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Is BAT still a thing? I just bought 160k of it.

yes. Its just a different form
sar please to do the needful
It's dead then? What a shame. I remember BAT hitting $1 and it's only at 20c now.

Seemed like a good buy to me.
I'm still holding from 2020 like a retard
Market presence is non existent, but the upside potential is huge, I'm thinking at least 10x.

Token seems completely dead though, I'm not sure what could revive interest in it.
How is the upside potential huge? There's thousands of dead coins just like it. Or is it just one of those baggie cult things? Link, Monero, ICP, everyone needs their poorfag drug.
I'm only holding because if it does explode I will seriously be pissed off. I had what would amount to almost a million dollars of btc and eth that I sold for a few thousand dollar gains years ago. Not parting with my coins. But the marketing of the coin is horrible. Brendan doesn't seem to care.
The team is literally full of boomers. The crypto market is entirely full of zoomers. Brave cannot reach zoomers, boomers, or millenials with their token. I have held BAT and watched this team fumble the ball over a million times. Pretty sure they have been talking about delivering a new roadmap,pay with BAT, and search ads for the past three years. Have seen the government work faster than Brave.
It's at $300MM and the browser is good. One good rumor/news and it could fly.
Concept is dead as they require invasive KYC to redeem their tokens. Nobody going to the effort to install a "privacy focused" browser wants to do that.
Google will buy Brave and BAT and make it work.
Believe me brother. I have been saying this for I think 8 years. Missed two bull runs. Every day of every year was hoping for the next catalyst to propel it forward. It could take off, but that would either require people to buy the token or for brave to make a bunch of ad sells. Both of which they have had basically 6 years to do already. I think browser growth is also slowing. They are in maintenance mode, and brave is just around to keep the lights on and collect a check.

It's hard for me to track the motivation of all the players here. Jennie, Luke... etc... are in the call week after week. Luke speaks on some kind of show about Brave. Brendan still tweets about Brave. Are they getting paid to do all this? Is that money now running out (hence recent layoffs)? Some people say they're waiting for the SEC to not be a factor because they're afraid of getting labeled a security and getting Just'd. Sounds convenient but plausible?
There was a time when I had the brave ads turned on for months, and the pittance you earn for having annoying ad popups are not worth it. Max amount you can earn in a year is like $3. Maybe it's really lucrative for website owners who do advertising through brave idk, but for an end user this shit sucks.
That's definitely not going to happen.
The browser doesn't have anything important to do with the coin that's just a gimmick to keep you from leaving the cult.

Being pissed off once is better than eight more years of cope.
They have a conflict of interest. They took outside capital for brave the company, and made BAT the token. They have a fiduciary duty to pay the people who provided capital. As for bagholders, they can get fucked in their eyes. After all they are "rent seekers"

Pretty sure they released a premium model of search as well as a paid vpn that were payable in cash. That cash did not get turned into BAT and burned or anything that would make a good token scheme. BAT is basically an afterthought. I would not be surprised if almost nobody at brave hq had over $1k worth of BAT. These guys couldnt even keep reddit or telegram alive. They are doing less than the bare minimum.
exactly. I washed my hands of this shitcoin, and im in financially the worst shape of my life, but at least im free. Holding BAT for 8 years was daily cock and ball torture.

The only redeeming grace of this coin is that its literally the last coin to pump. Its a good sign to exit the market when BAT is skyrocketing. Thats the multi million dollar alpha. Make your money on other shitcoins then ride BAT up at the end of the market and cash out.
All that crap about utility and team being useless doesn't matter.

All this token needs is some huge hype to lure normalfags in.
Good point. If they were to take any of their profits and use that to burn BAT or do anything to benefit the bagholders, the shareholders would be justified in suing Brave for leaving money on the table. They have legal rights to any resources that could benefit BAT holders.
>I just bought 160k of it
>upside potential is huge
>the browser is good
>One good rumor and it could fly
>Google will buy Brave and BAT
>utility and team being useless doesn't matter

Holy shit this is late stage terminal levels of denial. If you have 33K to blow on more BAT, don't. Get out now, buy Bitcoin or the S&P500, and never touch altcoins again.
I'm going to wait until the road map is released. It should be this month. If it's not released I just might sell hafllf my coins and put it in btc. They are horrible at generating hype. The coin has a poor brand at this point, this is justifiably known as the coin that people missed on crypto booms for. I wish I could be more positive about it, but it's not as simple as you say it is.
Okay, I sold. I hope you are right and I won't miss it exploding.
Its not a bad coin for what it does. Its literally a coal mine canary.

In like the 8 years of this tokens life, I don't think they have ever done a single thing to benefit token holders. In fact they have only become more restrictive. When they tried clawing back vBAT is when I finally started washing my hands. Just recently uphold removed my account after being a user for 8 years. Cant even earn BAT anymore. At least when I held BAT there was a hope for the future. Now they get more and more bearish every week.
I still hold BAT from half a decade ago. If you sell, just don't look back. Never check the price of BAT ever again. It's that easy. Also, it's extremely doubtful that you'll miss BAT "exploding," don't even worry about that
>bought 160k
>forgets gen x
BAT is really the only competition to Google AdWords so I don't really see that happening tbqh
300k BAT holder here. You’re gonna make it anon. Highest DAU of any crypto project and Brave is evolving from just a browser and search engine into a portal for the entire internet. It will crack the top 50 once again
This is >>59233023 on another device
Just wanted to say I never recommended selling. Just giving some counterpoints to some of your bullish statements.
I hold 8 billion BAT btw. Something huge is coming.
I hold twenteen trillion
It's pumping a little.
This coin should be at least 4 bill market cap at this point, so many users.
I just bought more, now I own thirtyeen quintillion BAT. And I accessed Brave+ (only available for giga-nigga BAT whales) and Brendan Eich personally told me that something insane is coming.
what makes more sense than buying your competition to remove it? nothing is off the table for this bullrun. crazy stuff is going to happen because the bullrun from 2020 never actually ended, it was just violently and artificially interrupted and delayed by a hostile government and financial market makers.
I guess MAU/DAU isn't enough to get a major advertising deal like DuckDuckGo. We're making progress though.
ngl i still end up going to google on the brave browser for searches. But my searches are usually searching for a reddit topic, or directions to somewhere (e.g. gas station near me). Not a huge fan of brave search personally
this shit died off because they never got rid of uphold, which is a nightmare to use
I use both but I think the growth of Brave search speaks for itself. Clearly Google has an advantage even if a lot of tech nerds say the results suck.

But if OpenAI or another AI company builds a browser there will be a lot more competition.
Sold my bag for pepe
Also, if Brave was acquired we would probably get fucked. They probably won't
buy out the token holders
Sold mine for Bitcoin when it was still 80 cents. Best decision I ever made.

There is literally zero reason for anyone to do anything to benefit token holders and tons of reasons why it's a bad idea. You all might as well sell your BAT and pool the resources to make your own memecoin. Would have better liquidity and marketing than 99% of them.
I don't find meme coins interesting. It's boring even if they go up in price.
Yeah cause losing money is so much more interesting. Go to a theme park if you want excitement.
There is still a lot we don't know about the future of crypto.
>BAT thread
>no coombait
Wtf /biz/?
bat didnt rebrand to guano
bat is still braves rewards token
guano is a shitty memecoin by jeets in the community, that is the only link
All the coomers sold their bags
Let's not get that going, counterproductive.
why would you buy this shitcoin? I'm using brave and I don't even use it
literally missing out on free pennies my guy
no, I had the ads set up, then they stopped sending me BAT. so I turned ads off
I use brave but the value proposition for BAT is just absolutely dogshit. Literal "token not needed" which is a shame
Brendan is likely the last well known free speech advocate developer left in sv. With Elon and Trump and the overall regime change about to happen in tech and politics Brave will have a lot of opportunities to expand. I expect this cycle for BAT to finally pop off
Speak for yourself I know plenty.
Its finally recovering sats and you want to get out now?
might be worth trying it again with the self custody rewards
Take the tiny blip up before it's 100 sats next cycle
if BAT stayed at like half a dollar over an extended period of time, it's over for you hoes
How much have you made from crypto?
This. Where is TP?
Shut the fuck up nigger. Whores have been posted in these threads for years at BATs peak and lowest of the lows. The only thing counterproductive are the faggots who run Brave
More than you've made off BAT.
It's dumping a little.
Piece. Of. Shit.
the problem with BAT is that it always goes back down to 10 to 15 cents, maybe because it's a "utility" token
Wtf where is the coombait guy
Whose going to be in the call today? I will.
brutal call today
Someone with the name Bat Whale or something like that was calling the team out for not adequately marketing BAT. Could tell it put Luke in a bad mood.
hi BAT Whale, keep glazing yourself bro
How much does BAT Whale have? This isn't whale behavior.
I'm actually not BAT Whale. Just pointing out what's happening.
okay BAT Whale
keep glazing yourself bro
It's dead token, no use
Well, why did you join the call if you hate the coin?
Which turtle is your favorite turtle?
how has your stomach been lately GT?
still gassy?
If biz comes to the community call it’s always gonna be trial by fire. Same with these threads and that’s a good thing imo
Galápagos tortoise! I guess I should have thought more about my name. Apparently I don't know the difference between turtles and tortoises. I have a lot of pics from Galapagos. Maybe on the community call I'll show a slideshow. I think I did that before.

I've been consuming protein bars with sugar alcohols. Life is very gassy.
It's a delicate balance right? Too many toxic people and they might not want to hold them.
If you don't behave, you aren't going to be invited to the Brave Christmas party. Those are the rules.
Fair enuff. Some people are retards. I just think it’s good to ask difficult questions
Yeah that Godson guy was not debating in earnest and BAT Whale fell for it desu
What'd he say?
Not gonna lie, former BAT whale here. This is fucking various watching Eich crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this homophobe cut into Google AdSense.
paraphrasing here: "You should be happy that BAT is up more from its lows in 2024 than ETH is up from its lows in 2024"

stuff like that
You expected BAT to pump when its entire use-case revolves around it being sold?
Fuck off faggot. Heteros already won
I actually like Bat for this reason
It's the coin I consistently short for 100% profits everytime because I know that if it will pump it will be immediately dumped in large amounts
What a gaslighting faggot. ETH pulled a 16000X from ICO while BAT pulled a 55X. Same thing Brendan said with his "the top 100 are manipulated so it's good BAT dropped out"
exactly, and he kept going. But I think it was late stage copium
Luke is full of shit.
He's the father of copium. I remember when CZ was pulling out of FTX Luke's Twitter was filled with sucking off SBF cause they were in bed with Solana. Same thing with all his tweets about ETH flipping BTC.
Fuck that guy. Seriously
I've been holding with a DCA of 30c since mid 2017. Any day now I'm going to make it.
Not with Luke spewing shit and gaslighting us all
Nice move, I actually sold mine for NEAR, the chart is kinda good to ignore.
Luke isn’t on the tech team. He’s not the one responsible for deving bat. Bondy and Brendan do the coding. I have no idea what their plan is but they’re both big brains so I expect some big things to get released. I’ll save my judgement until the new roadmap comes out
When is the next conference in Lisbon?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the roadmap is "BAT is now a community project and we've abandoned it. Fuck rent seekers hahahahaha" Which is basically what faggot luke said on twitter yesterday. Fuck Brave. Fuck BAT. Scammer fucks
Yawn. No one cares that you lost money. Move on.
Hi Luke
Brendan doesn't code anymore and how many smart contract devs does Brave have? Zero? Luke isn't tech team but is the head of BAT because he's all they were willing to throw at it.
How do you know that he doesn't code anymore?
His github has no activity except creating a couple bug reports years ago while Brian Bondy has plenty of commits to github.
If thotposter doesnt show up and post a MILF in glasses with big titties imma kms
Deploy the thotposter
File: on_god.jpg (49 KB, 360x360)
49 KB
BAT is a token that actually does something, so it doesn't need to be pumped and dumped by gambler degens

Kek. Baggies

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