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Convince me this is not all a bottom signal and tell me what is functionally wrong with ETH to warrant all this talk about it.
Eth is still what it was in 2020. No innovation while other chains like SOL are continuing to advance and make eth irrelevant
Wouldn't you argue that the layer 2 implementations and its general road map constitutes effective change?
People have been calling "this level of FUD" the bottom for months. That says enough. Overall in the long term (months, if not, years) ETHBTC ratio is almost sure to continue to tank, unless ETH somehow switches to POW again (0% chance).

mETH is PoS, which is trash compared to PoW which is KING
> SOL are continuing to advance and make eth irrelevant

Normal people don't know about your shit tier alt. They barely even know about ETH.
They only know about bitcoin.
ETH is usable by companies and may get utilized in tokenization of assets so there is a potential of value there, but it's unclear.
BTC or bust soltard
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>"this level of FUD"
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all these eth replacements are the same bullshit that make different tradeoffs

true defi is never going to work on blockchains, its impossible
gas fees are a scam
I feel like you're being either ignorant or malicious with this because every coin had been consolidating because that's simply how the cycle is. We also all know that ETH runs after BTC and it's clear that BTC is not done. I'm just wondering if people are being disingenous or just ignorant to our market cycles.
There is no uncertainty sir, it is just fearing the obvious and doubting Vitalik.
How so? SOL has similar fees and it isn't that FUDDED compared to eth at this point. Is it because we've just become brainrotted and addicted to the Solana casino or what?
point is everything else is running alongside btc except eth, this wasn't the case in 2021. Eth will pump but it will be a lackluster pump compared to literally everything else and that is just another step towards death, not as a chain but as a token, and it will be their own retarded choices (pos and L2s) that will do so
>Verification not required.
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The definition of "this" has changed over time. "This" is now much more than it was before.
You are correct it is better to buy low. However "The Merge" was a catastrophe (see pic). It's different this time, unironically.
I understand that you find my position "ignorant". And your reasoning for it is not bad. However it is incorrect, Doge is the new ETH. It's doge that's leading the ALT market now. Even Vitalik is B U C K B R O K E N on the subject: https://changelly.com/blog/ethereum-founder-endorses-dogecoin-as-the-second-most-significant-cryptocurrency/. If ETH was still POW, you would be absolutely correct, but it is not. Doge will lead the charge. You should have a look at the DOGE/ETH ratio. Qutie sickening and a possible eye opener for you. Again, WORK IS KING. Work carries everything.
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And yes, I will certainly admit to being malicious even if not ignorant (probably you are the more ignorant of the two). But I am malicious for good reason. When Satoshi created bitcoin WORK was supposed to be the solution to dumb government printing money infinitely. ETH has now become like dumbass government currency. It completely goes against the true VISION that supports is the true carrier of the entire market. So my malice is warranted. ETH should burn and be made a lesson of. The switch to POS disgusts me. So pretentious, "too good" for work? This is the equivalent of a lazy bum, and ETH deserves to be worth lazy bum money. Sorry, but it's the truth. I spit on ETH.
eth will outperform btc in 2025. screencap this retard.
doge is a meme coin, it will never take the place of Ethereum

>ETH has now become like dumbass government currency.

Bitcoin it's also heavily manipulated by Blockstream and Blackrock even though it's POW
I give arguements that might be wrong, but I build it off logic. Your arguements are "HURR DURR *throws faeces*". You are a dumb shitslinging monkey.

You too are a shitslinging monkey, but at least one with IQ above 50. https://en.macromicro.me/charts/29435/bitcoin-production-total-cost if you would be open minded enough (I doubt your IQ can handle this level of processing but I'll give you a shot here to talk like an adult) to look at the info on this page, you will see that BTC currently costs about 82K to produce and the market price is not far from that. Production price determines the main direction of BTC's price. It's funny that I am one fo the most bullish people on /biz/, but I am an immensely big ETH bear. Get rekt. By the way, production price for ETH is 0 cents. Enjoy your shitty Keynesian economics, I'm sticking with Austrian economics on steroids. I will chip away at faith for ETH, one brick at a time.
Kinda telling that you never got an answer afterwards. ETH is dead in the water.
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why invest in ETH when ROCKY is literally outperforming them all?
This is it.

If tokenization of everything happens like @saylor is suggesting in latest comments, its going to be on Ethereum. Its not going to any eth git clone ctrl/r edit a few values and priv launch " public" blockchain.
Zero chance.
Sol is having its bnb run right now because VC's wanted it to.
When a real use case materializes it will be on ethereum.
It's not FUD, SOL does what ETH does but cheaper.
>WORK IS KING. Work carries everything.
This simply is the case.
Im sure if you had vitalik alone, sipping on his Chardonnay, he would gove anything to go back in time and leave eth pow.
I concur.
>Eth is still what it was in 2020.

>was POW and now POS

>15k to 94k
>2.1k to 3.1k
nuff said
kek the cycle is 80% over, it's going nowhere you fucking imbecile
its not a bottom if it keeps dumping
new lower low on wth/btc btw
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I don't give a fuck about ETH, I'm staking EOS for a juicy 20% APY reward.
Vitalik is not virgin anymore, he lost his powers.

It's literally over.
I want to transfer my ETH to BTC but I don't know when to do it. When should I do it? Next BTC dip?
If opportunity cost is the prime reason you want people to sell the ETHBTC bottom then you cannot also say ETH costs zero to produce.
If I could be "making" (on paper) more holding BTC or SOL but I'm staking ETH and producing 2.8% or whatever in ETH of my stake per year, then ETH has a cost of production so your thesis is incorrect. I guess that's why people compare it to bonds in contrast to equities and commodities. It's inherently productive. BTC doesn't produce anything, much like their chosen analogy, gold. Pet rocks. But don't worry. When Peter Tod gets his way (and he will), BTC will become a productive asset just like zero interest rate dollars.
paul town was right about almost everything
transfer eth to stable and wait for blood in a few years, it's extremely easy to buy when it's straight down every day, at some point you just have to pull the trigger, I got in at 21k last time
Fucking sad.
Fucking sad.
>Gambling usecase

Ok, so the entire market from equities, commodities to bonds and real estate? It will all be on one chain? And BTC cant settle token transactions?
You think that matters? Casino equities have higher revenue than the entire Nasdaq
>Convince me this is not all a bottom
It's not. Go all in and see what happens :)
This is simply wrong.
Yeah and soon you'll be able to trade them both on base.
Going to put it in another coin though and the fees on coinbase are ridiculous. I know I should get off this crap platform but I'm on it right now so I want to just trade my eth for something that will actually gain. Already turned some into NEAR
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why bother countering the fud? were you on biz reassuring people when everyone was wetting their panties when BTC was 20k?
i kinda feel sorry for the newfags that will fall for pajeet tricks, but you either make it or you dont, its genetic. If you cant sniff out bullshit and make the right moves by yourself then you were never meant to make it.
High IQ bizraelis just come here to have a giggle. If you actually make moves and let yourself be influenced by biz threads...oof
> true defi is never going to work on blockchains, its impossible

Are you an hbar nigger by chance?
every major exchange lets you withdraw your money to a L2 and they are all dirt cheap to use. only whales and ignorant people still use L1. and multiple ETH L2s each have more money on them than the lightning network. you will not want for liquidity.
protracted market manipulation is impossible, if it were, you wouldn’t need to dump spr to suppress oil
do people not look at charts of how eth behaved the previous 2 cycles or
I just hate eth

simple as
rwa tokenization has no value, btc is a trustless unit (worlds first, largest, oldest), what does title service currently cost? Couple of hundred bucks per transfer? Why would anyone pay more for title service “on da blockchain”? It doesn’t make real property trustless, so it has no value if it can’t do the function cheaper, but if it does the function cheaper, it has little value…
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Dunno bear, but ill always say that eth price is anticorrelated with eth utility. Price increase has always corresponded with gas price increases making every dapp less useful
eth is going to 2k next time btc drops
>chains like SOL are continuing to advance
Certified jeet and streetshitter
Imagine putting your money in a network that crashes every 6 months. SOL is the next LUNA or FTX, these niggas gonna kill themselves when it happens
Its a dead coin, plain and simple, and sol is gonna get all the retail liquidity from now on.
Another day, another new ETHBTC low. Is this an infinite money short system like shorting the Turkish Lira?
What? Everyone says the golden bull is just getting started and we guarnteed 450k EOY 2025. Drumpf will skyrocket the price. Trust in Drumpf. Take out a loan and load up your bags more.
800 to 3.1k chud
it's all in the hands of EF
if they don't just come out and say "DEFI CHAIN", gas will remain low, usage will remain low, shit will fizzle out
without defi, eth is just another ghostchain
Layer 2s are killing ETH, they bring zero value to ETH in its POS form
SOL is literally BTC BETA this run, it fucking moves with BTC more than any other major. BTC > SOL > COIN is all you need to max out on a year ago.
oh wow and an extra FOUR DOLLAR pump as BTC flies 6k again fucking kys mETHhead
EF? SOL? I just dumped 20k in the market. Idk, pulling my stache. Put 15k on bit at 97.8k. I've been watching it since 40k and beat myself up. It took two weeks for robinhood to transfer my money in! Idk what to do.
Btc 15k @ 97.8k
Doge 2k @ 0.38
Eth $650 @ 3.12k
Xrp $500 @ 1.119
800 left and idk where to put it

Now people saying btc goin higher than 125k, I wish I learned this shit earlier in life. I'm just some blue collar dude lmao
>Btc 15k @ 97.8
lol going all in BTC at the literal ATH....
you sound very new from what you wrote, but just know this : DO NOT sell until March or April, no matter what the price goes to just wait several months. No such thing as """125k""" or 200 or 300k. numbers dont matter TIME is what matters. And dont go all paper handed
I am very new to the market, thus why I came here. I've been on these webs for long but not loud, i hope to be led in the right way. But never had the money to do this,

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