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Why does every biz coin need to self-implode and rug in the 20-30m zone?
>lily rugged
>cheese rugged
>every other coin couldn't even get to 1m
Is this it? just buy it low and hope it makes it past 1m then sell before the great barrier at 20m? Right now I have based department but its yet to cross 1m so it might just die, what else is there?
They're all rugpulls operated out of call centers in some country with lax scam enforcement and a low cost of
living. You new here?
if that's true, then dump em at 15m
I'm not new but the cheese rug was such a new level of low effort rug that I'm just dumbfounded.
There are dozens of quant-built algo buying programs in wall street firms. They scoop up a position in everything automatically if it meets certain criteria. these scams are meant to meet that criteria, triggering those buys. That's how it gets up to the 20-30m zone. their algo is also programmed to dump when it meets that number.
what buy then ser? does based department meet these requirements?
neither of those actually rugged though
there is a launch formula that is easy to recognize if you watch for a little while. they're using a template to deploy each meme coin.
as in, liquidity removed ggwp
Cause 4channers eat each other when you put them in a room together. I learned to never play with other 4channers even on mmos cause it's nothing but drama and backstabbing.
how do you find search for these coins tho? just refresh biz 24/7?
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Because old biz is dead. If you were an oldfag you’d already know what to buy.
Cheese didnt rug dev never sol proof in the wallets. Panic sellers and coordinated attack on tg. Still at 5.6Mil and marketing on the way
not buying ur gay tek coin
you're a whiney little bitch, APU is THE /biz/ coin
bro just buy BTC, DOGE, and KAS.
its just all so fishy, i have never heard of a tg getting banned in crypto
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picrel is the ONLY true /biz/ coin and it hasn't rugged
why would dev rug after deleting tg giving people time to frontrun? if he was rugging it would be at 50k mc right now. Why would he keep airdropping tokens and continue to be involved with marketing and pay for ads? Seems more likely what he said actually happend. Jannies delete all threads, pajeets mad they didnt get their airdrop. lots of hate for no reason
MICROPLASTICS is the new kid around the block
Yeah I hate how normies call a dump rugging
what the fuck are you saying
cheese dev just had a bunch of wallets he sent coins to, so it didn't show that he sold
then he dumped with one of those wallets
>why would dev rug after deleting tg
because then he can make that gay story of "le dumper reported the tg"
>Why would he keep airdropping tokens and continue to be involved with marketing and pay for ads
because he just made over 70k$ lmao
>lots of hate for no reason
because the shitcoin is heavily bonded, plenty of wallets with no buys and the dev himself sent to multiple wallets so he can hide the fact the he didn't sell

biz is pretty new to the 'trenches' they are still holding onto old shit like fucking LINK so this was a perfect market for the rug
well played, I must say
This year for sure
bro dev holding doesn't mean shit when he probably has 100 other wallets to dump with

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