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>Basic Information

>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>TEDDY was just a BOOK

>Do companies state that they face share buyback... but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", dilute for short sellers and bring bankruptcy to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That not Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>Breaking: Ryan Cohen Flees to Tel Aviv

>previously on BBBYQ:

>As always:
please donate to pultegroup so the bbbaggies can get a small refund in time for christmas
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>a small refund in time for christmas
Soory baggots
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>thread deadder than the transbaggots
BBBY holders got off too lightly. They deserve a lot worse for falling for a distraction and siding with hedgies against Ryan Cohen and GameStop. They're trying to pivot back to GME, pretending as if they never held BBBY, but their efforts to re-infiltrate aren't going to work a second time. Feel free to take all the time off you need, PP.
Not your problem
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the end is near, baggots
Kek baggies

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Cheng, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow podcast 8 months after bankruptcy, and 2 months after shares were put on ice.
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
whats the point of this thread
It was a fun place to shitpost while we wait for news and dockets from the Reorganization that is currently ongoing. Unfortunately all of the shills are a bunch of seethie weethies and flag/ban anyone trying to have fun here so it sort of died. There used to be all kinds of funny comics and memes being made, but unfortunately the leddit crowd and and the paid shills take umbrage with pajeets being the but of the joke.
Baggies have literally never made a funny meme
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>he doesn't know
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They're only not funny if you're brown...
remember the fake autist that promised to be here for 2 years? where did he go?
This single image has all of the hedgies on ledgies. RC & Pulte's first pic was inside Dog Cifu's hockey team arena. As if that is some cohencidence. Next they're talking to Trump. The third pic is obviously Pulte & RC will use Elon's SpaceX to take humanity's first photo on an alien spaceship with literal Greys.
Seethies have no response to this.
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Uh-oh shillies
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Based checked and kek’d
Is that guy finally gone?
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he burned his persona so hes as good as gone. it will take a few more weeks before he comes to terms with it.
the meme should say "homeress"
never held bby but if i did i would dump it based on bad memeing0wnk0
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noted & agree
>ken can't even get free pussy
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Hedgies are literally built for BBSneed
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Goodnight (BTC) moon

Goodnight cow jumping over the moon

goodnight bbbaggies
(don't rope to soon)
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Irene, goodnight
Irene, goodnight
Goodnight, Irene
Goodnight, Irene
I'll see you in my dreams
Hello, Heeb,
Hello, Sneed,
Hello hedgie with the colon bleed.
I'm from the gme thread and bored out of my mind. Anything neat happen on your end recently towelfags?
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>just 2 more weeks
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shits so boring

so, have you moved out of your parents house yet?
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moshi moshi

mr banan-sama?
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>Shills a' ramblin
>Shills a' shamblin
We are ALL going to wamgi
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I'm thinking we're back, boys.
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thx, i took the liberty to improve it, trimmed the fat (reddit wall of text etc.)
now it's kinda good
BBBYies…. We must go bowling
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Hey shills, who have no one but themselves to blame for missing out on generational wealth.

You have been given one last chance at redemption.

>probably fumbles this one too

Once re-emerges announcement comes this will catapult.

I can’t believe I’m even given you losers this alpha.
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Save it, it's all yours friend my friend :)
I asked ChatGPT what this could mean and was informed of the following (among other things)

1. Approval of the Reorganization Plan:

One of the key components of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy is the plan of reorganization, which outlines how the company will restructure its debts and obligations.
Shareholders, particularly in cases where they hold voting power, may be asked to approve the plan, especially if it includes provisions that affect their interests (such as dilution of shares, mergers, or changes in corporate structure).
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This is it, kings. We may be on the precipice of the finale of the BBBY saga

2. Treatment of Equity Interests:

In some Chapter 11 cases, shareholders may be at risk of having their equity interests reduced or wiped out due to the company’s financial difficulties. For example, creditors may receive the majority of the company's equity as part of the debt-reduction strategy.
A shareholder sanction hearing ensures that the shareholders understand and consent to any changes that might significantly affect their stakes in the company, including the conversion of debt to equity or new issuance of shares.
b-b-but I thought there were no more shareholders???? oh fuck were all the shit talkers actually fucking retarded????
Anyone from BBBYQ bowling team?
It's MJL hes a bad actor, so nothing burger
Bowling in 3 hours?
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I was waiting for this post.
>b...but muh cancelled shares
>b...but muh dilator
That is correct. The shareholder interest and all of our shares are still accounted for and our tendies have dropped in the fryer. I repeat: TENDIES ARE IN THE FRYER.
Double breaded. Extra Crispy. Double Dipping Sacuce.
Imagine posting over 100 times, multiple times, trying to persuade shareholders that they don't hold shares anymore, with a team and budget, only to get absolutely skull fucked by a document confirming shareholders are still in the picture a year later
We must go bowling anon
do you want to see some beeg american teetees?
I'd be more surprised if we actually got btfo than if we receive anything. I'm not even worried about it. The problem is always that despite any fud that comes our way, there always seem to be an explanation. Even when it seems hopeless you see RC pop up on documents as a creditor. Or you find out that JPM's advisors to the board were advising the board to act on BEHALF OF THE SHORTS at the behest of the shareholders.
The shilling is also comically disingenuous and more about spreading fud than it is unpacking what the actual truth is. The whole saga has been incredibly intriguing and to say otherwise is akin to telling me the sky is red when we're both standing under a quite obvious blue sky. Who cares how long it takes. We are TWO MORE WEEKS away from payday.
>Who cares how long it takes
I’m glad you feel this way, because this time next year you will still be waiting, still posting the same faggy memes, still not seeing any money at all from bbbybbq. Enjoy the rest of this year and all of next year of ~nothing~happening!
Hmm, perhaps I should let the police know that Sal is back to grifting on Twitter. I wonder if that is against the conditions of his suspended sentence for money laundering?
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I'll happily consneed once CH11 is concluded. Ch11 was used to clean up the balance sheet and use the courts to access discovery and prove the systemic naked shorting of BBBY.
It can't last forever, and it has already been revealed that this administration has been preventing M&A. Golly Jeepers, Mr Silly Shilly? I wonder what M&A they could be talking about.
Thats great, can we go bowling now?
So do it instead of making empty threats on a platform he's not on, dumb bitch
Hi Sal, careful now
Wth are we going to pass the time with until then?
I've been working nonstop and putting away mad stacks of GME & silver. Once I reach my goals I will be turning my focus on dumping ALL of my money into TSLY. If the hedgies want to kick the can forever then that means the easy-money spigot will be on full blast and I will invest until I have 25% of my base-yearly expenses covered and then I plan to reevaluate my strategy. If MOASS happens sooner then none of it matters anyway. Being a comfy-boy is always something you can do instead of grinding out the GME/BBBY news cycle.
Apophenia-anon, long time no see! How you been?
Go bowling
That actually sounds solid, thanks
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>I'll happily consneed once CH11 is concluded
I accept your consnession
>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?
It's funny that the company used in the example to bring hope is Redbox, when all that happened is the Chicken people dismembered the assets then let the company collapse anyway.
Hey can we get an update on your sentiment after this faggot lost the bid you arrogant nigger? When you respond also give me the new goalpost and explain how him distancing from your community and losing the bid is bullish
kys, we're waiting for RC to deliver, pulte is just a hype man as far as we know. we won't know if RC is a grifter or not until the BBBY related proceedings have finished. if he doesn't deliver then GME is a scam too as far as i'm concerned and RC deserves to be minecrafted for ruining people's lives.
Typical of you lowlife niggers. Something you hype up for months falls the fuck through? Move the goalpost and act like it was never a thing.
it was never a thing until the NY post article, the BBBY thesis never relied on pulte being a government official
>he doesn't know
fucking kek!
if you're a GME fag then we're meant to trust RC who's been supporting trump for a while now. trump has been outspoken against DJT short sellers and icahn has said there will be more M&A activities under trump.
>more cope
>will never admit he was wrong
kill yourself
nice tranny tier mental gymnastics
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Frog payout
>It must all be a scam! SO MUST GME!
Kek Bowling?
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lmao the thread needs a new goalpost faggot. Focus
Pulte just wants to go bowling and live in peace...
the goalpost was always a vague notion of RC being a magic jew who can make us rich based on his previous success/luck and cryptic tweets. fuck off with this pulte has to be appointed to a specific government position strawman.
YOU made up what you are now dismissing as a strawman you disingenuous fuck.
You then went around spamming it in every fucking GME thread.
>he doesn't know
that was literally your position a day ago
>citation needed
>get corned
>oh fuck.sh
>play it off as a joke
>slowly stop responding, burn the ID and phone post for the remainder of the thread
behold, the intellect of GME maxis
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Behold, the BBBY faggot recoils in realtime
you've been holding GME for almost 4 years, at some point you well and truly got scammed even if you profited, you statistically made mediocre gains, the get rich quick short squeeze didn't happen
Holy shit I bet it’s units. That’s the legalese that allows them to say the shares are cancelled, extinguished, never coming back etc. they’re not lying. They’re dancing around the units.
>you statistically made mediocre gains
You made NEGATIVE gains when you consider losing your initial investment, super chats, pultecons and the other pink sheet investments you sunk your money into
>go long
>"y-you invested for a get rich quick short squeeze"
stop worrying about other people's money princess faggot
>You made NEGATIVE gains
because of RC
the GME DRS movement also got rugpulled because of what RC did with BBBY
RC never told you to DRS. RC also never DRS'd his shares. You are broke because of you. If you are red in GME I dont know what to tell you.
it's basic supply and demand. redditors thought that mass DRSing would force a short squeeze. but RC diverted significant capital and underminded retail investors trust by hyping up a "distraction" with BBBY. now GME is at best a long hold if you believe in pokemon card NFTs with occasional forced pumps by manipulators like DFV.
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You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
larry cheng has utterly inane pseudointellectual tweets/linkedin posts btw. shows that even these "successful" people like RC and larry cheng aren't immune to complacency and brainrot. GME holders are unhinged boomers who have married the stock with little rational reason to keep being a maxi.
>could buy basically any crypto or any tech stock and get rich
>instead you're bagholding a stock that doesn't even exist but wasn't free
Everyone listen Up!!!

The grown man with heavily highlighted children's books in his closet and a pultecon lanyard has something to say about rational reasoning
nice gaslighting, RC was clearly pumping GME/BBBY with his tweets. either there was substance behind his tweets or he was scamming us.
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Excuse me nigger but this is a thread for investors in Donkey Kong Butterfly 69420 (formerly Bed Bath & Beyond). Go talk about your distraction stock somewhere else.
why would RC take this pic >>59257359 with pulte if pulte is a grifter? why would he like pulte's cryptic tweet about "only the young" and numerous other pulte tweets? why does that not make RC a grifter if pulte is a grifter? the cognitive dissonance is astounding.
I thought this was Barneys Bowling Bowlorama Yokel?
He was there to put pulte into the dirt face to face like a real man would.
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>save me Ryan!
Pulte cried
>no…. Want to go bowling?
Ryan whispered
Can you show me the order from Judge Papalia where he gave a Final Decree that shows the chapter 11 is over?
If you can't, I'll accept your concession and your ledge to ground inspection.
Can you show me where Ryan Cohen is coming to make you rich for holding this towel stock to 0? Oh it’s redacted? But you’ve seen it?
>answers a question with a question
Bro thinks he’s Jesus.
>Can you show me the picture of Judge Papalia signing the decree without Kenny standing behind him with a gun? No? Well then we'll just have to wait for the real chapter 11 proceedings without the judge being threatened
Keep moving those goalposts
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Challenge for any BBBaggies. Name a single investment you could have made in the past 18 months that would have given you a worse return than BBBY.
Spending time with you.
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Is this even still a thing..Jesus Christ I was in here 2022
It's not, it's just that some people got greedy, invested a lot more than they could afford to lose, because they confused a high risk investment with a sure thing
CH11 is still ongoing and the paid shills get a bonus for BBBY generals to disappear which is why they are so insistent on the matter being closed.
The truth is we have already seen documentation proving fraudulent dealings between a short seller as well as the board. They were discussing the matter of the short interest as well as the shareprice as if the price being stable and going down was a good thing. Advice was given to actually stay away from RC's offer to buy the company (and its debts). So we have two paths to payout here.
Hot take: we didn't win
Depends if you're a hedgie or not kek
okay, i thought it was concluded due to the lack of engagement, it seems there's only you and that other schizo autist sometimes that no one likes, you seem cool though.
For what it's worth, i hope you actually get something out of it, the other guy, can kick rocks
It can't go on forever, and for all intents and purposes there really is no point in speculating anymore until we find out the resolution to the CH11, hence the lack of engagement.
Also, the level of excitement that came out regarding Trump winning and that the current administration was hamstringing M&A tells us everything we need to know. We just have to sit back and wait for Jan 20th before things likely progress.
With that said, CH11 can't simply go on forever. They will eventually run out of things to do and there will be only lamer excuses to kick the can. If we truly got nothing and the matter was settled this would probably be over already. But it's not, so what's the deal here?
This thread is now for discussing GME topics, BBBYies please vacate your thread until the baker cooks.

Thank you for your cooperation.
>that other schizo autist
i wasnt in yesterdays thread. don’t pin that shitshow on me.
>paid shills get a bonus for BBBY generals
And you know this because you have seen the section 52 forms filled and stamped by Finklestein on the 30th foor and approved by Hofferstien on 36? Yeah, pull the other one.
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It's hedgies on ledgies boys.
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Yup, I'm of the firm belief nothing can happen with GME really until BBBY is resolved.

You're gonna like the way we moass, I guarantee it.
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That's right rodney.
There's nothing to talk about and nothing to do but wait. I can do that in the GME thread.
I love this world.

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