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A literal child just made $30k with minimal effort.

Why have you still not made it?
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i have a moral compass that points to God
It is what it is. What it is is gambling.
>doxxing yourself
These zoomershits are going to find out the hard way
Because it’s like playing roulette
If everybody could just make a coin, pump and dump and make 5 figs, India would be full of millionaires by now
30k is nothing
FUCK if i bought back when he sold i would be fucking rich
If you start gambling the worst case scenario is that you actually win big at the beginning.
This kid is ruined for life.
making a coin isn't gambling, you can't lose anything
this is how people like Jack Doherty are created
this is who you're getting scammed by when you "just throw a couple hundred at it, it could be the next doge, right?"
because theres a supernatural force that hates me and feeds on my suffering which explains why every coin i touch dies and every coin i dump pumps like there's no tomorrow
he better make enough on these scams to permanently move to a non extradition country cause the next admin will come after these people, thats why i am not doing this not worth the entrance fee
But the point is, he's like 12 years old or some shit. Did you make $30k when you were 12? And if a 12 y/o can make $30k easy, why can't you make $300k easy?
winning the lottery at 12 doesn't mean you'll win again
That's a hell of a lot of in-game microtransactions.
I never cared about money at that time, life was simpler then, because I didnt realise how hellish wagecucking would be.
Making money doing a rugpull is a good way to make enemies. The only enemies you'll make actually doing something useful, starting a business for example, are butthurt redditors who think that business owners are "exploiting" people by employing them.
inorite kid just filmed himself committing investor fraud and left a public record

His asshole will be leaking by the time he's 18
>make new wallet
>suddenly no enemies
You probably think banning someone's account or IP gets rid of them too huh
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I wonder how many children have rugpulled the biznessman here
>You probably think
Go back
to r*ddit
How do I do this?
How hard is it to make a coin exactly, and then get others to buy it?
He means that this kid will start trying to scam more and more people thinking he can get away with it, because scamming 30k is as easy as to kids his age as it was for us 20 years ago on the fucking habbo hotel.

Eventually this kid is going to fuck over someone who will either put his ass in jail or he gets kidnapped and has his balls dipped in chili wolf brand before being fed to a hungry pitbull.
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Kill yourself ESL faggot. Are the redditors in the room with us right now nigger?
I remember being lured into the wildy on RuneScape. Good times.
>it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
i know that feeling. too bad he's just ruined himself
for any positive emotions forever.
Name a single English mistake I made.
You can't, bitch. I've read books in 3 languages.
I'm smarter than you. That's why I make money doing useful things and I don't have to worry about putting a target on my back.
Congratulations on being EFL though, I bet your mom is proud that you at least speak one language.
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Bold of you to assume I'm incapable of scamming people. I simply choose not to. I have standards for myself and I'm not enough of a slave to money to break said standards. Making money is easy when you have no morals, as you can see a child pulled it off.
Based gen alpha fleecing millenialcucks
>I've read books in 3 languages.
you are proud of having wasted your time by doing the same thing repeatedly and somehow wear this as a badge of intellectual supremacy
please tell me more about your life, judging from your inherent narcissism you certainly must have a blok available already
It's not fair. I'm 35 and why are teenagers so much better at making money than we millennials are? What are we doing wrong?
you still believe in the meme that is "hard work" instead of memetics which is what control our society
The beauty of not being an insider is I can buy/sell whatever the fuck I want. Launching a coin is too much risk and hassle. I'd rather let someone else take all that risk for me and I will talk a paltry 10x off of their hard work and risk
you didn't have $30k when you were his age, if you did you sure didn't make it on your own, this kid could possibly be the youngest person to ever make $30,000 at their age all on their own.
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this is so funny, just goes to show what a joke shit coins are and crypto in general.
but true
That's kinda stretching the definition of "making money".
He essentially stole them.
Now the question is, will he get away with it like the youtubers/influencers that did the same thing and faced zero repercussions, or will he get raped in court?
That means nothing, and I did make more than $300k this year relatively easy on crypto. My half retarded friend made $50k on an NFT scam in 2021 and he's much poorer now than he was back then. One lucky incident proves nothing and it doesn't mean the kid will be successful
>I never cared about money at that time, life was simpler then
Also this, I was far more happier and I felt a lot more alive with $0 to my name than I do now at 27 with $400k+. I feel like a shell of my childhood self and everything just lost it's appeal
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Kid got doxxed and now bagholders are actively harassing his family and calling his mom and demanding that she force him to return the money he took.
>will he get raped in court?
I seriously doubt he can be held criminally liable at that age, at worst he might have to return the money he earned.
God, the ultimate poor cope.
Millionaires pray to God too and he blesses them while make you (poor) suffer
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and the kid will lose way more in the long run. after this dopamine kick he got today he will try the same thing again, and again, and again. and try to buy other coins to no avail. then he will be broke and lose it all in the next few years cause hes an underdeveloped retarded kid. funny post though.
Thanks for the laugh I needed it bro. How are you losing money in 2024
Those millionaires you are referring to probably aren't scammers? You do understand the context of anons post correct? Some of us have enough skill to make money without stealing.
>going to prison that early in life
What token did he make? I feel like we could meme this into mooning just to stick it to this lil shit
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>right afterwards, he made a new memecoin named "I'M SORRY" and then rugpulled that one too, making another $10,000
He deserves that money
>Fall Guys gameplay
Fucking zoomers I swear.
you have to provide the initial liquidity or people cant even buy it
Hardly anything is required for this, the losses can genuinely be nearly nothing.
this guy gets it
>using his face while rugging
he's going to jail depending where he lives
Hina is built for /ss/
Where did the money come from? I don't know much about crypto.
retard jeets, see >>59250890
Idk much about Fall Guys tho :/
A few hundred people buying the token which boasted the price of the token. The kid held a significant portion of the tokens so he quickly jumped to £30k which is from the investors money.
Leddit is down.... the hedgies are hiding something..
Ah, alright. So if these people who bought this token were to cash out it'd be much lower now, right?
If the money is taken out then the price of the token will fall yes. To put it simply, a bunch of people unknowingly gave a bunch of money with the expectation of their money to appreciate in value to a kid and the kid up and ran away with the money.
Alright. I think I get it. Thanks for the explanation.
>If the money is taken out then the price of the token will fall yes
Why is that?
Didn't he just sell his tokens to someone else?
he crashed the liquidity
Can I borrow nothing?
The charges?
Ok I'm going to bed now but I'll Google what that means tomorrow. Thank you very much.
So what is the legality of this? Zero disclaimer, just launch a token and rug, would that not be a security fraud or some shit? isn't that why we are all not launching shit?
>he's just a kid let him go
well shit i might adopt some 6 yr old and make him launch rugpulls for me
This. If he can do this reliably at least every month then we can start to talk.
Get in on snake wife hat, still very early with a bullish upward trend. MC going rapidly and Chinese new year will pump it HARD.

Bag your 100k while its cheap
Is rug pulling a shitcoin in the US even a crime?
Not in Trump's America.

Verification not required.
yes, and that's why jeets do it. In india they don't care.
All the accumulated Snake Wif Hat right now
Well, no. It's something.
They just hit you with wire fraud and conspiracy charges. Best case scenario for this kid is that he has to return the money and will lose access to the internet for a year
That's what I was wondering. He's a dickhead no doubt but did he actually break any laws? It doesn't seem like it to me (but I don't know the laws) so why are people calling it a scam? Everyone knows meme coins are pump and dumps. Everyone knows they're slot machines, and if you don't then that makes you the retard.
Depends entirely on where you live and how you perform the rug-pull.
Voter ID not required.
They have no idea how short this live is compared to the afterlife.
Goddamn. I still held grudge against the player who did it to me. He promised me some spot with some rare ore. There was even a warning message about PVP zone being entered but I didn't care or understood the implications. Fuck that guy.
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kid has bad karma hanging over him for life. thats not worth $30k or any amount of money
Good on you brother, we’ll make it without stealing or robbing.
they will charge his parents for it instead of him.
>bad karma
That's just superstitious bullshit though
Because, idiot, according to your math, that would make me 120 years old.
What do you think will happen in the following years? I've been there, it's not funny. If he is smart he will turn his life around but if he is not he will be in debt by the time he turns 19.
the problem is most people do this trick once and think it will work for the rest of their life
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I've lost so much money not trading this kids doxxed family, religious coins, porn coins or other weird shit.
Sure, the opportunities are still plenty but I have to write off a lot of plays cause of it. I remember calling out some sol x faggot for pumping and dumping some God coin for 350 sol asking if he was gonna at least tithe it when he had Christ is King in his profile.

Yea, he doesn't have that phrase in his bio anymore.
I remember how this was such a wild event, only for us to FF to today where that is a hundreds of times a day on sol shitcoins. Also, poor dent lost all his money gambling on stake and is in shambles.
I work in tax. The IRS has their sights on crypto gains, and crypto audits for 2024 will be through the roof. If you want to get your anus probed by an auditor, just do exactly what this kid did lolmao
I don't think they'd go after such small potatoes
How is this not illegal? If you do a pump and dump with stocks and get caught you’re going to prison.

Now obviously 30k isn’t that much to “scam” maybe he’s a small fish but putting your face on the internet is pretty dumb
>why can't you make $300k easy?
why are you projecting this hard
This is like saying a ponzi is a slot machine instead of a scam since there’s a chance that a participant will profit if they got in early enough and exit before it collapses. Pump and dump/rug pulls are extremely similar to ponzis
Explain me like I'm five, I'm not familiar with degenerate casino coins.
I go on pump(dot)fun
I create a free meme coin
I can either buy some or not of the supply
I can rug if enough people buy it
And what happens when it completes the bonding curve progress? I get 0.5 SOL for free even if I didn't buy my token at all?

These shit is autistic af.
Wish I knew. I'm 30 year old boomer so this stuff is too crazy for an old egg like me he he. garlic bread
i'll start applying my morals are 10M net worth
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>check pump.fun for the first time
>a literal exchange/twitch type website with zoomers lauching shitcoins left and right
im not sure if im bearish or incredibly bullish
98% rugs but there is money to be made
I hate money.
The irs isn't going to fuck with crypto people. The demographic is too dangerous to fuck with. There is a very real chance that if they start fucking with lots of age 25-45 year old men they will create a super effective domestic terrorist out of one or more of them.

Sometimes the government has to let certain things run for a bit and then very slowly try to rein it in.
I'm kinda tempted to just try it out... what's the worst that could happen
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that's how much i make in 5 years
>Those millionaires you are referring to probably aren't scammers?
no honest man ever earned himself a billion dollars, its simple math.
>>59253312 Can somebody explain me this? I'm also interested this gay ass bullrun is for BTChuds only I'm financially bored I hate solana so much but ETH is so shit rn so I'm now turning to the dark side just to make some money, even zoomers are outperforming me ffs I can't take this anymor reeeeeee
millenials got scammed out of life in general, they were too busy as a generation deciding what house of hogwarts they would end up into depending on what they shoved up their assess with their gay gender bullshitting while boomers laughed their assess off and got rich. Now zoomers saw the bullshit millenials fell into and steer away from all that crap. Millenialls will pass down on history as the childless homeless carless moneyless generation that attempted to destroy the world with their ecology and gay nigger migrant friendly shit. Hopefully zoomers learn of their mistakes.
zoomers are fags and millennials are based
simple as.
Where is liquidity coming from?
RoaringKitty was a billionaire at some point. What did he do that's dishonest?
literally by profiting off the desperate and the destitute, as is anyone engaging in speculative markets.
based. that little fat faggot will get his in jail
how does a zoomer look like he has scuffed bogdonoff face?
How so?
hello frens, ive cooked some pasta and theres enough for everyone. id like if u guys joined, but please be nice
t me cpy_pst

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