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I’m anyone else still 100% in cash
No, 100% invested, but thinking about cashing out now. Everything points to a MAJOR fucking downturn.
im like 35% invested the rest in cash
Of course not. That would be retarded anon.
I am 10k in link and icp. 3k on the side just in case
Nice. Doing great anon
Ty mate. Hope we all make it.
I put $5 or $6k of my salary dca into Alta every month and leave just enough to get by for the month. I've usually got about $100 leftover at eom just before payday.
I cannot understand people like you. But that's ok. Soon the walls of the citadel will separate us.
15pct in cash.
No but it's my largest investment when considering how many neetbux are being withheld from me and only transferred to my account in small increments
Cash is not cash money no more
don't think about it, sell now you shrunken testicle nigga
I went full in cash exactly 1 year ago
I'm still waiting for a dump
I mean seriously how long is this shit gonna take
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any day now its going to go back down
$60k in crypto
$15k in stock ETFs
$16k in T bills
And $50 in my checking account.
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>link and icp
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>20% inflation
>hold cash
It crashed 2 years ago, boomer. See you in 10.
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I have no cash or crypto. It's fucking over.
I think like that sometime but then i remember we're living in clown world and they can manipulate the market longer than i can stay in profit
So you sold at 24k waiting for le 10k? Lmao
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a lot of people are. savings account returns are like 5ish% right now which depending on your outlook isn't bad. and it will stay that way for a bit until the fed rate cuts start having an effect on savings markets. money managers are saying now or very soon is the time to start buying things with better returns like bonds and stocks that typically have better returns than cash sitting in a savings account.
You're probably the only one on biz but it's not too late; some alts are late movers especially those low caps in AI/DePIN; after TAO and FET have bad the spotlight, those ones will send reply hard.
Only high IQ chads.
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as someone who is 100% in cash, i hope you're right
Anybody else notice how many card processors have been “breaking” lately since we’ve turned to a majority cashless society?
>Everything points to a MAJOR fucking downturn.

We really haven't seen pain yet. At all.
Which low cap alts in particular?
If we go on a bull run while I'm 100% cash I'm driving down to the NYSE and crashing it myself
>NAI(probably the lowest)
Put it in bonds nigger
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Aus bro, did you choose these your self ? anon i...
I dont understand, why don't you diversify? this is how I been able to survive
If you think a downturn is about to happen than your money should all be in gold. Gold always goes up during rate cuts and performs the best during recessions.

Just keeping it in cash is fucking stupid as the market can tank for at least a year and you'll still be losing money from inflation when the money printer goes on again
Having 100% of your bag in only one thing is fucking retarded
let me guess you let the grown men posting cartoon bears having gay buttsex influence you again
I'm 100% in peer-to-peer electronic cash
I hate cash so fucking much since I got robbed on my way out of the bank, in fact it's one of the reasons I hold memecoins like rocky, I never want to touch anything physical again in my life
fine choice saaaar
kek imagine cashing out on one of the biggest chokes on real estate. Because of the real estate crash in 08 and the 90s population growth housing can't crash because people want places to live.

So, unless there's a nuclear war, money will be loaned, money will be printed, credit won't get destroyed, and you should bet FOR inflation and not against it. Not only is never a good idea to sell ever, it's not a good idea especially now. Even if you have to sell, you do it when every normalfag owns stocks and shit. There's a small period like that in 2021, I actually made some money betting agains crypto. There's no way I'm selling now, if it drops I buy more
>when every normalfag owns stocks and shit
so now
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Are you insane? Of all the things to have all of your money in cash is the most retarded hold of all.
You can still use your cash for the Peaq listing, but first, make sure to DYOR and see it for yourself. That's it.
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I don't know what to do with my money.
Which exchanges are these ones listed on?

You have more than I did in January 2019, and I turned that into $60,000,000 in the three years following.

Dare you do the same?
>I went full in cash exactly 1 year ago
Going full cash for a year? Inflation's gonna eat you alive at this rate. If i were you, i would pick up some assets, stake some like i'm doing with Nai on Avax, when the market bounces back, you’ll be making gains on both ends.
I agree, and I'm also diversifying my crypto portfolio. I've been able to accumulate more DePINs: Render, Natix, and Helium.
Not a bad setup, but if you’re sitting on $60k in crypto, you might wanna let Superbots handle the trading.
Keeps you from getting wrecked by market swings and emotions.
Diversification has saved my ass more times than I can count
It better to spread it around.
Been gaming on Tribally too, gathering rewards without having all my eggs in a single basket.
I doubt if that can ever repeat itself.
Bury it, Lol
It’s not the end, get your ass into Boinkers and start playing, earn shitcoins while having fun, and it won’t cost you a cent. Who knows? You might just turn your luck around.
>Wide spread 401k
>Just started investing HSA into p much all UST and foreign stock
>Not selling crypto, only buying on off-paycheck weeks
>Feeble attempts to big brain ira and investment accs is gaining but slowly
>PMG hedged me well
>Low cash
>Debt equal to crypto balance

How off the mark am I bros, am I cooked alone or do we have more in common
NAI is listed on Uniswap, Mexc, GateIO
NMT is listed on PCS, Uniswap, Bitget
DEAI is on Uniswap, Gateio, mexc, Bitmart
With Tribally’s TGE coming up, I’m stoked to gather those rewards while keeping my risk in check
Investing in bonds is a solid choice for diversifying any portfolio.
I converted mine to USDT and shifted my focus to content writing, and making a few bucks with Hydro, crazy how the game changes.
>30k in etf
>5k in intel stocks
>51k in cash
dunno what to do atm. I at least get 3.5% on my 51k but thats fucking nothing in the long run. gonna wait a few months and in the meanwhile dump 3-4k every month into the etf. if something arises I will still be able to react.
I cashed out, everything is in a HYSA for now.
I feel you. I might do the same.

I am by no means a /pol/tard, but our trajectory is basically 100% contingent on the election
>trump wins
>printer is back on, crypto goes wild, we all make obscene money and get the fuck out

>kamala wins
>4 year crypto winter
>significant downtown in the general economy
>good value plays in infrastructure and defense stocks but that's about it
Dump those dead bags and ape into QAN and VELO, unless you're planning to stay wrecked forever.
Hi anyone else still 100% in cash, nice to meet you
I am, but only because I liquidated all my securities and PMs to pay for law school, which I'm in the third year of. Technically I have a roth IRA in VFIAX as well but I don't consider that because I don't plan to touch it until retirement.
you literally had like 2 straight years of bottom. literally 2 years of a straight flat line to buy
i bought the SUPRA sale with my link bag
Hi Dad
Not me though because I am 100% in Auki atm

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