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Wait, you didn’t fall for the FUD, right? +40%
AVIchan blessed us.
Didn't sell. Won't sell. I lost my shit at the bridge release flunk but those devs are developing and that's enough. We recovered a digit today which is nice.
How many AVI to sniff this man's farts?
I am an aviator baggy and i would give any thing to watch her sit on a thick, throbbing BBC
I sold half my stack over the last 4 months and have been rewarded 5x for it. I bought at 1m so I still would have been in the green even with the dip, but I'm not missing out on other opportunities out there. I mean, you didn't fall for the "muh diversification is a meme"
...r..right?? Yea, I remember they were spamming that shit in the TG and all I could do was shake my head. RIP to the retards who fell for it
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People would have to be insane or just plain retarded to not see the value in Avi.
The fact that it's still alive after all the coordinated fud and that they're still working on the project even after that one faggot whale market sold his shit right at bridge release should tell you this one is going to make it.
Now, where's my favorite little schizo? He should reply fairly soon.
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holy shit AVI is popping off!!!!!!
>coordinated fud
Sure, it couldn't just have been pissed off holders who were strung along for over a year only to find out everything they were told about the release was false. That would make too much sense
>see the value in Avi
going by the teams near silence about the bridge since launch it looks like they have even given up on seeing any value too.
2+ weeks from launch
>no marketing for the bridge
>no partnerships to bridge to base
>near 0 skybridge volume
>a one word reply from base
reminder that jesse and base give multiple highlighting tweets and exposure to lesser projects. no one asked for this bridge, and nobody wants it. the team realizes that now. they wasted months on a product that nobody but tg schizo baggies cares about.
they couldnt get ONE token to partner with them to bridge to base? ask yourself why that is.
We up 50 percent on the daily nigga get some bitches
Why are Americans like this?
look at the overall trend, every time theres a pump its lower than the last and the dumps are worse too. team fucked up big time.
so what exactly are they waiting for? the product is out, thats what they said they wanted before they started really marketing. so where is it? why is it that nearly a month after release, still NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT AVIATOR?
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This how you sound rn
kek thats fine anon, just remember those you mocked for months told you this would happen since early spring.
Get some bitches nigga we up even more now hope you bought the bottom
Kek you admitted you look like that
nope i sold everything a few days ago, this "pump" wont last just fucking watch. team dropped the ball hard on this entire project. i was willing to give them a chance after the release dump but they have done NOTHING since the launch to market the bridge. this shit is over
>he sold the bottom
Yes keep talking it makes you look better everytime
Sorry foxes, let me update, 60%+.
they didnt get one project to partner and bridge to base. this means they either overlooked doing that and are completely retarded when it comes to marketing or they asked around and everybody told them to eat shit. which one do you think happened?
This shit happens every time with avi, just watch. lower highs and lower lows
I wouldn't call anyone else a retard when you sold the bottom
go ahead defend the team, THEY COULDNT GET ONE PARTNER. NOT 1
You sold the bottom I have nothing else to say
Wait…you’re telling me you sold the BOTTOM right before the AVIchan release? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
kek yeah we'll see whos right by tomorrow morning
classic avi "pump", we'll see what happens by tomorrow. i think i know tho, this happens all the time with this coin.
I’m scared foxsisters…
>sold the bottom
Well, looks like Kerasu's plan is finally coming to fruition. Next step: shill on /biz/. This is AMAZING. Great job, Kerasu, you are a marketing wunderkind
kek and there she goes, did you enjoy being over .001 aviators
Great, team comes on tg and starts up food talk to distract the new morons from sells and proceeds to dump more.
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>12 post ITT already

holy shit we are so fucking back
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Whenever you're ready.
Feel free to explain how this is NOT a farm.
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I don't see chickens, cows, OR pigs.
Get your eyes checked silly.
check the chart
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You're right! I just checked...
It's going back up!
Thanks for being positive for once, Anon.
Excellent progress!
I'm proud of you!
YOu don’t see these things, yet I need to get my eyes checked. This logic is about as sound as this POS project.
Again, how is this not a farm?
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Lookee here, son.
Farms gotta grow a crop.
If you're saying my carrots ain't helped my eyes none, then we're gon' have us a problem y'hear?
Dude, look at the chart, that’s the problem. Your bs doesn’t change the reality of what is happening.
Lies about coinbase
Lies about progress
Lies about partners
Lies about market makers
Cocksucking faggots with bad attitudes. Strudel is worse at hiring than Trump
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must be a 3rd worldie
holy cringe
avifags finally lost it
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You clearly love paying taxes and are unemployed.
Go suck Gary Gensler's toes you commie.
It’s always fun to see someone so confident when they are so fucking WRONG. Anyway, let me know when you come up with an explanation for why this ISN’T a farm. I have seen somewhat plausible reasons why it might be a farm but really nothing but shit about why it isn’t.
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I'm confident that you're an unemployed communist
That is an actual man
Devs simping for trannies embarrassing
>Anyway, let me know when you come up with an explanation for why this ISN’T a farm.

Fucking BAGGOTS never answer this simple question. They come up with some clever rebuttals but never answer.

Its a legal crypto farm!!

I work in tech, I worked in tech for almost 10 years

In less than a year AVI made off with multiple millions in legal revenue by trading their own token with insider news.

Think that faggot magic has only been farming you niggers with his ens? Pengo? Stixil?

These motherfuckers have been farming for months and guess what all legal, the loophole - provide a tangible product.

What happens to the chart is someone else's fault. I'll be filing a complaint against Aviator LLC. Will anything happen? probably not but this is a legal scam and you're really fucking stupid not to see it - a legit retard if you buy, especially since this is coming to light.

Go ask Pengo how much he made off for dumping over the summer when his shit became tax free knowing the bridge was months away. Shit ask him how much he made now knowing the team was going to farm the entire market cap from +40m to 6m since they didn't do any prep work for the bridge release and know well ahead NO ONE GAVE A FUCK ABOUT BRIDGING.
>I work in tech, I worked in tech for almost 10 years
Didn't finish this sentence
Meant to say:

I work in tech, I worked in tech for almost 10 years - how many little know anonymous startups in crypto make off multiple millions in less than a year releasing a product no one gives a fuck about
holy reddit spacing
OK jay, I think it's time you went back to your little cage, you stupid fucking midget

>0 partnerships to bridge to base
avibros um why is this
I DID take a nap after my starchy American breakfast. Where did you go, clicky?
>avibros um why is this
Maybe they should've hired someone for marketing, like someone to head that department you know.
I mean, fuck, maybe even give it an official title. Like head of marketing???
>oh, wait

I said it before and I'll say it again - the fact that Kerasu is not only still in the team but still staying the launch is a success should give reasonable doubt that this project is a farm. Robbing anyone buying this junk trash by insider trading.

Nigger Jay got blind sided by this fucking scam of a token during devcon
Projects don't want to be associated with AVI anymore because the chart is turbo rekt and looks like a rug
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>Doesn't look inside walls
You know where I'm at, Anon.
>Kerasu is still on the team
this will always be bearish
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All the clowns fading QAN right now are gonna be coping hard later. Just look at CLV—it’s the blueprint for what’s coming.
I have 40,000usd thanks to owning 300,000 avi. I have 300,000 avi worth 40,000$
Thread full of sir lankens. Token Siri lanken eth farm
Masonic dubs. Schizophrenia is correct.
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See the thread. Check the price. Still down 9k.


Stixil, are you still a whiny queer in the TG? Don't even care anymore.
You’re telling me you got emotional during the bull run?… You’re telling me you sold right before CEX announcement? It’s called sell the news not sell the rumours. ^_^
Mom, come pick me up please. The baggies are talking about CEX listings again after getting farmed to the absolute bottom
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Proud vaggor
Yea yea, enjoy crabbing at this price for 4 more months while boomers and normies make bank on btc and memecoins


all in bro, never selling
broski i know this is you filthy PAW rugging front running jeet
"never selling" apart from the time you front ran the bridge delay. and apart from the time you front ran the bridge release. fuck off with your lies
Fuck off, she's built for BWC and headpats.
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You’re obviously rich from the SOL shitcoining keep it up! Just hope you’re not lying… and sold the bottom. Arcade testnet, CEX, questing coming during altseason… but your SOL shitcoin won’t rug good for you! Happy you didn’t trade on emotions, you know, considering that it’s the bullrun and all of the time you’ve spent on crypto…would be a shame.
oh this ain't the bottom yet buddy
just wait until coffee gets over his delusion phase and realizes all the money he's lost into your little PAW scam
then you'll see what a rug truly is
Again, you f*cking nigger. There are NO CONNECTIONS between AVI and Coinbase. The AVI team literally lied to people, and Kerasu made sure it was done legally. Winks and nudges, misleading statements, and absolutely nothing concrete. Fuck off, scammer
>3 weeks post skybridge launch
>no partnerships
>no marketing
>no CEX
>no bridge volume
what was the point of the bridge if they still refuse to market it to people outside of the tg? hmmmm
would eat her ass
Baggots can't refute any facts of this farming scam paw token

>The AVI team literally lied to people, and Kerasu made sure it was done legally.
Literally what I've been saying since the "botched" (not botched it was legal rugpull of 40m+ MC to 6m) bridge release.

They've been doing this for months and yes I was too stupid to realize it.
The team is posting vacation pics off the money they made dumping on holders now its so fucking degrading.

>oh this ain't the bottom yet buddy
They will hype a little more, emojis, thinly veiled CB connections then dump it to zero

All legal
>did you see the tweets, fuddie? ;)
Yeah you’re right! I can’t refute that this is a Scan, they spent a year of their lives going through all the trouble of creating the fastest and cheapest bridge to base that is working, serveral audits and doxxing themselves to a security company, all to Scam us!!! Oh did I mention a year of developing the arcade, it was all for show!!! I’m gonna stop mocking you now, you obviously do not feel well, posting and raging ITT when you’re not even holding, wish you the best. Stay emotional during bullrun kiddo KEK, sorry last one.
>they spent a year of their lives going through all the trouble of creating the fastest and cheapest bridge to base
While lying to holders
>Oh did I mention a year of developing the arcade
Where is it?
where the coinbase listing
where the arcade
where the marketing
where the partnerships (twitch crack whores don't count)
I’m gonna give them this winter
What is deniable culpability?

>Hype, connections, cryptic messages
>Buy their own stacks
>Do nothing they said they would do
>Front run the dump

Rinse, repeat because thats not the teams fault the chart looks rugged
You were just too stupid to read into their CB connections, emojis, etc...

>posting and raging ITT
I've held, I've shilled, I've raided, created threads and memes..
So yeah its a little rage inducing to realize you were being farmed along for months.

Hope you don't realize too late, at least before coffee decides to kill the chart to sub 500k
Thia Sir Lanken thread still up?
kek delayviators
>I've held, I've shilled, I've raided, created threads and memes..
So yeah its a little rage inducing to realize you were being farmed along for months.

Good... Good... The sooner you retards realise that they are not giving a fuck about your "community" aid, the sooner you save yourself time, energy and nerves. The telegram good boy points are not worth anything, not even people that became mods are aware of wtf is going on behind the scenes. Only insiders do like Pengo, Broski, etc. Now, be good and stay put already, the sooner you faggots stop creating threads or making "raids", the sooner they will start the final act. By the way, and make sure you photograph the next sentence on your retina. THERE IS NO MARKETING, THE MARKETING IS PUMPING THE COIN INTO TOP 200 WITH THE FARMED MONEY FROM ALL THE SHIB FARMS, PEOPLE SEE WHAT AVI IS ABOUT, BASE SEASON STARTS, AVI GOES TO 1 DOLLAR, END OF STORY. But you retards that want to belong to a community really have to fuck everything up for all of us while also fucking your energy up for literally nothing. Do you really think that your pathetic shilling is actually bringing in those buys? HAHAH. That is actually them buying to at least 80-90% of the total supply so they can farm the fuck out of normies during the cycle top when they dump it 90% in 1 week.

Learn how the market works stupid cunt, it's farm-> dump-> rebuy-> fake pump->bigger normie farm-> destroy their lives. Also, stop for God's sake going into that TG. You "community" faggots give them too much attention. It's like talking to a woman. Don't give it too much attention and you will find her slobbering your cock in an instant. The faster you digest what I wrote above, the faster we get to 1 dollar and we forget avi ever happened. And by slobbering our cocks I meant that they get bored of adding and removing liq so the price stagnates. They might also want to get rid if biz tards so STAY PUT FOR FUCKS SAKE. Go do something else, fucking retards.
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Talking to yourself again, son?
I'll tell ya what boy, I'm gonna drop off some wampa meat at your hut to enjoy with your WHIIIINE!
Fuck off Magic. Every time someone becomes defensive is because they've been caught. Judt like Jay after LadyGaga realised he was farming avi for 1 whole year. And btw, learn how to talk bro.
You are all acting like you are playing with some children. The ones still trying to be good boys in the TG are, but here on biz are only men tired of your autistic bullshit. If I take away all of your money you are worse than a dog. Remember that when you go to sleep tonight.
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Are you trying to speak English?
Also, I'm not Magic or Jay.
I'm your biz Boogeyman, sweet pea
I speak english because it's the only language you understand. And I don't givr a fuck about who you are, the same comment applies to you. Now be a good boy and go back to the TG. Suck some more dick, maybe they will give you... something.
Is this ebonics? Wtf nigga
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I speak fox, farmer, and autism
What’s your point midwit?
ty sar lanka
have they said why they got 0 partnerships for bridge launch? or are they ignoring this point
>zap zap
>my pasta pic
Who is Andrew Lukin?
Have fun getting farmed by Jay, Broski (the main team dumper), and Korb
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Reminder of how in your face they are with it
Don’t forget the elective stomach surgery
Sold my AVI and got 4 Years Golden Bullrun instead because Trump is the reason why the market is taking off.

I wonder if this piece of shit will ever pump ever again now that Jay bought back, Broski as well and also Korb. I think Stixil got a little situation on his hands or maybe he is the one allowing it to happen in the first place. And Pengo has a job and a wife, idk if he ever dumped he looks like he didn't but who knows. I don't fucking know and I don't want to fucking know. Pump this piece of shit to 1 dollar and I never want to hear anything ever again about them or their teams and scams.
Two listed primaries for two Aviator LLC and Skybridge trademark:

Andrew Lukin
Robin Jones
So that's stixil and magic?
I doubt it. New Mexico allows anonymous llc, so most likely the names listed are the 3rd party agents who filed? I am not sure. Robin Jones is a common name but Andrew Lukin is not. Andrew Lukin appears to be in Europe, and involved in tech.
No real idea either way but I think it is worth digging to find out exactly who this US based LLC, and owner are.
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>going on vacation
>brownies think this is expensive

you guy(s) are hilarious
Nice find anon, keep digging. You are doing God's work. We can hold them accountable very soon.
Being a kike who scammed the money for the vacation, I can see how they would think the expense inconsequential.
I do not think we will get far without someone opening a legal conversation with the LLC. Never know, maybe someone was lazy and slipped up.
Either way, another “con” against the claimed transparency and honestly imo.
fuck fudders. we will flip shib and pepe. sc this
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Anon, you're doxxing random people from construction/aviation repair companies.
You're better than this, I think... I don't expect much from communists though.
Remember the Dubai "Jay" you found, yeahhhh, you're not great at detective work just lying.
with 0 partnerships? 3 weeks after release btw
yes it is possible. idc that im 36. i will make it with those coin. u dont own avi. i do. leave the thread dude
It’s him posting the vacation after a sell off that dumps the chart 90%, not the fact that he took a vacation. But you knew that Pengo.
shame you feel everyone is a jeet, what could drive someone to such paranoia?
Stiff neck from looking over your shoulder?
One selling point is the accountability inherent in a US registration. The US is pretty good about making sure you can contact the responsible party for various reasons.
Looks to be the correct entity, Aviator Arcade:

Thank you money stackie. you have the best fur.
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I called you a communist. Can you not read?
Also, I'm not talking to myself with different VPNs on a retard forum to try to make other people believe my lies.
So, who is the crazy one here Mr. Schizophrenia?
Ain't clicking that shit
>who is the crazy one here
he was right from the start tho
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You aren’t sharing anything new, I am not paying much attention to you.

For anyone still buying into this HS drama the team is trying to pass off, here is a white hand with the latest white man book purchase I made. Besides whatever group the team managed to piss off, to the point they waited for launch to dump for maximum effect, there are PLENTY of pissed off holders who cannot speak openly in the tg.

Both trademark entries and llc reg. are searchable. Anyone can confirm the information.
That's not your hand. Sticky note with the date and biz just like Jay did, or you're only proving that you're a habitual liar.
Let me know when you are done with your larp and are ready to discuss any of the issues presented, faggot.
>I think Stixil got a little situation on his hands
If this wasn't a farm he would've fired Kerasu so
>he is the one allowing it to happen

Pengo has been dumping for months while riling up hype threads and raids.
Want to go on a deep dive?

Go on the tg and look for signs of when his shit became tax free (hes german so 1 year hold is tax free) then check how he hyped up the bridge knowing it was months away (pro-tip Kerasu clipped his wings a bit and said he was being overly excited) then check the wallets selling around those days for 1+ yr holds. Thats him.

Going to convince me that he sat on a 6 figure tax free profit knowing
>Bridge was months delayed
>There were no partnerships
>CB connections were a lie

They're all dirty.

The entire team knew in may the bridge was going to be 5 months delayed because they got fucked with Optimism and some ongoing changes. Yet they lied to holders.

The entire team knew they had nothing planned for the release, because THAT WAS THE PLAN

They dumped on holders for months and did it again.
Now they post their best lives to the last remaining baggots on tg from the money they syphoned off the token
I remember when he reeled in Pengo’s hype
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Thanks for proving my point.
You have no proof of anything ever, just blatant lies and then deflection.
Get help, Anon.
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>we keep winning
anon I...
Put Jay back on the line, he was entertaining at least. Oh wait, he bailed and moved on after milking
the nfts really are cool, now I feel guilty for considering selling at a loss
Yeah and BofA sent me a free checkbook holder, did you get a club membership card too?
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Did he though? I'm pretty sure he's still there just on vacation, but yeah, run with your schizophrenic assumptions per usual. Unless you have proof... LMAO
Dev con ends this weekend, curious to see if he shows up in the tg again.
Jay, missing
Chart, sunk
Coinbase? no proof
Learn and earn? no proof
Explosion of marketing? no proof
Paw/?? cabal tanking the chart? no proof
Team members holding and not farming?no proof
Partnerships? no proof
Bigly utilization of the bridge? no proof
Huge jumps in engagement? no proof
Try again lil guy, maybe one day you will be big and strong like Jay.
>3+ weeks after launch
dont worry baggies im sure they'll have a super important blog post to release this week. kek
Right after the blog post that explains the bridge delays, right?

Over/under on how long it will take to deploy their rewards? Keep in mind they should be working flat out on it as it is the only hope to recover something with this pos.
reversal incoming. hope u bought in anon. avi to a billy soon
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You just said you're full of shit about Jay selling. You sure are pretty dumb friend. Maybe try being less dumb?
>how long it will take to deploy their rewards
kek they're delusional if they think they will see any rewards come from the single side lp shit. the bridge gets 0 volume, and that means no rewards. their minds have been broken beyond repair.
baggies answer me:
>why no partnerships 3+ weeks after launch
>how will you get rewards from a bridge that gets NO volume?
stop making excuses for people who are making all these cryptic hype statements and evaluate the results of their work. they released a bridge that nobody asked for. thats why no one partnered with them, because people dont give a shit about deploying to base. base knows that as well thats why theres been silence from them. thats also why the bridge has no volume, and that the team has given up on marketing it. think baggies please im begging you to think
This is now a bitbean thread. Until jannies give bitbeaners their freedom to a thread all avi threads will be taken
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Until we are free to our own thread we will take over this thread. Bitbean will be 1billy inshallah
I really would like to hear their plan to increase bridge utilization. Of course that involves bringing up low bridge volume. That does NOT go over well in the chat. Kerasu, to his credit, has been somewhat forthcoming when pressed on occasion.
You want beef?
Well, come get it.
Legume my balls!
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Avi is a scam and the jannies are paid to let the threads stay up. Bitbean isn't and these threads are now bitbean threads.
show me proof cex listing is coming and I’ll buy my bag back
based these threads are embarrassing, bitbeaners have rights too
Wow, 40% after basically rugging???

All my sol memecoins are up multiple Xs, often overnight, basically every day

You mean shitskinned incels or trannies? Hahahahaha
Many respectful dumpings sars
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I'm still down 50% fuck this tranny coin
Man, this post aged like vinegar, kek
piece of shit
dead shitcoin piece of shit
>its not on solana
no thanks
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This really didn't age well
i am literally buying the fear.
imagine not loading up on these dips.
this shit is hitting like 5 billion minimum mc.
sc this losers.
i will be rich at the end of this cycle holding avi.
just a minor dip too. it happens.
Another week, another round of fed up holders asking softball questions and getting immediately shit on in the tg.
This team has used up all of my trust the past ten months. Looking at any verifiable information we have:
Bridge delayed, deployed and no volume since launch.
Weak marketing the first week and then nothing.
That’s it.
CB listing they claimed to be lining up for? nothing
CB smart wallet integration? nothing
CB even recommending the bridge in any sort of way? nothing
Massive marketing?l as promised? nothing. In fact they are pivoting and saying it always was going to be a gradual roll out. This is an utter lie, although good luck finding anything in the tg history as most all has been scrubbed.
Explanation for the bridge delays as promised? nothing
Coordinated distractions every time these issues come to a head? always
Scapegoats rotated and blamed? always
Who are Andrew Lukin and Robin Jones? One of the selling points about the project was that it is US based. I am and would suggest others gather as much information as possible while it is still available. If anyone has an attorney handy it would be worth the expense to dig up responsible parties for future reference
>Stay tuned
>Something big is cuming
>eyes emojis *wink wink*
>coinbase rules
>exciting week ahead
>AI fox slop plebbitor farming for hype
>"Listing requirements"
>kerasu's masterplan
>" I can't say much but so much booolish stuff in the making"
>jay,Korb,magic,pengo,Stinxil frontrunning the dumps and buying back then rinse and repeat
>team doing scam pumps then dumping on retards with sell only wallets

Kek baggies

Another day another 25% buzzcut lel
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>acts like a retard in the Telegram
>cries when Jay comes back
>outs self as the serial fudding retard
>gets muted
>comes back to biz to cry like a bitch
Just can't win can ya little buddy? FBI knocking on your door yet? Better lock those doors tight and board up your windows lmao
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How many user bridge ie volume had so far? Chart status and pattern? Daily % change? You have some nerve acting like nothing happened
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Shoop the gay little fox head on this meme
You are yelling at shadows you fool.
>5 billion mc
anon....the chart
>AVI mcap: $5.98 mil
>PAW mcap:
>$8.34 mil
So all of it was still the same person?
Whenever you're ready.
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I really dont want to spend my evening beating down shitivator. Why you dipshits crawl out from tg and start acting like totasl dicks then run away back to tg and circkle jerk how biz is toxic. Unfuck you bridge thing and then come back here
>>AVI mcap: $5.98 mil
>>PAW mcap:
>>$8.34 mil

No fucking way lol
They are just as emotional as they suppose we are, maybe even worse lmfao. Their good boy points mean nothing. We actually see that these faggots are trying to paint some chart close to the other coins have so we go through the same phases even without being coupled to the market. It's like their little fantasy in here, only them and biz. Lmfao fucking retards.

>Go now, sell Jay, we need to paint le handle for the cup and handle! Maybe someone will capitulate again!
>Come oooon the whole market did this! We need to do it as well! Look at le coinerinos charts! Paint it!!!
>6 hour volume=Jay selling and 3 buys

HAHAHA the absolute state of these faggots. They think there is still someone that cares about sells or someone that will buy more of this coin than they already own. Delusional if you ask me. Their volume will be only them selling and buying back from today onward. Fucking AVI team, the eth fee donators. Delusional man, delusional. They are also delusional thinking we actually give a fuck anymore. This can go to 0 tomorrow and I will mind my own business like nothing even happened. Entertain us clowns. Do a little dance as well HAHAHA. Y'all funny.

Jay is now like a budget cut enzo and we all know how the 0xmoonshit story ended. Frontrunning the team with his whole stack during the worst time. He is just a puppet. Ou revoir faggots I will check the price in march. I've seen enough lmfao

heroine overdose. roped.
Looks like we're going to be here for a while.
dead coin ?
whats even the point of being in the tg? at this point its just stixil and co's sick playground. theres no more announcements, no breadcrumbs. whats even the point? to play pretend friends? make me fucking money you piece of shit
kek I remember waking 1200+ unread on tg. Totally bussin

Turns out syphoning 90% of your tokens value then banning anyone that asks questions is not really good for your project huh

post R34
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im going insane
im loading up on these dips. stay fudding.
just a minor setback. shib had them too.
the tech is phenomenal. why wouldnt someone buy? so what the chart is bleeding. im buying.
Why would AVI go up when Base has no volume?
Most of Base volume is stablecoins.
Its beaten even by Solana.
Who would bridge their projects (SHITCOIN SCAMS) to Base when there is little incentive to do so?
AVI Arcade has more promise because of how the profit is supposed to be cycled back to holders.
Skybridge has been and remains a huge nothing burger purely because of this.
The future of Aviator rides on the Arcade being delivered and nothing else.
If it's shit, then the price will never recover.
The Arcade will be just continuous sell pressure. Game creators (if there are any) will just sell the avi they earn. More and more avi will come into circulation. Farm.
game creators dont want to be paid in some random platform token, they'll want to be paid in stablecoins
This is assuming they’ve been pitching to game creators at all, which as the lack of partnerships/marketing for the bridge has shown, this team works in an absolute bubble fully isolated from the real world.
Is there anyone here not banned in the tg yet
I got banned for saying that if I was in charge of something like Kerasu was for marketing and then proceeded to cause the business to lose 90% of its value, not only would I have been fired I’d probably face legal consequences. So why are we pretending this was a success.
>/dban not even kidding
I self banned myself because it's become a shitshow
worth it tho
I sold. I’m free
the 25m one? shame about the sandwich attack
Yeah, I’m not even mad. Worth it to be out of this garbage
I bought this garbage in June when everyone was talking about how we’d apparently be on Coinbase learn and earn last summer. Down 80% on this pos and just swapped it to increase my stack of a certain sol coin. First got into it at 1 mil mc a few days ago and it’s already flipped this garbage. has a higher chance of making me profit than this does and if it rugs then it may as well be the same as holding this anyway. You can talk about how great this product is all you want but you know what the definition of great product is? Something that gives the shareholders profit.
baggies...how much more are you willing to take? even i am starting to look on you with pity in my heart. you all dont deserve this chart, your loyalty is impressive. find a project that actually treasures your community contributions.
But stixil is my tg fwend
how much lower will you permit it to go baggies
damn chart not lookin too hot but thats a part of the game.
ill be buying more when i get paid on fri
hopefully it doesnt pump too hard
this shit is at a fucking discount
fuck wish i had eth
Avibros.... Are we going to be okay?..
No it’s unironically over
Even the schizophrenic fudders have given up
Probably not.
Only the arcade matters.
They need to fire a certain someone and only promote/work on the Arcade.
Everything else is a waste of time.
Bridge was a flop, Gayrasu plan is being a flop, let's go faggots let's run this plane right into the ground! Thank you, Stixil!
>BTC approaching 100k
>AVI down -70% on the monthly

Congrats on this, really
Base is such a shit chain. There's literally nothing there and the only one close or have hit 1b is Brett. Kinda sad when Base is honestly easier to use than Solana and it's not full of crashes.
I'm down 85% of my initial investment, with the shit I'm left with I might as well go down with this piece of shit token. Fuck you Kerasu
Is this arcade even going to happn at this point?
Kiss my ass bitch, I don't give a fuck. Come on Shitstil drag me to zero I am SO ready
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questing is here bros

The telegram is made up of
>the devs and mods
>Plan Truster
>Avi Lover (just sell bro quit asking wen moon they fucking took you)
>Unconsciable Hack
This is the entirety of the telegram.
Pretty much spot on. I would imagine it’s about the same on the biz side. Confused why with 2800+ holders that really any effort is made for a handful of ppl on either side. Also confused by the statement by a team member that “if you don’t see the marketing maybe it isn’t being directed at you”. Sure, but I’d like to see every tweet, comment, whatever posted to the tg. Right now the tg is dead, i’d rather see the effort. Yes, there is a raid channel. Great for the true believers but I don’t think most anyone would make the effort to look. I won’t, I feel the pile of cash I used to help fund this was a reasonable contribution to the “community”
Oh my fucking God can you guys stop posting biz threads so they gather more liquidity to farm from dumb fucks? Let normies take the liq mantle from now on. And wanna see what their marketing will be?
>check KAIA's market cap chart on CMC

WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING CONPREHEND ARE YOU ALL MENTALLY RETARDED? STOP MAKING THREADS YOU THINK YOU ARE HELPING ANYONE?? YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS I'M TIRED OF BAG HOLDING THIS POS AND YOUUUUU MAKING THREADS EVERY. FUCKING. PUMP. ARE ONLY GIVING THEM REASONS TO KEEP THIS SHIT UP. STOP ALREADY FOR FUCKS SAKE. That's if OP isn't magic or jay or someone from the team baiting liquidity. In that case STOP BUMPING AVI THREADS EVEN IF YOU FEEL SUICIDAL they don't give a shit about you anyways even if you post a pic from the edge of a bridge they will laugh at you. Do we really have to ban every avi poster so you retards learn to shut the fuck up and let the pump and dump begin?
Please write more concisely, i don’t understand your point foxsister
>Didn't sell. Won't sell.
Going to hodl the hell in Boinkers too.
>if you don’t see the marketing maybe it isn’t being directed at you
Yeah, that was such a shitty comment, although coming from magic I'm not surprised, there has been a noticeable attitude shift (towards the shittier end) in most of the team since the dump started but him most of all
>Sure, but I’d like to see every tweet, comment, whatever posted to the tg
This, great, we dont see the marketing because it's not aimed at us, how about sharing what it is and who it is aimed at then? probably because it doesnt exist......

Tg is dead, I used to have 500+ new messages on a slow day when reading it on my morning shit, today? 108...... 108 (50% of them probably stickers) that's not even enough time to break the seal let alone keep me occupied for the entire dumping duration
Why the fucking caps lock on you fucking ingrate? I hate to se caps lock when there's a sensible conversation.
Expect such comments in an anon place.
what, the truth? yeah well, try that in the tg and catch a dban..... will keep lurking thanks, it's useful in case of updates (ha!)
The attitude shift is what bothers me the most as it has become pretty severe. Pengo has ben quiet, possibly because he got spanked for sharing his vacation. Magic for sure has something up his ass. Either the poor launch results soured him or they just don’t give a shit anymore and the mask is slipping, who knows. At this point I don’t care much and just hoping to claw a bit more back. The sycophant's in the tg I don’t really understand other than they look at the tg as a buddy club? I can see being lonely and sitting but dudes it’s business, no one gives a shit. Stroking the team isn’t getting you one damn thing other than deeper in the hole.
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed
I still holding a bit but dumped most of it desu and moved to AUKI
I still wonder how many REAL holders this shit has. Like maybe 100-200 at max? I think even less. The BASE holders count looks like it has only real people in there even though 5 out of 9 pages are full of amounts less than 10K avis. So I think it's safe to assume we are only 100 people out of which only 10-30 talk on biz or in the tg. Lmfao, this sure is a very odd coin, never saw anything like this before. 2700 fake wallets. No way in hell there are still 2800 real holders in this pos. Only biz is aware of avi and that's it. The 66 people that completed the hacken quest is a very good indicator of how many people check the TG.
>Only biz is aware of avi and that's it.
Which is hysterical considering they alienated everyone here then banned anyone questioning and calling them a single Sri Lankan Paw Patroller (which by the way has a higher MC than AVI lol)
>Pengo has ben quiet
A lot of what Pengo did led to the unraveling of their op.
To recap:
>Hyped (sometimes overly so)
>Knew the delays were not days or weeks but actually months, arcade was abandoned in that time
>Dumped his tax free profits on holders
>"We don't sell shame" and "Team can do what they want"
Don't necessarily disagree but when hes hyping the bridge in summer knowing onChain was going to be a bust and Optimism updates were going to delay for months thats very very shitty to call raids and hype
Totally agreed that is really shitty comment. Who is the marketing directed at then if no new buys come in lol sure as shit aint working. How are they going to turn around the chart looking worse than an actual rug

The entire project is tarnished and IF (huge MASSIVE Giante IF) this wasn't a farm, the rest of team sure as shit operated as one with their hidden wallets
think your numbers might be a bit unfair, holder 1000 has 195k avi, cant see any further than that but its fair to assume that anything past say 1200 onwards is probably dust amounts, but how many of those top 1000 are real holders with multiple wallets?... I'd probbably guess 800 - 1000 actual individual holders
>>"We don't sell shame" and "Team can do what they want"
"ist fine"
>The only way I can see the chart turning round is if any sort of the inferred / hinted / rumoured, call it what you will, coinbase affiliations come true (looking less likely as each day goes by...) not necessarily a listing, although that would be top of the tree obvs, but fuck, something real, arcade won't do shit at this point, I think a LOT of people bought based on the cb hype and when the bridge was released and it was clear cb couldn't give a shit then that's when the sell offs, including my own, started
fuck, green text the wrong bit, meant to quote this
>How are they going to turn around the chart looking worse than an actual rug
I highly doubt that they are real human holders and not the team's and their friend's wallets buying up the whole supply to dump it on normies. They did that with every other shib farm, why stop now lmfao. People living with thieves for years are not saints, remember that.
so this whole thing is dead right? did they forget they had an "awesome launch" last month? how comes they arent marketing their awesome product?
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Not sure most holders were still expecting to be "simmering" or "in stealth mode" in November 2024
>one of your main projects already launched
>"still in stealth mode"....
jesus fucking christ
Top kek skybridge, the only thing that they talked about for 1 year and a half launched and they are still in stealth mode. They really are retarded, I take back everything I said about them playing 5D chess. It's over
And I just read something about the base network that confirms avi will be staying at these price levels(even lower) for the next six months at least. Pack your things boys, this shit is over 100%.
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Whole lotta “opportunity” lately lol
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Kerasu plan:
>jumping guy
>rodni ama
>one or two more amas with literally who's
>tayvix thing
And the chart is in the shitter. Someone asked "hey guys, what's next on the marketing calendar?" nobody answered.

Kerasu you owe me a refund you fucker, you incompetent disgrace, you have no idea what you're doing, I am suffering
My guy.......
>if you don’t see the marketing maybe it isn’t being directed at you
(you) being someone that wants money and not live under a bridge
>muh behind the scenes 4D chess playing in the dark
a.k.a. sending info@base.com an email that goes automatically filtered into the spam folder

Crazy guy still in here talking shit and agreeing with himself, I see. Just shut the fuck up and it might pump without your constant retarded shit 24/7.
Clearly that's not what you want though because you're just batshit insane
Anon it's not what he wants at all. This retard sold at a loss when he could've had millions.
Fuck off back to telegram sycophant baggies
It might pump if the faggot devs spent even 1.cent on ads . NOBODY

Zoo topia tier avatar shit.
I can't wait to dumpy bags. Sick of hanging around weird freaks. It's not normal.
The devs are very stupid. There is a reason they were rejected from shiba inu, these guys wear helmets all day. Fucking retards. They also.hoard their money they won't spend a dime on advertising. Nobody wants this coin. Stupid faggots making me miss the golden bull
lmfao, yes the eight people in these threads are what is killing the price. Hacken questing, no one gives a shit. I am so sure avi was “invited” and totally not part of whatever package the sales guy pushed at them.
So what is next. Well no more breadcrumbs plebs! The only thing right now would be some of the cb bullshit actually panning out. I think the chances of this are slim at this point.
pilot@aviator.ac is their contact address. Ask for their attorneys name. Send a registered letter to their mailing address asking for the same. Get the ball rolling.
Who is Andrew Lukin or Robin Jones? Are they the 3rd party who filed for aviator llc or are they a team member who signed the applications?
Never bought, never gonna sell
Come back in there without being a butthurt little schizophrenic bitch and have a conversation like an adult and you won't get muted instantly instead of spamming n bombs and calling everyone faggots. Also don't use your schizophrenic voices just be a normal fucking human for once in your shitty life we all know it's you everytime.
Have you noticed every alt bleeding right now? Cabal coins are pumping and dumping but good fucking luck with that. I want to see Eth not bleeding out before a giant sell off of Avi for a marketing campaign that probably won't work until the bull is actually picking up for alts. You're just a fucking retard with no concept of investing you panic sell instantly and fomo like a giant retard every single time.
Just sit here and rot in your containment board agreeing with your own stupid bullshit, and let the adults work they've proven their connections and made a working product. Our time is coming, hopefully without your dumbass.
You're hopeless. I don't know why I even humor you it's not even fun to bully you anymore.
>it might pump without your constant retarded shit
they made a working product that nobody cares about.
Look at your bleeding chart. looks like a fucking rug. piece of shit coin, NO ONE is buying this
What connections have been proven? Hacken? They bought a product from them. Coinbase? The only confirmation is a months old dao vote that says they will ATTEMPT to get a learn and earn slot. Ffs the bridge isn’t even listen with the other shit bridges cb recommends. Is anyone even doing anything with the lp or arb? You would think there would be reams of info for all the “new holders” that were supposed to come flooding in. The marketing pisses me off the most. I was fine with some sort of out of the box marketing, but wtf it’s been a handful of nothing that could be put together while someone was taking a shit. Absolutely disgusting.
>"one vote on gemsradar, you guys are slacking!" JAN

>they've proven their connections
lol nigger what the FUCK are you smoking?

And >>59250416 is right - they PAID for hacken, whos to say they didn't package this in? Surely not the team whos proven to be liars since the start
Struck a nerve, did I?
Sit here and pout like the toddler you are.
One day, you'll be a big boy who can make investments, but I doubt that very seriously. Enjoy your hell! This is my last time fucking with you in these stupid fucking threads.
I haven’t posted in the telegram since Broski and Pengo dumped us from 0.0055 to where we are now. Go fuck yourself.
>1+ year later
nothing to show
>1 month after bridge release
nothing to show
>3 months after onchain summer
nothing to show
>every alt is bleeding
I’m up 3x on the weekly after rotating out of AVI. Not everything is bleeding. Only trash ass coins (like AVI)
What the fuck are they silent for? What is their excuse now? they kept saying we need a product to market, the product is out and THEY STILL DO NOTHING. WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR? NOT ONE FUCKING PARTNERSHIP? WHAT DID THEY DO ALL SUMMER?
>Broski and Pengo dumped us from 0.0055 to where we are now
We don't sell shame

>By the way guys I'm in Malta with the money I dunked on you idiots
These motherfuckers should unironically be in prison
Greetings from Malta
The telegram is dying....
More like those shitstained devs can't make a project alluring enough and don't know what the fuck momentum is
do the marketing now. why are you silent why do you wait
lol ngl this is pretty funny
You just don't understand. The boy Kerasu is pulling major strings in the background. If only you knew. If only you could get a glimpse of his desk, of the utter scattering of genius plans for the project, you would pop eyes bigger and gleamier than Abu the monkey when coveting the gem in the Cave of Wonders. Ali Baba's treasure would pale in comparison to what is cooking. Mansa Musa will look like a beggar in comparison to what untold riches we're about to make. Elon Musk will fly a Space X rocket into Kerasu's desk in fear of losing the title of richest man of the world. Warren Buffet will sell all his stock to acquire only Avi. The chart will look like CoinMarketCap has been given digital Viagra and the line just can not stop going vertical, stiff, masculine.
If only you knew 1% of what the man has in stock and the connections he has made for Aviator. I am taking cover under anonymity, but I admit have seen it. I have seen his phone book. I am fearful that he will end up like Jeffrey Epstein because of the people he knows and the methods he has used to bring them around. Little Saint James island will become the new paradigm of virtue after his tactics are revealed.
But it is working. It is already in motion. The Nasdaq is hysterical in anticipation and also fear. Bitcoin will become chump change in comparison to Avi EOY. That is Yoctosecond. We the current 3000 holders of Avi are already magnates. Shoguns. Plutocrats. Emperors. And the world will be divided into 3000 fiefdoms, each one belonging to one of us; maps and frontiers will be traced by our whimsical hands just like Europe distributed Africa among themselves. And the Earth will be renamed Kerasu. We can only hope we're ready to embrace such power.
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It’s over or we’re back? You need to call it
Yes, Aviator is holding us all hostage, you think I can sell? No, the moment I do they announce questing and all the BASE maxi moguls on X start buying and shilling to their followers.

Everyone in this thread is held hostage, those of you sidelined and hoping for avi:s downfall will fomo in. Holders will keep suffering.
One month ago the bridge was launched and now they are doing everything they can to make us suffer to the maximum and hopefully sell so they can buy the whole supply and keep it extremely controlled. This will be just like LINK. At least sirgay is open to everyone about him dumping millions of stinkies every 3 months and every big pump. Here is another story, they will keep this at the bottom until everyone that's not a friend of theirs or themselves has sold so they can easily buy back at least 90-95% of the total supply so they can maximise the profit they make and also, maximise the stability of the coin before the bear market dump. Keep it steady so to say. After that, you will magically see it go to $1 in one day. That's how this works. So, hold tight. The base season has to start very soon after btc breaks 100K. They cannot keep this in "stealth" mode anymore, coinbase needs this bridge. By the way, if you read Brian's last statement, they want to create something like a bank deposit which will need a bridge between most chains like OP, ARB, etc. Brian also is in talks with Trump to make this happen. Guess who that bridge will be. Avi is programmed to break a couple of bucks, but the thing is, they want to get us out. I'm not selling though, my moon bag is ready for this. I was born ready for this, my mental prowess is unbreakable. They can kerp this at thr bottom for months, idfc. But considering this extreme move of banning, muting, acting like assholes, 0 news, 0 tg chat activity from devs, keeping this at the absolute bottom with one sided liquidity, the pump is very close. They had one year to shake us out but they couldn't, now desperate measures are taken. Fuck off NOT SELLING THIS WILL PUMP WITH ME HOLDING IT AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. Actually I'm 100% certain this will go to 2 dollars at least during the huge market introduction pump. It will be the core piece of coinbase's market domination that's coming soon.
All those fucking buys that you see all somehow look coordonated. I don't think that "new" wallets are all talking to each other like "Brooo AVI is at - 90% from it's ath while btc and all top 100 safe coins are pumping let's all buy AVI in tandem!". These bastards are doing some bare minimum marketing and then base the fake buys on that marketing being done. Btw, the one sided liquidity keeps this at the bottom even if there are buys incoming. 5K $ do shit while 5K in sells are dumping this 20%,I wonder why. Adding liq makes them some extra profit as well. Holy shit these guys were born to be scammers. Yeah, I'm not so gullible and thank God for biz because I can share my thoughts without being banned instantly or muted to demoralise me into hopefully selling. I'm not selling
Listen to the schizo if you want to make profit from holding this pos for almost 2 years. It's in my best interest to get all my bros rich and make their fake $1-2 pump as hard as possible to control. Rise against the rich and the manipulators, biz bros. They are worse than the govt and banks, even if Magic is such a "anti-feds" tard, he is acting and implementing the same strategies as they are. Hypocrisy to the max. And don't fall for the induced traumas so they can control you, just drop your phone and don't check the chart. We are not pressured by time, THEY ARE. Because that bridge needs to be released very soon. HOLD FAGGOTS
Fuck, by released I meant released to the population as now nobody knows about this pos except us. We still need V2 though, the current version is the shittiest, it's unusable and also not even to the standard on their website. "Instant bridging for all coins! " but it takes 7 days to withdraw anything except avi.
Just disarm them. The only thing that they can do is keep this bottomed out. Which they can't do for much longer because people will get paid in december and they will start buying back. And at this price they will just have everything back to what it was with new big holders fucking them up as eoon as they pump. I'm a fucking genius. DISARM THE RICH, EAT THE RICH. They can manipulate us for so long but ain't nobody biting the bait anymore. Our skin is now tough as steel and we see through these retarded strategies. "Ban! Mute! No breadcrumbsszzz! Nobody talk!! Make them sell we got too many biz tards because of the extra year of accumulation! Get rid of them quiiiiick we need to pump this to 1 dollar nooooo how come they are all still holding nooo they will dump our fake pump aaaaah"
"Kerasooo what do we dooo they are still holding, they are EVEN doubling their stacks what do we do what do we doooo quick post another useless ama make them capitukate we need extra time mister coinbase we got too many biz tards we expected btc to top in march 2024 not noooow noooo mister coinbase we need to get rid of them first why do you push us to release it fasteeeer we are banning them, muting them, even NOT TALKING AT ALL in the tg and they keep holding arghhh aaaaaaah heeeelp mister coinbase we need 4 more months aaaaa"
HAHAHAH I made myself applaud with my feet at this comment. Imagine that this is really happening. Stixil being told to start the fucking base season already and he keeps wanting to get rid of biz tards but he can't. My sweet prince is getting pressured... Imaaaagine the stress he is feeling right now as some team members are reading my comments and leaving screenshots in their mods tg. "Stixelrinooooo they are still holdinnggg what do we doooo dump it further??? But they will buy back and our plan will get even woooorse back to square 1!!! Stixilerinoooo coinbase sent an email they want the base season to start in december should we release V2 STIXILERINOO ANSWAAAAH WHAT DO WE DOOO" HAHAH
TLDR this was their last resort to shake us out and it failed miserably. What else can they do now? Delete the whole coin and steal the liquidity? Sadly they have a KYC done.. Oh no... Let's see what else they can do heheheh. Maybe get coffe to dump his whole stack? Naah... biz tards will buy tens of millions. Jay had a dicklet stack and he did suck their dicks and accepted their offer tho. Idk if there are any other evil retards in here except that fucking midget cuck. I would fuck his wife with $3 to my name and he won't be able to do shit. Only genes are speaking now after this economic reset and he lost. Hold strong biz bros and market dump everything at 1 dollar. These cunts deserve to be farmed back for what they did.
which tg scumbag is this?
Magic. If post had sir lanken in it then its jay

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