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>Zero funding
>Probably the only genuine CTO on /biz/
>>>Top dog memecoin gainer this week

The day whales decide to join HOKK, and fund it. It's gonna fly higher than Neiro
Not with that 1.88% fee on top of eth.
It wasn't an issue back in 2021, why would it be an issue now?
The fee goes to all token holders, including the burn wallet
So eth fees and token fee. Hokk would have to moon blast with the force of a thousand boners to cover those. Do the young zoomies even care or know of it?
I hold but not feeling it anymore.
>So eth fees and token fee.
Same it was in 2021, and it worked out then when fees were as high as $500, they are way cheaper now
>Do the young zoomies even care or know of it?
Never heard any complains, if anything holders like seeing their bag grow overtime through reflections, the more you own the more you get
>I hold but not feeling it anymore.
All it takes is persistence, with the bullrun coming whales could come in and decide to fund this, then activity would skyrocket and so would the MC

But, why aren't you feeling it anymore?
K your shilling worked so I boughteded a bag because we're in dog season
make me rich
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Nice! Back at 2 Million

Btw, It's all the same autists since february, raiding and working even when there's barely activity, everyone in the community is more than ready to work alongside whales to make this happen
If you know any whales, guide them to HOKK. They make money, everyone makes money
>Btw, It's all the same autists since february,
truly Based
I appreciate the effort
What happened to Linu and lucky? Are those even still active?
I have no idea, Anon, I haven't kept up with them in a long while now
Hopefully every /biz/reali and the CTOs that began here all make it
Lucky is going to pump. I might sig into my secret wallet <has almost 20M avi>
Not selling any avi because it'll obviously peak soon again too. But I'm positive Lucky and most likely HOKK are going to ROKK our worlds
>I'm that guy
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LINU is pretty dead and LUCKY is even deader. HOKK seems like the most promising play of the pack by far, tbhdesu

>t. Whale in all 3
How big is you bag
Meh like 30T
Tbh I don't expect a gigapump but don't want to miss out on some free money if things goes North
Oh shit. How much USD do I need for that?
And I'm new so do I get that one uniswap?
relax 30T is like $600 worth
and yes, you can buy on Uniswap
You'll get that back when it starts getting some real traction. I bought 100T back in January and I have 105T now with barely any volume in the past six months.
Dogbat is going to b0nk all these shitcoins in the moo run.
LINU may take off without warning and moon
It has a lot of potential, I still believe in it
unironically fuck linu.
hokk has always had more potential. hokk has a 800m ath on its track record.
what does linu have? its an irrelevant shitter named after a staking rug pull.
I sold my deauxbeaux in may
Didn't look back.
Its rewards you even during downtimes, so there's less incentive to jeet
Edog should be here
Why is it always the same stupid dog? At least come up with some variety you stupid fucking street shitters. Honestly kill yourselves
And that's why nobody has been dumping, while other memecoins are down 50% these last few days. I love how casually HOKK is pumping and most people haven't noticed yet.
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doge on sol is a no brainer for this doge pump desu
Why is it always the same love song?
Why is it always fast food?
Why is it always chocolate?

It appeals to the masses, largest target audience. What makes a project distinct from another its unique lore/vision, that's where both ends of the range can meet with the middle. You can be a cabal dog coin, you can be a genuine CTO.
You can buy a dog with good lore, or one peddled by jeets from Mumbai
Or you can kill yourself
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Be nice

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