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>nobody wants to work
Is this meme finally dead?
No, I still do not want to work.
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It's not a meme, it's a lifestyle.
as far as media headlines blaming the working class for the state of the economy, no. they've been doing that shit since the 1930s. as far as your average working age male, also no. They'd rather get something for nothing
Nope, I have several coworkers who take off multiple times a week despite having no vacation time available. The boss can't replace them because nobody wants to work. So we just cover for these losers.
it's not a meme, nobody ever wants to work, that's why you have to pay them
this but unironically
If people wanted to work they'd do it for free like jannies. Very few cases, though
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All I ask for is a minimum wage call center WFH job. That’s it. That’s all I need, I don’t care if it’s $10 an hour, I can live like a king off $10/hr+ dividends in south america
sorry but thanks to AI you are not needed.
Nah biz bros on SOLSub tg are cooking up a plan for everyone who joins to make it this bullrun so we don't have to.
Why would you expect people to pay you US minimum wage when you’d be living in South America? They’d just hire a South American or more realistically someone from the Phillipines.
>Your Amazon UNPAID time off balance has gone negative
>Get fired for abusing UNPAID time off
It's real, just be glad you don't work there
KEK! The absolute state of wagies.
I don’t know to be honest, I’m spitballing
I assume that at places like banks, or govt contract insurance companies or something wouldn’t be hiring a Filipino to take down your social security number but probably I’m wrong
Someone just tell me how I can work from home without going to university
Minimum effective dose. Your life is improved and no meaningful way but your problems and demands increase drastically for say a $1 an hour raise. This does absolutely nothing for you but allows the employer to demand essentially twice the work of an entry level employee.

Working full-time again provides no meaningful benefit when you can survive a part-time You're still surviving at full time maybe you would be homeless in 2 months instead of two weeks if you would work from full-time and saved as opposed to part-time but again no meaningful benefit to your life for a lot of immediate and consistent long-term demands and stress. Your deal at the table versus your employer gets a lot worse when you become a team lead or whatever they call it these days a supervisory role. Essentially if you're not going to be an entry level employee you should be an entrepreneur and simply own the business outright absolutely no in between whatsoever I wish I had learned that at a young age.

From an employer perspective from the perspective of the people who you know own the means of production that sort of thing The answer is to work everyone 1 hour beneath what is considered full-time even if they want full-time and then pay people to prompt chat GPT to write articles about how no one wants to work and we need more immigrants and people need to be paid less in the cost of living needs to rise so people will go back to the office and pump my commercial real estate bags while also bribing politicians to enact those policies.

But yeah you might as well have a nakedly adversarial worldview when it comes to class and economics because that's frankly how it operates regardless of what rhetorical window dressing you put on
All the ones that didn't want to work and could afford it are just chilling. All the others had to get a job and have no time or mental energy to really keep the larp on. Plus they are all ashamed by the fact they did indeed have to get a job.
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>cloud PC
there are ways, frens
it's a fact
No, it's still very much true. I made the mistake of taking a supervisor position at my workplace after a month of working there.
After three months, I asked to demote to a worker position because the staff gave no fucks about anything, would quit without notice the minute they got unhappy, and I had to cover their shifts.
The lack of fucks given by the American workforce coupled with how undervalued labor is right now is a situation that is going to have to break sooner or later. And my job isn't one that can be done by Ranjesh or an AI bot.
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I really don't want to work, that's the main reason why I keep trying with things like boxxy or why I keep getting up every day at 8 am, I want to be a fat rich dude with superficial problems

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