thats it thats the post
>>59239393>FaG indexDR;NS
what about the sneed and feed index?
>>59239393That would require me to see the dollar as something with value. So taking profit for someone like me would be like selling a shitcoin for more bitcoin. Selling for the dollar is cringe
>>59239393These things remind me that not eth tokens are in a bullrun and they can take profit already aaaaaaaaaaaa
>>59239393Maybe we can see over 90% greedy index, galaxis is the final destination
>>5923939314-hour shift, can’t even check charts so put it all in Kendu, don’t think twice, then come back after work, portfolio doubled >tfw I’m rich thanks to dog memes
>>59239393>take profitstake profits?that sounds like something an old fucking retard would saytake profits, take coffinsget in a coffin, nail yourself infucking retard