How do I make it as a retarded NEET who wants to turn his NEETbux into stock and crypto gains? Seems like Trump getting back in the White House will mean good things in terms of market volatility and I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines not getting a piece of the action like a cuck.
idk this market used to be good for autistic people when everyone cared about fundamentals because u could research a bunch and find stuff that was undervalued or other people didn't know about. but now people only care about dumb shit like memes (ones that arent even funny). so now only the most retarded normies or insiders have an edge
>>59235683>>59235669>so now only the most retarded normies or insiders have an edgeYes, but also people who know how to read /biz/ (i.e knows how to do the opposite of what they say 95% of the time, and to go with the flow 5% of the time). Spend some time on /x/, develop your schizo powers, come back and you'll be a better trader for it.
>>59235669Link you retard
>>59235683adapt or die
>>59235683When I was messing about with crypto during COVID one of the only ways I consistently made money was selling stuff if Musk made a tweet about it.>>59235792I saw people freaking out about LINK because of some deal with the Trump administration that was just made.
>>59235855i turned 10k into 250k in 2021 autistically researching different small cap kucoin shit that hadn't pumped yet
>>59235669If your autistic, you know what to do.....
>>59235939Any tips for someone looking to do the same thing in 2024? Resources to start with, ways to get the hang of it?>>59236077Send it all on DOGE?