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previous: >>59244605

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>Gay Song:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://x.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Gem Wallet, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
more like one hundred and five eighty nine cents
the XRP token: Based or Cringe?
your vote matters!
Does that mean end of 2024 or end of tax year 2025?
How about 5,89 first?
Then 58,9
And finally 589
XRP Kings let us once again rise back up to the very top
>Something those chainshits wouldn't know anything about
lets all just enjoy the thread until portal faggot shows up to beg for (You)'s
please remember to simply ignore the faggot
I mildly improved the OP image
Pic related is the revised XRP Nobility Rankings.

I changed:
Marquis to Marquess (for the male column).
Marquise to Marchioness (for the female column).
Knight to Dame (for the female column).

For the numbers, I left the Suicide Bag and Make It Bags untouched.
But I changed the Fuck You Money tier:
100k stayed the same.
500k lowered to 150k.
1 million lowered to 200k.
i'm a prince now
Why you call it suicide bag?
the goal if flipping ethereum
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stupid $1.10 stablecoin
Hello /biz/ newfag.
A suicide bag refers to the minimum amount of a coin or stock you would need to own when it moons, to avoid wanting to kill yourself in regret.
You'll often here anons on /biz/ tell other anons that they will rope when a coin moons; because they didn't buy any.
our boy Brad Garlic was on fox business again
he was just on that red heads show, now he was just on Maria Bartoloio's show
moves are being made
Thanks for answering. I’ve asked that previously like 4 times always get shat on.
I thought it was you’d regret not buying more but I was close.
jelly roll should've won country album of the year ;(
we want to price out the fudding retailers
Same. Lingering around a dollar where latecomers and mouth breathers can still buy in is a very bad look. Let the peasants scrap for fractions of a XRP. Send this shit to $100 and be done with it so I can go fuck off into the woods and out to sea.
Needs a lower class,
>Commoner - 200
>Peasant - 50
>Slave - 0
Could someone please post comments made by Teresa Goody Guillen on Ripple and or XRP
Thank you and God Bless
This is okay too
I'm a retailer but I have 30k. Can I stay please?
How long will I need to wait to become a knight?
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That’s a nice size bag, man; juicy. How long have you had it is the real question? You fucked in the head like us 4+ year hold freaks or new to The Suck?
Do you already have 500 or more XRP?
Or do you have less than 500 XRP?
lil bro may have 300k in his portfolio in a few months and he's still crying
>people are selling their xerpies to foam into 100k BTC
Yoooo who just slurped those cheap diet xrpeezies
people are dumb
what's more likely
BTC @ 200k
or XRP @ 2.20
Blumpf wants to create a "crypto czar" role.
Is this bullish or is it over?
wait until insiders dump their stinky bit corn and re-allocate their earnings into the standard, XRP.
then we will pump to 2 dollars, and beyond
is today the day?
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how much longer until bitcoin season ends so alt season can finally truly start
If XRP hit $5.00 USD on Christmas Eve, would you sell?
yep, got me some other alts that i want to rotate into.

Alright listen up: You are confusing two anons: Portal anon was some faggot that was spamming about finding a portal and posting demoralizing fud. He is pro chainlink and against XRP. Or he has some XRP, either way it doesn't matter. Now me, spammy, was someone that joined your fine general about 3 years ago. At first I was making fun about all the absurd XRP predictions and also everyone here but then I learned that holy shit it might actually be true. So then I decided to stop bullying and trolling you guys and 'become' nice. This was about one year or a year and a half ago. Then last spring about 6 months ago I got tired of bagholding and crypto so I took a break of a few months. And now only with recent pump above $1 I decided to come back. But i'm still 'nice' as in i'm one of you guys. I'm not samefagging or ip hopping or posting 'demoralization bs' only sometimes make obvious jokes that are clearly light hearted jokes and if someone doesnt understand them it's their fault. So please dont confuse me with the fucking portal faggot.

btw I suspect the guy posting 10 toilet pics every thread might be him but idk
Yes the stuff that mogs XRP bagholders was just jokes like 2 more weeks and whatever. Stupid silly wagie memes with XRP bagholding text balloons. No real demoralization and anyone who interprets it as real demoralization is a dumb newfag and is ngmi anyway because they cant take an obvious joke. Also i'm way older than that (and more mature obviously ;) )

I'm definatly not an oldschool peace, love and drugs hippy. I just have a deep-rooted hate for retarded, generalizing /pol/tard incels with their stupid anti women incel shit that they keep posting not realizing they themselves are the problem and will always confront them about their stupid shit and tell them to keep it ouf of /xsg/ because it's retarded and bad energy and vibes for all of us.

>Which do you value more, truth or being nice?
Depends on context. A white lie to not hurt someone or being honest in a debate with other adults.

>Which do you think is worse, telling lies or being mean?
Depends on context too you cant just answer this.
crazy to think that we were 1 inch away from the bullrun never happening
From December to March next year lil cuh
Got my first 777 XRP and then parents found out and gave me an early christmas present of 500 more XRP. HODL time 99999$ coin when?
So when today is the Ripple documentary coming out?
I'm the one you're responding to from the last thread.
Most people on 4chan value truth, over being nice.
When I hear something new, I think to myself: "Is this true?"
Different people, when they hear something new, think: "Will other people think this is true?"
These same people in the second group view information as either nice or mean.
Whereas, I view information as either true or false.

You mistakenly believe that everyone on 4chan with even a slightly negative opinion on women does so out of desire for sex.
Calling someone an incel is a form of social shaming.
You're in effect saying that they are unpopular with women.
Instead of asking whether the ideas they express are true or false,
you are instead looking towards whether those ideas are popular or not.
This is a fallacy, and has no bearing on truth.

4chan is a place where people can speak freely, with very little censorship.
So people say all the fun naughty words they want.
Some genuinely hate minorities and women.
Others are just saying them for fun.
4chan is the polar opposite of political correctness.
You're not going to change a single person's opinion, or get them to stop, by calling them incel.
Learn better arguments or except 4chan as it is.
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the 4hour looks so bullish
4 more months of bitcoin season would be unreal if it were to happen, it would just give every single alt so much more fuel to launch with.
>Instead of asking whether the ideas they express are true or false,
>you are instead looking towards whether those ideas are popular or not.

This is false. I'm actually even more logical and and desire truth maybe even more than you. 8 billion people, about 4 billion women. You can not generalize all 4 billion. It is statistically impossible.

Assuming that I value someones feelings over facts is not true.

And you are confusing the entirety 4chan with a specific, newer part of it called /pol/. That is what my posts are about. It pisses me off when people think this entire website are reasoning like the 'incels' there. It has nothing to do with social shaming. I would never shame someone for trying to better themselves. But if they unironically mean all women bad (as in all 4billion of them) yeah then they are dumb retarded incels.
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>finally an admission
picrel predates your arrival. you came late and tried to bruteforce the board to meet your tastes, going so far as to ip hop and mass report people you don't like
>Someone made a meme pic a long time ago
>See haha this is true then!!

Seriously? I'm here to discuss Ripple, XRP, BTC, crypto and any fucking incel posting offtopic anti-women bullshit can go fuck themselves I will never leave them untouched.
>You can not generalize all 4 billion.
Sure you can.
It's pattern recognition.
There will always be exceptions.
But that doesn't break the noticeable patterns.
And it also doesn't mean those women can't improve and change.

Most of the time when anons say something negative about women or minorities, they are not doing so to introduce a topic for discussion.
They are telling a joke, or expressing annoyance.

You're basically in the business wing of a club for men.
There is going to be crude and offense jokes.
And you are wrong about who are telling those jokes and why they tell them.
Married men, men with girlfriends, divorced men, temporarily single men, voluntarily celibate men, and involuntary celibate men all tell these jokes.
All groups are capable of noticing patterns and pointing them out.

Do what you want though.
I just foresee more conflict with you and other anons.

Also, I'll reiterate that you are not Portal anon.
You two have very different posting styles, grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, etc.
Sure sure if they are obvious jokes, but if you have spend enough time here, you can read between the lines and sense the energy behind it. We are all here in /xsg/, we have all found XRP because we had to. We are all destined for greater things. We think outside the box. We know when someone has good energy and bad energy. There is a difference between 'oh silly women' and legit incel type of hate. You can clearly sense it. At least I can.
58eb74rE is portal faggot, you retards
he gets called out every thread now and people ignore him so he's switching tactics to get attention, but still derailing the spirit of XSG by bait-posting about incel shit
stop feeding the troll
I'm not portal faggot, but I got no way to prove it because the real portal faggot will never come clean.
yea huh anyway....our beloved XRP is primed for a break out
(this is me totally ignoring the you know who faggot ass)
The thing about pattern recognition is that it is a very computery and logical and deductive way of looking at things. As a fellow autist I understand this. But now comes the human aspect where you need to be reasonable, fair and just. If you are a decent person, you have a feeling of justice. What is wrong what is right. Many of you claim to be religious, so i'm sure you can grasp this concept. Are women different in some aspects compared to man? Of course they are. But you can not view all 4 billion of them as inferior in every possible way just because of their sex. That would be extremely short-sighted.
BTC whales will dump soon, then XRP will increase!
On your judgement day when you stand in front of your creator. He tells you and now you have finished your life and I let you find XRP and it gave you richest beyond your wildest dreams. Do you still stand behind your remarks? Do you not see that thy can not judge someones inside only by their outside appearance? Do you still stand by your remarks that people from this sex or people with this skin color are bad just because I let you be born like this? And your answer would decide whether or not you go to heaven or hell. What would you tell God?
In 2 weeks
it forces all banks to be ISO20022 compliant
bullish for a variety of ISO coins, including ours
I have more thoughts to say, but I'll leave you with the last idea expressed,
so as to not derail the thread any further.
Thanks for talking.
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Funny when you google ISO20022 what is the first pic you get?
Literally almost every pic lmao. I think only people who actually care about ISO20022 are cryptobros
Understandable, but remember I come in peace. We can argue, agree and disagree. I have just a very big sense of justice and I hate misinformation (as in things that are statistically improbable/impossible, not things 'they' tell us are real or true before you start about that). And I am a big advocate of and believer in karma. If someone says all people from this sex, or with this skin color are inferior to whatever sex and color they themselves have just happened to be born in by pure chance, then I believe they will be judged on their final day and if they fail the test they will get spawned back in but this time as someone who they looked down upon only to learn the lesson as to why this reasoning was bad in the first place.

Now lets get hyped for the Ripple documentary that's coming out today, how many hours?

its happening
After about 15 minutes in some guy with a tall hat walks in and sits in the bottom of the screen and sometimes you hear a woman coughing but I say it's best quality overal especially for a cam

a: 5/10
v: 7/10

Thanks yifi
It's called "Rigged from the start" now.
XRP Unleashed was so cringe.
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Shit... Well we wait a little more
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When breakout?

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