>stock market trends up for well over a century>"this is totally fine">bitcoin trends up for 15 years>"HURR DURR LINE GOES UP FOREVER? NO THIS IS NOT SUSTAINABLE"Fuck off.
Both stocks and bitcoin going up are just a consequence of the money supply going up.
>>59256843Stock market companies make money which they distribute to investors. Bitcoin makes nothing and does nothing. But keep playing with your tulips.
>>59256843such a fake and gay image
>>59256843Such a real and hetero image
>>59256901>Bitcoin makes nothing and does nothingIt makes me money.
>>59256854Why do they outpace inflation then?
>>59256901Since when does money "make" things? Bitcoin is not a company it's money. It has nothing to do with stocks. It's basically a Forex trade.
>>59256843Who ever made that imagine has never had a girlfriend in their life
>>59256901That doesn't explain the huge growth in P/E of stocks especially the tech stocks which is where most of the growth in the SP500 has been over the past 30 years.
>>59256843The stock market is based on owning physical property, so a constant upward trend is an expression of inflation.
>>59256901>mining is a free activity
Cyberjames in 2028 crushing this gold digger's skull terminator style.