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Cba learning up about these things, or what the project is about. i just keep buying it because the banks and asset managers are all talking about it and wave after wave of brownoids keep screeching about it. I had xrp and eth but i've gradually switched it all into Link.
Ngl it feels like i did the right thing. Basic psychology. the weird answers to posts like this are a giveaway
No need. Everyone holds link. The ones who fud the hardest, hold just as much.
Just ask yourself. If the banks and asset managers were really interested in this as an asset, why aren't they buying it? Think really hard about this.

By the way I'm not saying they're not interested in the tech stack or in hiring CLL as a third party to hook them up on this crypto thing.
I have a stack of 40k LINK burning a hole in the back of my mind thinking about how I could have bought almost anything else and retired by now.
Why isn't the price going up if the banks and asset managers are buying it?
Eh, don't blame yourself. We couldn't know they'd centralise and use the token only for their funding, they looked like a honest team back then. It was a gamble anyway.
>He thinks the Link fud is ironic
>Just ask yourself
>Think really hard about this
>By the way I'm not saying...
See? This. What other project attracts this shit? None other project. Maybe i got it all wrong, or maybe the banks did. I'm gonna go with the banks. Simple as.
Nothing else attracts this attention on here. I'm all in.
So you didn't really think about it. About the facts. Banks aren't buying it. You are just accusing everyone to be a fudder. I k ow it's hard but try to actually think about this and come up with a good reason for it.
>babys first shitcoin
it's paid speakers and pocs. the fact you dont know this shows you must be new to crypto.
I also came to these conclusions long ago and it only reinforces the hold I have on my stack.
maybe i would have doubted it, but when loads of people tell me to do one thing, i tend to go the other way. it's psychology. kinda like how i never took the vax, yet here we are 4 years later and i'm glad i didn't listen to the people telling me to do one thing.
as i said before. whatever chainlink are selling, i'll buy it. simply because of a)the banks and b)people like you telling me not to
this is how i operate and it always works
>Guys guys listen guys I found this coin that has lots of articles on the net on how banks will use it it's going to the moon!!

Link truly is the new xrp lol
yep checks out lmao
>fudtrannies are vaxxies
Checks out lmao
point me to the huge institutional interest xrp has and maybe i'll switch back. it just ain't there, bro. chainlink has all of it. why i'm invested. why i moved to all in
No one told you not to buy it bro. Go on, buy it. Its just that we've all been burned with these kind of scams before. It already had its giga pump against btc, and the team never implemented the tokenomics that would drive value in the token, it's all very centralised the team collects the actual little money the network is getting. They only use the token to fund themselves, like xrp. Read the archive if you don't believe me.
>checks out lmao
well, i never died and my immune system is in excellent order. i hear not-so good feedback from the mult-ijabbed, but hey// this is about the effectiveness of propaganda. i'm immune. pisses people like you off. i'm unjabbed, have a ton of staked Link, and i attract people like you like flies. who's the loser here?
>we've all been burned with these kind of scams before
>imagining a room in which the man scammed Swift and the DTCC
Sorry but i find that too unlikely. why don't you contact them? they'll be so pleased you let them know
He didn't scam them. No need to exaggerate. They k ow what they in for. They're probably happy to have a free poc (paid by token holders) so they can show their boss they're working on the shiny new stuff.
I have 25k USD in LINK just sitting on coinbase doing literally nothing besides waiting for it to go up. MSTX is up 223.24% just this month. I have come to the realization of the opportunity cost associated with this piece of shit. I can't wait to dump these fucking bags in 2025. I am fully aware of the scope of the project, the token price clearly does not reflect the fundamentals.
>n-no one told you not to buy
then why do you deranged freaks get so upset and shit out angry paragraphs in response to people saying they will buy? lmfao
Lol my brothers whole family is sick with 'covid', all multi vaxxed. I live with them and didnt get sick, no vax. They all get covid like 2 times a year while i never do.
Kek - thanks for walking straight into that. i love eliciting responses like this. Job done. Catch you on the flipside dude.
Keep buying.
See my post above , vaxxies in denial in 2024, lul, lmao even. Happy about RFK in charge of health? Or are you worried you wont get enough jabs?
What do you mean? I am just trying to speak the truth. I don't care about shilling or fudding. You have the wrong mindset if you think like that.
Based bong.
Xrp is a fugazi, it's a literal do nothing abandonware corporate coin that's gaining no traction.

Eth is a good platform and will be inevitably a core part of the future of blockchain development, but activity on the base layer is small in comparison (due to speed and cost) of its L2s (which DO hold and pay fees in Eth) and competitor more centralized L1s (Basedlana and Avax among others)

Link is a fundamental beast. Truly underrated as fuck, despite fudders and baggies at each other's throats here no one outside of biz gets it, they're too retarded.
it's horrendous and i'm so glad i never fell for it. ironically, anyone who was skeptical fared better. even the one who thus far have had no side effects; who knows what the future holds for them? and fertility figures are thin on the ground..
imagine the effect on financial investments etc
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>link is too right curve bro

It's been 7 years now, everyone gets it. Advocates are so cringe.
don't take it the wrong way, dude. i was just thanking you for being so obvious. don't panic yet
oh look, another link thread full of people insisting holders should:
>buy memetokens
>not buy more link
>seriously whatever you do, don't buy more and sell what you have
>check out this funny frog token instead
>you don't really think you know more than people with money, do you? if it was worth anything they'd market buy it all at once and make the price skyrocket instead of ... don't worry about it just sell
>lines up in rage for its fluoride injection
Many such cases
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2025 is the year of the cube.
Hope you guys packed your bags.
You are clearly here to shill link and are not interested in discussing its flaws. You are not honest. You probably lied about being a first time buyer. One day reality will snap back and you will have to pay for all your lies.
Agreed they're cringe... but I just like the coin unironically and I think the right curve take is accurate. Most retards who buy cryptocurrency have literally 0 understanding of the tech.

Look at the market also. STALE as fuck memes like Doge, Pepe, plus absolutely retarded 3rd/4th/5th wave meme coins like BONK, PNUT exploding the last few weeks.

Not to mention ancient retarded unused protocol coins like XRP, XLM popping off.

The mass normie sentiment cannot get hyped enough en masse to move LINK. I'm guessing they never will. The only thing it has going for it is fundamentals which are unappreciated by anyone who doesn't understand what a blockchain, a Smart contract, and an Oracle is.
Thank you so much for your ongoing obsession with my financial investments. I could never have wished for such selfless dedication to one who is a stranger to you. You're the best.
PS 74k Link staked. I'd prob have half that if it weren't for your (and your failure pals') constant nagging to sell. I'm not kidding -loads of us are the same. all you did was make us hold and buy more. i guess you 'don't care' though... right?
The irony of that kills me. And it happened.
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1. Chainlink is intended as a pay-as-you-go service, similar to Azure/AWS/GCP. When banks start using AWS they don't buy a bunch of Amazon stock or pre-pay for a bunch of services.
2. Financial disclosures and conflict of interest agreements can prevent insiders from buying.
3. We already know people like Sandy from Franklin loaded up years ago. I don't know how much money you think bank employees have, but it's not enough to send the Chainlink market cap to $100 billion.
4. People said the same shit about Ethereum when it was under $10. If it was going to be valuable then why aren't bankers, market makers, genius billionaires, etc buying?
>these kind of scams before
This is what I think you’re saying: So it’s a scam, but he didn’t scam THEM. They’re being super smart, and are actually using him to look good to their bosses. Merely pretending to stay in the loop with current tech. They liked this concept enough to let him try and prove it works. Now that they have proven that it works, and is backwards compatible with their antiquated existing system, they just got a free poc, and can walk away. Why would they? If you’re saying, “tech needed, but coin not”, why spend so little effort to sell the coin?
>sells two losers to buy a worse loser
basic psychology indeed
it never goes up anymore. NOBODY is buying. because the token simply isn't needed. staking was a meme, economics 2.0 was a meme, build is a meme, cll despises us just like their partners they constantly pander to
finally sold my last link stack. call this fud I don't give a fuck. Shits going no where
Also finally bowed out of this shitcoin. I've been holding for close to 5 years now and sure I made a lot of cash on it but I think the ship has sailed.
This guy having 74k is the best proof it will never go up again
link holders dont realize they're bigger fud than the fuddies ever will be
Cope much?
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Good thread OP, I'm the anon who made the link valuation model (>>59227773) and I broadly agree with you.
The thing that makes link different IMO is that it stands on two legs: DeFi and TradFi. It's basically the only coin/token that's riding on this value prop (sans maybe ETH but in a different way).
All others either have no real use or stand on only one usecase.
For my valuation model, I didn't account for DeFi (because I wanted all assumptions to remain conservative, like no staking, full 1B dilution and so on).
But let's say DeFi as a whole does a x10. Then we can expect to see $150 LINK this run.
To that IMO you should add about $70 coming from a lil bit of TradFi usage, which results in about $220 LINK this run.
If instead of that we get more TradFi usage than expected sooner than expected (+/- speculation), we may see something like $500 LINK this run. At this point, ETH will probably be about $7-12k.
Also, consider that if (real) staking with linkies as collateral is dropped then things start to get crazy, but I dunno how to model that (or when it will come) so I leave it out.
BTW fudders are just bored holders.
see you in a year from today, LINK will keep on stagnating while you'll keep up making excuses and inventing new carrots to dangle on
idk how you find the heart anymore man.
>k ow
I don't have to take anything from an overweight phone-fag.
How do you like the new captchas?
more like
>chainlink now powers the world, the singularity is real
>price: a cup of coffee
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Anon, your ancestors are watching, make them proud.
>fuddies are bored holders
We all know this but we still play along with the act. It's like a medieval dance in which the fuddies have those funny hats with the three prongs and little bells on their feet, prancing around to entertain the court
The court jesters you mean. Only they are being paid to tell blatant lies by some (((lord))) and they also have crippling addiction and substance abuse.
Conflict of interest
*some* fuddies are bored holders, but the majority of them nowadays are third world trash picked up in the netherlands and stuffed into a marketing (aka stockbashing) post farm where they post on here and on twitter
you can tell which is which because the actual oldfags still put effort in and get the old references, while the nufudders are just seething over being called retarded all day and have no meme skills outside of editing booru templates in paint + calling people cucks
you just described nushills
the linkie cognitive dissonance is astonishing
>why aren't they buying it?
Who says they aren't?
>no U
i mean no one's stopping you from coping and lying about it, but i wouldnt bother trying to convince anyone who sees through your bullshit
now chop chop nufuddie! time to go make sure there's at least 10+ fud threads in the catalog
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Anyone that was here in 2018 funds this nushill advocate shit really cringe. You don't have to take my word for it, just look around, no meme, no energy, chart nosediving for 5 years straight, twitter shills, telegram shills, normie shit, defending women and brown and muslim people working for chainlink...
You mean you and your many IPs
>hops ids
>no but U tho really
>here's a twitter screencap i found to post on 4chan!
yeah man you're so convincing
now quick! you got your new ip, so you better do another round of samefagging in your current fud threads!
>I... I swear it's just one guy that thinks nulink is cringe

Mental illness
>I... I swear it's just one guy
Pretty much. You can see him flipping IDs like burgers in every Link thread.
>d-dont buy my retarded lies?
>ill uh... call you a nulinker again because you called me a nufudder and you're making fun of me for my shitty spam tactics
whoa oh my god im so sorry, "fellow OG"
cant believe how obviously wrong i was about you
im pretty sure he just deflects because its all he has
he knows he's lying and so does everyone else, so he'll just double down and keep doing the same thing over and over again
its like im dealing with an actual kike or something, no one could be dumb enough to think this is convincing
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Reminds me of picrel
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So who is this guy? Adem? a Bulgarian ? a mev mafia plant? Does he own all the twitter accounts complaining about Sergey dumping to pay for roasties salaries? Who is this master fudder?

Also please white knight picrel dear advocates please ;)
He has posted here bragging about his stack for months now. I don't see why there's anything to brag about not cashing out 3.5m at the top.
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>Does he own all the twitter accounts complaining about Sergey dumping to pay for roasties salaries?
I honestly think most of that shit is one guy.
It's always him posting his own tweets on here, and then instantly spamming like a dozen IDs all agreeing with himself.

He was always obvious, but with the current traffic it's just demented.
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Keep telling yourself that OP. Meanwhile in reality shatlink has been dropping off a cliff for 5 years. OG’s dumped at $50. $50 will never be reached again, BTC can go to 1mil and you’ll still be crabbing at $10. Why is that? Banks jumped ship, staking failed catastrophically, countless failed larps, zero integration, no partnerships, roadmap delayed decades. The only ones who got lambos were nazarov and the team.

Based, shitlinkers continue to cope and seethe. These fat cunt rakes in 300k a year as the fat plaid hamburglar continues to dump fat stacks on the unpaid shills heads
>anyone poitning out the failures of shitlink and shitlinks abomination of a price action is the exact same person hopping IDs
Wow you ponzimarines never cease to amaze me, im paging unc right now, hopefully he hops in to drop a couple nukes on your delusional heads. BTC can touch 100k and shitlink is still tanking. You’re both paying out the salaries for these overpaid landwhales and chastising a based anon who points out that the sky is blue? What the fuck is wrong with you lads? ATH was 5 years ago, you’ve been tanking for half a decade. Pic related, nazarovs father, gifted a lambo by nazarov as you provide liquidity for the dumps
Here he is again >>59247001

How can you be on /biz/ for so many years and still not know how board culture works, and how insanely obvious your samefagging is.
oh no, he's really upset now
swapping ids twice and shitting out the muh hr roastie angle again, and then more paragraphs that no one will ever read
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You are mentally ill. Many people hate nulink and its DEI shit funded by dumping tokens. It's not that hard to realise.
i like chainlink and i buy chainlink
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Pure mental illness, you nulinkers are a disgrace. Wake up retards shitlink is going nowhere but sure continue to delude yourself into poverty as you baghold another half decade and bleed infinitely more SATs
>Many people hate nulink
If that's true, then why do you feel the need to switch IDs all the time?
>nulinkers bad
This implies that you're an "oldlinker"

>link is going nowhere
This implies that you don't hold Link at all.

You see how both of these sentiments can't be true at the same time?
oh wait up thats schiff lol
got another plane to catch in 5 mins im guessin lil guy?
yeah bit of friendly fire
schiff is OK, and is actually an older poster + at least he has a funny larp
you're still trash though, just stick to spamming the catalog and avoid engaging with people, you arent cut out for it imo
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Thats right newfag i bought ICO and sold the top at $50 we all couldn’t believe such a shit token could even touch that high. I may buy a bag but only at ICO prices, which at this point it seems inevitable we see ICO prices after BTC tanks
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Based anon.

We are flipping link, everything good about the CL community without the bullshit.
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for me its link on sol
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ok nigger.
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everyone and their grandma has been shilling this worthless dogshit token
that's how you know it's dogshit
Thats why its funny whenever these pieces of shit go in overdrive and make 24+ FUD threads in the catalog.

>fudnigger troons are also boosted jabbies
You cant make this shit up kek. You are demonic and this is the ultimate proof.

To the rest of linkies: picture the swathes of hateful jabbies who tried to get you fired from your job for refusing the vaxx, and banned from social media for dissenting. Now think that most of these demons are also fudtrannies who are trying to get you to sell your LINK.

Kill fudders. Behead fudders. Feed fudders into a wood chipper, feet first.
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°°°misses another bullrun°°°
>a x10 is $150 LINK
I hate to burst your bubble giga brain, but 14.7 x 10 = 147.

Focus on breaking $15 before you even dream of previous ATH, much less 3x that.
OP got the entire fudbrigade out by simply buying more LINK kek

even shiff had to pull out his tripcode for the emergency fud intervention lmao
It's over
Fucking look elsewhere. LINK got edged out by PYTH DIA SUPRA Redstone.
Even if you combined all the shit oracles together, chainlink would still dawrf them.
>its still low $14
>its still low $14
>its still low $14
>its still low $14
Are you ok baggie
>BTW fudders are just bored holders.

I believed everything you were saying until you said this. You sound smart, but then you think the FUDDING is just "bored" holders.


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