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AI hype will go nuclear with the upcoming NVIDIA’s earnings today. Keep stacking AI projects anon, but mostly NEAR and be quick. There was always the smoke around the connection between the founders of NVIDIA and NEAR Protocol, and the alpha will be out soon, I'm telling you.

Connect the dots yourself and jump in before we see the huge green dildo.
have always been big on L1s
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BTC just crossed 93K.. wake up faggies
The NVIDIA is kinda bullshit, I can’t believe people are falling for it.
kek. no one gives a fuck about what you think Faggie
What you think doesnt really matter, anon, NVIDIA is going to drop historic earnings
this ath breakout will fail like the rest
That shit keeps pumping, wish i didnt sleep on it.
>this ath breakout will fail like the rest
it's called consolidation. remember, you could have bought btc at a crazy price of $75K when trump won and still be up by a lot today.
How's it bs when it's literally up like 200% in the last one year, I don't see that many stocks pulling off such numbers you retard
94k now, new ath
altcoins are about to rip hard
wagmi if you're holding real gems
>There was always the smoke around the connection between the founders of NVIDIA and NEAR Protocol,
Close? Lmao, they're not just close, they’re brewing something, and when it drops, the price will look like a SpaceX launch.
Seem like it's time to bag some NEAR
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NEAR is the biggest AI coin right now, so it's just ideal to follow the leader
You just revealed your game, shills.
You know what, i'll buy some bags, you better shill it harder on twitter and shit.
What are the odds we see near sneak into the top 10 market cap this cycle? Don't understand how washed coins like chainlink and dot are above it
Haha, you can still get in on alts since most of them have yet to make significant figures.
It's mostly been bitcoin and memecoins so far, yet to see any of the alt narratives really come into play
Been really quiet for the past months though, is the AI narrative fading away?
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Anything to pump my bag, I'm down for it
Can't tell if anon is tryna hate or tryna join the train cos this is funny asf kek
Well, AI tokens are also printing some green candles but they aren't as significant as what we see on Memecoins.
Another funny thing now is that those altcoins also have memecoins like Purge and BlackDragon on NEAR and Lester on Litecoin
>100 waiting room, who's joining me?

How's that possible when Tesla already has bots that will take our jobs
top signal
The bull market just started, so why would you think the biggest narrative is fading away?
I guess you are new to the crypto space
Can’t deny it’s chart, it's got the sauce. it could be the catalyst we need with NVIDIA earnings dropping soon,
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Capo is that you?
bots will only make our jobs easier, they can't take it
I doubt if Litecoin has any affiliation that with memcoin
I think Lester is on solana, Litecoin posted it but someone stole the mascot and created a meme with it on sol that blew up. memes on near? didn't know that was a thing too
What happens to all the taxi drivers once self driving cars become a thing? that's a good example of losing your job
If you've been stacking the wrong ones then it makes sense to believe the narrative is fading, can't say the same for billion dollar projects that are constantly cooking up new stuff and building a reputation in the sector
fadding away? nah! you can say i'ts growing quiet but not fading away
well it's not too late to wake the fuck up from your slumber.
some L1s are still yet to take flight
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Just a chill guy waiting for 100k BTC to confirm the top is in so I can go fully stables
solana and sui are the only two non evm L1s I've seen making waves so far this cycle
no fucking way.. it's like every time you look away, the market makes a new high.. this is insane stuff..
Its not a narrative.. AI is being used in almost every industry to a significant degree and this is just the start.
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don't tell me you been sleeping on Near?
Is it NEAR protocol? I hate when there are more than one with same ticker
not in crypto
why? don you think the market is going down after BTC hits 100K?
i expect alts to start moving
Its a stonk? Can you dumb it down for me? How do i buy it?
Oh never mind you replied to my other post. Fair enough, I am in NVIDIA and ALAB and TSM in stonks, so im happy.
i guess so.
Near protocol is the only top L1 that comes to mind
i have never thought its gonna blew up this much
you are on the wrong side of the market my friend...
There's been this massive expectation for 100k btc for many years so once we hit there, it's gonna feel like a major achievement and most people would think it's a good time to sell

There's only one of that and that's the one at 6billion mcap, not very difficult
Are you mental? Under the Trump administration, AI is going to go into overdrive as the tech bros dismantle public servants, and it will spread to all private businesses.
There is one called near allbridge from near and its the same.price and mcap. I dont get it. Just white background logo instead of black
Bet we all know why elon supported him with everything, he has tech companies that will greatly benefit from his administration
Then it's got to be a replica of it on another chain, there's no way they're different
I think.its just NEAR on SOL or something after looking into.it a bit. Since it (NEAR protocol) seems to be at a floor and looks promising I converted ETH to some.

I'm part of the NEAR crew.
No shit? Peter Thiel was also bankrolling JD Vance.
I love everything about sui, it’s blockchain has great combo of low fees and scalability, perfect for meme coins that want to do more than just catch a quick pump.
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I'm also just seeing memes on NEAR, and PURGE looks promising
Is it possible for its mcap to get to 100B at the peak of the bull cycle?
100K will be the new support and not resistance. So if you sell you will end up missing out
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L1s that aren't pumping now will most likely die off
It's good to see that he is still bearish. I'll sell once he turns bullish.
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Inverse Capo and Cramer works all the time
Nah, Oraichain will surprise everybody
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I predict up 50% in the next 48 hours and down 200% in the next 96
Seeing this, I think I have to take my research more serious
Why are people so bullish on Nvidias earnings? The company itself is great, don't get me wrong, the stock market is stricter towards them than an asian parent towards their child though. If they don't blow brains the stocks are still going to fall. And there's plenty of shit to nitpick, like the tariffs impacting guidance.
last I checked the Big 3 have been buying new chips like no tomorrow and integrating the replacement in their data centers...Theyre all in an arms race so what do you mean its 'Fading'

no one gives a fuck about consumer AI
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Single handedly saves the entire economy, global stock market, and all of human kind. White supremicists btfo
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Meanwhile boomer can’t even lol
>Single handedly saves the entire economy,
Also related to Lisa Su, CEO of AMD. ASIAN DOMINATION!
also Intel, slowly fading out. with jevvs, you lose.
it's called beind delusional Senpai. not everyone is wise
i beg to differ.. the possibility of an L1 dying off just like that is unlikely
Elon moves strategically. anyone thinking AI tokens will die off is way back. especially now that Elon is closer to the law making board..
i guess it's because they got a lot of retards who are willing to shill the living fuck out of it.. just a little Hype is all that's needed for Near to break through the ceiling..
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openai tried to make an ai token related to chatgpt but elon wouldnt let them
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if/when BTC gets to 100k, it would be a massive feat for everyone involved... can't wait
does nvidia pay dividends?
what if ELon comes up with GROK token.. kek
yes they do
How do you know this is they haven't revealed their earnings yet?
yeah like 0.01
Y-you don't get it he will just go back to college to become an AI developer

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