>>59232717>never work again ?Depends on what making it is to you anon, also why denver?
>>59232717Wheres the property. Are you a rentoid?
>>59232717current age and how long do you plan to live?
>>59232717>Move to DenverFucking why Denver Op? Literally one of the gayest and most boring states in the Entire USA.You would be better off moving to Las Vegas, or Arizona. Pussy is way better too
>>59232717you'll be broke in 2 years
>>59233439This, wtf OP I just moved out of Denver because it’s a shithole. Literally overrun by Mexicans while rent for white people is the highest in the country.
>>5923295135. Who knows how long I'll live
>>59233439I like skiing , it's close to world class ski resorts. And I love nature and national parks . It's close to all major destinations
1M gets you a cardboard box next to Denver airport.