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you're part of a noble profession. Have you never noticed that "count" is part of your title?
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>warehouse worker
even the word makes me cringe. what a waste of a life
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Read The Pale King.
Busy season got you too huh?
Dude I wish I was an accountant, my sister is an accountant and makes like $200K+ a year, meanwhile I make $18/hr
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it was fun the first 4 years, now i wanna kms
i can even see a better future with a Rocky bag than with fucking scissors
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>high school teacher
Is being an accountant hard. Can any accountants or CPAs here rate the difficulty of the degree and work? Like on a scale of 1 to 43
The degree is easy to get. The work is easy too, but it's unstimulating and the hours are long. To survive the soul-crushing tedium, you have to find fulfillment outside of your accounting job with a hobby or something, but you won't have much time outside of work. That's the hardest part.
Engineer (not the software kind). I had the grades to get into med school too. I even knew about bitcoin back in 2009 but never bought. Knowing what could have been makes the future hard.
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>data scientist
I actually miss my old data science job. Plugging numbers into a spreadsheet in an air conditioned office listening to spotify with headphones on and not giving a fuck.
I enjoy it too, it's WFH but I'm getting fired because I'm not going back to the wage cage. I've been applying to other remote jobs but I'm not hearing anything back.
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>born too late to be a blacksmith
it's over
Accounting is a great autist career. Making the numbers balance is like a having a tiny coom.

t. Lawyer who does mild accounting work and has mild autism (self-diagnosed ;^])
I'm an actuary with aspirations of becoming a musician but the further I get into my 30s the less likely it seems it could ever be. I relate to this feeling.
Im an accountant, only make 70k/yr, I'm too depressed to keep up with anything outside of my job even though I only work 40 hours per week.

Having to still buy groceries and do other basic tasks like that around my job feels like a huge task. I slack off like crazy to the point I have had talks about my performance and I only go into the office 2 days per week.

Im reality my job might be better than a lot of office jobs, hard to say honestly, but it doesn't matter to me. Doing boring totally unfilfilling shit for 8 hours a day week after week feels like I am giving up my whole life.

I don't even know what else I'd rather be doing than be rich and have the privilege to waffle around trying different creative pursuits.

I'm also an avoidant autist that hates having to talk to other people.
oh you can absolutely get a job in metal fab. you will be union and work for shekelstein though but if you wanna get paid to hammer some bars of metal it is still a thing
>work for uncle at his bookkeeping business
>he makes over 250k/yr
>tells me to just up everything by 5-10% but make look different, not round integers
>do about 10 businesses/day in about 15 min
>he looks it over
>hands me a wad of cash
>>450 usd
I swear to fucking god every single 4channer works at a fucking warehouse. Are you that autistic?
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>Government IT job
Build a sales funnel.
Cold calling/cold email/paid ad/organic social media -> landing page -> collect email -> VSL -> CTA
High ticket offer

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