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Perfect opportunity for Link to go straight to $1,000 a token.
Holy fuck
That's cool and all but...price.
Oh, and...chart.
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>$1000 USD per STINKY
yeah ok
I don't think my dick would survive Link hitting $1000
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Youre telling me i can buy this under $12?
Yeh it's up against Bitcoin since the election result. Kinda cool eh?
huge check.

I'd wonder why this isn't all over crypto news, but I guess the media get a pass with the election.
This is insane though, actual in-production use from financial institutions.
>actual in-production use
it's literally another fucking pilot

from his speech:
"UBS and Swift, in partnership with Chainlink, are collaborating on an end-to-end payment orchestration capability to automate fund subscription and redemption processes"

It's all really happening. Fuck, guys. Hope you all have your bags packed.
yes, since the election result.
>This industry trial showcases that tokenisation can automate payment initiation and confirmation processes, provide real-time update on payment status, while riding on existing processes and standards for Fund Distributors and Fund Administrators. This can greatly reduce operational risks and costs.
>This industry trial
>industry trial
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real world, fee earning use. almost certainly leading to fulltime use.
you lost, we won. pool's closed. no one sold. you'll always be a loser. how does it feel?
ADDX is for ants, they only allow 5000usd and have only 141 million in managemt. another literal who
Let me know when I can use this crap to buy my groceries and I'll buy some.
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er.......nice digits
It's all so fucking tiresome. I just want the pain to stop. Fuddies in here trying to get me excited over a 6 month $10-$12 crab.
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I hold over 50,000 LINK.
>concerned holder fud
yawn what an original angle. we've never, ever heard that sort of fud before. surely everyone will sell now? they'd be crazy not to, right?
>b..b..but i don't want anyone to sell!!
fucking groundhog day in here
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Checked and $1111 confirmed
Who is really coping here? lmao
I'm not concerned I'm just pointing out it's a trial and not going to cause the token to go to $1,000. You do realize you retards making a HUUUUUGE deal out of every pilot are as much to blame for price inaction is the fudsisters, right?
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the cl employees had the day off today to gather themselves

(they're all pussy libs)
(you paid for it)
I’m going to hunt you down one day.
No it isn't, this is literally live.
It’s not
Not a single reference or mention of test, trial, pilot, ... or anything of the sort in the announcement.
This is live.
Project Guardian is a pilot itself, retardo
No it isn't.
You think they're trading these digital assets in some kind of testnet? These are real assets and real transactions.
>more concern fud
not selling, anon. sorry about that. real transactions, real fees. real life. ouch, right?
His 1 bed 1 bath in the middle of Dusseldorf might be hard to find.
>not $11111
Kek he probably has fleas
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>th..this y..year I swear!
>trading these digital assets
to begin with, these don't even exist
Yeah sure anon, they're lying.
they're not lying, they're literally experimenting
none of those things are "live" or "in-production"
not a single real world asset is being "tokenized", it's all trials and research
you're braindead
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>not a single real world asset is being "tokenized"
Even IF you’re correct. What happens when they go successful and it starts really happening? You gonna buy their bags later at $1,000 a token once you have your confirmation? It’s about risk.
>and it starts really happening?
thanks for finally conceding that nothing is happening
10 more years
The tokenized asset in question is commercial paper, aka promissory notes.
These are live assets undergoing live transactions.
You're welcome.
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checked, 1k eoy confirmed
it's literally nothing
>institutional adoption

absolutely seething
it's literally another pilot
I'm not the one seething, you are
>an international collaboration of industry and regulators, led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, that explores the use of fund and asset tokenisation
until there is a response in the price driving it above $100 its literally nothing.
p r i c e
c o p e
___c o p e
______c o p e
_________c o p e
Of course they use words like "explore", they're entering uncharted territory.
This is LIVE institutional adoption, and it's open ended. This is the beginning.
the beginning of what
dumping to $8?





p r i c e
c o p e
___c o p e
______c o p e
_________c o p e
fucking lol
DUDE even when you are buying bags af $1,000 a token its STILL gonna go up to $81,000! You can stop seething now! We are all gonna make money! Love you man.
it's literally
dude...touch grass
Dude!!! What you’re doing is pointless! No one here is gonna sell! Come buy and join us!
It's live, using live tokenized assets.
And it's with two major financial institutions. Undoubtedly brokered by Swift too.
doesn't matter
you're right. its extremely undervalued. good looking out
so now is a good time to buy?
low energy weak comeback
I’m gonna buy more!!!!
so buy as much as i can?
As an Aussie, it's weird asf that ANZ is one of the banks at the forefront for blockchain financial integration. Would've thought Commbank but maybe they're too big and play it too safe
We are really going to make it aren't we
we sure are
In 7-10 years
me thinks half a year should do it
the last few days have been massive for link, trump victory is also very good, should sort out regulatory issues in US quickly
chainlink will flip eth this run screenshot this
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If the price catalyst ends up being the announcement of SWIFT going into production with CCIP on all of their banks then that would really close the loop on things nicely.
I have 40k in my possession. You are just going to be gaslit. Idk what's with these fucking retards on this board and honestly the fact that you can't speak truthfully on the matter makes me want to nuke my bags in resentment. The collective delusion is actually bearish af. The fact we hold substantial amounts of a token with people of this kind is far from cooked and I've had to bear witness to this for the past year.
We are poomping you whiney ass little bitch
>a rising tide
Link/btc friend
i have more link than you and him combined
join me in fudding
simply say:


over and over
Anon, without accounting for multiple wallets their is hardly anyone holding 1k link in the grand scheme of things.
those replies wont cut it anymore fuddie. you'll have to put in more work to earn your pay
nah. everyone owns minimum 100k link these days. if you don't ur poor. and also, any opinion u have regarding link is invalidated. because of said poverty :^)
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this is bearish
I've got 11k, which isn't 40 or 50k (btw not saying you don't but I see way more anons claim to hold 50k than 10k, which statistically makes no sense, but I digress), but is more than enough to have skin in the game.

The reality is markets aren't efficient, if they were you'd never have an opportunity to be early into any asset. Its taken longer than arguably any of us who were here pre 2020 would have liked to see, but its also probably not going to have a safe predictable entry right before "the switch is flipped" so to speak. What'll happen is at some point, the switch of speculators will get flipped, before there's any official usage... but people who have become emotional and fallen into despair will follow their bearish mindset and ignore any pumps, writing it off as "just another failed rally". And it might not even be this one happening post election, it'll probably just start randomly in like February for no reason at all. So you're either holding or you're not.

The only other logical position is you don't believe in any of the fundamentals, you think everything is a massive grift. Which is a fair position to hold, but then you should be a btc maxi or not even in crypto if that's your position, and instead what I'm seeing is people who won't commit to being a maxi, but instead become hyper emotional retards (aka women) in link threads. Its so tiring.
Post website anon
Low effort
>40,875,000 staked in the community pool
>i refuse to believe anons hold 50k!
>I've got 11k, which isn't 40 or 50k (btw not saying you don't but I see way more anons claim to hold 50k than 10k, which statistically makes no sense, but I digress
Iirc most /biz/ anons hold around 20k (myself included) from years back
15k-ish from ICO and then accumulating another 5k-ish post ICO
Of course there have been claims of anywhere from 50k-150k here and there and they could be telling the truth but that's single digit anons that don't even post here very often

So all that said, for most of us to make it you're looking at a price of around $100
Which is why I expect it'll dump hard before it gets there
But this is not financial advise
this table is meaningless since staking made people split their stacks into 7k wallets 2 years ago
i have over 70k and i post here often. do you just sit there and make shit up?
If you sold 40k at the peak 50 dollars you could’ve rebought 400k when it went back to 5 dollars
So you had 3.5 million and didn't sell?
No wait let me guess
You sold the top and doubled your stack and you also have a 9 inch dick
It at least gives an upper bound for any estimations involving interpretations of those numbers.
>can't read
That's not what I said at all, what I said was its odd that every "longtime holder" just so happens to hold 50k, never 5k, 10k or 15k, even though there's a lot more wallets in that range. There's anons on this board with 90k+, but they don't bearpost. The bearposters always have a 50k stack (or 40k, seen that a lot too). Way too much of a coincidence, like its the same guy just picking a number that sounds high enough to be respectable, but not so high nobody would believe him.

That wasn't the point of the post anyways, he may have 50k link. But goddamn if I'm not going to point out that every "longtime holder/OG linkie here!" poster happens to claim that number.
Also while we're on the subject, its weird that nobody every claims to have bought the link top (either against btc or usd), you never see someone talking about how they bought in 2020-2021. Its always they're an OG, or they bought the bottom the last couple of years. Statistically that makes no sense either, especially considering how much hype there was around link from 2020 to early 2021.

So then you have to ask yourself, if there are people who bought the top that still post here, what's more likely? That those are the people satisfied with their investment, and its the people who are still up massively that cope and seethe all day? Or that they deeply regret their decision, lie about their entry to feel good about themselves, and try to convince everyone else how terrible link is?

Either way it doesn't matter what anyone says here. Nothing on this board moves the market. Just observations.
Thread creator here. I started buying during the top around $40 dollars. I kept buying because this shit made sense and I discovered it late.
>1.5k Link holder.
Thank you for some honesty at least anon. These last few years feels like everyone has to post with a mask on, 2018/early 2019 before there were any expectations was so different.
>if you time the tops and bottoms perfectly you can increase your stack exponentially
there have been thousands of traders left in the dust in years past because they attempted this very thingdj8at
Everyone knew the Covid bubble only happened because the jews printed literally an entire new money supply which balllooned assets like never before
I don't think anyone's doubting money printing leads to bubbles, the problem is timing them. They can crash in 1 year, or they can go on 10 years depending on market conditions. Look at real estate, everyone was swearing up and down that 2020/2021 was an obvious top and its time to get out, and its only gone up for 4 more years since.

Being early can feel like being wrong.
Price prediction for link? I want to buy but I fear this shit is still going to be 7 dollars in 2028
it's hard to say. the current price level supports the 700 employees, barely. there is some organizational dysfunction, too many employees that don't do anything, so it's safe to assume that there are some incentives for managers to hire for people so they get earn more. it's safe to assume that 1000 employees will be breached soon, so it's important that token buyers show their commitment
I couldn't tell you. All I'll say is link is a play against the current paradigm in crypto, and people love to meme on "new paradigm" type investors. If you're one of those, don't buy it. What I mean by that is the value in crypto right now is all propped up by early btc investors, people using it for drugs or other illegal activities, and the shitcoin casino (which always goes back to bitcoin). Link being adopted by traditional finance fucks with all of those narratives, so its actually in the interest of those who hold a lot of wealth in crypto right now to ignore or suppress link.

The bull thesis for link is it becomes inevitable, and at that point you'll see a capitulation of current crypto whales, speculators, and new money from tradfi. But just like with other markets, being early can feel like being wrong, and nobody has any clue when the dam will break (or if, to be honest).

What I will say is if you do your research and become convinced yourself that its inevitable, you're going to want to be holding it rather than fomoing in too late. Right now its at a 5 year low against bitcoin, and near a 3 year low against the usd, so its a decent place to be accumulating, if you believe crypto in general is going up. But we could just as easily hit a global recession and have a true reset in crypto where all the dogcoin money finally gets washed, and we see link dropping to the dollar range, too.
lol so basically nothing has changed since 2018
No? Its up massively in sats and usd from 2018. If you mean adoption, well the breadcrumbs are now entire loaves being chucked at you, with actual usage from tradfi set to begin next year.
$65 in 2028
>These last few years feels like everyone has to post with a mask on, 2018/early 2019 before there were any expectations was so different.
Hence why we've been demanding flags for years now
There are places and cultures where lying is respected and people from those places have infested here
>you didn't sell?
correct. i've never sold any Link, only bought more. i believe my dick is about average. nice of you to take an interest.
also, for the record, i won't be selling the next time it goes to 50, and that includes my staking rewards. nothing getting touched until at least $100, and then only rewards.
This is how winners are made, kid. gambling is for losers.
Commbank shut down the binance onramp. They're a bunch of bucks.
We're going to have the best regulations. I tell you, the best. None better. Just wait and see.
go back, bull always brings retard r eddit tourists
>down 80% from peak price despite all the breadcrumbs subsequently turning out to be unequivocally true
imagine how low you'll be able to buy it after the global economy runs on chainlink services
At what price do I sell before buying back in when it inevitably goes below $10
fuck all links
fuck all stinks
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priced in, linkies
Based false flag fudder retard.
also we can accumulate more cheapies for 10 more years. Hodl fellow marines
hatin link is a thing that i dooo
How much time do I have left to convert my fiat?

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