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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Cheng, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow podcast 8 months after bankruptcy, and 2 months after shares were put on ice.

previous thread:
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
BBBY board sloppily rushed the company into bankruptcy.

RC bought his initial position, board wanted to trap him from trading by giving him insider info

They tried to meet up with him in person by flying out to him, he refused. Two weeks after their offer to RC, the BBBY CFO mysteriously commits suicide.

BBBY CFO also emailed the rest of the board two weeks before his death, he was getting cold feet regarding JPM's involvement of telling them how to handle RC.

From RC's deposition, we learned that he offered to buy BBBY for $400 million in December 2022 when it had $5.2 Billion in liabilities but the board rejected it and chose bankruptcy.

In the bankruptcy, they required bidders of BBBY to meet their 26 requirements which virtually made it impossible for anyone to bid on the company.

Michael Goldberg was selected as the plan administrator for BBBY. He is a hot shot lawyer that specializes in reorganization and high profile investor fraud, he helped take down Enron and recovery money for investors.

His lawsuit on behalf of BBBY against the former board has let us know that the board was hellbent on retaining control of BBBY while simultaneously bankrupting it. People don't do that out of pure incompetence, they maliciously bankrupted the company.
nice one, im drafting another summarization "RC so far" style post and i think pitchbook listing the company as sold in january 2023 would be good along with the "stop shooting down my balloons tweet"

dog seafood has to be in total distress knowing he will be thrown under the bus.

Also what is going on here:

Platinum sparkles has had interviews with Gary Gensler, and she is active on Twitter almost everyday trying to debunk Jake and other bbby dd.


I think most people can get a good laugh at star citizen every once in a while, but what kind of person dedicates their life to this? We can rule out obvious mental illness as she seems coherent during Gary Gensler and Dave “itsa glitch” Lauer interviews. So what would her motivation be I wonder?

Very odd behavior.
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I remember this event
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New thread same me
Oh BBBYies

If Ryan Cohens plan was to trap the board into bankruptcy he was going to join the board and bankrupt it anyways making all his elaborate turn around posts null and void, he was also going to pay $400 million to bankrupt it making all your merger babble worthless, the stock bankrupt and liquidated as planned so now he is planning to rebuild it from the ground up because of fraud payouts without the BBBY brand….

You guys are beautiful
What’s the matter, your balls drop off or something? You guys can’t untuck a year of “bankruptcy” was always the play.

Bite the pillow and say sorry.
>you won’t
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>debunking everything with a high school education
>with enough time and pressure, ole 100pbti worked them into dust
Dumb BBBYies can't compete

Even stopped posting useless transcripts and emails from 2022, has Project BBBY been abandoned and shifted to Reddit where I can't reach?
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This will be your counter argument won't it? It's like grabbing a pair of big fuzzy balls and giving them a squeeze like christmas morning.

Kek baggies
You mean the transcripts that mention Ryan Cohens insight into turning a business around? That sounds pretty cool since I haven't had the pleasure of hearing him strategize on business plans for Gamestop. It'd be funny if he thought BBBY was in a similar position as GME!
>BBBY was in a similar position as GME
Take all the time in the world to really think about the above passage, with emphasis on "was."
There's me wickle bitch
>You mean the transcripts that mention Ryan Cohens insight into turning a business around?
That the plan was to bankrupt for prove fraud, correct?
>That sounds pretty cool since I haven't had the pleasure of hearing him strategize on business plans for Gamestop.
He didn't bankrupt GameStop, this goes against everything Ryan Cohen is, even Larry Cheng on PP show said he was customer focused.
>It'd be funny if he thought BBBY was in a similar position as GME!
Why did he want to bankrupt it then yet make GME billions?

Why are you discussing bankruptcy like it was all part of the plan then for over a year?

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Nice catch bro
GME shit posters said there WAS shorts on GME, but they closed. But the price came back from $10 and ran to $80. I just think it'd be really really funny if BBBY came back and blew those same mad faggots out of the water. Nothing personal buddy!
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Why didn't Ryan bankrupt GME then if its really funny?
>bankruptcy wasn't part of the plan
I mean, if ledge funds get away with bankrupting BBBY, does that mean they profit and are able to continue suppressing GME? If that's the case, why aren't they using all of their winnings to crush GME back to "fair value"? Checkmate, you ambiguously gay duo!
Well no because fraud payout, the hedgefunds are paying ryan to rebuild BBBY from scratch , this is what you have been discussing, because emergeing butterfly restructuring, do you not pay attention to your own scripts?

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Fraud. Payout.
You're conflating a company that still exists and has improved fundamentals (GME) with a company that has sold off its brand and remaining assets and is in liquidation (BBBY).
PP, start sending some better units to work with, these can not compete
But you're saying there will be no fraud payout and that BBBY is going totally bankrupt due to Ryan Cohen, instead of what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered by going through old emails and transcripts that showed Ryan Cohen working on a turnaround plan and offering money for buy buy baby and getting the board caught working with JPM to continue death spiraling the company. You liar!
You're conflating a liquidation with a chapter 11 process
Kenny (Dougie?) send better fud packers, these psy-op'd interns are just no good!
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I'm actually not, and a liquidation/wind down follows a Chapter 11 if the company cannot be rehabilitated.
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Yeah but you guys have continued to say bankruptcy/chapter 11 was always part of the plan, meaning if ryan got on the board or bought BBBY, he was going to bankrupt it like some 900 IQ chess move and tie himself up in all this drama, you arent being very genuine now, past 7 weeks you have been telling me about all these amazing things, but trouble is after repeating them that many times, I noticed that Ryan Cohen would be retarded to bankrupt it as part of the plan, everything you say is pure copium unfiltered.

I am sitting on a couch., no NDA, telling you, you got fucked.
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Google says you are a dumb bitch, a fucking retard, a piece of shit, a godless heathen, and that there is a significant difference between liquidation and a chapter 11. Checkmate shark bait!
You're arguing like 3 different things that I'm not talking about, feel free to keep bitching though
>you aren't being very genuine right now
what part of "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" was disingenuous? Checkmate you slug!
Kenny (Douglas)!!! Send fresh meat!!!!!!
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Hmm interesting
Was the plan always to bankrupt the stock to expose fraud, yes or no
>continue operating the business
Bro… I’ve got some bad news, since you came out of the coma….
It looks like you're waiting to see if the chapter 11 fails and is converted to a chapter 7 then, while I am waiting to see if there is a recovery that peels the face off of anyone who tried manipulating this company into bankruptcy for their own personal benefit while jeopardizing employees jobs, shareholders investments, and abusing their powers. It sure is funny how Ryan Cohen got the board booked for fraud in this vhapter 11 proceas. Checkmate piggy!
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I know you're just pretending to be retarded for attention but I'll take the bait because it's a slow morning.

The original thesis as outlined in RC's letter to the board was to spin Baby off as an independent company. Shareholders of BBBY would receive Baby shares (of course there would be no issue with this because systemic naked shorting of securities is illegal). BBBY would retain partial ownership in the new company and raise capital by selling some Baby shares to investors. Additionally unprofitable stores would be closed, expenses reduced, and most importantly the unpopular house brands introduced by Tritton would be phased out for the independent brands that consumers prefer.

If the share price kept falling below fair market value (due entirely to lack of investor confidence because as mentioned systemic naked shorting of securities is highly illegal and therefore doesn't happen), BBBY could opportunistically repurchase shares. As a very real and serious GameStop investor you no doubt recall that they did the same thing on the advice of Michael Burry before RC joined the board.
Answer which part of my original statement was disingenuous first you fat grifter.
Please explain how BBBY can restructure and continue to operate as a business when it has (1) sold off all its IP; and (2) sold off all its assets?
>Fraud payout
>Solvent debtor
>Treasury bonds
Look at that you've made a profitable business with no operating expenses.
If a business has no intellectual property or physical assets, restructuring options look like focusing on operational changes, seeking new partnerships, or potentially exploring a complete business model shift to leverage intangible assets like brand reputation or customer relationships. If it doesn't return, I'll take more developments on the fraud charges and Ryan making lawyers stutter in court as consolation.
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>you invested in a company whose business model is selling its assets to stay in business and not go bankrupt, getting bankrupted anyway, and relying on fraud payouts for its revenue stream
>If a business has no intellectual property or physical assets, restructuring options look like focusing on operational changes, seeking new partnerships, or potentially exploring a complete business model shift to leverage intangible assets like brand reputation or customer relationships
Source? Because I'm pretty sure operational changes, new partnerships, business model shift, and goodwill requires some sort of asset. This is exquisite bait.
>can’t answer yes or no
>scared of a 300 pound homosexual anon pounding him for the rest of the thread
Anon… you didn’t see, I already won 7 threads ago
I asked Google AI and it hit me with a few options. It pulled a few sources from mainstream outlets like cnbc and good morning America, but they were all hit pieces. Here's a follow-up that has more of a negative spin on it, might be more your taste
>it is essentially impossible for the company to continue operating as a recognizable business under the "Bed Bath & Beyond" name, as it no longer owns the brand or the means to sell products in its stores; in this scenario, the only way to continue would be through a completely new business model, likely under a different name, potentially utilizing the brand recognition of "Bed Bath & Beyond" through licensing agreements with the new IP holder (like Overstock did) but without direct operational control over the business itself.
At the end of the day, I'm just a GME man that enjoys a little back and forth.
You said I was being disingenuous for stating "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" and now you're back pedaling like little bitch. You were a faggot 7 threads ago and you're a faggot now
You seem to be very upset about the notion of fraud payouts making Deez Nuts-69420 (formerly BBBY) a solvent debtor emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
>ugh I’ll call him a faggot, this will win my argument
Was bankruptcy part of the plan, keep mum mind this is going on a Keith style collage
>I asked Google AI and it hit me with a few options.
As is tradition from such high-caliber BBBY intellectuals as JakeGPT.
You seem upset at the slow realization that you're actually retarded.
>ugh I'll call him disingenuous, this will win my argument
Flail harder bitch. What part of the statement "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" was dishonest? Keep in mind I will not be making a chart because I don't have to present this to some retard boomer.
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>where fraud was discovered
Fraud has to be alleged in a separate action, just like you need to have instituted an action (file a case) before you can issue an (effective) subpoena. Why are BBBY enjoyers so fucking stupid bros
>was bankruptcy part of the plan?
I think having it lay out options of how it can return is a little bit more straightforward than using AI to scrub through dockets and correlate them to the exact day BBBYQ will return. I tried using the same method to prove those weren't options for them to return and got the greentext that said it's highly impossible, but there's still a chance. Feel free to counter point, fuck off, or continue crying. It's all the same to me.
There are people who devote every hour of every day arguing with strangers on the internet because they believe they will be rich from a towel store bankruptcy and then there are people who do the same just to be proven right about something that absolutely shouldn’t matter to them at all. There is nothing weird about that.
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I wonder why you didn't respond to this summation of the plan.

A witty retort. Well struck. I am slain, and with me goes any hope of successful emergence from Chapter 11 due to fraud payouts.
>It's all the same to me.
Correct, BBBY is never coming back and (former) BBBY holders will get nothing.
>fraud payouts
I'm not a bankruptcy professional and learning from the only chapter 11 general on /biz/. Are rich grifters getting boiled over bankrupting a company and trying to profit of that bullshit? Excellent development.
>what part of my statement was dishonest
same bitch different day
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>Are rich grifters getting boiled over bankrupting a company and trying to profit of that bullshit?
No, but poor and dysgenic grifters are trying (and failing).
I don't give a fuck about broke YouTube streamers working for donations by the side of the highway, Mark Tritton asked to be dismissed twice and got told to shut the fuck up - but you want to focus on saying a chapter 11 is a liquidation and YouTube streamers are the biggest threat to GME
Was bankruptcy part of the BBBY plan that has been appointed as the official state of play responses, yes or no
What part of "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" was dishonest, point it out.
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The fact you can't answer yes or no is fucking hilarious, utterly broken.
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Ok ok, I am a fair anon, was chapter 11 always part of the plan?
>you can thank me for my concession to make it easier on you
>saying a chapter 11 is a liquidation
It's a pathway to liquidation, or are we just discussing "multiple pathways" only if its positive?
The fact you can just call facts dishonest is fucking hilarious, total tranny meltdown.
That's more accurate than calling it an outright liquidation. We can discuss "multiple patheays" even if they're negative, I did it earlier. Nice to see you relenting to the fact that a chapter 11 is not the same as a liquidation. We're both learning!
>back to tranny talk
I can be anything you want me to be bubba, is chapter 11 always part of the plan?
>resorting to splitting hairs when the result is the same (liquidation is a part of Chapter 11 btw)
Out of curiosity, how many of you are educated anons that spent multiple years learning financing? Just to lose to retard with free time.
>back to back pedaling
you're already my bitch, what part of "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" was dishonest?
>resorting to splitting hairs when the result is the same (liquidation is a part of Chapter 11 btw)
You were just splitting hairs earlier big homie >>59116369
The part where you won’t say if this is part of the plan
Guys I read Sun Tzu once and he tole me to study my enemy so spend all day watching streams of a jewtuber all so I can dox him because he’s clearly a bigger threat to gme than Ken. Kek.
All you have to say is you fucked up and are a dumb lying bitch for saying "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" was a dishonest statement and we can move on to the next subject.
But…. That was the plan all along wasn’t it? To bankrupt the stock to prove fraud?
>continue to argue that bankruptcy was good for BBBY for a year
>twigs Ryan tried to prevent it twice
>in BBBYies heads he is rebuilding it from ground up from fraud money
>with no infrastructure or brand
>even though according to their arguments bankruptcy always has to happen
>me holding GME with a dilated $5 bullion in holdings is the same as BBBYies position
All I know is I stated facts, you called me dishonest, and now you want to move past it you slimy bitch. Maybe you need to read it again. What part of "what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" makes me dishonest?
You are incredibly dishonest, not only to yourself but the fake anons that bought BBBY because of you, sorry bought bonds, can’t buy BBBY shares anymore…. You know… whole bankruptcy thing
Your need to accuse others of engaging in the same behavior as you always gives you away. It’s probably why you hate the d word.
I've been honest from the jump. You're the one that wants to slash genuine conversation, be an arrogant faggot, and push narratives.
All I want to know is was bankruptcy always part of the plan, with the response will keep me busy for hours, maybe days making pretty collage photos
All I want to know is why you think what's actually going on is a continuing chapter 11 process where fraud was discovered" is a dishonest statement.
I’m sorry who are you?
No idea I’m not paying that much attention because I’m waiting for the results to adjust my material to
Sounds self inflicted
Bankruptcy was always part of the plan, very smart
You seem incredibly desperate. You realize that arguing with retards on the internet isn’t going to change how this goes right?
>7 weeks
>still not getting it
Please… learn I beg you
Your larps won’t either faggot.
>Stumped after 7 weeks by a GME holder interested in the chapter 11, fraud developments, and Ryan depositions
definitely clownish
>replying to my shit posts I craft up on toilet
>can’t answer yes or no
Very BBBYie
>craft up on the toilet
go to the doctors dude
We are here to discuss state of play of BBBY not my bowls, please keep on subject
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>I think having it lay out options of how it can return is a little bit more straightforward than using AI to scrub through dockets and correlate them to the exact day BBBYQ will return.

What do you know, someone has laid out a path of how it can return.

>The Path To Making Classes 6/9 Whole - A Wolf's Ultimate Prediction - God Tier DD

Was making shareholders whole after bankruptcy always the plan? Why are BBBY holders special to Ryan? Was Ted Cohen heavily involved in BBBY?
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And wow look at that, Hertz bondholders received the interest due on their bonds as part of their recovery to he unimpaired. When you apply that same situation to BBBY bond holders, the math looks like pic rel.

>The Path To Making Classes 6/9 Whole - A Wolf's Ultimate Prediction - God Tier DD - Part 2

So bankruptcy was always the plan for Ryan Cohen?
The reason we still have paid stock bashers sliding these threads every single day is because their masters fear BBBY suddenly becoming a solvent debtor, where assets suddenly exceed their liabilities. It sure would be inconvenient to some people with big noses if BBBY shareholders were issues new equity.

even redditors are nooticing that it's in pretty bad taste what larry cheng is posting about how you should act when you basically win the lottery when most holders are down. hopefully it's foreshadowing something positive to come. RC, pulte and elon seem to be happy about trump leading the polls. just having a solid confirmation of the knowledge that there are good things being worked on, even if they are delayed, would take weight off of many of us shoulders.
Explain how BBBY going bankrupt was part of the plan by Ryan Cohen from the start for the payout
I see why you're always "shit posting"
>fuck a massive whole in their DD
>send multiple containment anons to flood out the sound of me clapping cheeks
>When you apply that same situation to BBBY bond holders
I guess we're skipping the explanation of how this is applicable to BBBY
>BBBY also entered Chapter 11
My mistake, carry on.
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nap time already?
I’ve got them in a corner, they have nowhere to go because if they answer yes BBBY is not the game as GME, if they answer no everything they are pinning their hopes on is gashed. They can’t answer
sue gove tells us that bankruptcy was always the plan. ryan knew this. now kvetch for the rest of the thread. entertain me. im heading back to /gme/.
I went to get a personal pidzer
Neat. It'll be cool if something like this happens akin to when the the GME general was claiming dividend and holders got the split+divi's

Now explain why Ryan wanted to join the board and bankrupt it? Why has he not bankrupt GME if this is the play

Why did he want to spend $400 million on bankrupting it? Don’t hold back gypsie show me your power
Checked and youknow-pilled.
>Bankruptcy was always the plan
>BBBaggies knew this
>still invested money instead of just buying GME
This is based for all the retarded reasons, but based nonetheless.
its not like ryan wanted it. he accepted the board was set on chapter 11 and moved to plan b. speaking of which, who was buying all these bonds back in 2022?
Can you say it with a straight face Ryan Cohen wanted to be involved in the bankruptcy of BBBY to rebuild it from ground up with a new brand for bargain price or $400 million and $5 billion debt.
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One of those makes more sense than the other. Both seem kind of crazy when you think about it. I’m just gonna let Ryan cook.
I guess he's adjusting his material
They went into bankruptcy because they couldn't get BuyBuyBaby that JPM controlled with the ABL.
It makes sense… this is why Ryan saw the same situation with GME, as you can see, he is um, reverse bankrupting it. What a mad man
underwhelming, just take the nap man
You’ve literally told me the plan was to bankrupt your own investment since day 1, I need a few hours to process the level of gymnastics your going through
shut up bitch
BBBY board chose bankruptcy instead of accepting Ryan Cohen's $400 million buyout offer when they had $5.2 million in liabilities because
>they felt like they could get a better offer
Meanwhile in bankruptcy they imposed like 26-27 restrictions that effectively prevented all interested buyers in bidding on the company.
Kek retarded board members and paid stock bashers, the board lawsuit will be fruitful and BBBY will emerge as a solvent debtor.
so a nap then. youre good we wont tell your supervisor youre taking a cat nap. see you in a few hours.
You really don’t like this corner I’ve got you in do you
Changing the narrative, it’s the board that wants bankruptcy now, so bankruptcy could have been avoided, but… that wouldn’t give you a fraud payout?
i already told you i agree with you >>59117029. we are in agreement.
Why did Ryan sell his BBBY if the plan was to bankrupt,
i dont know. you tell me. we agree so im sure you have a thesis. im not smart enough to figure it out on my own.
this nigga is still shittin
Because it’s retarded, it goes against everything Ryan champions, Ryan was done with BBBY soon as his offer got declined, after the stores company and all got liquidated, he moved onto focusing on BBBY…, it’s over I don’t know why retards are trying to make BBBYQ happen it’s puzzling
Colonoscopies pouch, I shit on the go, unlike BBBY, that’s dead
Oh shit, the chapter 11 concluded? Let me just take a look and... wait, looks like it's still on. You lie like a rug!
now you no longer agree with me. you change your mind fast. picrel shows in 2024 ryan still hasnt given up. this may make you upset. view at your own risk.
That tells me nothing
concession accepted. it was fun playing with you.
Hmm I don't know, requires more highlights
>Ryan was done with BBBY soon as his offer got declined
Then why is Ryan Cohen a creditor in BBBY?
Because he’s owed money?
>highlights stuff about price
Oh shit yeah, my poor bussy, I’m so destroyed
In what capacity would BBBY owe money to Ryan Cohen?
A loan? Consulting fees? Services? I don’t know what’s your opinion mr wizard
Ah shit it’s the bonds huh
yep >>59117002
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>Noooooo you're not allowed to just buy treasury bonds like GameStop you have to go back to being a brick and morty retailer it's not fair shut up shut up shut up
I hereby sneed you, my good nigger.
Buying a company that has 5 billion in liabilities also seems somewhat against his strategy yet he tried to.
Couldn’t possibly be as simple as bonds?
>functioning company with infrastructure
>liquidated bankrupt company

They are not the same stop being disengenious
Sneeding only works against illogical arguments, your head canon and my answers upset the balance
I feel you for some reason keep avoiding the 5 billion dollars in liabilities of it all. Surely that had nothing to do with you being d——///::
My cat used to do this. He'd squat in the litter box and then the poop would fall outside of it. He'd also shoot his piss out of the litter box door. RIP Shitler.
If Ryan had acquired and restructured as he wanted it would not be out of the realm of possibility to nuke that debt over 20 years, in this timeline you are skinned bankrupted and liquidated
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Unfortunately, you have been sneeded. You are now in a state of shock.
What’s the medication? Another enema?
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Something like that.
Ohhhhh not another enema dr finklestien said I was done
spread 'em
Michael Goldberg is seeking $2.5 billion against the former board.

Hypothetically, what would happen if BBBY suddenly has the cash to pay off its creditors? What does a formerly bankrupt towel company do with the excess cash?
>Treasury bonds
I'm glad you guys showed up because I had no idea what the fuck he was asking me all day
he doesnt know either
That's his goal, wear you down with pilpul. They crumble once you start asking them questions
Bitch please, 7 weeks and I’m not even uncomfy
Wear you down to what end? Your bankrupt you dumb bitch you ain’t ever going to be a functioning revenue stream again
1 hour lunch break and this is your best response?
Nobody has pointed out that his post style is not recognized in any of the gme threads before he began his crusade in this thread. This guy materialized out of the aether to live in this thread. If you told me he was just 45 attempting a new persona I might believe it. He types like a 45 year old trying to fit in.
>here for 3 years
>can’t recognise me
I’m hurt
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I ain't a performing monkey, you are here for me, not for thee
>here for 3 year
Only 3 years? Consider my bias confirmed with this uh oh stinky.
I wonder what happened 3 years ago that brought him here.
how do I invest in BBBYQ, I can't find it on my broker
all the posters you share a style with were anti-gme which would burn your larp but you don't really care and why am I even typing this anyway.
the squazozzle?
>all the posters you share a style with were anti-gme
Or were pro gme but committed this list of offenses.
>fudded the infinity pool
>fudded with government intervention
>got caught pretending to be an insider
>shilled everyone on forming an llc
>attempted to paint flat law as a psyop
>lead a rebellion over a non issue to justify hijacking the threads
These are all things he unarguably did. I’m sure there are some I missed.
I was in a thread about The Matrix and some nigga came busting in saying $GME is going to the fucking moon, I take a click to a thread, and holy shit it felt like pure /b/ returned, I say sure why now, throw a grand down at $300, then the fuckery came... It had my interest then, but it's had my attention ever since.
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>being anti-BBBY is anti-GME
Nigga please you can't be seriously typing this at me.
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Wasn't you saying an announcements was coming 2 months ago because of my presence? Yeah how's that going for you, dumb bitches.
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All your pining for old b and your afraid to drop the hard er? Strange I don’t remember anyone in gme typing that word like that.
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>fudded the infinity pool
Infinity pool is real, GME will feast for a thousand years.
>fudded with government intervention
This can not happen because of the implication
>got caught pretending to be an insider
I am an insider outsider
>shilled everyone on forming an llc
Thats weird
>attempted to paint flat law as a psyop
flatline is a psyop, they tried violent swings, they dropped it, people just kept buying, best they got is to keep it flat, I don't get the question
>lead a rebellion over a non issue to justify hijacking the threads
Tbh, this general being my personal blog for bullying BBBYies was very easy to hijack because it lacks, well, everything's, completely inorganic general & holders. You can't compete with GME's community
Would it help you if I said i was a $500k a year community relations manager with a big tech firm that needs to disprove BBBYQ in a thread general to get you to sell your unsellable stocks?

Think McFly think.
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Holy shit you are new. You don’t know about half of what’s in that list.
>Niggersniffer anon sniffs out fake niggers.
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>can't win an argument
>i must bait him into saying a naughty word
Why are you people so afraid to answer questions about BBBY?
imagine the smell
I think you’re an annoying larping attention seeking faggot with some kind of psychological complex.
>You don’t know about half of what’s in that list.
This is what you are up against.

Been telling you straight for 7 weeks but you ain't listening
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You trying to ask me on a date or something? Why won't you talk about BBBY
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Your attempt to try and context clues your way into responses to those bullet points gave you away.
Really, shit, you got me... What gave it away? Second person to ID me now, I appreciate you not revealing it outright.
and just like that... POOF clocked out.
>What gave it away?
He literally told you what gave it away.
Oh so he doesn't know who I am? The game is back on then.
>7 weeks
>still not knowing what this is
>boxed into a corner unable to answer basic questions

>The game is back on then.
I thought this was about talking about a bankrupt towel stock? So you’re only here until someone figures out the riddle of who you are?
>bankrupt towel stock
It's not a "bankrupt towel stock," it's "the remains of a company that formerly sold towels and towel accessories"
No, even once one of you retards works it out the game continues, this isn't reddit homo, the game isn't over until someone sticks sharpies up there asshole, you guys are fun retards to play with, of all the stocks in the world you pick a bankrupt bath towel shop to die on because a billionaire wanted to buy it but bailed on it when it turned out to be compromised.
>when it turned out to be compromised
He did an uh oh stinky
Whoever you are you’re of no importance considering you have the time to spend devoted to this quixotic quest of yours.
>because a billionaire wanted to buy it but bailed on it when it turned out to be compromised.
So you admit there's fraud. Glad we are in agreement. Goldberg is working hard to resolve this matter.
One of many today even.
fraud payout before GME moass?
I bought bonds awhile ago simply because the logic followed in my mind that if you were a former shareholder who still had faith in the companies reemergence that getting in the class 6 level was smart if it were cheap enough as implicitly they’d see something before class 9 anyway. Moving up the debt waterfall as they say. That said, it wasn’t until I pieced together Lombards chat thread about retail buying up bonds, the fact that she’s one of rc’s hand picked board members, that she is not being included in the fraud lawsuit, and that her lawyer is Nick Lewin, that I started to nooootice. This is to say nothing about the plan man’s own fed ties. Can someone Qrd the Icahn /6th street/fico/dip/hbc stuff as well? Sure would be nuts if Large Chobani and Big Icecream met up, I would not be inclined to sneed it.
>he doesn't know about compromised posting
Doesn't take away from the fact that you guys legit think Ryan Cohen is retarded enough to bankrupt a company to get a fraud payout when he has GME in his arsenal

Yet you people keep trying to ID me, hows that for some bacon noodling.
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>super serial investigation on a bankrupt stock thread
Are you taking notes? Please tell me you have a dossier on me, is it colour coded? BBBY is that fucking dull anyone coming in here asking questions to your "DD" is auto-corrupt, I love it.
Dang already trying to slide hard
>Ryan Cohen is retarded enough to bankrupt a company
No one outside of you has ever said this.
No one said you were auto corrupt. They said you’ve committed several uh oh stinkies.
The implication is there though... By saying Bankruptcy was always the plan, is to say this is Ryan's design.
>By saying Bankruptcy was always the plan
You have a habit of posting words and claiming someone else did. Can you show me where someone said it was Ryan’s plan? Is it just your d word nature that prevents you from seeing that Ryan had to zig after the people you yourself claimed were compromised zagged?
Are you implying bankruptcy as part of the plan for fraud pay-out, "the trap" is not highly discussed here?
Are you implying that all board you claim is compromised had to do was accept his offer?
Ryan simply offered a buyout for $400 million when the company had $5.2 billion in liabilities. I'm sure it was a genuine offer but the board decided to go into bankruptcy. The "trap" your pilpul speaks about was the board forsaking their fiduciary duty to shareholders when they rejected his offer. Goldberg was brought on to prosecute these retards
>$5.2 billion in liabilities
I thought it was millions?
Obviously misquoted
>no argument that he has to rely on typos
>someone made a typo so I’m right
>millions vs. billions
>the N key is literally between B and M
>just a typo bro
I’d like to remind everyone in here whether you’re on Ryan’s side or not, someone is literally dead because of skullduggery related to a fucking towel stock.
Im not sure what this line of argument is achieving. Could you elaborate?
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could you elaborate on the mechanism by which a cancelled stock will be uncancelled, therefore restoring the rights its shareholders had prior to cancellation? (you won't)
I asked first.
My argument is BBBY enjoyers are retarded. Okay your turn.
What is new equity to previous shareholders for a $1000 alex
But…. Isn’t the narrative he is working with the feds to trap hedgie shorts? So even if he paid 400 million he would need to bankrupt it to get to this point… Which narrative are you working with let me flick through my files
please provide the source of the rights of former BBBY holders to receive such equity.
You got me there. No amount of arguing on an anonymous image board with retards is going to change your fate. Disprove that.
Are you implying that bankruptcy wasn’t the plan for BBBY? Then why was chapter 11 so important?

Cope cope cope
So you don't know of any mechanism that would allow that (because it doesn't exist)
He asked you whether all the board you yourself claimed was compromised had to do was honor their fiduciary duty and accept his offer.
I actually don’t know but everyone seems to keep repeating the phrase fraud payout. So I’m gonna go with that one. Do you feel like a big man beating up on retards?
If the board had simply accepted his offer, literally none of us would be here. You should be grateful that they didn't otherwise you wouldn't have such a long contract of being a paid stock basher that will soon perform a ledge to ground inspection
this is the most entertaining the threads have been in months but regardless of my pleasure you should seek mental health treatment.
Your tears and concession are accepted.
Anon he’s a gme holder. He should be happy Ryan’s got his back. You wouldn’t be suggesting he doesn’t actually have gme would you? That would be a very d word thing to do.
So are you not going to argue that a fraud payout is possible?
7 weeks ago I entered this general with the intention of fucking with you because the shit you post in GME is retarded, the more I break it down the more I see this as organised retardation on a big scale, and honestly, 12 months, 2 years , 10 years, I’m here for it, you give better reactions to common sense posting than actual trannys.

Thank you
See >>59116387
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>Thank you
no, thank (You)
Ryan is working for GME holders
Ryan is not working for BBBY holders.

What part are you people not getting?
>running two IDs again and talking to himself
Kek shillies who pretend to own gme
There are no bbby holders. What part are YOU PEOPLE not getting? Kek
Ryan is still listed as a creditor in Bankruptcy dockets, as RC Ventures, LLC and Ryan Cohen.
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Now I have a machine gun ho ho ho
Well yeah, Bankrupting BBBY with no holders was the play wasn't it as he was working with the feds to bring down wall street or some bullshit, you guys spin that much shit web I can't keep up.
It’s like watching someone try so hard to not understand something incredibly simple.
Are you smoking your own shit bro?

In a paragraph, type out what you think is going on here, I promise to read it and read it with an open mind. Now don't go off on a tangent, go as simple as you want.

I do not think you will though, I think you will tell me to do it, where I have done this several times now.
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It came back positive for genital fungus.
I'll give you your (You) that you want lol
>Can someone Qrd the Icahn /6th street/fico/dip/hbc stuff as well?
It's believed that Icahn can be one of the people outside of Ryan Cohen to be behind the DIP or FILO loans. The picture of Ryan Cohen and Carl Icahn together was posted on October 17, 2022, two months before Ryan Cohen offered to buy BBBY for $400 million when it had $5.2 billion in liabilities. The significance of these two meeting is that Carl Icahn is a notorious vulture capitalist, he takes over companies that have entered bankruptcy. It's assumed that Ryan Cohen met Carl for advice on how to take over BBBY in bankruptcy or to partner with him in taking over BBBY. IIRC, Carl Icahn had trouble taking over Marvel because he was both a creditor and behind the DIP financing, it was a conflict of interest. Ryan Cohen could have sought Carl Icahn out to be his mutually aligned ally where one of them is behind the DIP or FILO while the other is a creditor. Right now we don't know who is behind the DIP or FILO but we do know that Ryan Cohen and RC Ventures are creditors in the BBBY bankruptcy.

You don’t have to be an autist to sense performative obtuseness. I’ll avoid calling you the d word.
What's the matter potter, afraid?
December 7 dont be late
>It's believed
By whom?
Thanks sorry I’m just a schizo and thought maybe my posts weren’t going through. That’s helpful. As I understand it, dip loans are basically someone comes in during ch 11 with a boatload of cash to help float the company through turbulence and in effect takes top priority in the debt repayment efforts? And a filo loan is someone coming in early and leaving last typically because they’re going for equity in the emerging entity rather than cash in the short term is that basically right? So there are 3 methods either by being a huge bond whale, controlling the dip, or having a large filo agreement that RC or some other potentially friendly player could be in charge from the shadows?
>So there are 3 methods either by being a huge bond whale, controlling the dip, or having a large filo agreement
Yes but there's a fourth possibility also.
The issue with the first 3 methods is that they typically are used for creditors to take over the company, leaving shareholders with nothing. That is the typical way most chapter 11 ends. The way for shareholders to get recovery is when all classes above it are made whole which will be through cash or stock from a merging entity that exceeds the value of the claims from the classes above shareholders. If the DIP, FILO, and bondholders (plus all other creditors) get made whole with cash, the only other path for ryan cohen to take over BBBY would be by injecting new capital into the company which makes him the sponsor.

Who knows how it will end tho desu
Pic rel
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Platinum sparkles has had interviews with Gary Gensler, and she is active on Twitter almost everyday trying to debunk Jake and other bbby dd.


I think most people can get a good laugh at star citizen every once in a while, but what kind of person dedicates their life to this? We can rule out obvious mental illness as she seems coherent during Gary Gensler and Dave “itsa glitch” Lauer interviews. So what would her motivation be I wonder?

Very odd behavior.
I’ve debunked the whole thing in 7 weeks, she needs to apply herself
Killer highlighting babes
How does this benefit GME?
They never say…. It’s curious, they can’t even explain what the play is, just word spaghetti every time
Soooo BBBY, chapter 11, how’s the err liquidation pool going? Getting ready for that big ole fraud payout huh? You guys winning? You wanna explain what you thinks happening here?
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Remember when the entire world stopped and waited with baited breath for this guy to start his livestream and he was on the live TV acting like he had brain damage. What a time to be alive!
in your opinion, how much power does the average anon itt have?
"Totally normal" that none of the tv people explained why the stock halted like 5 plus times during the stream.
he knew it was compromised from the start, he was hostile accusing them of being too busy talking with expensive consultants, and said he was going to hold them accountable. it's irredeemable cringe if he bailed on it despite all this and the cringe carries over to GME as well.

>when he has GME in his arsenal
there is nothing special about GME once you remove the BBBY-style conspiracy theories. the DRS movement has been unwinding since the BBBY rugpull.
Don't know who is who but I know I want by my side bbby chads that hold GameStop until the very end,until hedgies feel the desire to jump from their ivy towers head first. You already proved yourself by holding bbby till the very end, so respect bros.
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Why are you waiting? Ch11 is concluded.
Is this a joke? Unlimited power in most scenarios, legal proceedings and the functioning of le’bankruptcy diddly squat
>BBBYies say they are right
>can't explain what is going on in a paragraph
>if they explain in a paragraph and each one contradicts each other, the 3 members of the bankruptcy baggy club turns into bankruptcy soggy biscuit.
Ohhhhh I left the stock out in the raaaaaaaaaaaain and it will never trade agaaaaaaaain ohhhhh nooooooo

>I love a good dream sequence
>I herby declare all former shareholders be reinstated, be given cash value % of their shares when bought, all assets and infrastructure to be replaced and all towels will only ever be able to be bought at BBBY, oh and Ryan Cohen will be its guardian.
You guys have a pretty fucked up vision of how this is going to go.
I don't get it, so you telling me Ryan Cohen knew it was fucked, he sold, but super secretly bought back in, and has been reorganizing a bankrupt towel shop into an avatar that will work synchronized to the bull that is GME, the court cases, the fraud documents you keep quoting and very sexily highlighting, how do I put this... Judge isn't going to hand Ryan Cohen everything because it fits the puzzle piece.
Hang on hang on, lets go back to the start according to wikipedia BBBY was formed in 1987 by Warren Eisenberg & Leonard Feinstein.... Oh shit this is big, hang on a second guys, I am going to need a moment, I just found out something that is going to make me shit in your pants.
Wikipedia never lies bro, their movie plots never let me down.

>Chapter 11 bankruptcy
>Intellectual property acquired by Overstock.com

Liquidated? I thought you guys said it wasn't liquidated... Huh... interesting

>>Intellectual property acquired by Overstock.com
Huh... Funny way of spelling Ryan Cohen that ain't it? You DD milk maids needs to go do some digging.
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Talk is cheap, it takes money to play the stock market
>BBBY has none
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>The biggest reveal of all time will be done by a youtuber with 10k subs and a grifter billionaire that wants twitter likes
>not by Ryan Cohen & DFV on a livestream

Which page is it about raiding a bankrupt stock to pay deadbeat 12c share holders a dollar a piece? I am not seeing this in the extensive piece of kit
Another beautiful day hanging with the BBBY bros
Shame they are all stuffed in my closet. Cheek to cheek
Let me just check the date on that and...
>fraud discovered after the fact

How can they be in the closet when you're in the closet?
BBBaggies will ignore the words of their savior, Michael I. Goldberg
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Are you implying BBBYies are selective readers that force their own personal narrative to cope with bankruptcy trying desperately to recreate a Hollywood avengers endgame style comeback to make them millionaires from a 2c share?
>Come back to /biz/ after a year
>Baggies are still making generals for a dead stock
Kek, you fucking losers.
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I heard we're getting a fraud payout
>Are you implying BBBYies are selective readers
Bold of you assume they can read.
Yes. $6,000,000.00
Over sized nose, 400 average viewers every night? Glasses?
>selective readers
kek, you have an aneurism and ignore when someone brings up shit Ryan said in documents from 2022 and 2023 that are just being revealed. You ask for evidence, get it, then slide it like a bitch. Michael Goldberg will keep waging during the fraud settlement.
>Bold of you assume they can read.
They sure as shit know how to highlight court transcripts that have no actual point to make.
>documents from pre-bankruptcy & liquidating

I ask again fello BBBYies, what is your planned out theory of how this plays out in 1 paragraph, You wont post it because as soon as you say it out loud or read it, you realise how once all the pieces are on the table, you have been grifted and played by retards, one to buy his stock and the other to pump up the subscriptions.

Pick a lane and stick with it bitch
>pick a lane and stick with it
My lane is GME, and I stick with Ryan Cohen. As a fellow GME holder, I'd think you'd at least appreciate new details about the Gamestop's CEO shenanigans, but you've turned into a niggerfaggot of sorts. Psy-op'd into becoming an intern. Sad. Lmao.
>and the other to pump up the subscriptions.
Don't forget the ppsocks ($22 a pair btw)
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That is correct. SIX MILLION DOLLARS
kek seethies
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If you are a fellow GME holder that talked all this shite about BBBY in the GME thread, well, you reap what you sow bro algamation of every pointless BBBY post you ever made, here I am just like you wanted other GME holders to discuss BBBY.

Ponder the aroma
I literally want the fraud payout to be $6,000,000. Remember, the wording was carefully selected to maximize BBBaggie kekking
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it's been implied that pulte speaks for RC or that RC likes him at least. RC needs to keep whatever he's doing on the down low. the pp show is the biggest BBBYQ-centric community and has organic good vibes instead of shady vibes like many of the GME maxis like picklenigger or marantz. it's unclear if DFV is involved at all, he's probably just doing options trades while staying clear of any accusations of manipulation or trading on insider info.

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