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What is this? Coordinated group or one crazed, bitter individual?
Probably someone who sold at a lost and is now salty
Unironically blackrock
schizo babble
eth sucks in every metric, thats all. the market is maturing.
Not buying your shitcoins, larry!
Coordinated FUD to commence the top of BTC.D
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trump won
eth and usdt will be banned
only coins with regulatory clarity and transparency will be allowed
>memes pumping left and right
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yeah I've been getting suspicious of all the ETH fud... really weird how it appeared out of nowhere and so viciously. It must be some coordinated attack. I'm gonna hold, remember, always do the opposite of what biz says
I don't even hold that much ETH and it has been really weird to see all the fud threads appear out of nowhere. Has made me want to buy more.
I tend to believe its carried by one guy, maybe the same guy who fuds chainlink. Then its paid saylor people, and then organically especially maxis and solana holders.
trump holds ethereum
I literally bought 2 eth yesterday because of all the fud
>its a conspiracy!
have you looked at the price lately?
new eth/btc lower low, btw
doesnt explain bitcoin then
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It's mostly that we have collectively decided that ETH's switch to proof of stake from proof of work is worth shitting on, and the dumb cult like followers even moreso. You can consider this a coordinated attack if you want, there's probably SOME coordiantion, but I would estimate it's lone wolves like me. Consider this our attempt at re-educating you fools.

Don’t fall for the paid fud on eth (((they))) want you to sell
> (((they))) want you to sell
Correct. But have you considered it would be for you own good that we desire so? There's no chance shitposting ETH on one of the deadest forums online is going to make a significant difference for ETH price. So perhaps you read the motives wrong. I am trying to save you from your own stupidity. It hasn't been working out well for you, has it?
I’m a benevolent stranger apart of a coordinated effort to make you sell an asset. It’s for your own good tho!!!1! Trust me bro!! I’m here to help you, out of the heckin goodness of my heart!!

Thanks you’re right you’ve just convinced me.
>eth fud
Because it performed like actual shit?
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Jeets trying to make retards move to a network that crashes every 6 months.
ETH cope is becoming more and more like the XRP cope. In a sense all /biz/ people are brother, and for months I've been trying to get you to see the light of WORK and the darkness of STAKE. Either way, I specifically stated that I am acting alone. I am fairly sure most people are. The collective has merely decided that ETHBTC ratio will most likely continue to tank. Just as the collective decided years ago that ETH would pump. Wether they are or wrong, considering it's a market, the collective decides the price. And if you can't see the signs of the collective having decided the general ETHBTC ratio is downwards projected, then you are blind, and I feel bad for you. I'm never buying your ETH bags, not even at $20. I have no eyes on your worthelss stake tokens. It's not even a coin anymore. It's just a dumb token.
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Let the retards FUD the only other crypto with an ETF. They'll either kill themselves or spread poo on their skin once it's too late.
> everyone who disagrees with me is either a person from a poor country or a paid shill
The cope really is becoming XRP schizo level. Have you thought about considering the underlying economical basis for ETH in terms of production price? Perhaps the switch to POS should be kept in mind more than you want to admit?
Please stop noticing the patterns!!!

I’m white bro trust me!!

I’m working alone I swear!! ;)
hot take but if you own ethereum, you should consider suicide.
Very sensical, nonschizo response sir. I applaud thee.
ETH is such shit, desu. BTC is a far better and more reliable investment.
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Indians trying to turn their 50 bucks into 500 with alternative chains.
Last cycle it was the same shit with the binance chain and now its forgotten.
If you arent taking the opportunity to build a somewhat safe bag of ETH, you are missing out.
It will bounce back and be at 0.06 or higher in like 6 months. But people only care about next week because they are nig**r brained and gotta chase risky moonshoots with their pocket money.
Once you are in the six to seven figures the game changes and gambling on shitcoins becomes a small hobby at best unless you are retarded.
Either way, all top coins will underperform compared to BTC this cycle. This is a BTC legitimization cycle and blockchain and smart contract technology fails to show any useful application so far, therefore i dont see ETH ever going back to 0.1, unless fundamentals change and skelly announces goverment or corporate use of ETH for whatever purpose.
All cryptos need a narrative in the vaccum of zero application.
Only BTC has truly cemented itself so far.
you're trying to deceive newfags into selling the bottom, God will not forgive you
Netflix rigged from the start comes out today/tomorrow depending where you are on earth.
I have a theory on why efferium bagholder schizos are so delulu. I wrote this once in another thread a few months ago. It's because if you know anything about classical conditioning you must know Pavlov's dogs. Well, they held their bags for so long with good gains that they are the equivalent of salivating dogs. They cannot think clearly. And deep down even believe ETH will flip BTC one day. The BTC people aren't some new shitcoin by a creepy Russian skelleton who want to overtake the OG big daddy in the game he invented, they even got so cocky as to reduce the en ergy to produce it by 99.9%.

No one can know the future for sure but so far the market concencus of smart money seems to be that they like underlying high production cost to warrant the production of what they send big money into, and preferably even have it increase on the yearly. Do you understand anything about economics? ETH is basically now since switching to proof of stake the same as you printing your own money with your face on it and calling it jimmybux and having people exchange it with other currencies to determine its value. It's just another form of the typical boring nonsense govbux. The odds are bigger I am right than you are right.
>doesnt explain bitcoin then

They are too late to buy cheap bitcoin, btc maxis are too autistically to sell and supply is down, they want to shakeout eth holders by fucking with the ratio hence why etfs have pumped and dumped and pumped and dumped.

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