I loaned my dad 200k and sold all my Coinbase, PLTR, and BTC 2 years ago at the absolute bottom. His business was about to go under and I bailed him out without even asking him any questions out of love and respect. At the time I felt like an honorable son but it has now turned into resentment because I just figured out my dad is a shitty business man and that money didn’t do anything and I still haven’t gotten paid back. Why the fuck did my dad do this to me?
>trusting a boomerLook on the bright side, it’s good for us that your dysgenic line ends broken in the gutter
>>59251513>I loaned my dad>without even asking him any questions out of love and respect>Why the fuck did my dad do this to me?raise you to be a retard?
>>59251513if he doesnt start paying you tell him you own some of the business now
>>59251513Like father like son, your both extremely bad a business.