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They're beginning to lose it over at buttcoin
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Imagine being that pearl clutching wimp
He's unironically spot on, I guess my question is if he's aware of it why doesn't he buy?
why is reddit full of so many soi men?
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It's all gonna come crumbling down. When this is over, Saylor won't be worth a red cent. Bitcoin is actually a doomsday device crafted by some very evil people. When you buy it, you're actually bringing forth the Apocalypse
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>they issue bonds
>they also issue debt
I know I shouldn’t be surprised that buttcoiners are financially illiterate, but damn
Peer to peer electronic cash payment network. Join it or don't. Benefit from network effects if you do. Stay in the USD system or the AUD system or the JPY system, nobody cares but you're choosing to not benefit by joining the BTC system.
>Organized criminals have taken over the world
Who's gonna tell him?
they should have closed it to save face about 2 cycles ago, now they're just torturing themselves for no good reason
He's not spot on, he literally fell for every low effort bear FUD
lol, what a retard. why haven't they figured out America has been the world's biggest ponzi scheme since 1913?
>Ponzi schemes are the new normal
Always has been, there's over 100 trillion dollars of bonds with negative real yield out there in the wild.
kek redditors are fucking faggots
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Its so satisfying, the buttcoin joke gets funnier with every ATH
>redditor doesn't realize that he is currently in a ponzi scheme and is bag holding
lmao. Buy BTC. Win. It's so simple even a CAVEMAN could do it!
so they are almost getting it, people always find a way to print infinite whatever to swap for your actual asset. Why did they think dollar was not infinitely printable. Thats the whole point of BTC.
extremely anti semitic post
Honestly, saylor is also causing me to loose my mind a little
This retard already shot his entry up to 55k
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This is your mind on reddit.
my man, he is single-handedly creating fomo among institutions.
not high enough
DCA needs to be 100k
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>When you buy it, you're actually bringing forth the Apocalypse

What a sheltered loser
He's JUST NOW finding out that scammers and criminals run the world? And now he can't deal?
>"I just want to live and contribute to my community"
Then just do that, motherfucker
There's nothing wrong with trying to be a good person and living right yourself for your own morals
There's nothing wrong with encouraging others to do the same
But when you start getting butthurt over people gaining financial success/power who don't share your morals, that's when you've lost the plot
>He made his DCA go up
And? He anticipates much much higher BTC.
>But when you start getting butthurt over people gaining financial success/power who don't share your morals, that's when you've lost the plot
How do you feel about the Sacklers?

People act like paper is backed by anything but it’s trade value
or people who just get lucky
I was lucky enough to be browsing /g/ when the first Dogecoin thread was created
I'm sure many hard working liberals feel they would deserve my money more in their democratic socialism fantasy
but fuck them lol
Retard detected.
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>Trump won
>woke on the way out
>buttcoin making mental health posts
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Butt coin sisters I don’t feel so good
When I make it I'm gonna donate my first few months of interest to the DSA
Imagine typing all of this out, of all the things happening in the world, Bitcoin pumping is the hill you die on
>biggest heist/scam ever
Wait till he hears about fractional reserve banking
They didn't sell fentanyl.
I'd like a bottle of properly dosed opiates wish they were legal.
I remember 7 years back they defended not buying in when they knew about Bitcoin years prior by saying that making money from it and owning it was “immoral”. Of course this is Reddit so that’s an obvious lie.
you guys act like he lost money just because his overall % gain went down. literal retards on this anime forum.
The failure has been the OP Pledditor hearing about Bitcoin and failing to convert out of local fiat and into sats.

Was I supposed to do it for them or did they fail to do it. It's wild they would wake up and blame something else when they were the entity that didn't take action.
you cunts do realize he is stacking leverage and can be put into a position where he is forced to sell right?
He was doing exactly the same last bear, he was very close to be liquidated at 16k and he just...added more to his position.
a -79% didnt liquidate him. Good luck next time
nice just bought 100k
He's butthurt about money being generated from debt but I'll bet that faggot has zero issues with the FED printing trillions out of nothing

Good God, I love seeing socialists cry

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