guys... it's not looking good. I have 50% of my assets in ETH staked, It's not looking good.
you're going to fud yourself out of your bags by the sheer strength of your midwittery
Currently have 17, hoping to stack 3 more in the next month then I’m done buying this coin for good. Will start DCA’ing out at 4750, finish at $7500. Probably going to start stacking AVAX and UNI again. Going to rotate completely out, maybe hold onto 1-2 ETH this bear market. Fuck holding altcoins. NEVER again.
>>59231235Surprised it's lasting this long in the numba two spot. SUI's potential partnership with META with its zklogin feature and partnership with Bytedance gaming makes it the future of blockchain tech and will flip both ETH and SOL. All my friends laughed at me because back in 2015 I said Facebook isn't going nowhere. They kept telling me it was going to die out like MySpace just about every single day. When the Zucc changed the stock ticker from FB to META, my gamer friends still laughed at me, "LMAO the zucc spent billions on VR and AR tech and it bombed. How's your META or shall I say 'Facebook down, ass up' stonk doin'" These past 2 years tho, they've shut up entirely about it. Feels good, man
>>59231235.02 is the bottom. No recovery until 2030
>>59231334delete this. nobody here deserves to be rich.
>>59231235all this low tier eth/btc fud is unironically bullish.
>>59231235ETH either will die (for good) in 2025 or will unironically flip Bitcoin by the end of the cycle. All this hate will manifest one way or another...
>>59231448It would be a pretty based gamble desu. You should do it.
>>59231530it doesn't look good for eth. last cycle it was the only actually usable defi chain with liquidity, that changed. the second argument was decentralized pos alternative to pow btc and its climate fud, but that's dead with ai. ethereum could do fine with its l2s, the most realistic way to onboard and tokenize tradfi, but it's just not bullish for the token similar to chainlink
got your back op
ETHbros, I think it's over...
so yeah i think it's over, there is no future for eth, it doesn't look good for eth, yes it's over
>>59231405Hi Ben
>scammed a bunch of NFTards in 2022>jew'd my way into triple digit ETH>kept it in steth over the past two and a half yearsWhat is there left to do? I took out some USDC on Aave to buy more ETH. Am I retarded? Is it over?