>from the philippines>works at a korean outsourcing studio as project manager>boss is filthy rich>is going to quit on december to work abroad because of money problems>boss doesn't want to let me go because I do more work than I get paid for willingly just to get by>has a conversation with the boss about plans>tells boss about plan to save money for a few years abroad and start a business once back>boss offers an opportunity on trading>noob at trading, tried forex once and lost money>knows someone who succeeded at trading and is now in real estate>boss gives a story about how korean investors funnel money into the philippines to buy crypto since crypto is cheaper here and how they transfer the crypto back to korea to sell it there>boss says that last year they tried but it only lasted 20 days because the banks have a limit for withdrawal>knows someone at the bank that is high in the food chain>tells the boss about the someone in the bank>boss' eyes lit up>boss offers a big percentage of the profit if it can be doneI wonder if this is really legit. It's an opportunity for me to make money. I'm not sure if it's illegal. I'm contacting a person I know who trades if he knows about this and I'm also asking my friend at the bank. I don't know if this is going to be my breakthrough or not. I don't wanna go abroad just to be a caregiver for old people.Does anyone have an insight about this?
>>59255580>pov: you discovered arbitragethe banks probably mad because they view crypto as evil. but you won't get better advice here, it's dead board ever since verifications were introduced.
What value do you add to the transactions here? Very high chance you get cut out of the equation eventually.
>>59255580>is making money from breaking the law legitNo wonder your women marry westerners