Supposing you financially made it, what the best ROI strategy to maximize your revenue in terms of women plowed? Tinder platinum? high end bars? Hinge?
>>59248951Quality over quantity. I can get random chicks. I just want a good 10/10 virgin which is like looking for a unicorn
>>59248951I want a white girl around my height with blue or green eyes or a young hot japanese girl both would need to have sexual partner count less than mine which is around 7 i think.
>>59248951Love hexes from deep web witches using premium human tissues sourced ethically
>>59248951what a dumb question go to asia pay three fiddy a jungle bunnyretire when your dick turns purple and falls off
>>59248951an honest gold diggerif you don't marry your first love from high-school you will never find love, all relationships after the first one are based upon marxian-like class struggle between the partners where one exploits the another while they pretend to love each other. The exploiter has upper hand and will exploit the exploited more and more as long as he/she is allowed. It was not always relationship of "exploiter" and "exploited", it is only state of current western society that has greatly privileged women (the exploiter class in relationship) and does not regulate their exploitation of their partners, as women are encouraged to inhumanly exploit their partner to such levels where it leads to class conflict and crash of the relationship, from which again the exploiter class (women) profits.That's why you should get yourself an honest golddigger. Every woman is whore that will exploit you, may as well get one who is honest about it.
>>59248958>Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
Best strategy is to come out the closest, you’re not fooling anyone.
first, go to gym.