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perfect timing for btc to shit the bed
just opened a massive short
always a qualifier with linkcucks
>literally who country
Chainlink could literally announce it will be the antichrists choice to connect everything to the mark of the beast and it would be down 5%

Sergey really fucked linkies.
>8th largest economy in the world
Piece of shit!
>Lulala Land
I swear if linkies starting pumping and ruin this BTC run to $100k I will lose it
Lol sad but true
cala a boca macaco
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Who's next to announce? Hong Kong? Who else is in this CDBC sandbox? Thailand?
Everyone itt owns link
You own link


Pretty safe to say this garbage haszno revenue potential after nearly 10 years.
Tell us which coin has revenue potential and I’ll let you fuck my mom
ok, price?
>muh suppression!
Ethereums revenue MOGS Chainlinks $1000 daily CCIP fees
Based. Linkmarines are Christian.
Plebbitors don't understand the significance of things like revenue
Ethereum 30d revenue: $129.99m
Chainlink 30d revenue: $40.43k

Mogged kid. Get fucked.
zanzabar according to mustafa but dont tell anyone
Where are you getting this from? I am seeing $500M+ 30 day rev for Chainlink. Is ETH really only $130M? That doesn't sound right.
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What do you think will happen to that Chainlink revenue once Swift, Brazil, ... go live?
>$500M+ 30 day rev for Chainlink

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it's not that high but remembers that the chainlink team are sociopaths that can long outlast this scam market
they get paid millions for every mainnet integration
then you have all their bank work which will be bringing them in a lot of money
on-chain, they are known for being ruthless with fee extraction for their price feeds but they obscure all this

there is no benefit for them to have a higher price
employees get paid partially in link, they don't want it mooning and employees retiring
they don't want attention, they don't want their bank partners seeing the token making headlines
they make enough money from integrations both defi and insitutional
and lastly, and certainly not least, they have a massive warchest of link to dump on retail continuously, 400m LINK to go.
not quite sure how that's legal but guess they'll get facts on the ground first by making themselves indispensable and then deal with any issues down the road

this all leads to a suppressed price and bad price action
the biggest rule is crypto is
price goes up = project is good
price goes down or sideways = project is bad

chainlink is the biggest and most important project but you will suffer for years more. they are also helped along by highly traumatized bagholders who fud non-stop. these useful idiots are the icing on top and help suppress any vestige of retail positivity that remains or may emerge
Brother, Chainlink knows very well that the news they're putting out with Swift, Brazil, DTCC, ... is the absolute biggest news in the history of crypto.
They fully expect this news to pump Link sky high, and they're not holding back at all.
>they get paid millions for every mainnet integration
>then you have all their bank work which will be bringing them in a lot of money
>on-chain, they are known for being ruthless with fee extraction for their price feeds but they obscure all this

So why isn't this value going to the token? What the fuck is this obscure shit I'm starting to get what the fudders are saying. Looks like the company is making tons of money and hiding it all from the network.
all I see is two banks trying to interact and a middleman getting in the way.

Because the "millions" they're getting paid is not paid in Link nor is it being converted to Link. This is expected to change when the payment abstraction system is deployed likely next quarter.

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