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Humanity should go back to using gold and silver coins.
It will, regardless of what the jews want.
Humanity being the key word. I'm not giving any niggers my gold or silver.
You are free to do so. You can literally trade your dollars for gold right now. What exactly do you want to change?
I can't walk into a store and use a silver coin to buy groceries.
The US mints silver dollars that are legal tender. The caveat is you're exchanging a troy ounce of silver for $1 of value. Have fun
Why do you want that? Wouldn't that be massively inconvenient for everyone involved?
Why not keep 99.99% of your wealth in gold, and maintain a small dollar account for day-to-day expenditures?
>use this shiny rock with no fixed supply, not digital and which failed to prevent fiat
kek no thank you
>Why do you want that?
Gold and Silver backed currency cannot be inflated away, even at "the target 2% rate" :^]
ok done. now, i want to transport them around easily.

also i would like to trade futures contracts of the underlying metal and/or currency
wtf u think we trying to do? dum azz lel
>trade futures contracts of the underlying metal and/or currency
Queen Isabella will reincarnate and ban your jewish ass very soon.
Like I said, you can already do this. You can already convert your savings to gold. You don't have to hold dollars. This is already a thing. What exactly do you want to change?
Big if true.
I will now participate in your metals-based commerce and banking system.
>>use this shiny rock with no fixed supply
Tell me when you start mining asteroids and I'll start being concerned. Until then chinks need it to solder your phones circuit boards together
The price of silver and gold is surpressed with backed-by-nothing fiat. It's not the same as having paper receipts for a full claim on a gold or silver reserve.
What the fuck are you talking about? Isn't the whole point of using gold that you can't make more of it? Shouldn't matter if we print a quadrillion dollars, the price of gold will go up at an equivalent rate.
The sheer power granted by controlling the printing of fiat currency is hard to fathom, even by those who are open minded and willing to see the truth. They use this power granted by fiat to artificially suppress the price of gold and silver through various power structures that have been built around co-opting the people capable of making a change to the system and making them comfortable and happy enough to leave it be. Silver is suppressed by a factor of over 400:1, gold by about 125:1. This isn't conspiracy, it's the treasuries official stance since 1971. "Do not bother hoarding silver. WE WILL SUPPRESS IT INDEFINITELY". They didn't bank on it being so valuable for future tech. Now we run at a production deficit. Game over.
Based a truthpilled.
How about chocolate?
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>and then he said ‘Gold and Silver backed currency cannot be inflated’
Boomers have to die off first. They’re being paid by juice to keep the corruption going.
Debasement is different from inflation. Sure, an empire can increase supply by subsidizing more mines, but there's still a finite amount of material that can be retrieved on a yearly basis. The buying power of monetized Gold, Silver, and Copper will then adjust accordingly.
They will because every fiat currency has gone to zero.
>treasuries official stance since 1971
How can you suppress the price without selling an unlimited supply? They will run out of metal to sell eventually.
>They will run out of metal to sell eventually.
Big banks don’t have to sell real metal. Just paper IOUs. Go to the debt clock website and find the paper to silver ratio. It’s something like 450 pieces of worthless paper to 1 real ounce of silver.
>paper IOUs
The implication being that they are unbacked? Why would anyone buy this? Eventually there will be a run on gold when the banks are unable to honor these IOUs right?
we just need silver backed money and to make fiat money a crime.
add debt to that list of crimes.
Would be cool, at least.
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>The implication being that they are unbacked?
It's not an implication, it's a fact that's been an open secret for years. Stocks are massively overinflated, and the currencies that prop them up are on false reserves.

>Eventually there will be a run on gold when the banks are unable to honor these IOUs right?
Correct, as has happened to multiple other countries in the last few years that do not have the US army holding the rest of the world hostage. That said, nothing lasts forever, and every currency that is backed by / is the US Dollar is playing a big game of musical chairs. The music is ignorance to the system because it's just easier using worthless paper to transact with on a day-to-day basis (kicking the can further down the road), the music stopping is when another superpower (likely China) decides they're not going to subsidize the US to keep printing funnymoney at their own expense any more (since it's in essence stealing from them, because who the fuck wants an IOU), the chairs are hard resource reserves (Gold / Silver for the average consumer, but anything with tangible value such as Food / Water / Construction Supplies / Industrial Export etc) and not getting a chair is an overnight ultra-Zimbabweimar economy (because as much as the petrodollar is worth even if it's in decline, if you can no longer conduct international trade with worthless paper, any reliant globalised economy crashes).
The less backed the currency, the harder it crashes.
Real humans never stopped using gold and silver
But I can't just convert my nw and hold hundreds of coins or in the case of silver a massive wall of silver bricks thats retarded, what if shit gets stolen?

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