so how's XRP gonna react to the next Bullrun?it missed the last BR, so how does that affect the current one?will it do a 20x to make up for the last time?or will it trend the 5-7x cycle like normal?has any other crypto been through something similar?
really depends who becomes the new sec chair, brian brooks is clearly the correct choice.
>>59239548XRP 2k EOY, unironically this time.
>>59239548No, XRP is uniquethat is why it was uniquely targeted by the SECSEC tried to buy siwft and jpmorgan time to launch a competitor, but it has failedthis small runup is but a taste of what's in store
>>59239649You want to know something? I really hope it fucking does, and then LUNC just hops back to 1 USDIt would prove that crypto makes no sense and soletiles its just about good ideas, strong opportunities and the community
>>59240940This.This bull run has been weird so far. No bull run has been the same which means there might not be any logic to pricing and market caps. It all might be a wild fucking ride of hopium and luck
>>59240896It already launched and has mogged the overloving shit out of you
>>59239548XRP is flipping eth
>>59245124you misspelled btc
>>59239548Top is $300
>linkies seething that's how you know you're over the targetit's not to late lil stinker, you still have a little time left to join the winning side, or you know, continue to cope and seethe
>>59239548I'm done with XRP, I hold it for over 2 years with no gains, I'm into QAN now, I got 10X on it this year and I sold, but bought back in a few weeks ago
>>59247798DTCCSwift EuroclearMeanwhile xrupee:uuhh.... uuuuh.....
>>59248342When is automatic payment conversion to link coming?When is actual staking coming?So much bullish news but price in the gutter, its
>>59246835You misspelled Luna Classic.
what the fuck does XRP have going for it?
$30 xrp is all I need to retire. As if the kikes would allow that to happen>>59248757