there, it always sits there. Until 1 million dollars per btc. But I will shitpost a lot along the way
>After holding for over 3 years I panic sold earlier at $55k. Someone please tell me it'll go back down lower...
49k is looking like the bottom broski.
I sold lower than you, but I'm back in now. I got shaken out due to greed bringing me to max risk tolerance on Aug 5.
Taking that as just losing some of my stack. oh well.

This is all looking like it's climbing higher. the market didn't panic at the big rate cut. Instead, global markets breathed a sigh of relief
Stay mad. I never sell, period.
It can go to 40k tomorrow or 80k in two days and i neither selling NOR buying. Fomo and FUD doesnt affect me
I did it too. I bought the top in 2021 and held all the way to -80%. In March I had my money back. On August 5th I was back down to -40% (altcoins) and panic sold. I then panic bought again and lost $10k in the process. If youve never seen gains in crypto this has been nothing but pain.
I'll never understand panic sellers
I sold two days ago at the literal bottom. The difference is that I only sold 10% of my stack. When will you faggots learn? DCA in DCA out. Never sell your entire stack.
It's not a good time to sell right now. I'm looking for other ways to earn while holding, just like how I'm using the Natix product to earn while doing street mapping.
You are probably just a dumbfag or you are joking around. I have been holding strong to my bags (BTC, METIS, INJ and QAN) because that's what based chads do.
If you're using /biz/ to gauge market sentiment you should just kys before further embarrassment occurs.
Auki is your best chance of resolving this.
If 64k doesn't hold it'll go back lower. There isn't too much volume. People are waiting for a september crash to buy in, we'll see how successful they are. There's always the chance someone just decides to dump his shit and be done with it
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I after 5 years only got 300k, only with things like Rocky because I'm afraid of the big boys like btc, why can't there be something safer?

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