No matter how much money I make my dick will remain small
Only faggots cares about dicks
>>59233301I'm hijacking this thread, sorry OP>ANY NEETMAXXERS OUT THERE PLEASE AWNSERim was able to get on a program where i get 1k a month and my electric/gas paid for. expenses i have to cover with the 1k:>phone/internet>rent/ 300 for basement room>foodhow would you pull this off every month to still invest some, and what would you use the free time for to skillmax/hustle whatever. I know the job market is fucked right now so what should i be learning? everything i learned in school and post-secondary is completely useless nowadays
>>59233301As long as you can manage to impregnate a cutie with a baby or two then it doesn't really matter how big it is.
>>59233973I watch a lot of jav and they don’t seem that small desu, some do but most are normal a few were bigger than me even.