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I just want to stop working, even if it means a frugal life.
hi there, old fossil here.

Shut up nigger
>im a girl that is richer and happier than you, virgin cuck
Tg baseddonaldtrump
Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops

This anon gets it
BS because a goal and struggle, meaning can be found in hobbies as well
If just frugal is what your after, and cheap hobbies then get neetbux if your in a rich country.
T. 12 year on neetbux
I get my goal and struggle from trying to escape the wage cage. If I succeed then I will enjoy my prize. New struggles will come along I'm sure.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk about this
Your not wrong, life always gives you struggles if not financial, then other problems arise. Like emotional things, wrong decisions and whatever.
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Same, based and neetpilled.
It basically never ends. Once you make enough you can walk away from the traditional work system and not look at it, but the system is ALWAYS going to keep looking at you and reaching out to grab you. Money is great, but holy fuck does it make the people-element of the world around you like 95% awful. You don’t have to work in the traditional sense, but all of those people are still everywhere making it their job to get a piece of you which means your new job is to play king and protect your kingdom and that’s a 24 hour job and chances are that right out of the gate, you aren’t prepared to do it so it’s hit the ground running sort of work.
rich old guy says it's miserable being rich

every time
jews will always be reaching in your pocket. It's a full time job keeping them away
You're supposed to use the money to get better connections that will give you access to the gatekept jobs. You know, the ones where you make at least 200k+ a year and do almost no work.
The money is not the problem here, it's the lack of purpose. A lot of us just want to escape the 9-5 grind to work on things we actually enjoy (raising family, getting fit, building a dream house, etc)
That's good because a million isn't nearly enough to live lavishly.
>Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops
lol wtf
a million puts you in the top 1%
There is a big gap between the top 20% and bottom 70%
Context matters. A million is a comfortable amount of money to live on if you're 70 entering retirement with only 8 years of life expectancy and are getting $3.5k/month from social security to help pay the bills. A million may as well be nothing if you're a zoomer that is planning on living off of it the rest of your life.
>all require money
>A million may as well be nothing if you're a zoomer that is planning on living off of it the rest of your life.
A million with dividends will put you in income bracket that is in the top 20%
Knock yourself out then. Just don't be surprised at the result.
I felt this. But work is beating me down again and I want time away.
Me too, but I never seem to have enough. My pension adviser scared me the other day.

The problem is if you don't work and have nothing to fill the time in with that is productive you'll get depressed.
Holy shit I didn't know Nixon was so based. I'm a millionaire and still working two jobs while living relatively frugal. This guy gets it.
Straight up not true, richfags are way happier than poorfags.
Do nothing for 2 years and your brain and life will rot away. You want to be like those "rich jews" (sadly), which means you have all your crypto fortunes as savings while doing something to advance your life. Hobbies can only take you so far, work (if not a shitty minimum wage one) will be more fulfilling.

Yea take a vacation and after doubling your money next bull cycle take some time off to upskill for a job that you only work 4 hours a day or something.

Pretty much this.
IIRC Nixon was a Quaker.
Save up, move to thailand
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you and me both. I have around 390k networth and live of 800€ a month fairly happy. I invest 1200€ a month in a boomer etf. I hope I can hit 1m this cycle or at least somewhat close to that, I could probably retire on that and fuck off to a different country and spend my time reading, swimming in the ocean and painting. One day maybe.
maybe in murrica, in Portugal/Spain (some places) you are good with 1 million € and you get good food, good weather and don't get shoot randomly
no need to move to shitholes, south EU is the best.
>don't get to shoot randomly
why even live
Yeah, because Richard Nixon knows how it is to wageslave. Fucking delusional retards.
Every time someone says "trust me" you know his opinion is worth nothing.

If you can't set your own goals, motivation and be productive without having to wage slave you are literally the lowest tier cattle of human society.
This, I agree completely, I just want to never have to work or worry about feeding & housing myself and being able to buy what I need when I need it and travel freely.
In 2014 I was unemployed for 6 months. (Collected neetbux and was in an ok place financially so I had not a care in the world)

Best time of my life truly
this. I found 0 joy from waging. Hobbies on the other hand, like personal passion projects, are so much better.
>Do nothing for 2 years and your brain and life will rot away. You want to be like those "rich jews" (sadly), which means you have all your crypto fortunes as savings while doing something to advance your life. Hobbies can only take you so far, work (if not a shitty minimum wage one) will be more fulfilling.
Yeah, this is accurate. Can't do nothing, but you can just pick something to dedicate your time to. Stuff that helps others is usually a good one.
Nice girls don't talk like that.
>I just want to stop working, even if it means a frugal life.
oh ok so you want to be a multimillionaire
I NEETed for 6 years and the only time I got depressed is when I eventually ran out of money and had to look for a job.
can I smell your coochie
right. life is meant to be dynamic, not static. but i think many people agree waging doesn't really solve that anymore. and i think many people would rather stay statically rich and eternally poor
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I'm.... based....?
Work for Canada post or usps. It's getting paid to be outside. Worst thing is a rainy day and that's not bad at all. I've been doing it for two years and haven't felt like since I figured it out after a few months.
Don't usps fags work like 100 hours a week or some shit
I'm not sure. I'm a leaf. I choose to do overtime and get paid lots of double time and still probably only work 40 hour weeks while getting paid as if I worked 50+. I've heard usps is different and you're forced to do 8 hours of work even if you finish early but a lot of them just get their work done and then go to the gym or trade while on the clock.
>man i really hate spending all my life picking fruit for someone else
>but man I also really hate having all my fruit picked for me and having nothing to do
>too bad those are the only two options in life

i think the low life is for me bros. I am better than these people and I'm tired of pretending that I'm not.
Canuck here. How did you get a job with Canada post? Being alone walking outside and delivering mail would fit my personality well
It's all online. For your CV ans interview just say you love walking long distances and you're physically fit. The first months can be hard since learning new stuff is usually that way but once you figure it out, it's getting paid to walk and drive essentially. I'm on the pacific northwest so weather here is moderate at worst in the winter. Definitely the ideal bizleaf job.
Based, I'm going to check for job postings
You will end up in a suitcase.
Pottery. Good thing you're too poor to be worth robbing.
I just want to make a couple hundred thousand so I feel like a normal person who isn't six months away from homelessness.
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Same. I'm willing to move somewhere like Thailand or Malaysia if it means I can be done working early.
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Good luck bro! escape the rate race! Even if you get a house you will should work part time or have a side hustle to pay bills.
>Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops
I've NEETed for spans of up to a year or so at times. You do start to lose your mind some and feel sleazy after about six months. OP might not want to wage full time, but they'll want to work at least 20hours a week just to feel human.
guaranteed if you had like $4m you wouldn't give a shit of feel any which way
my problem is that I would feel absolutely bored. I don't really do much and find most things a waste of time. I'm still in the rat race but every time I get let go from a job, that 2 months in between jobs where I'm not working gets pretty boring after a week or two
That's Apu.
you just sound burnt out my guy
Malaysian work culture is worse than Japan lol

Thailand is more chill, and they have weed
feels bad nobody responded to my post
>he wants attention from frogs in a chinese basket weaving forum
I was unemployed doing basically nothing for about 8 months and desu it was kinda mixed.
Sure I could do whatever I want but because of lack of money and mental energy I barely did anything that could be labeled productive or good. I was outside, met some friends and contributed to open source but I'm sure that all would've been possible while also working a job.
I'm not sure it would've been much different with a lot more money to be honest
In many countries you might even need to have a job regardless just to have health insurance or else have payments so high you need $3M+ in income producing assets just to fund a normal lifestyle
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Thinking about stopping going to work.
I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. First thing I will do is stop paying rent, should be about one year or so until they evict me so I'll trash the place real good at the end either way. Just not going to participate anymore that's all, I've just about had it and I'm ready to throw in the towel.
its miserable being old and having ONLY money in your life
>Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops
Unironically, this is a huge NGMI redflag. A person who's going to make it typically is either the sort of person who is naturally working a lot or they have insane ambitions that necessitate constant work. People with your mindset tend to become complacent with the 9-to-5 by the time they're 30; or they're so exhausted from working to get by that they don't seriously pursue anything in their free time, so they never make it.
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please keep working so that some day you will give me the opportunity to wife and divorce you
>the ones where you make at least 200k+ a year and do almost no work
These don't exist.
>Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops
If you can't find things to fill the time other than having some jew tell you what things to do then you're hopeless
I'm gonna GMI just to spite you
I'm done contributing to a sick society that is looking to drain everything from me without offering anything in return
I've been burnt out for 4 years now, no desire to go back to work in sight. Don't need the money, I'd rather have the time. It's running out
Lmao. There's a shitload of people who just stopped working and live quiet lives. We just don't talk about it much because wagies hate to see someone who's not working. So I always pretend I still work at my last company remotely, in social situations. Easier that way
You know what happens to workaholics who work a lot? They continue to do it until their death. Is that making it? Maybe to them it is, not what I want in life
>I'm gonna GMI just to spite you
I'm glad you're motivated to work for what you want.
>I'm done contributing to a sick society that is looking to drain everything from me without offering anything in return
Good. You shouldn't be doing stuff without a reward. But in the process of making it, you'll be contributing and getting rewarded for it.

>There's a shitload of people who just stopped working
And none of them made it.
>hi there, old fossil here.

Nixon isn't wrong here, but retiring early as a millionaire in the 70s or 80s is completely different from doing so in 2024. He's talking about rich people who live a life of complete leisure, partying and playing golf every day, without any purpose in their lives. That would get boring and old after a while. To live a life without purpose is truly a waste.

But, what Nixon didn't consider here is that there is something even worse than that. A life without purpose where you also cannot have leisure. So many people out there working dead end jobs where they make barely enough money to pay rent and buy groceries each month, let alone pay for healthcare or other expenses. I'd much rather enjoy the purposelessness of a wealthy life of leisure than the purposelessness of wage-slaving.

Nixon said that at a time where just showing up to a job every day likely meant that you'd make enough money to have a modest house and support a wife and kids. Even in the 70s and 80s this was still true if you had a union job. Being the guy who put the windshield wipers on a couple hundred cars a day meant you could have a loving family.

That's not true anymore. At best that kind of job means your wife would have to work too, probably at walmart or a call center, and you'd barely ever see her or your kids cause you're working all the time, maybe have a 2nd job. I don't understand how being a "purposeless" millionaire would be worse than that.
> That would get boring and old after a while. To live a life without purpose is truly a waste.
This is what poor people think or really really rich people say.
there is a big difference between owning a million dollar house and having a million dollars of dividend stocks
Could you quit if you wanted to? Cause some houses cost over a million.
Cause you’re right. This board and many others is mainly really rich people and poor people. People in the middle don’t have time to shitpost all day.
Either way, a million in net worth puts that person in the top 10%.
Is house even considered net worth in the national statistics? Cause that means legit millionaires are less than 1% of the human population in the world.
That's my dream and reason why I used Maestro and Superbots for my trading journey
>Is house even considered net worth in the national statistics
Yes. Net worth is assets minus liabilities, and a house is an asset.
>legit millionaires
Why do you think owning a home is illegitimate? Or are you confusing wealth with liquidity?
People with a $1 mil house and $0 in the bank are legit millionaires. They're millionaires with poor liquidity, but that's not unusual, if you own a business or rental properties worth $1 mil and have $0 in the bank you're also a legit millionaire with low liquidity.
only motivated in so far as I can cut myself away from empty consumerist husks that are placated by bread and circuses. Quiet quitting became a thing and I've been that way since 2018. I don't know if you're paying attention to what's going on globally but there are entire governments in absolute panic right now because their youth and future workforce are refusing to hook up to the machine and let their lives be sucked away by a system that overtly and in many way outright despises them
>and none of them made it
if their idea of /makingit/ was to never have to work and be a soulless cog in the machine, then they made it. like anon said: people throw away their entire lives in the pursuit of /makingit/ and they breathe their last breath without ever having done so
you're GMI friend, someway, somehow. Don't listen to this dude who obviously does not think for himself or is so comfy because he /gothis/ and doesn't mind that the world burning down around him as long as his lawn stays green. Spiritual boomers are just as bad as actual ones; day of the pillow will come soon enough for both of them
Not me, but I hear people say “hehe every home in a shit hole city in USA is a mill now.”
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That doesn't mean they aren't millionaires though, it just means that your mental model of "millionaire" is incorrect, and that inflation has brought millionaire status to the middle classes. The sort of lifestyle that "millionaire" implied back when I was young would probably need $5 mil today, in the same geographic area.
where is the lie?
the longer I spend working out a solution to escape the system, the more and more I see people who will fight you tooth and nail if you dare expose the lies they have bought into and are playing by. These are NOT people you can trust once the bread and circuses die down and their lives get harder: they will only in turn remember that you exposed their comfortable lies and hate you for it
How to get their is what matters. Due to my busy schedule I let algo on Superbots make the possibility for me.
I haven't worked in five years thanks to Chainlink. I live simply, but life is good and I have zero desire to return to waging. Hobbies, artistic pursuits, and philosophy provide me with meaning, stimulation, struggle, and a sense of growth. Wanting to wage again six months after making it is a slave mentality. However if one wants to use one's newly acquired capital for entrepreneurial ventures or return to their former work because their work was a genuine vocation from which they derived meaning, that's understandable.

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