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Blue Gold Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59095728
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keep on stackin, /pmg/
we were right all along
damn thats awesome
i only got 1 of those

This article talks about how five American banks have made short positions on silver. Can someone explain how short positions work? I'm having trouble understanding how banks sell silver ETFs. Who's buying them? What happens if the buyers don't sell them back? What happens if they do?
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lmfao based
My anonymint order never arrived :(
crypto gonna pump tho
Sorry to hear that
You guys should be patient with those minters. Apparently those Trump "assassination" rounds some fag tried to push on /pmg/ are of such shitty quality they already have milk spots after only a few months.
Lots of rounds get milk spots, it’s idiots washing the blanks with detergents
Took Canadian mint like 5 years to figure that one out
It was a ponzi keep that worked as long as they sell the vast majority as paper. Buyers sell the paper on, and most buyers were not requesting delivery of the silver product because they'd rather have the cash. They keep selling more and more until buyers like India and China figure out the scam and start slowly draining the physical reserves and taking delivery. What's going to happen is those shorts will eventually get called out when there's nothing left to deliver and they have to settle everyone's scores in cash. Physical silver will fucking moon like never before when that happens.
I was watching a dealer early last week who mentioned it happens from contaminated dyes or something? Anyway, he said wholesalers can't sell maples or ASEs (w milk spots) +$2/3 over spot right now because buyers are expecting collector grade as "retail is dead because everyone is broke." Basically it's a buyers market.
>Can someone explain how short positions work?
It's from borax getting left on the coin surface
I can't talk to the rounds you speak of, but even 'prestigious' mints can churn out items with milk spots. Pic related, brand new.
I love that, “MintShield Technology.” AKA, not being fucking retards when they make the planchets.
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All usury banksters get free double ought buck haircuts!
>simple as…
>buy gold and silver in case of wars/economic uncertainty
>buy stocks in case market stability and growth

How can you even lose?
>that pic
You could at least add some stuff around the bar or change the background. Lazy turd.
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They're able to ride these short positions as long as interest rates are kept relatively low so it's interesting that they're pretty high relatively to the past 20 years.
Something breaks soon.
The funny thing is, if you bought $20 of gold in 1939 and sat on it for 85 years, you now have $2720 or roughly 136X.

If you bought $20 of Bitcoin in late 2014 and sat on it for 10 years, you now have $6840, or 342X.

t. bought Bitcoin in 2014
>you now have $6840
No, you still have x amount of Bitcoin, and it can’t be traded sold or used anywhere in the real world today. You also lost your pass phrase over the years and now you’re empty handed. Congrats. The future of finance is here. You own nothing and you’re happy.
Whoever said in the last thread that Kamala will cause fiat to get diluted more, Troonald Dump is forecasted to print $7.5T to cover his spending plans.

Also wanted to ask what stats you guys rely on for your silver price analysis?
Like how do we actually know it's 73K tons above ground vs 180k tons for gold?
Also one general question, how the fuck is silver even being mined right now if it's barely profitable?
And how if there is actual legit industrial demand is the price not breaking through whatever the shorts are suppressing it down to?
None of this shit adds up for me and I have been pondering over this since the 2021 short squeeze.
I hope the resolution of whatever doesn't add up is through a skyrocketing price obviously.
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>S&P 500
>YTD 23.0%
>YTD 41.2%
Feels good
>both candidates will debase the currency
Life in a banana republic. And normies call you crazy for pointing out the obvious. Then once this blows up, they will seethe at you, "Why didn't you tell meeeeeeee!" Fuck normies.
Not trying to sound like an ass but everything you asked is pretty basic stuff. Did you just jump into silver in 2021 because it was popular without doing any research and then spend the next three years also doing zero research into what you are spending your cash on?
I believe most silver is a byproduct of copper mining. So much of the cost of digging, transporting, crushing, etc. is subsidized by the copper content.
Holy copium.
>cant be sold traded or used anywhere
Bitcoin can be bought and sold 24/7 with less than a 1% spread, unlike boomer rocks that you have to tip 15% everytime you buy or sell
>you lost your seed phrase
Skill issue.
>Bitcoin can be bought and sold 24/7
Online. Not in person. In other words, you can’t use to it to pay for anything directly. You have to convert it to dollars first.
what is bitcoin backed up with again
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wait did they ship? i didnt get mine either
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Neither did mine, then again i didn't order one, but i still patiently wait at my door just incase.
You are what "they" refer to as the "useful idiots".
Cryptocurrency is the biggest psyop in human history.
They knew that people would eventually fear inflation and abandon fiat money, so they created an "alternative"
that would help absorb the capital flight, but do nothing to harm the system.
That something is crypto.
Remember their moto - you'll own NOTHING and you will be happy.
Every immaterial fiat dollar you exchange for immaterial crypto is wasted ammunition you could have used to
fight the banking cartel.
They dont want you to own gold, silver, oil farmland etc... they want you to own nothing (Crypto,NFTs) and live in the metaverse.
You are literally further engulfing yourself in the matrix.
Unplug yourself and become a commodities chad.
They fear owners of tangible assets because the only way to take those assets to is come and get them. Once that starts everyone will see the game for what it is.
I love Indium. Have one Pt-In medal.
Forget it, i’m retarded. It’s Iridium.
I became a stacker because I put money into stonks.
I lost double digit percentages immediately.
Then I noticed my (((management firm))) double charged for a single activity.
Out of anger alone, I pulled everything out and got physical silver.
My stack is modest and I'm okay with that.
It has beaten the stock market.
I get more silver, whether a lot or a little, every month.
I asked a crypto about the intrinsic value of crypto.
The only reasonable response I've ever gotten was: "it's good accounting software."
I have never looked back.
I stack regularly because I don't see any other good options for wealth preservation.
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Seven hours to market open. What's going to happen this week?
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>What's going to happen this week?
Nothing anon.
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You are tuned into the hum of history.
beat it, crypto nerd
if you were rich you wouldn't be trolling /pmg/
i know ur kind
You sound like a kamila voter. Do you like it in the ass too ?
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how many more dimes to make it bros
post more, what are the prettiest coins?
What happened with palladium and why did it drop off so steeply?
Futures derivatives are zero-sum contracts that promise to deliver a quantity of commodity at a date in the future. This should theoretically only be used for producers and consumers (miners & industry - 1 contract = 5000 ounces) with market makers helping to facilitate liquidity. The contracts require you post margin and every single DAY you either make money or lose money and the money earned by the longs will go to the shorts. So if Silver goes up $1, that means shorts lost $5000 and longs made $5000. If silver goes down $1 the opposite happens.
Financial institutions have taken a very large short position and they do so to crush speculators in the metal. For starters, you and I can go buy perfectly measured bullion from a few grams, ounces to 1000 oz bars. Comex bars are not exactly 5000 ounces. And this allows COMEX to demand a 30% larger down payment just to account for variable weight on the bars (This is only to be prohibitive to anyone wanting to take delivery). When they slam the price down regularly, they can often blow out people's margin accounts to run longs out of the market (due to price being settled daily)
it's purely an industrial metal, and industry doesn't need it anymore
only buy it if you think some amazing scientific discovery that requires palladium is gonna happen soon (it won't)
Well shit, just when I was thinking it will make a 2nd breakthrough.
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The last time I was window shopping for kilo bars of silver they were under $800. Now they are +$1,110
feels amazing to us stackers though
you were right in avoiding stocks but dismissed crypto because you need an authority to tell you its safe first. what do you mean you asked a crypto about the intrinsic value? anyways I dont need to convince a retard PM stacker like you that can't even audit any claims of supply. its always the same argument with PM fags that cite trusted sources they can't even verify for themselves. enjoy being bound to your metals.
>enjoy being bound to your metals
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Bars reflect pretty well how fucked things are. I have a while bunch of 10 oz bars and they've all essentially doubled in price since buying them.
>dismissed crypto because you need an authority to tell you its safe first
Authority figures told me to get into crypto for years.
And countless shills like you.
There is something I don't understand. It seemed like a couple years ago that a kilo or 100oz bar of silver would offer a decent discount compared to buying 1oz coins.

Now when I look, it seems like you are saving $20-30 dollars at most for a kilo bar. That savings seems so insignificant when you get 32 1oz coins for almost the same price.

Has it always been like this????
>Authority figures told me to get into crypto for years.
like who?
I remember buying my first silver in 2010, 10 ounce pieces were about $200 delivered. I had only 50 ounces then and sold 20 in 2012. A few months ago I was buying them for around $310.
Sad when you consider how many hours of your life you would need to work to earn that $300 difference. It is important to conceptualize that you can be actively impoverished by the movement of commodity prices. I think stackers have a better insight into this above and beyond just inflation.
Go fuck yourself, shill.
I stack physical metals and that's all you really need to know.
Are they going to tamp again tomorrow or are we almost at the point of no return?
They won't let silver pop off before the election. It will be tamped hard this week
>are we almost at the point of no return?
Hopefully this. I want to see banks who short silver to collapse within the next few months.
One audit and it's over. I still thinks this is the purpose of BRICS. They will do a self audit and then say "so what do you have?" to every other country.
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A few years back i bought a kilo bar from a guy and told him that he'd regret selling this thing to me as there was a currency collapse happening.

He said to me which one, I said all of them, he laughed, my face stayed stone cold and unemotional, after that the Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala reaction face meme played out.
This is the truth. Simple as.
comedy gold right here
>comedy gold
> g o l d
One wonders how you would feel if you did not eat breakfast.
The media cabal for starter. The largest financial institutions such as blackrock and citadel. Literally every finance focused website have a crypto window in front page. Many of the in vogue personalities : Drumpf, Elon, Bukele,...

Now can you name authority figures shilling for physical silver?
ps : jewtubers with 7k subs aren't authority figures, just in case you try this.
I think this pic speak for itself
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1)I borrow one silver oz from you today and sign a contract to return it in 1 year. I immediately sell it for 32 dollars today. In 1 year its back down to 20 so i buy a silver oz and return it to you.

2) I borrow 500,000 ounces from you and dont take the silver, but instead take reciepts that say I have 500k in your vault. I sell all 500k. 500k of new silver (its not real) floods the market and prices go down. In reality I just wanted the price of silver to go down so I can stack physical. 1 year later I need to buy back 500k receipts and return them. The price is up though.... I borrow 700k more oz of silver and sell the on the market. Price goes down and I buy back 500k paper silver at a lower price and return to the first lender.

Rinse wash repeat until something explodes.
That pic confirms that Plan A (CBDC) has failed and now they are falling back to Plan B (shitcoins) A few months back i remember hearing some EU parliament commie saying that they needed to make bitcoin a recognised currency, i knew once i heard that what was going on.
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>did they ship?
pirate rounds are waiting. where you at MintAnon?

ApuRand/Spurdbok round is still in pre-order (afaik)
I'd imagine a pretty harsh smack down. Least I hope so, was going to buy more
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they wish they can smack it down
it's ogre
the horse is outta the barn
you think they're gonna give us cheapies again? i wish. never gonna happen
>$34 is the new cheapie
Just keep stacking.
In five years you'll wish you'd picked up more back when it was still only $34 an ounce.
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What's your horse's name?
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Good point, I remember in France, after each TV news, they gave us the rate of the CAC40 and the ounce of gold, as soon as we switched to the Euro, they stopped giving the price of gold, logical when we see that it reached only 268€ in January 2001, it was especially necessary not for the sheep to see how much the euro was collapsing against gold until today.

On the other hand, they often talked about crypto, obviously.
every cryptard has some bizarre convoluted excuse why they were simultaneously early but also not rich
>price of gold, logical when we see that it reached only 268€ in January 2001
>value of € against gold divided by 10 since the € exist
not a good optic to say the least kek
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Germania is another high-quality mint with beautiful designs.
I bought an Anime Prospector round for a bday present for a friend but I accidentally gave an email i can't remember the password to :( I bought it late September, I'll probably msg him with a new email
Diamond hands, daddy Elon is taking us to the moon
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Not voting for anyone you retarded 1pbtid faggot. All politicians work for the same people.
checked and damn guess I have to buy some now
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>what are the prettiest coins?
Look up CIT Mint
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>Look up CIT Mint
Will do!
Also, some mints create under license to countries, and that info is sometimes hard to find. Like this is from Legrande.
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>t. crypto retard
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What are thoughts on precious minerals (mainly gems)? Worthwhile?
No. Just buy silver.
every time PMs go up the thread is flooded with people wanting to buy random shit to "be different". just buy silver
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>Silver is $33.71 an oz
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Its still so early
67 minutes.
I own some gemstones but only because my wife takes me to the gemstone yoga store from time to time and I get one to make her feel like I'm participating.

I got a really cool flourite that came out of the ground in a perfect rhombus shape. So it cost a little more ($100+ rather than $15). I'm sure I could sell it for at least what I got it for.

Gemstones are not worth stacking tho. Some coin shop guy went into it during a YouTube Q&A once. If I remember right, the margins are fake and vary too wildly.

Who gave you permission to speak to me?

Bite your tounge, fool.
>because my wife takes me to the gemstone yoga store from time to time and I get one to make her feel like I'm participating.
Unacceptable. You need to get her in line and make her only buy PMs. What a cuck.
You should check with your state appointed caretaker before posting on the internet.
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Nah. Still got my keys, still got my coins, still got my passwords.

Never claimed to be rich, just someone who no longer has to worry about my future thanks to Bitcoin.

Why you gotta make it so us-vs-them? I have 70% BTC, 20% gold/silver, 10% land. It started out as 70% gold/silver, 29% land, and 1% BTC. All you have to do is look at the charts to understand which investment took off and which ones didn't.

Only from dogs. Oh wait, that was for someone else. Even so.
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we're not buying your bags of nothing, fag

if crypto was worth a damn you wouldn't be here desperately looking for new suckers to buy into the pyramid scheme
She has a token Krugerrand because she likes the gazelle.
>What a cuck.
Wrong. Imagine allowing your wife to have any say in the money. She has no bank account (voluntarily) and only owns what I provide for her.

(You) are the cuckold.
>having that image saved on your computer
this is the definitely not jewish guy shilling for crypto in the metals thread in case you were wondering
nah bro he's right. you can't let your woman get you to buy a worthless gem stone kek
>(You) are the cuckold.
>n, no... y, you...
I clearly hit a nerve, which means I'm right.
me luv old silber
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>just someone who no longer has to worry about my future thanks to Bitcoin.
No. If you didn't have to worry you wouldn't be here trying to get us to pump your bags. Fuck off.
Unlike gold and silver, gemstones are not fungible. They are more like art work in that the value is hard for amateurs to determine and the market is full of fakes, frauds, and fads. Buy something if you like it, but don't expect to be able to sell it for what you paid or maybe at all.
I have been stacking about a year now and my father has spoken to me that he wants me to help him with making investments in gold and silver and he offerd to give me about 500 euros a month to invest for him
that could get us one sovereign per month on avarage with rent and other utilitys paid should i buy him one every month or should i buy him more silver coins
silver has a greater potential than gold but its also significantly more volatile and i dont want to gamble away his money
I buy Gold and Silver in equal measires at the end of every month but i still live with my parents so i dont really care about any risks since i dont have to pay for anything right now
Gold semms a bit overpriced right now and could drop a significant ammount in the coming months but would overall hold its value on the longterm i jsut dont think he will see it this way he would just see line go down at the moment an panick so what should i do here?
How do i convience him to stick with gold longterm?
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Miyazaki. Never been there.
sovs are a good idea. I would alternate between a sov and silver coins every other month. Silver is primed for a huge move up right now
You are just poor people with no concept of wealth who believe a woman should have any of her own. Keep waging, wagies. I'll keep buying gold, silver, and whatever else I want whilst not working at all.
>status: rekt
Yeah we definitely touched a nerve. I'm starting to think you smoke salami and your wife is just a faghag.
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Didn't win the auction. :(
But i won something else that is pretty interesting desu.

Any fren wanna guess what it is?
An Imperial Russian Gold certificate?
another bank failed
It's indeed imperial and russian, but it's not a gold certificate.
open market
ATB 5 ouncers
>Imperial apothecary note for Princess YUSUPOV, concerning a chest balm and a list of essential oils (on the back) For 1 ruble and 44 kopeks, 3 XI 1910. Yellow paper bookmark printed with the double-headed Eagle imperial. 25.4 x 7.5cm
I think it's about time for another fake news article to come out about a brand new mine in Cameroon or Zimbabwe or something where an entire mountain is made of nearly solid gold.
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heh, so true
Market is open and we hit $34
Market is open, up 20 cents. Waning Gibbous
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Markets open lads!!!
Love there kilo bars, my most stacked piece
Gems unlike pms can be shat out in a factory from China. Get some to make the wife happy, nothing else
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How is anyone supposed to manufacture new dye or rounds when what was 32k now costs 40k for the same amount?! I am happy for my stack but this is getting silly.
at this point even my shitty stack (I sold a gold coin recently) is going to be almost double its original price if trends continue
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Where is my opening doomp???
Jews too busy fighting wars? They're slipping
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By this scenario, you're on the hook for 700k ounces now and if the price of silver goes up again, you're in even more debt. According to that article I posted, these five banks are on the hook for over seven million ounces of silver. These banks are either going to take a loss in the billions or sell even more paper silver to drop the price. This raises two questions.

1) How much capital do these banks have on hand to cover the loss? Surely, they have trillions of dollars and this loss is a drop in the bucket. Then there's nothing to worry about.

2) What happens when a big buyer (china/india) demands payment of physical silver and there isn't actually enough silver in COMEX vaults for the banks to make delivery? Seven million ounces of silver is more than can be produced in an entire year. That's before accounting for all the silver already going into solar panels, batteries, cruise missiles, medical equipment and our little stacks in the closest.
Have about 40oz of silver that I bought more than 10 years ago, want to buy gold
What do you guys suggest I do?
I've always collected. Just a part of me. Not to be different I just enjoy things like comics, furniture, art, etc.
aagghhhh it's rising again
The fact there is no Monday morning dump is one indication of proper activity upwards, at least for a while.
prices for silver seem to not want to go further than 34 dollars an oz
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I vote for 3x 20F gold + 5x 10oz Asahi for a refined mix of ancient sovl + steampunk future
The real resistance point is $35 who failed multiples times in 2012. If we go past this, price will shoot to the stars.
so when should stacklets start to be worried?
I'm thinking buy silver NOW whilst the selling prices are unchanging.
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good idea kek
You're just a bitcoin maaauaan

Really hard to tell, i'm a proponent of waiting a bit to see if we indeed manage or not to break past 35. As for a basic TA perspective :
- If we break past 35 you'll know it's "the moment" to purchase, as a 13 years in the making cup and handle will make the price go wild.
- If we fail to reach 35, there will most likely be a slingshot effect who could send us back to the new bottom which is $29.

For a stacklet the risk of losing $1 extra waiting for 35 isn't much, but the reward of slurping at 29/30, so -$4 is quite significant. So i'd go for this strategy.
544oz silver. Can't bring myself to sell, can't justify buying more. It's just been in storage for years.

Is it finally time boys?
3 Francs and the 5 bars. I'd recommend checking outside eBay, unless you have a huge gift card you're trying to burn or something.
>544oz silver. Can't bring myself to sell
Good, don't sell.
>can't justify buying more
I'm at 913 with an additional 12 arriving this week and I'm still going to buy more. Even if a merc dime is $20, I'll still buy one of that's the lowest price I can get.
Never stop stacking. Even if you can only afford 1 ounce every other month right now, keep buying.
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That 35 candle you speak of is closer to 37.90 if you zoom in and look at the peak to trough the month earlier.
Stop giving these boys false hopes.
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Silver to $31 tomorrow.
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>don't get excited nooo anything but excitement
if we break $35 it's ogre
cool guess based on nothing bro
good, more silver for me
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$31, I buy more silver.
Not $31, I keep my silver until it hits $34.80 or .90 again and sell a small fraction for profit, for which I will use to buy more silver.
When you gonna hit 1k ounces?
Not entirely sure. Could be a few months, price could moon in a few weeks and I could never buy silver again. Who knows?
I've no idea what you are talking about.
if you have to pay VAT, avoid silver completely
Check out this crown in my stack. I love it.
What they do then is what they did in 2011.
1) allow the price to rise. Drug addicts sell the family silverware
2) exuberant people buy on margin 10:1
Ex. You paid in $1000 to secure $10,000 of silver
3) your 10k goes up in value to 20k because prices
4) you dont want to sell because you hodl
5) you have to pay 1k more to them meet the 10% margin requirement
6) they change the maint margin from 10% to 40% because jews
7) you have to pay 8,000 to keep hodling paper silver that doesnt exist and isnt real
8) you cant cough up that money so you and thousands like you get your entire contract liquidated
9) you get paid out at current price and millions of ounces go on the market immediately
10) price craters and most investors hate silver and dont fuck with it for a decade until people forget and the cycle begins anew
11) they hoover up the newly flushed physical at below dildoes/oz
very interesting post
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nice! looks like it's in real good shape
And it’s gone
How much did it go for? How rare are they?.
I truly don't care if you stay poor or not. I've got a 230X return on my investment right now (I accumulated my stack over about 2 years, and my DCA is roughly $300). It's literally impossible for you to have achieved that with gold; the best you could have done is if you owned it before FDR devalued the dollar during WW2, which would give you around 136X.
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>How rare are they?.
Each one is unique since it's basically a med prescription, like are yours, but issued by the imperial court. How many of these leaflets still exist i've no idea. I've never seen any before, but i didn't look after them either. I guess a certain number still exist.

>How much did it go for?
Got it for 14 bux. I dug a bit and found out this very note was sold at Drouot's auction house back in 2022 for 80€ before buyer fees (so 110€). Was quite happy when i found this out!
no it ain't, believe
>I've got a 230X return on my investment right now
Prove it. Show us.
>kamila voter.
I mean is there options? or you for real voting for orange retard?
Orange retard for 16 years.
Definitely orange retard.
Just one more term. Then hopefully it'll be more moderate candidates from both side in the future, but current conventional wisdom says it'll just get more looney from here on out.
>voting for jeet nigger foid
lol, no
>vote orange retard with a few decent policies
>vote giggling retard with no decent policies
very hard decision to make
I'm using a metal laser engraver. If you got .svg you want to see on tokens; post em here. I will post the end result once the final product is done. The coin is just brass but the design is fucking perfect.
I can't imagine who the next pair of candidates will be. We had Clinton, a sax playing, bj getting, impeached president. Then we had Bush, getting sandals thrown at him, and couldn't get a simple idiom right, then we had Obama with the birth certificate fiasco and who was the king of drone striking civilians, Trump well what can I say about trump lol, and biden a literal dementia patient, so yea can't wait to see what we get in four years.
Trump will run again in 2028, and win. The law states he can't serve for more than 2 consecutive terms. He will be the first president to serve for 3 terms.
This is the state of America. we don't google things before we say them; in the age if the internet.
>Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known by his initials FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. The longest serving U.S. president, he is the only president to have served more than two terms
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Beijing just opened lads.
We're on track to haul ass upwards in price.
Interesting historical tidbit. Doesn't change the plan.
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Acquire physical silver and physical gold.
You know what would go well with that gold and silver?
More gold and silver.
>Never stop stacking.
>Even if you can only afford 1 ounce every other month right now, keep buying.
Absolutely based.
I'm at 600+ with another 10oz. coming soon.
Me two years ago, "You're gonna wish you'd bought more back when it was $25."
Me today, "You're gonna wish you'd bought more back when it was $34."
- BE
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Why is it still going up????
China/Asia is slurping
It was posted earlier this week why
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holy shit we are about to hit 34$ AU...
err AG even
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10.5 oz Au
917oz Ag
QRD? Screenshot? Help a sir out please.
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>Sanpaku eyes
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Every time I look it's a new all time high
It's only an all time high relative to when you started stacking.
Inflation adjusted we are nowhere near 1980.
Keeping stacking.
soon it'll be cost prohibitive for the average working man to buy even 1oz of gold or 15oz of silver
I only just now noticed that you were talking about gold.
I'm a retard.
Ignore me.
>cost prohibitive for the average working man
Thank God.
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>here’s why that’s a good thing…
SD Bullion just stated silver at $34.26
This next week is going to be fun.
APMEX has silver at $34.30
I love this.
It probably already is, everyone is broke.
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Gents, it’s been a pleasure.
>here’s to greater heights for all silver & gold stackers
May the evil, usurious fiat house of cards burn to the ground.
Simple as…
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is it finally happening?
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I think I can delete this gem now. So long and thanks for all the laughs
i'm fairly upset i sold all my SILJ on Thursday right as this all started
I gotta get some sleep. Probably going to be a tough day at work tomorrow and I have to get up early to get a blood draw.
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>oy vey!
Keep stack in’ bruh!
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$34 silver
Yes, Silver and Gold are soft metals so working them costs next to nothing and pressing a coin costs next to nothing vs pouring a cast bar these days.
>Price is still going up on monday
Its joever
I missed out on winning an auction for a 20 Yen gold coin.

But I helped pump the chump winner to far above what its grade should sell for. Get wrecked, sucker.
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it's the little victories..
I again find myself asking when I'll be priced out. I'm not yet, but what's the price? Decisions.
Anyone here comparing spot price between countries? I'm from Indonesia and our spot price are higher than that, meanwhile articles on internet always said that our gold price is cheaper than the western world.
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There was talk about prices between china and USA. I haven’t seen that anon in awhile. If I remember correctly, prices were higher in china as well.
>apa kaba(r)
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Is old info from a few days ago, but this has many different currencies prices for gold
> https://ycharts.com/indicators/categories/metals
I’m going down!
I’m yellling nigggerrrrrr!!!
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>the shorts are finally breaking
But shorts are comfortable and easy to wear, why would you want them to break?
I’ve been waiting most of my life for silver to revalue. Would be nice to see it.
>NOOOOO it can't moon!!
Seriously we're going to have like $60 silver by the end of the year, maybe more
Surely the nigger jew bankers can't be done with shorting silver into the ground already?
>Gold sovereigns have now crossed the £500 mark
holy fuck, I remember they used to be advertised on TV ten years ago for like £130
Reddit silver.

If I were French I'd be embarrassed to own a coin with English on it.
As a normal person I'd be embarrassed to own a coin with French on it.
>French are... le bad!
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>Gold: $2732.27 Silver: $33.98 Platinum: $1016.31
Silver will never hit $35.
I was there
oh no no no no
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The Great Napoleon was a stubborn advocate of sound money, refusing to debase the French currency to fund his adventures.
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And Charles DeGaulle, who exposed the lie of Bretton Woods, said this:

We therefore believe it to be necessary for international exchanges to be established, as was the case before the world’s great misfortunes, on an unquestionable monetary basis, that does not carry the mark of any particular country. What basis? Indeed, we cannot see that, in this respect, there can be any other criterion, any other standard, than gold. Oh, yes! Gold, which never changes its nature, which can be shaped into bars, ingots or coins, which has no nationality and which is eternally and universally-accepted as the unalterable fiduciary value par excellence. Moreover, despite everything that could be imagined, said, written, done, as huge events happened, it is a fact that there is still today no currency that can compare, either by a direct or an indirect relationship, real or imagined, with gold.
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Monday morning and still going to the moon
35 is the real test. Lets hope we can break it!
Kek underrated pepe
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It's gonna blow!
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Love how their pathetic algo dumps get an immediate response and goes higher than it was before, we're seeing in real time now that they are truly losing control.
Careful, don’t jinx it
I fondled my small stack last night
it clunked off the desk with a satisfying noise
>neuron activation
I bought overpriced nordic mint coins on etsy last night
I think I love silver
$34.22 x 408.35 = $13,973.737
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imo, the simple illustrations of the wildlife on the "save our world" series really is just beautiful to look at. reminds me of the old soviet animations like "Umka" (1969)

We need to pause trading so the shorts can adjust their positions.
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Is good.
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my weiner is looking kinda discolored
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I'm french and I will never buy a silver or gold coin with "euro" on it.
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>though spot would tank 1st thing this morning
>its up 2 bucks
Boomers better run to sell their stacks like always

Apmex even came out with a video “how much longer can this gold rally go?” Like it’s time to sell
boomers have no stacks anymore. sold their farms, PMs, guns, to foreigners for cheap to live out their final days driving around in a Plastic RV
ESAU looking good
The boomers here used to brag about going out and selling a bit when the price of silver would go up for a day or two. They’re probably dead now or in a care center.
I just buy whatever is the cheapest option and that's why I have a lot of kangaroos and weiners
>time to sell
Only when silver is in the 4 digits and gold in 5 digits will it be worth it.
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I took my boomer dad to a coin show in hopes that it would spark the stacking bug.

He ended spending $20 on zinc silver dollars. He thinks that zinc coins will become desirable once physical cash is no longer accepted
i mean the fucking honker eisenhowers are fun to play with. some of those are silver right? remember seeing some somewhere.
The last time silver got above $30 I was in my LCS buying and this old ass couple came in with the family silverware and sold it all.
Just a few months ago I was in a different store buying and this old fucker sold a stack of silver to get cash to take a cruise.
>collecting wheats
I now have about two and a half rolls.
Depending on where you go, you can still find them in the wild.
Last week I bought maybe $30 in pennies and got in a range of 15 wheats.
I just take the copper, roll up the zinc, give it back to the bank, get new rolls, rinse, repeat.
Fun to do when listening to a lecture or a podcast.
The current ratio of copper pennies to zinc slugs is about 13.5% copper.
Though, this last week I went to five places and all but one only had mint fresh zinc slugs.
I know, for a fact, there's another autist in my area doing exactly what I'm doing.
I got his pre-sifted rolls of post 82's.
What if my idiot hobby is becoming widespread?
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>He ended spending $20 on zinc silver dollars. He thinks that zinc coins will become desirable once physical cash is no longer accepted
He's probably just humoring you. Ironically that zinc will still be worth more than the paper once fiatshit explodes. He thought he was being clever tossing only $20 but that's his one pinkytoe in the very sturdy door seperating home from the stackless masses.
>very sturdy door seperating home from the stackless masses.
A nice shotgun is also sufficient.
Need to colonize other boards with this price action.
brown european wieners are very common these days
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Personally, as a boomer, I'm holding onto my stack so I can use it to fund a harem of zoomer girls. Of course I might die tomorrow. That's one of the downsides of being a boomer.
Joke's on you English is the original French creole.
They're Monday tamping again :(
You guys pay attention to spot?
I bought 40oz today and didn't even blink
Good for you
The jews woke up
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>Ironically that zinc will still be worth more than the paper once fiatshit explodes.
Are we ready for the great piggy bank raids of 2026, boys?
Could it be just profit taking? I don't see any additional paper silver on the debt clock.
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If your wife wants gemstones, and you can afford them, there's nothing wrong with buying her gemstones.

I spent 4k on a laser engraver for my wife and she's left all the financial stuff to me since. She just wanted proof that I could care for her in ways besides the obvious house/car/food/etc.

If your wife fixates on gemstones or Pokemon cards, then who gives a shit. Just keep stacking, investing, preparing too. Honestly, it may also get her thinking about real-world value, similar to how buying a copper round at a gun show 25 years ago led me to PMs in the first place, and how SETF threads on /pol/ brought me more financial stability than I would have otherwise known.

Seriously, you never know what the trigger for someone is going to be that finally wakes them up, causing them to see the system for what it really is. Fake and gay. Maybe the starting point for your wife is gemstones. Go nuts, bro, just not at the expense of your stack and other investments.

Despite all the cuckold dick wrestling, you should be doing everything you can for your wife, just as she should be submitting and deferring all of these decisions to you.
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Indeed. My old lady stacks littlest pet shops so I turned that collection into a another gear on the flywheel. Getting the family into anything but dollars has been key.
People laughed at me when I said $30 was the new floor and look where we are now
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We are holding Fridays gains nicely. Feeling bullish.
just added 21 ounces to my stack today
the silver price can drop now
are we enjoying our monday?

Disinformation. That paper interest isn't a real measure of actual physical interest.
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>Blow their load to push silver down about 50 cent
>Spot already recovers 30 cent within an hour and a half
>a real measure of actual physical interest
that's not what that means...
Indium-gold makes some beautiful jewelry.
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That number flips around like crazy. Either the fake silver market is some insane rollercoaster or the debt clock isn't very accurate
Gold is about halfway to the gold-dollar ratio while silver is just at 5% of the silver-dollar ratio.

So is silver a better buy right now over gold?
>that number flips around like crazy
It steadily trends upward on a daily basis. Are you retarded?
I think silver is probably the better buy right now if you're a poorfag but both should absolutely moon any day now. Audit the COMEX, audit BRICS.
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I fell asleep; pic related is metal engraving. What does everyone think?
>both should absolutely moon any day now
Two weeks.
Looks like a gay boy's wedding ring.
says the dumbass who thinks it's all disinformation
Maybe for a Tron's themed gay disco party. Wouldn't want to wear this for any other occasion desu.
How does a data point's context have anything to do with its consistent trend over many many years?
No, it's accurate. It's simply that most you midwits still didn't figure out what this number means at all and you think it mean something completely different.
You don't even understand the number and you're trying to call us retarded.
It's the paper/digital to physical ratio right? If I'm wrong then I guess I am retarded.
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>you can pick whatever role you want next so you stay with us
Not at all, but that's what 99% of /pmg/ still believe.
It's the number of fiat notes issued by the treasury VS the mining output, both YTD. The result is supposed to tell you how much an ounce would be worth if the dollar was still pegged to silver.
No you're correct, but the statement below is retarded
>that number flips around like crazy
It's been steadily going up by a few points every single day for the last decade.
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What's that supposed to mean?
Ofc it's not realistic, considering this number take into account as if the US government monopolized 100% of the silver mining output worldwide and somehow used it all only to back the USD kek.
In reality only a fraction of the worldwide output ends up in the US, and most of it is used by industries, and ofc a total 0oz is bought by the government to back their toilet paper anyway.
It's an invitation to join the roos in a life of strength and degeneracy
Jews crying
If you take the M2 supply and divide it over the total number of mined oz of gold you get 2800 dollars/oz of gold so I don't see where they get 5300 dollars/oz of gold from.

>orange retard with a few decent policies
such as?
> giggling retard with no decent policies
echm what about mid class taxes tho?
Sounds like you r eating zigurslop too much
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hang in there frens
Boomers don't have stacks any more they put it all into the real estate bubble.
They aren't jews, they are khazars who hijacked the jewish religion so they could hide behind it.
>what are sephardic jews
what a load of bullshit desu
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Lads I've been saving for a home deposit should I go all in on silver instead?
I really wouldn't make any significant financial decisions until after the election
homes aren't getting any cheaper
I've never seen silver this volatile, bouncing up down a dollar all day. Typically it would raise a bit before like 11am then drop, not bounce back and forth.
If Trump actually follows through with deporting illegals and making the border much harder to cross then house prices will fall a lot since less illegals will be buying homes.
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If the current silver charts were a rollercoaster it would literally kill people
>homes aren't getting any cheaper
t. realtor
Silver is going to be the next Bitcoin.
>make any significant financial decisions until after the election
This. But I'd go house before adding to the stack.
It's exciting to watch.
compared to 10 years ago they've gone up like 50%
Typical low IQ realtor response.
Getting a mortgage is cucked. People brag about it but they just owe the bank and the government money instead of a landlord.
>just be homeless bro
Mortgage: Noun, French, meaning Death Pledge.
Not telling you what to do but things are going to get much worse with the economy and nearly everyone agrees real estate is overvalued while silver is undervalued so you do the math.
>Getting a mortgage is cucked
>never build equity
>live with parents
>never get laid
>build equity, fuck occasionally
You're cucking yourself by renting or living with your parents.
Living in a camper is the ultimate housing hack. Jew fears the full time camper living.
yea bro I'm sure my downtown highrise apartment is less attractive to the college girls getting drunk right around the corner than your creepy cowshed and outhouse in the woods lmfao
I won't argue with that. Still glad I got my house though.
>right around the corner
>shitting where you eat
Ask me how I know you're an inexperienced virgin.
>creepy cowshed and outhouse in the woods
I have a nice suburban house that every woman I brought home liked. You wish you had a rural rape shack.
living with parents is the best if they're not selfish boomer retards, unfortunately most are now
>I have a nice suburban house that every woman I brought home liked
other than your fat whale of an ex wife and your mom, who would that be?
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but Hiow do you like my laser engraving?
>ex wife
Never been married. Family doesn't count. You have the insult capabilities of a 14 year old. And I've brought home a few tinder dates from time to time. Probably like a third I meet every few months.
A mortgage is better than renting, and buying a home outright is better than a mortgage.
Zoom out a bit the image is blurry. Or is the engraving blurry?
Design is good but the engraving needs to be sharper by cutting deeper of your engraver can do that. Being that shallow with a design that complex it comes out blurry looking.
It's alright.
original picture >>59105325

you are right! Been playing with the settings all day. This was the best produced so far. I think I need to up the khz.currently it is set to 50khz. with a 65% max power.

Once the settings are perfect; I'll laser engrave to order meme coins.
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If you can tweak your settings to get a deeper clearer image I think you'll be on to something. You could get things like pic related out and make some serious money in my opinion.
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Got someone willing to sell me a bunch of 10oz at spot. Don't know which ones to slurp. Which ones do you, my White brothers, recommend?
pic 1 of 2
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I'd grab the Asahi or the eagle
just saw this on the news
Gold might get tamped
In order of prio :
>3 pours from the top row (geiger first)
>then the rest
They will always tamp just to save a couple bucks because they're buying like crazy. Might be just another 6 months (2 weeks) before it gets too out of control for them to try to manage
Engelhard and Silvertowne
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Quick li'l monday mornin' grab
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I want to genocide the kikes so bad bros...
First majestic was higher 6 months ago than it is now
Why are engels so sought-after?
Have you looked at the AISC numbers for primary miners? It's just awful. It cost $10 bux more to mine an oz of silver now than it was in 2019. And the ore grade is getting fucking atrocious too. Silver price going up is NOT correlated to mining share going up, that's the biggest mistake newbies makes (me included before i knew better).
What the fuck man.
They stopped making those a while back so no new ones will ever hit the market, plus it was a quite limited numbers of bars made. It's like the numismatic version for bars.
I don't believe in enabling foreign wars.
>What's your horse's name?
It's a bannable offence, b-baka. I'm not going to tell your her name.
Next One Up

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Yees, ointment for breast rubbing.
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You're no fun.
>If I were French I'd be embarrassed to own a coin with English on it.
What does being French have to do with this?

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