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NVDA Earnings Week Edition.

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:


Previous: >>59228395
: Acrelec (a company that works with many large restaurant chains) just launched an AI-powered drive-thru ordering system using SoundHound's AI voice technology at a Burger King. This is a big win for SoundHound and shows the potential for wider adoption of their technology in the restaurant industry. The partnership opens doors to many possibilities. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/soundhoundai_acrelecuk-burgerking-aitechnology-activity-7265385294793781249-Q0dD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
7.14, the lows are getting higher, im happy with the support going up $1 a earnings report but partnership announcements like this will make it rally 10-20%. I hope everyone who paperhandedly sold at 6 is feeling stupid rn

"Last week marked the soft launch of our groundbreaking AI solution at a Burger King Drive-Thru in Northwich. In collaboration with SoundHound AI "

Now we just need to wait 6 months for them to announce its a success then wall street will grasp how valuable this company is, if they can do voice AI right and even boost efficiency by 10% they are a gem company, because IBM failed at doing it with McDonalds. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/17/mcdonalds-to-end-ibm-ai-drive-thru-test.html
gotta go to work but this is a comfy day for sure, I hope shorties are shitting a brick right now
Wtf is going on with NVDA

unreal lmao
It beat earnings by a bit and went down, as many people predicted in the upcoming days.
What stops nvda who virtually has the monopoly from selling graphics cards as high as it likes?
me, as a stock holder. i tell them to sell low and buy high.
as expected of biz - sama
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Shoutout to the guy who called out the BERY merger yesterday, thanks for the free money, you're a g.
it crushed earnings lol.
itll be fine unless you have weekly calls or something
Nobody trust their numbers. Simple as. 54x book price is pretty big.

But consider anon.

That means 65 billion in equity. What are they? A graphics card maker? They service crypto and gamers. Yet they own more equity than Walmart...

Idk simple math says don't buy nvda. But people are gonna get rich off it anyway.
Sir it's like 2% i'm sure you can find some similarly nice stuff if you just look. Bery amco might make a 10% it might also drop 10% but they are quiet and plodding companies that aren't gonna do something crazy really.

Imo the vivnt solar sunrun merger is more of a /biz/ style merger. Vivnt did a 10x in a year and then once sunrun hit like 90 it cratered and hasn't recovered.

Seriously anon, if you want free money just follow merger news.
its only 18x if you use their forward projected values. which is fine if they keep growing
My that means they are buying 200 billion in equity.

Who's selling it to them? I want to invest in that.
you think their main business is crypto and retail graphics cards i think you might be retarded.
please go read their 10q, it literally breaks down their sales
>retail graphics cards
NVDA is literally down on STALKER 2 performance issues.
oh shit i missed the playing slavshit reboots as part of my due diligence process
I bought STALKER 2. Is it really having performance issues? Based on the specs, I expected it to be unoptimized to Hell and back.
remaining oldfags of /smg/ wtf is the next "it" stock? everything feels so already pumped to hell and back.
tech does well historically in low rate environments.
maybe NET or CRWD.
continue to keep an eye on big bank's deposit levels to see how consumers are doing. stop looking at walmart and target sales, total misdirection
kek up 261% on NET, got in awhile ago, looking for more future gems like that was
ok then pick a hyperscaler to invest in im sure thatll be nonstop growth
>SOUN up 10%

We can't stop winning, can we?
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Not to brag, but I bought the TGT dip and am up BIGLY (26 cents).
Dont you ever find this absolutely unkowing?

Cryptos are a casino, and stocks go down after beating earnings, up when missin, up for no reason, down for no reason

Everything is cashed in and nothing is expected, yet people can make millions, HOW
crypto moves for no reason
stocks move for reasons YOU dont understand
The market isn't a logical place on the day to day. This has long been known.

The key is to find a good investment and hold it for a while. Stocks generally go up over time.

> yet people can make millions, HOW
Gambling. When you see one person "win", there's many others, who didn't broadcast their results, who lost. Survivorship bias. You focus too hard on this fact, and you'll fall into that same gambling trap. Let them take the risk. Be smart with your own ends.
any retard can do walmart, no one on this planet knows how to make gcs, it is incomparable
Also, why can't they mine on radeons or smth, why isn't AMD going up?
It's a smug feeling isn't it, thanks to everyone who believed me, I've held down 30% up 50% I have diamond hands
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>watching commodity chart carefully
>chart is bearish
>pick a good entry point
>chart immediately starts crabbing for the next hour
Fuck this crustacean asshole
most fascinating stock I've ever held.
Still not too late to go all in SAVA
SMCI is up 15% pm the daily, 57% on the weekly.
RCAT bros report in. $10 by EOY?
now I have to jerk it to sava schultz
How is the GME thread still a thing. Do these retards still believe there are shorts from years ago that will squeeze soon? Imagine missing years of gains to join a cope cult.
What’s a good time to buy in at this point? $7 floor?
>started reading on stock market 3 months ago to try diversify income and escape wageslaving
>invested real money a month ago
>made 20% earnings on a small amount of money till today
>curse not being able to put actual amounts of money into this due to wife and kid

I guess I am for the long run in this. Maybe in 5 years I will have made some decent profits to say I didn't fuck up. My biggest risk was SOUN so far which I got at $6.10

Until then I will continue to wageslave and be part of the bot world.
>NVDA immediately rebounding after the short dip
Hope you got in anons…
Literally a cult with a lower iq level than any cult in history
It baffles the mind
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But of course
I asked them why, and in their own words " short interest is self reported ". Unreal levels of cope.
what kind of mental gymnastic do you have to be playing to think that high short interest means it’s a good stock?
As far as I can tell, they still believe the SI is higher than the float. So they believe a squeeze is coming any day now, and they will all strike it rich and sell each share for a million + ( not joking these people are this out there )
I'm in the same position, my portfolio crossed 20k during these last weeks and I can maybe put 500 a month in there
However when I look back on the last 12 months, including my own cash influx, the portfolio is up 600%
"only" 80% this year without counting that, but still, I believe slow and steady will win this race

The next 5 years are poised to be good too
even the first time that shit went up to $200 that wasn’t a short squeeze. shit literally isn’t real outside theory
And I don’t want to hear gay bullshit about volkswagen stock 100 years ago
Didn't buy the GOOGL dip despite being tempted massively. It seems like a massive overreaction and free money but it's moved solely by institutions and that makes me fear this being pricing in yet unreleased news.
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Update TGT and AMZN are dragging me down. Currently being saved by JPM, SBUX, and AAPL.
GME was the first significant money I earned investing, unbelievable that tards are still holding it
Soundhound, it's still under ATH
I actually thought they were fucked.
Then I researched the current antitrust activity against tech and it’s literally all a result of two complete ZEALOTS put in place by Biden. They’ll be gone when trump comes in and this shit will all die down.
I'd dollar cost average this company isn't going anywhere don't be emotional with the price, soundhound 2026 will be like this year for palantir. Dollar cost average if it goes up buy a bit less if it goes down buy a bit more. But if you're itching to invest yeah $6 is probably the floor I'd say it isn't a bad price I'm intending on DCAing $80 worth when I get paid. The US navy uses soundhound(amelia the company they bought) this company isn't going anywhere, just don't be a paper handed bitch. https://amelia.ai/media-coverage/meet-amelia-the-us-navys-conversational-ai-tech-support-bot/
RIP to people who bought the btc Ponzi yesterday or today
Even investing $20 a month and not being in any bad debt you're outperforming 50% of Americans. Don't be a gain brain as other anon said slow and steady wins the race. https://youtu.be/zZ5vpyXryW8?si=r4-jjo72FIacNCxG
Yeah the news this morning brought it up to low $7, if they have any other major announcements before EOY I can see it ripping as high as $10 and that’s not even taking into account what it’ll be at in a year from now after profitability CES etc
Check out Cerence stock, direct SOUN competitor
SOUN is going to have similar % gains to come, Cerence is probably topped out after today. That’s a crazy ATH for them though considering their market cap is half the size
From Warren Buffet's 2023Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letter, Bertie is his sister

>As a final punctuation point to the “Omaha Effect,” Bertie – yes that Bertie – spent her early formative years in a middle-class neighborhood in Omaha and, many decades later, emerged as one of the country’s great investors.

>You may be thinking that she put all of her money in Berkshire and then simply sat on it.

>But that’s not true. After starting a family in 1956, Bertie was active financially for 20 years:

>holding bonds, putting 1⁄3 of her funds in a publicly-held mutual fund and trading stocks with some frequency. Her potential remained unnoticed.

>Then, in 1980, when 46, and independent of any urgings from her brother, Bertie decided
to make her move. Retaining only the mutual fund and Berkshire, she made no new trades during the next 43 years.

>During that period, she became very rich, even after making large philanthropic
gifts (think nine figures).

Hope or cope you decide
Good luck bro. Sounds like really good gains on your end.

I can probably spare $150-200 a month investing in safe stocks which are not breaking my budget. I always try to have cash on hand as each month something unexpected can come up.

Almost my whole budged got blown away for medical bills and health treatment because I was close to death. Doctors gave me 3 months to live. That was 19 months ago. I was almost entirely broke and started from scratch just 5 months ago gaining some money on the side.

If anything I can appreciate its time. I am in no rush.
I fell for the mstr ponzi
Is ETF talk allowed here? Thoughts on just fully ignoring emerging markets? I'm going full Bogle but I mean, fuck China and poos and literally whos.
ill look into it thanks I don't like only 2.2% held by insiders though.
they're less volatile and thus less interesting, but like 85% of my net worth is in them
Good luck to you too!
It is very good gains, if I can get that every year for the whole cycle I'm sure I'll make it, and so will you
>Almost my whole budged got blown away for medical bills and health treatment because I was close to death. Doctors gave me 3 months to live. That was 19 months ago. I was almost entirely broke and started from scratch just 5 months ago gaining some money on the side.

Look into chapter 7 bankruptcy (if you are American, and since you are drowning in medical debt, you are American)
I bought coinbase after a few days of pondering whether it was a good idea and it dumped 6% 15 minutes later.
After doing some further research today Soundhound is going to murder and explode in the next few months. That Slavic nigger is right.

>Partnered with Acrelec who just announced direct Soundhound integration with Burgerking today. Acrelec is also partnered with McDonalds
>Soundhound is still yet to confirm the major pizza chains it has partnered with but Dominos + McDonalds alone will be a huge rally
>is also extremely diversified
>doing a partnership presentation with Nvidia in early January
>likely profitable by next earnings report

Can unironically see this hitting ATH next year ie over 100% from right now. It’s interesting that >>59259583 Cerence doubled today. Cerence is somewhat of a competitor but they are exclusively specialized in automobiles from my research whereas Soundhound is diversified across most industries notably food service where it’s expanding most rapidly
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The fear, which is getting less uncommon with the younger generation, is that the trend for the last 50 years with US equities will eventually break. Thus if you haven't made it, or wont make it quick, the rug will be pulled out from you long before those small gains start compounding exponentially.
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I fucking knew this shit would pump but I didn't buy the dip. Fuck me.
If you listened to a random post from a couple months ago predicting this I hope you're happy with your gains.
Never went bankrupt and I am not American. My medical insurance covered quiet the hospital stays but the drugs I needed to survive were expensive and not state covered. That and physiotherapy was also a wad of cash. I was wheelchair bound for a while (paralyzed waist down).

Was a very good lesson on its better to have money then not but in the end its useless if you are left depressed in a vegetative state. Coming back from this is a amazing mind set that I can make it here if I take my time.

Speaking of which and to be a bit more on topic. Anyone put cash on Snowflake Inc.? I have some regret as I have it on my watchlist for the past 3 weeks and never got into it despite trying to read into more about them and their prospects.
Doesn't nvidia drive make soundhound a more sure bet though? I'm at work I'll research when I get home, but yeah soundhound is better diversified. They're a 15 year overnight success most people will have no idea about them then massive news(like burger king) comes out and they're like holy shit I don't want to miss out, soundhound has massive cash balance and beating numbers top and bottom line. Many people will feel stupid realizing they missed this opportunity, I held at ATH I'm still holding comfy to $20. Also amelia AI with the navy is super bullish, I think by next Santa Claus rally they will be profitable with many people having FOMO
Poor ass lil nigga
the only problems with these is you need a lot of money for it to matter. even 1k isn't much and few are willing to risk it on something that just might go up
True, but it was still an easy almost 5x for anyone with a chunk of cash to throw into it.
When was the last time you contributed to society?
Two days ago when I finished my 7 day 12 hour shift. Now I have 5 more days of relaxation.
well negative contributions are contributions too
Whats happening with AMSC? How is nobody speaking about it?
Tesla will probably dump in january when they have their next profit report, but in april will pump the one after that/will pump into it.
Keep on keeping on anon, "it could always be worse" is a saying I live by.
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DJT looks like it might be close to breaking out again.

I also know this feeling.
So what's been going on with PLTR?
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>BTC nearly hits 100k
>MSTR gets shorted

I bought in at 269/share, and bought some more shares at $370.
yeah because this company is supposedly not a BTC holding company?
how do i price the future value of them holding a fuck ton of useless digital currency?
?? They own more bitcoin than anyone
and where are the cashflows?
Bitcoin is useless digital fiat. MSTR goes to $0, as does BTC.
BTC isn't really fiat in that it has a limited supply, this gives it inherent value. I agree with you completely about MSTR being a scam.
i have limited farts do they have "inherent" value?
thing has value if people think it has value. consider literally any collectors item
Thoughts on TC Energy (Transcanada)
Biden cancelled the TransCanada pipeline but Trump is very much into it.
so people are paying for 100k p/btc like they would pay 100k for an ohtani rookie card? are you saying the only value btc has is that people enjoy it like looking at their favorite baseball card?
why have no cryptofags ever thought through their stupid ass "digital asset".
just admit you buy it because you want it to go higher so you can sell it, not because it has any value as a medium of exchange of "defi" or any other cope
Trudeau is in for another year at least. 99% chance he is gone at the end of 2025 but he’s also not pro oil.
Don't bother with these idiots. They read The Intelligent Investor and think you need real value to trade stocks.
True. I'm not confident Trump is going to restart it. I'll watch it. TC is a good company with or without this pipeline.
youre a dumb fucking faggot that doesnt know shit by the way
youre probably 19 years old
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im 19 years old and rich from bitcoin while youre poor old and seething
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^this. market was expecting 35B in Rev so a 2B beat was priced in. 36B would have sent it to 160 immediately. relatively weak guidance for buy side analysts @ 37.5B next quarter. high side was looking for 38-40B. soon to be 4T company in 1-2 more quarters as long as no tarriffs/ww3 escalation brings the broader market down and if china starts getting involved in a tarriff war / coldwar shit again then semis might not be a good place to be. for now we print of AI demand outstripping supply from MAG7 buying all the Blackwell and soon to be Rubin (next gen after that) near this time next year. there is a roadmap laid ahead just need (((outside factors))) to stay there.

MAG7 buys from them and prints and layoffs entire divisions based off AI advancements


I want to say PLTR. it ran up a lot but I am buying into the Peter Thiel / JD Vance connection and government contracts going their way. would build a position on any pullback.

"Palantir Technologies (PLTR) will join the S&P 500 on Monday, Sept. 23, as part of the index's quarterly rebalancing. It will replace Etsy, American Airlines, and Bio-Rad Laboratories1. Palantir is a fast-growing data analysis company valued at over $53 billion, and its addition to the S&P 500 could provide a boost to its stock"

expect trading volume to increase and joining Nasdaq 100 soon -

"The company, a retail investor favorite, said it will transfer the listing of its Class A common shares to the Nasdaq Global Select Market, with trading set to start on Nov. 26, making it eligible for Nasdaq 100 inclusion."

tfw missed dumping it at 153 and 9:30 and buying back in at 142 an hour later and just held instead

Andrew Left @ Citron Research shorted this

its funny you think i havent made more than you by using real investments
yeah and youre probably using daddys credit card to fill up your gas tank, lose the arrogance kid or god is going to laugh when you get knocked down. I told my dad to buy bitcoin at 4k his response is i dont have the money for it, I bet you never paid your own car insurance some of us have to help around the house, how about you post your portfolio instead of gloating faggot?
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>more positive news. picrel is why NVDA will chop the rest of the week and probably go to mid 150s next week. too many calls that need to expire worthless for the house to make $.

HSBC: Cut to $195 from $200 – Buy
Baird: Raised to $195 from $150 – Outperform
Evercore ISI: Raised to $190 from $189
BofA: Reiterated $190 – Buy
Jefferies: Raised to $185 from $150 – Buy
Mizuho: Raised to $175 from $165 - Outperform
Bernstein: Raised to $175 from $155 - Outperform
Citi: Raised to $175 from $170 – Buy
TD Cowen: Raised to $175 from $165 – Buy
Wedbush: Raised to $175 from $160 – Outperform
Truist: Raised to $169 from $167 – Buy
JP Morgan: Raised to $170 from $155 – Buy
Raymond James: Raised to $170 from $140
Morgan Stanley: Raised to $168 from $160 – OW
Barclays: Raised to $160 from $145 – OW
Deutsche Bank: Raised to $140 from $115 Hold
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You're so mad. Chill out. I know you work at Citron Research.
and your microshartigy calls are going to expire worthless dumb fuck
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who gets the new position /smg/?

>The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that its 33rd Chair, Gary Gensler, will step down from the Commission effective at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025.
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There can only be one. Bullrun like no one has ever seen.
So it looks like sava is doing fine. What was Martin talking about
>Trusting Shkreli
Why would anyone do this?
Shkreli is retarded he knows nothing about rap, wu-tang klan was popular in the 90s why did he think that album would be profitable?
anything i should be keeping an eye on?
$SOUN SoundHound
good concise post summarizing why its going up, blackrock is a holder.
>Buyin' up a stock, sellin' it again

>Searchin' for the Warren, hopin' for the gain

>Up and up , up and up

>Down upon the fryer, workin' meal to meal

>Waitin' for a chance to bag your only deal

>Up and up , up and up

>See a stock fall, a diamond in the rough

>See a bull soaring high above the flood

>It's in your blood, It's in your blood

>Underneath the post a regard is saying

>Shorting every rally takes away the pain

>Up and up , up and up
Do i sell my 100 Palantir stocks now? And go in later again?
Ok Historically, stocks have moved higher after being added to the Nasdaq-100

But some analyst-niggers raten it back to 28$ and downgrade it. Are they retarded?
I bought 0DTE puts yesterday like a tard after seeing the Russian ICBM news. I burnt 700 out of my 1500. Any plays today to get it back?
there is no one else who can do what pltr does, they are like 1 of 4? companies with the highest security clearance. the same analyst niggers said its overrated when it was at 20$. karp also has very good connections to trump, thiel, vd and the rest of the gang. make of that what you will.
I don't think it's the time for emerging markets, and that's based off chatter I hear from Bloomberg guests working for hedge funds.
With that said, I do regret not going in on INDA last year, I would've been up ~50% if I did. But that's probably my only mistake.
The US is currently on a growth cycle that is inexplicable (animal spirits) but the danger is that the Trump administration pressures the Fed to cut too much and inflation trends back up again, so I'm cautious about putting money into anything besides tech or infrastructure. Imo, Trump should keep Don J. Powell. Him, and to a lesser extent Yellen, have probably been the best captains to steer this ship the past 4 years. It could've very easily have led to a major depression.

In emerging markets once more, I would wait 5 years or so. Economy is in the shitter, that's the only thing that makes sense. The performance in the US markets don't have much reason in it.
Also, I fucking hate this board so much. All the crypto shit is a cancer. I invest in crypto, in fact I'm overweight, but the shit people on this board invest in fucking boggles my mind... Sorry for the rant.
the thing with actual investing is that you need money to make money and that it takes time. most people here are on the younger side and they are not interested putting their 1000$ into the s&p500 and gaining maybe 100$ at the end of the year. going full retard with these 1000$ in a shitcoin and making 10k or 100k sounds way to tempting to them. maybe I am cooked but thats my take.
I'm 27 now, I started investing when I was 18. I started with crypto, but that was a difficult venture, I never put my money on shitcoins or memes or things I didn't understand generally. I built my knowledge on investing and using TA using paper trading, reading books, and practicing when I got a few thousands to play with.
The posters on here, are just retarded and lazy. 100k stories from 1k are rare, most of these guys are gambling. The worst part is that they make this board unbrowsable bar this general, /cmg/ and /pmg/. Generals are actually a net positive on this board...
This not a bubble and the market is not euphoric and this time is different and this is only the beginning of the bull market
Okay, but explain why this isn't a bubble despite the worrying job data, the sticky inflation, Fed being unsure of whether or not they should cut or skip after carelessly cutting by 50 bps. Besides tech, how are consumer staples doing? Are you sure oil prices won't trend up steeply from here? Should people be concerned with the sharp rise in mortgages over the past 3 years, should people be concerned that property prices are overinflated? There's too many concerns to convince me that's everything's fine.
I bought 5 MSTR right at close yesterday
Going gamblecore on that ass
Yeah i stay in... i was in from day 1 IPO, took the whole Rede from 40 to 10
Manifested an all seeing Palantir Spy-Eye for 2030
I need a high IQ opinion. I live in a cucked country where you pay tax on investments (1.5%), but not on savings. The government looks at your situation on January 1st, but you have to keep it like that for at least 3 months. I have everything (about 300k) in the S&P. Should I take out half and invest the other half in a 2x leveraged S&P?
wow the red cat just jumps higher
fucking hell we're not getting any more SOUN cheap are we. Almost bought another hundred last night but my fucking phone died right before closing
When will hydrogen make its Comeback? I have 4000x Nel Asa lying around..
>bought 148c for 12/6 on the 20th
nvda ruined my life
Feels good man. Finished today.
ok I FOMOed into soundhound at 7,40 we'll see how this goes
Thank you for commencing the dump and letting me get in below 7
need another disaster play to jump into for a cheeky lil 15-20% bump
>Maybe in 5 years
NGMI, you gotta think 20+ years
is it too late to get into TSLA?
about 8 years too late
I haven't seen too many people on here talking about it, what's the /biz/ consensus on how high it could go? I'm hoping for at least 400.
This is the future, invest in the automotive voice AI that will provide a voice commerce experience in tesla. $SOUN. We arent getting any more under $6 imo.
definitely if a NATO rumor gains steam. holy cow I sold too early, I thought it was start cooling off yesterday.
that's why you gamble with options. I've turned $4k into nearly $40k this month. going for $200k by EOY.
This market is insane, whatever I buy it just goes up. I am starting to be afraid of how easy it is.
Buy AMD for a change then
FYI NEON is gearing up to pop off. Lawsuit with Samsung and Apple for 'swipe to unlock' patent infringement that could send the stock to $30-120.
I see multiple copycats emerging in the near future, one of which will overtake SoundHound. just a gut feeling. I have no facts to back this up
>up $6k this week
>up $38k this month
feeling good bros, working on having less drawdown. started messing with options three months ago and went $18k --> $4k, $4k --> $32k and I've had a slow upward drive since. sucked ass being down so much for awhile but it forced me to trade better.
stop shitting up the thread with SOUN shilling. it's ok to like a stock, but we don't need half the post talking about it.
these fuckers are arguably working on AI and actual computational advancements more than Nvidia and they've barely moved this year, when the green goblins gained trillions in market cap
I'm telling myself they're bound to catch up some day, their GPUs are even better for AI applications
NVDA bros I don't feel so good...
from what I heard its not as easy as just "make a better gpu". nvidia has their whole cuda infrastructure in place on top of contracts and connections. they are already years ahead of amd and the gap will only widen over the next years. I still believe they are overvalued because analysts believe ai shit is going to be the next "internet". maybe it will, maybe it wont.
you are too focused on hardware, CUDA is one of the big drivers for NVIDIA and AMD can't program out of a wet paper bag, they are well known for their shit drivers
Thanks for your opinions; I was indeed forgetting about the fact that nvidia is already rooted deep into the current market with contracts with most major companies and organizations

It still feel like I should keep a few aside, but I'll consider swapping them for a stock that's a little harder working, like Dell or.. Well, Nvidia
Actually nyeah I don't think I'll keep them, my numbers are green at least, so there's no shame in rotating
I personally doubt they are going anywhere in the near future. Everyone already know they sold 300-400k of their new blackwell gpu's to msft, meta and co and that they are already sold out for 2025. That shit is already priced into their current valuation. As long as they don't ramp up their production their value will pretty much stay the same.
I do think AMD will be a decent long term bet, eventually someone will have to come up with a competitor for NVDA, I just don't think AMD can handle the coding with their current setup, maybe they partner with someone who knows.
you guys are missing out on so much buying all this stuff that has reached their top already. moves from there will be slow and minimal
I remember reading this here last january
Bad wording, let me rephrase. I meant in ~5 years I can have enough capital to invest to make a real change into my finances. Generally speaking I am looking for 10-15 years ahead on the investments I am making this and next year.

I don't fully understand options and I stick to what I know. Doesn't mean I don't read on it and try to educate myself but I don't touch stuff I don't feel ok with.

I understand everything is a gamble at some point but fast money comes with a price. Not sure I wanna stress out on this.
I'm short DJT and MSTR but call spread hedges
Oh yeah and NVDA is done too.
GOOGL insider selling came out today, that's what the drop was pricing in.
amd and good for ki? i laugh
if their treatment works it will be huge beyond comprehension. I'm a finance medfag and alzheimers is EXPENSIVE aside from the whole human suffering thing. plus the developed world is only getting older.
How good does it need to be though? If it delays symptoms in mild cases for an extra 5 years or something is that good enough?
fuck if i know. FDA approved Leqembi which causes brain bleeding in 20% of patients so that was apparently good enough.
Fuck, I'm so mad. I'll have a lot of spare cash coming on wednesday and wanted SOUN to hold back for just a couple of days and now it's 21% up (with another great day). I hope that it'll bleed a bit for now.
Put $100 into some KHC $35 1/27 calls. They're dirt cheap right now, could $10x by end of year.
im pretty sure it will dump back below $7
I'm only with this until CES then I'm bailing, I dont believe in $20
By numbers amd is a bad pick.

They have a fraction of the earnings yet share the hype.
current positions
I closed DELL, RCAT and SMCI positions yesterday. Should've held each another day at least but felt my portfolio was becoming a mess and I was deep green on all of them. Gonna dump AISP after they announce the $50m contract this quarter, hoping my calls are gonna be 20-30 baggers. Would like to hit $100k port by EOY.
Lucky bastard, good for you.
Also I'm looking for entries on SMCI, PDYN (RCAT sympathy play). I think SMCI is going to hit $40 by April. Good company with bad accounting department. Doing research for the next plays, had a lot of luck with LYFT, RCAT, MARA (sold calls before earnings) and SMCI this month.
>mcdonalds failing to get new ATH
>bitcoin knocking on 100k

The bad guys are losing and the good guys are winning. We are in good timeline guys. RFK jr take us to the promise land and defeat monsanto.
Yeah I'm trying to figure out how much of it is luck vs skill currently. I've been nailing getting in just before something pops. Just researching like mad to find catalyst and watching charts for good entries.
So it looks like you're looking at small-cap AI stocks, right?
Where do you see soun in 1 year?
No, I'm completely indifferent to industry or sector, but as a bi product of the companies I've invested in I've spent more time digging around that sector. I just saw RCAT as a very asymmetric trade (low risk : extreme reward). PDYN benefitted from RCAT getting the contract, since RCAT uses PDYN. I'm just constantly hunting for asymmetric bets with what I think are good odds of paying out. For example, and I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm gonna get a 10x off that Kraft Heinz trade. Already up 25%. Those options were just too cheap and it's probably gonna revert to the mean around $34-35 in the next couple months. I'll make $30k off a $3k investment if it does.

AISP I found via screening FinViz for small cap companies with good return on equity, and a few other metrics I thought were important. I read their most earnings report and they said they'll be announcing their 'largest opportunity yet', a $50m+ estimated contract, this quarter. Since this stock doesn't have analyst following it, I think that little bit of information isn't priced in. $50m+ stock on a ~50m market company is gonna send it flying.

NEON is a company that may win a patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung and Apple and the payout from Samsung alone should send the stock to $30+.

DELL was a sympathy play for NVDA, and hedge against SMCI falling. SMCI was just super underpriced amidst the fear, and it's too important to delist. It was gonna bounce back.

NVDA calls were an impulse buy, shouldn't have done it. Same with IREN.
I don't think my small brain will ever comprehend option trading
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Good call anon, I've had them on my watchlist for a while and was consdiering opening a position. Your January expiry date seems a little soon, I was thinking of going April for an extra $10 a contract. We'll see.

Good DD.
Same. I'm kind of a "buy and hodl" kind of guy,
I agree it seems soon, but see. picrel. You would interpret this as an upcoming announcement of a $50m+ contract before EOY, right? If this is a winning trade, these options will pay out 3-5x more than the April ones IIRC. If they expire worthless, I was going to reevaluate and consider April calls.

It's the biggest risk I've taken yet. Somewhat comfortable with it.
Interesting. That's a big contract for a company with a $66 million dollar market cap. I would be worried that all of the politics and stonewalling on capital hill about the border might delay things.

Regardless, on paper your dates seem right. It should be in the next 45 days.

Why did they dump so hard over 2024? They hit double digits in March
>I would be worried that all of the politics and stonewalling on capital hill about the border might delay things.
I think the current political climate is going to help, and as the other pointed out they have contracts for stuff on the border.

>The question is if its a good surveillance company, there must be something behind their stock cratering like that this year
I have not been able to answer that. I _think_ that it got uber hyped with the DOJ announcement (skyrocketed after) but there was no contract award number, and it just petered out since there was no definite end date or award amount to hold onto. I _think_ this contract is the conclusion of that pilot program. But I have no idea. I've dug for hours trying to find news around that time. I see a ton of hedgies sold off too. But recently institutional money has flowed back in, some funds are watching it now, and Blackrock got in.
yo why did that post I quoted get deleted?
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I thing some janny thought it would cause a political discussion.
>Regardless, on paper your dates seem right. It should be in the next 45 days.
And thanks, I'm putting a lot on this bet, more than I should. I know contracts can get delayed but the company has straight up said it'll be announced this quarter, at least that's how I interpretted that. If I'm wrong, I'm gonna eat a huge loss by January but will hopefully make up for it with some other trades. If I'm right, I'm probably not working again lol.

retarded jannies. in response to his post though, I'd argue they're a good company as evidence by contracts with various gov't departments and FedEx (maybe UPS too I don't remember).
What's the best way to learn how to trade options? Paper trading?
I deleted it myself because I thought it was retarded but never reposted

Anyway note that AISP says they "completed a pilot opportunity to replace failing capabilities within critical infrastructure on the U.S. southern border". So they are a vendor for the DHS, cool, but so are hundreds of other companies. This is a cleverly constructed passage meant to lead you into thinking they even have a shot at the $50 million contract. There is no reason to think so as far as I can tell after spending an hour reading about them.
Yeah I was worried by the phrasing too, but they say ‘shipped and installed’ this quarter. I emailed them for clarity earlier this week and am awaiting a response.
You don't unless you want to lose money.
>t. works at quant firm
go to an atm, withdraw bills, and set them on fire.
The best thing to happen to the economy
hope you keep us posted, I grabbed some around $2.20 but I'm sitting on the fence if I should grab more or not
definately will. They seem to post a contract around once a month avg, and if I’m wrong about this being ‘the big one’ I’m gonna sell my calls on the next pump.
This is a good question. The idea is, you'd see the same gains/losses but you'd cut your investment taxes in half. Seems reasonable.
However, there's not actually such a thing as a 2x SPY index. I mean, there are that say that's what they are, but they're actually playing complicated balancing games using leverage and options in order to mimic a 2x SPY. It's not dishonest or anything, just saying that the process of doing this balancing act incurs some costs of its own (cost of leverage, time decay on options, greater downside than upside, etc.) as well as management fees they pay to the guys doing the balancing. What you should probably do is compare the 2x fund's true performance after fees with a literal "SPY but multiplied by 2." If the difference is less than half your tax bill (0.75%), I'd say your strategy makes sense.
>We successfully completed a pilot opportunity to replace failing capabilities within critical infrastructure on the U.S. southern border, leading to an Airship AI brand-name only award that will be shipped and installed in the fourth quarter of 2024. This initial award is in support of our single-largest opportunity, valued at more than $50 million over the next four (4) years.
>Airship AI brand-name only award
Doesn't this contradict your idea that they're 'just another vendor'? The wording is not super clear to me so I appreciate the back and forth. I lean toward my interpretation being more likely, but they've said before that they can't always announce contract award details publicly either.
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Good man. If it's any consolation to you, I will be opening a position market open Monday with them. Probably not as many contracts as you (XLM is where most of my cash is parked), but probably a few hundred contracts at that strike price and expiry.

We'll finsht the year strong or go broke together.
I need to figure out why it crashed this summer. Also the earnings price action was weird, it went up $4+, they beat earnings and announced a huge contract, now it's tanking back down. I know it's a small, illiquid stock but it's weird behavior all around. Inside ownership is like 50% too.
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yeah i tried to do the same with nvidia then it made new highs, you should dollar cost average get some wednesday then get some a week later.
Nvidia tier company, they will ride the AI bull run to 2030, some people say theres upcoming competitiors, but soundhound has been working on themselves for nearly 20 years with over 250 patents, stress situations like war highlight whats most efficent and what doesnt work, palantir is probably a better comparison think of palantir when everyone was calling it a meme stock vs now when its S&P 500 pick, the goal of it reaching $20 isnt fanciful, im holding a decent amount till 2030.
Noticed some interesting action in $SOUN today—options volume shot up to 4.0x, which is quite a jump. It’s usually a telltale sign that the big players are getting involved
SOUN has no moat, GOOG has better tech I'm sure. They had insane voice tech years ago, so insane they had to shut it down due to public backlash. SOUN is overvalued imo, and has a bad history with poor management.
investor's see a growth company. $SOUN owns 283 operational patents on voice. As a licensable product,they collect $$ on licensing. As a subscription service, Sound hound, collects funds from every answer. Call centers, restaurants, drive throughs, every company that has a phone will be using Soundhound. They are considered a 3rd gen LLM platform and are used worldwide. Who else is even close to $SOUN ? Short Interest 1.48 Days to Cover
Short Interest % Float 23.72
the float is only 313m shares with 77,778,279 shares short, and 14,575,939 shares short dark pool - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume). for a total of 92.3m short out of 313m. this is going to be a short squeeze dont be a paperhanded bitch.
Jon Swartz on Techstrong wrote: “…disembodied voices are greeting them [customers] via menu booths and over smartphones. It’s a fledgling market lorded over by SoundHound AI Inc., a publicly traded company backed by NVIDIA Corp. and partnering with Perplexity that some analysts breathlessly predict could top a $1 trillion valuation by 2050.”
You sure youre not short and trying to spread FUD out of fear? give me evidence, why did the navy choose soundhound over google then? https://www.c4isrnet.com/industry/2023/06/13/meet-amelia-the-us-navys-conversational-ai-tech-support-tool/
no I just think it's gay that half the post in the thread are SOUN. it's not Nvidia teir, that's hilarious. Nvidia is selling shovels here. regardless of the navy using them, they're an unprofitable company with a 5b marketcap and no moat. I don't think it's an S tier investment is all. I was long before earnings and sold for a modest gain.
and it's important to have balanced discussion. im seeing a lot of anons get positions in it cuz of some newfag tripfag. im adding a much needed counterbalance here.
Youre right the thread shouldnt be half soundhound im winding down my posts besides daily update but i mean theres alot of people that havent heard of it. As i said palantir is a better example theyre an A tier company riding off the backs of nvidias success nvidia drive is main example.
Revenue last quarter was $25m. It just seems insanely overvalued to me. $25m quarterly revenue for a 3b company? I see potential as an acquisition target maybe, but LYFT sits a similar market cap (6-7b) with 1.4b revenue, is also an attractive acquisition target (e.g, DoorDash) and is part of the AI hype train (self driving). Just an example, I don't hold any.
also, LYFT lost less money despite having much greater revenue. both are unprofitable currently. SOUN however is VERY unprofitable as of most recent earnings.

revenue 25m, net income -21? they're losing almost every dollar they make.
And they're competing with the biggest tech companies (GOOG, AMZN, AAPL, MSFT - Alexa, Cortana, Siri, etc). Probably META too. just strikes me as an overflowed company just riding on a hot sector.
what about the fact that blackrock has bought? soundhound has claimed they have been approached 10x about buyout, worse comes to worse theyre on brink of bankruptcy and sell to nvidia, their patents make them valuable you cant infringe on them and thats why competitiors cant take their place without buying out, worse comes to worse its a 20-10:1 stock exchange with nvidia. with owning nearly 1300 im content with 20:1 id have my 6 nvidia shares then id have 65 from the exchange, but I mean isnt the numbers going up and big contracts coming? I do not have bad intent atleast I havent sold a single share I have diamond hands.
WOLF is ready to blow. 28% short interest, still rock bottom price. CEO was fired this week and interim CEO (long standing board member) and a few other board members loaded up a quarter million dollars of shares each. 2025 this thing will squeeze hard
>the goal of it reaching $20 isnt fanciful
Wait, that's it? I was thinking 60 bucks in 1 year.

>$25m quarterly revenue for a 3b company?
It seems that their revenues are going to grow exponentially with all of the companies they will begin to work with.

They're projected to become profitable within 6 months or so.

I see their tech demos and it looks so fucking cool. I could imagine that shit being literally everywhere from drive thrus to call centers. It's seems that's where the future is headed and it's mainly soun doing this.
Keep posting sounBro. I made $4k from your advice.
Blackrock buys all kinds of stuff. They buy micro micro companies (sub $50m market cap) I've never even heard of. I bought SOUN even though I don't love it, even. I'll have to look more into patent value, but regardless I'm skeptical. Competitors such as FAANG can take their place without a buyout. NVDA bought seven years ago, invested like $13mil and hasn't invested since. Also, I imagine NVDA buys shares in companies to encourage loyalty from said companies. The NVDA thing doesn't have much weight to me.

The question is 'is this the BEST possible investment I can make in portfolio', and for me SOUN doesn't hit any of the marks that bring into the pool of candidates. Not good from a value perspective (high valuation, low sales, not profitable), not good from a growth perspective (no moat, competing against FAANG), no near term catalyst (aside from acquisition, but I used LYFT to exemplify what I thought was a better example of an acquisition target).

What it has is momentum, and I traded it based on that.

It's just voice/audio AI, you do understand that FAANG has been grinding this axe with more money, more talent and better ROI for longer right? There are companies out there that are better investments IMO.

I would imagine that long term NVDA just has open source CUDA libraries for audio AI. Not trying to trash SOUN, I just don't view it as the BEST investment I can make, or even a contender and wanted to provide a counterbalance.
How was everyone's week?
Currently holding PLTR, RKLB, and NVDA (slurped after the dip). Up about 6K total this week alone. Missed out on Red Cat after some anon posted about it. Sold my LUNR after it gained 25%.
Should I hold onto NVDA or cash in and diversify some? Any suggestions that aren't SOUN?
And if you want a patent case, check out NEON. Patented 'swipe to unlock' tech and is currently suing Samsung and AAPL. I've been talking about the stock for awhile, but it's been rapidly climbing lately so the local entry may not be great. They're suing for the largest patent infringement case in history.

Otherwise, patent-schmatent. If FAANG isn't using their patents, and they have functional products, why should I care?
My week has been great, sold RCAT, SMCI, DELL and LUNR (bought during earnings dip). Working on my equity curve and minimizing drawdown. Bought Kraft Heinz of all things too.
>Any suggestions that aren't SOUN?
I'm looking for dips on PDYN and SMCI. I've got positions in NEON (but it may be overbought as of the last three days)

TLDR for tickers:
big contract announced for this quarter, award pending, tiny company and contract is estimated to be roughly equal to market cap

patent infringement case Samsung, Apple may send stock from $8 to $31-120

Small but established and well known (rebranded from Sarcos robotics) company with revenue from RCAT's recent contract, waiting for it to cool off to enter. I neglected a position earlier because they're not optionalable and I'm a degenerate chasing 10-100x on short timeframes.

Massive sale, good company solid revenue but being discounted due to a shitty accounting department.

>Kraft Heinz
Sold off cuz of RFK Jr. and lawsuit fears, implied volatility is extremely low on options and could be an easy and weird 10x if the stock just reverts to the mean around $34-35 by mid Jan. Just a reversion to mean TA trade with 10x potential.

Looking for more but these are my positions or waitlist positions right now.
I also think RCAT is still a buy, may buy shares if it dips to $7.XX
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I'm retarded
same, DYOR these are just my plays. I wish this place was still active, im sure the old guard would rip me a new one
>It's just voice/audio AI
Why isn't this everywhere already then?
That's the big question.
how high could it go up with the short squeeze?
>Why isn't this everywhere already then?
It is? Haven't you heard of Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Shazam, etc? I think SOUN's only difference is getting B2B customers. They're just filling in the gaps that wouldn't be worth FAANG's time it looks like, and not doing it profitably.
No that isnt it I see it going higher but im talking about $20 before $40 and $40 before $60. Its a very small float of 306m, its under 3 billion market cap, it can become a 30 billion market cap company yeah, the demos really are cool, I got into it because I had a deep gut feeling, the best trades ive had were after praying and then I get a pick in the corner of my eye, I was eating out at a bar after graduation, got $500 graduation money from my father, heard someone in the bar talk about palantir going up and they sold for a massive profit, waiting for it to go down then buying more, I went upto him talked to him about it and put every dollar into palantir, I got shares at $15. Soundhound I prayed and got a gut feeling when someone on PLTR board of stocktwits was talking about soundhound.
Is MSTR going to offer bitcoin mortgages or something? 30 year fixed loans to buy bitcoin?
>the best trades ive had were after praying and then I get a pick in the corner of my eye, I was eating out at a bar after graduation, got $500 graduation money from my father, heard someone in the bar talk about palantir going up and they sold for a massive profit, waiting for it to go down then buying more, I went upto him talked to him about it and put every dollar into palantir, I got shares at $15. Soundhound I prayed and got a gut feeling when someone on PLTR board of stocktwits was talking about soundhound.
lmao people are taking advice from this poster on this board, I hate this place
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Is most of their sales selling things to companies that want to crunch lots of numbers really fast?

Protip, if it calculates numbers really fast it's a video game. I don't care what the valuations or the data says. It could be the most efficient tax abiding, big picture seeing, governmental, data hogging yet polite mechanical bureaucrat. I understand that historically (the last 50 years) that has been a great investment.

But at the end of the day It's a fancy video game someone pays a middle manager to play. It's not progressive, it's not "game changing" it's not a new paradigm, Simple as.

That said it seems to be the healthiest "AI" company that isn't in court for monopoly bullshit right now.
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yeah, and I'm up 72.15% over the year, +284.30% on PLTR in UTMA, +51.91% $SOUN in UTMA, in individual im up +66.48% for SOUN. grand total profited+$14,959.70
I'm up 308% this month, and I've been posting better trades at every turn.
This is my options demo account where I began active investing. I started off bad, and traded worse because of it. Some mechanical errors, some stupidity, but I've come out of it better.

+168% since late August. Hit rock bottom on this port and turned things around, only taking S-tier bets now and been killing it, +308% this month.
Bonds are so fucking ridiculous right now, you can essentially lock in a guaranteed 7% YoY return by investing in them. Why would any long-term investor buy U.S. stocks at these ridiculous inflated prices when they could lock in guaranteed profitability for the next 15 to 30 years via bonds? I am convinced that U.S. market is fueled by speculation and the greater fool theory when I see the most logical asset not being preferred.
are bonds rates really that high, I thought HYSA rates trickled down from bonds. HYSA rates have been dropping lately.
and what's the liquidity like, can I buy a liquid ETF like I can for t-bills? I run a business and could use stable yield like that, provided it's sufficiently liquid
>Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Shazam, etc?
lmao they're terrible and have no real ai
soundhound can understand complex requests and is much more accurate
it can speak back in natural language, some people would think they're talking to an actual person

Most of my portfolio is currently in SOUN
I hope you're right
please provide evidence that sounds product is miles above FAANGs.
I don't see FAANG using their products in every day life like sound is doing
If FAANG had a drive thru ai, it would already be widely used by restaurants

also ask toldya to elaborate
FAANGs are all locked in a race chasing the rabbit splooging billions on mammoth LLM's to push the limits of technology and discover ... well who the fuck knows what. Maybe some of their execs actually buy the le AI meme. I see no indication any of them are pursuing actually viable piecemeal applications of this technology.

This is, on paper, what SOUN is doing - their models are local and will run on your machine without phoning home to microsoft. AI is gonna have a million uses and I am convinced most of them will come from startups applying the tech in specific niches. Sound recognition is one, but video surveillance is certainly going to be another - I literally have an open source application to recognize people on cameras running right now. If I can find a company that is going to make these alien style sentry guns for the government im going to go balls deep on them because thats going to be so incredibly useful for the military.

I would not expect FAANGs doing consumer-facing AI stuff anytime soon, they have bigger fish to fry.
Eli Lilly has dipped, what do you guys think? Seems a good opportunity to scoop some up, this is a great company that might sail to 1000
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soun might be nice and all but i prefer investing in cats
>If I can find a company that is going to make these alien style sentry guns for the government im going to go balls deep on them because thats going to be so incredibly useful for the military.
Then buy AISP. Way better value than SOUN. Profitable company, low PE, and actually under the radar.
To me it sounds like SOUN is just interpreting the audio then running it through an LLM. Trivial for big tech, or any company really. I don’t see the moat here. The only edge they seem to have is that they’re small enough to make it worth their time to pursue B2B, but if they aren’t doing so profitably I don’t see it as a good investment.
Good looking investment.
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Once Trump turns his eyes on the failing US electrical grid and Musk has his agenda as well this thing is gonna print pretty nicely.
>big pharma
>under rfk jr.
what do you see here that others dont see? in 4 under a different administration maybe but until that point in time its going to bleed.
why would a single politician influence these markets so much? people will always need medicine and no clown is going to change that
since 2019 i have contributed to my 401k to a total of about 150k including company match. this is a vanguard managed account and the total value is around 190k. is that a good return or bad? i feel like it's not bc i was told once you hit 100k, the interest really compounds but being 40k up feels like barely anything compared to what i see from some people on the internet. and wasn't the stock market having an all time bull run during this time? shouldn't it be much higher? am i getting scammed?
kek what blend of stocks are you actually in, cause 22% over 6 years is an annualized return of 3.4%
sounds like a ton of trash bonds, did you change any settings or did you set it to autopilot or some shit?
jesus christ you would have been better off in a HYSA
The USA economy is REVOLTING, its trying to stage a furlow against the common markets. This is directly because of the liberal/republican BIAS and hate-schism between the two parties, and all parties in general. They -kn0w- they cannot fire each other over political affiliation, they would. They can't so they are resorting to stock market bogarting and blockading. This is a fact, its SHOWING up EVERYWHERE even OUTSIDE THE STOCK MARKET, all online transactions are crippled and efficiency of online trades are being more or less "held hostage" against NON-agreeables. THE POLITICAL DIVIDE IS EVIDENT IN THE STOCKMARKET. It is showing up against particularly belligerent subsectors where BIAS IS EVIDENT. Have you invested in Steel and other HEAVY RESOURCES. PULL THE FUCK OUT NOW! PULL OUT PULL OUT PULL OUT! PUT YOUR MONEY INTO OFFSHORE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're WELCOME! The economy may collapse, it may collapse just because of this BIAS ALONE. It is -VERY UNAGREEABLE-. You have been given this EARLY WARNING SIGN. ACT ON IT! Whatever you invested in. Bail the FUCK out ASAP.
Meds. Now.
You won't be able to afford meds when you are furloughed and placed in elow and won't be hired again.
Possibly because a lot of people bought in big time thinking that semiglutide is going to be omnipresent, and the incoming admin, and recent studies claiming it shrinks hearts in mice, with reason to believe the same is true for humans, might bump it out ot vogue.

Personally I'm going to hold out a little longer to see if it bounces back, but i am pretty much looking to ditch Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk short term.

Viking could do okay if they get FDA approval, but they're down 25% in the last week, and I don't expect a rebound soon, will hold off on ditching them for now.
haha lol just eat less. saves money too
Yep, i really just got interested in these companies because I want to make some money on others gluttony.
If i have to be surrounded by butter golems everywhere I go, I want to know i'm benefitting in some way to offset my disgust.
I bought some $70 PLTR calls (exp: 12/20) two weeks ago. I never really did options trading before, but I just sold for 175% profit this Friday. How do I not get extremely addicted to this shit?
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>mfw I don't actually hold any stocks directly and only have long term index ETFs that I don't really need to worry about too much but I come here to see what you guys are saying for fun
I actually can't buy direct stocks anyway cause I work for a financial company and it's a conflict of interest they want to avoid so I'd need approval if I wanted to and fuck that shit. But I only want long term slow but consistent growth anyway.
Im intending on buying AISP, both AISP and SOUN are good buys.
isnt VKTX better?
>SOUN are good buy
disagree and you haven't really responded to the criticism of it well. it's overvalued by any measure I can think of. of course that alone doesn't stop an investment from performing well
VKTX might be good in future if they can get FDA approval, and if they can produce at scale, which it's at least been suggested they'll struggle with.

They also have a liver disease medication thats been really promising in recent studies, they have more trials before end of year, hoping to see a bump.

I'm only into them for a few hundred shares, so feel free to take what I say with some salt, with the 25% dip I've seen in the last week, it could be a good jumping on point after the hype of their recent study results has died down, could be a sign that they're absolutely fucked.
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Assessing the print, Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives liked the results. Emphasizing its focus on partnerships and offering more use cases whilst broadening its voice-enabled ecosystem to “accelerate growth and margins,” Ives thinks the company is “well-positioned to capitalize on the demand for AI chatbots.”

“Overall,” the analyst went on to say, “we believe this was a major step in the right direction for the SOUN story as the company continues to build toward profitable growth with stable revenue pillars in Automotive/Restaurant and strong monetization capabilities to capture demand from enterprises across industries that seek ways to optimize efficiencies. This isnt 2013 anymore there isnt going to be a startup that takes up the spot of a company thats been developing for 2 decades. First off google Gemini AI is stupid, same with IBM, Soundhound has it right ive never heard of a failure with soundhound, but how many times have you heard of failures with gemini AI or IBM with mcdonalds. the problem with these other platforms is they focus on sounding good, understanding the text, "what restauraunts are near me", the other AIs hear the audio, try to put a sentence together, then when the sentence is finally coherent then the AI figures out the meaning, humans dont do this we dont hear "what grocery store has lobster?" and wait until the entire sentence is understood to start to come up with the meaning, humans hear "what grocery store(understands the meaning) has lobster(understands the meaning) and by the time the sentence is out you know what the other person is saying, vs gemini AI is "what grocery store has lobster" and it takes a second to make sure it understood the language of the sentence, then it tries figuring out the meaning, which takes more time and is just unhuman. Voice to meaning is the most human approach to Voice AI and thats why I think their voice AI is better than google, especially IBM.
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the problem with apple is that steve jobs was creative and right now its in a similar situation with disney where its trying to do what gave it an edge originally but its failing because creativity came from the founder, disney and apple are asking what would disney/jobs do, they lack creativity today. About the N in FAANG, netflix uses soundhound, https://www.soundhound.com/resources/video/soundhound-inc-and-netflix-partner-to-voice-enable-rdk-based-set-top-boxes-2
Leaked amazon internal documents say their voice AI is too slow, https://fortune.com/2024/11/18/new-ai-alexa-latency-problems-echo-compatibility-uber-opentable/
Amazons voice AI is too slow for fast paced use, its good enough to spy on you thats about it. 1/5 FAANG uses soundhound and the other 4/5 have slow AI, soundhound seems to be the fastest
Its only at a Price/Sales: 31.82 while palantir is at 58.48 for Nov. 22, 2024. the unprofitability here makes it pretty undervalued. It is only investable if you take the long-shot forecasts seriously. If it crashes and burns yeah its a bad stock, but blackrock, vanguard, and blackrock are holders, I have no anxiety holding this because as you said its a buyout target and the 270 patents make it valuable, worse comes to worse its part of nvidia and it makes nvidia a better investment/id hold shares from the stock exchange. You havent had any criticism about amelia, a profitable businss they acquired, they paid off all their debt early too which saves 55m in interest https://www.pymnts.com/artificial-intelligence-2/2024/soundhound-pays-off-100-million-debt-after-lender-agreement/#:~:text=SoundHound%20Pays%20Off%20%24100%20Million%20Debt%20After%20Lender%20Agreement,-By%20PYMNTS%20June&text=SoundHound%20AI%20has%20reached%20an,%24100%20million%20debt%20in%20full. https://investors.soundhound.com/news-releases/news-release-details/soundhound-ais-amelia-wins-xcelent-advanced-technology-2024
bought into the bull run bullshit and bought a spy call 597 22/11 last week.

guess how much i lost
5 thousand?
it was one contract, so about 300 (i sold it a day earlier for 60 bucks)
I can totally imagine drive thrus all doing this and it understanding complex orders and fixing mistakes. McDonald's should do this.
I wonder if there is an AI the managers of each McDonald's can speak to in which they can program it by just speaking to it "please tell customers to drive up to second window" or "tell the customers the ice cream machine is down at the moment and ask if thry would like anything else"
This would be extremely profitable so I can see most restaurants doing it
Comparing it an even more overvalued company isn't a good argument..

>the unprofitability here makes it pretty undervalued

>It is only investable if you take the long-shot forecasts seriously.
Like I said before question is if it's the best possible investment for your money. I can think of dozens of better investments.

>blackrock, vanguard, and blackrock are holders,
they hold all kinds of stuff. NVDA bought 7 years ago and hasn't reinvested.

>buyout target
I named LYFT as way better example of a buyout target.

who cares? you can patent all kinds of stuff. Are they making any revenue off these patents? If FAANG isn't using these patents, then who cares? I cited NEON as a better example of a patent stock.
If it actually has a better product, that's a good argument, but I don't think that's a robust edge either. And I don't even know that it's true.
Why won't they just be eaten alive by numerous AI / LLM companies? It's basically just a sound to text, text to LLM company.
Netflix uses them so FAANG does use them, I mean theyre better than IBM which is shown by them failing at mcdonalds. The SYNQ3 team brings restaurant sales, product, and customer service experience with an increasing focus on AI. Executive talent like CEO and co-founder Steve Bigari, a former McDonald’s operator https://foodondemand.com/12132023/soundhound-acquires-sync3-voice-ai-platform/
I see this being in most fast food by 2030
Working in fast food before ill tell you that managers get frustrated being bothered, their headset makes it more efficient because you don't have to hunt down the manager to ask them a question.
forgot the link
>Netflix uses them so FAANG does use them
They use their patents, or the product? I was talking about the patents in particular. Just having patents is meaningless, are they actually worth anything? That's what I'm trying to get at.
That being said, SoundHound has developed a range of products and services that utilize their patented technology, such as their SoundHound Music Recognition app, which allows users to identify songs and artists. They also provide their technology to other companies, such as automakers, music streaming services, and voice assistants, which can help generate revenue.

For example, SoundHound has partnered with companies like Ford and Honda to provide their music recognition technology in their vehicles. This partnership allows SoundHound to generate revenue through licensing fees and royalties. Similarly, SoundHound has also partnered with music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music to provide their music recognition technology, which can help generate revenue through royalties and licensing fees.

In summary, while SoundHound's patents may not be directly generating revenue, their patented technology is being used to develop and monetize their products and services, which can help generate revenue through licensing, royalties, and other forms of revenue generation.
what's the gameplan for this week? anything interesting going on?
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Buy RCAT if there's a large correction
its too late
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i wish there were more cute stocks
thank god
>stocks move for reasons YOU dont understand

>Company A
>Company B
>Company A issues 1,000 stocks at $1
>Company B issues 1,000 stocks at $1
>Company A/B buy 1,000 stock of each other
>Company A/B sell stocks to each other at $2 ea
>They're stocks are now valued at $2 ea, and have doubled their company's net worth
is it sort of like that?
I already exited RCAT after shilling it here for over a month
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>have $12k in RKLB stocks
>sell it off at like 10 end of october cause i wasn't gonna pay attention to the stocks for a while and the price is at ATH
>check the price today
Holy fuck i'm such a retarded ape perpetually broke loser
Just ape’d into AISP for a few hundred shares. What am I in for?
This reminds me what ever happened with LLAP why is it 25 cents didnt LMT put a offer in for $1 a share buyout?
JP morgan is offering 6% coupon rate on their bonds and it's callable.
But SP500 has gone up 25% this year to date.
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Is this a good buy? 8% yield and it matures next march.
https://fintel.io/ss/us/soun 23.72 % of the float shorted, the goal is going over $9 this week, im buying more tomorrow, im buying 13 more so I have 1300 total, everyone buy 5 or 10 more shares to help with the meme
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Welp. I sold out.

I took all my profits and am sitting in VTIP like the coward scrub i am, cannot take the clown market anymore.
not buying that dogshit we've gone over this

didn't realize you were talking about corporate bonds. and are those pretty liquid? I need a place to park $20k emergency fund for my business that's better than an HYSA
kek what a pretentious, ridiculous write up.

you dont know shit.
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feel free to dispute any of what I said
Are we in for a Bessent bump? And by that I don't mean him poking you with his penis.
MSTR has already reached where I thought it would reach by mid december.
MSTR looks like it'll crab between 380 and 500 the next week or two. Likely that bitcoin goes up this week to 102k, MSTR up 10-15%. Bitcoin will go down after Thanksgiving (so will the wider market) and be around 87k on December 1st, allowing it to run to 120k and be up 30-40% by january.

>nvda is dead too
DJT is going to run because it's acquiring a crypto exchange like GEMINI and will be overvalued but the speculative pump will push it past 80 bucks sometime in 2025 on crypto hype+the inauguration for some reason (which is about as reasonable as DJT going from 12 to 57 in october because of the lection).

MSTR will probably hit 1100 bucks at the top when BTC tops out. If it hits 1600 that's a great time to short. Personally I will load up on MSTZ and ride the cascade back to 100 bucks.

The market will run to 7000 on the s and p before realizing that's retarded and 'crash' to 5000 on the s and p. That's the speed you're living in.



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