Retired, 30 y/o. Software fag.Debating between:1) buying a house in Omaha, NE or Arkansas for ~$200k and trying to start a business or just vibing.2) moving back to San Francisco, living with a girl I was seeing earlier this year and going all in on building AI startups until something sticks.
ITT I judge your> age> net worth> allocation> body count
I want to see some numbers fuckers.Don't lie either. I'll know if you're lying
>>59264070>24>just started studying cs again after NEETing>wil be done in 2028>have a blonde ct virgin country gf with a good relationship to her dad>friends with her dad>40k networth (all in LINK/ETH)>$100 on my bank account>unironically live in my dads basement>body count 4 (one hooker)
>start a business or build a startupDoesnt sound retired
1 but with hookers
>OmahaThere was some Epstein type shit going on there with that Boystown place
>>59264191>24a young mayne>just started studying cs again after NEETingwhy were you NEETing>wil be done in 2028CS will be done in 2028. Use Cursor if you haven't been>have a blonde ct virgin country gf with a good relationship to her dadnice. What the fuck does her relationship with her dad have to do with anything? what is ct. Why is she a virgin thats cringe run>friends with her dadget friends your own age>40k networth (all in LINK/ETH)dumb, but fine>$100 on my bank accountvery dumb, but fine>unironically live in my dads basementI unironically live with my parents>body count 4 (one hooker)longest relationship?This guy's going to make it.Is the girls dad a loser?
>>59264195a man's got to keep busy trust me, doing nothing is self-destructive>>59264070sounds to me like it depends on the girl, anon. Both things could work. Go for the company of the girl I say, but again it depends on her
>>59264195I hate dumb fucks like you who nitpick language. People understand "retired". "Financially Independent" sounds pretentious af, but would be more accurate in this case
>>5926420840 years ago? And the Oracle of Omaha also grew up there. Who cares> The allegations attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax."[1][2]Do you believe in many conspiracy theories?> NIneteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died - suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.That sounds incriminating
>>59264203> 1> hookerSlearn englishOr was one just watching?
>>59264070>retiring on $1,2mdon't be a fool, you need to have at least $12m to retire safely in 2024, you have no idea what's coming in terms of cost of living explosions and totalitarian government overreach, the covid shit-show was just the beginning, simply being free, eating healthy and maybe having real privacy as the icing on the cake will be something for multimillionaires only. if you have not noticed so far, the elites are trying to monetize basic human dignity and it's a hidden tax just like inflation used to be. beyond all of it they will alienate your social circles with mass shitskin migration, so they can exploit the common worker even more. you think drumpf will stop this? they will get rid of drumpf. don't retire on puny $1.2m
>>59264212I "studied" cs/english/math etc on paper from 20-23yo. However, I spent my time jerking off/posting frogs/agresisvely hitting the gym 6x a week. I got too lost in the 2021 pnd telegram shitcoin casino and was on etherscan about 6h a day, instead of studying. >CS will be done in 2028. Use Cursor if you haven't beenWill the entire sector be fucked? Am a white male. Thought the AI takeover was meme, but I am seeing tech normies full on seethe and cope about AI, which is worrying. >what is ct.Now that you're retired, you need to lurk moar>Is the girls dad a loser?No, he has his own business and is traveling around a bunch, still makes time for his kids thoughWut do anon? Grind internships, build projects? Am doing java and am uploading 1 small program a day on my private github repo. I want to get into tech sales/consulting
>>59264070>going all in on building AI startups until something sticksdon't need to be in SF to do that, and will have access to a lot more women in NE/Arkansas
>>59264216The girl is a mixed bag.I won't do hot entitled chicks anymore. This girl is maybe a 6/10 lookswise. Suuuper kind, relentlessly positive and supportive, and bubbly. And also really smart. Project Manager at Google.But I'm not really attracted to her.I need a partner for my sanity though. Someone smart and supportive. But she's also a fucking LIABILITY. She spends all her money and has some weird unknown chronic illness. Spends ~50k/year on a panel of Stanford doctors who all consult with eachother, and are recommending these experimental treatments. Been going on for 4 years. She just took 3 moths of medical leave off work to do some new brain electrification treatment. Liability.
>>59264260> you need to have at least $12m to retire safely in 2024sounds like you're the fool who will be wage slaving his whole life anywayIf you own your home, have no kids, and a wife/gf who is not a net drain, $1.2M is fine.$200k house, $900k in assets. Thats $30k/yr spending, and $40k/yr for inflation.You won't pay taxes because poor.People do it all the time on waaay less.BTW the biggest wedge driving wealthy disparity is 1) real estate 2) private ownership of capital (ie. stocks ie. companies).... Sooo if anyone is trying to enrich the elite and subjugate the poors... they're going to be pumping #1 and #2 and I'll be on the right side of it.Don't see how anyone can fail with $1.2M in assets and <$30k per year burn...
>>59264279this excites me.Do you know first hand or what?
>>59264070Don't retire. Move to NW AR.
>>59264326Pic rel is the kind of woman I want now.Unpretentious, thin. Grew up a precariat, so values stability over dumb bullshit consumption.Just wish they were more educated
>>59264335>Don't retire. Move to NW AR.Bentonville, Fayetteville, or elsewhere?wtf do you know about NW AR
>>59264279>going for rural women if you have the chance to date in a city
>>59264070you'll be happier doing 2idk how you can be smart enough to work in AI and retire by 30 (dubious with only 1.2 liquid, to be honest) but also complacent enough to tolerate living in arkasas but that's just me
>>59264291there are other nice girls, anon, speaking from very similar experience to yours
>>59264291man the way you describe her is so cruel. You don't deserve a girl like her desu
>>59264439sorry maybe callous is a better word. So callous. Because cruel implies your saying a blunt truth, but callous is more true because it means you don't see the things that really matter.
>>59264360what's so bad about rural women?
>>59264420Just doesn't seem that bad to me. Only need a few close friends. I really value freedom and not being an owned man, being told what to do to make some other man richer, not owning the capital I build.What's so bad about Arkansas?
>>59264070$1.2m is not enough to retire on unless you're going to die in your 50s, unless you're going to live uncomfortably close to the poverty line, especially if you end up with family. If you expat out of the US you have a pretty good shot.You might be financially independent, pick and choose where and when you work, but you can't stop working. Starting a business is fine but it depends on the risk, and that can eat your money up fast if you're not smart and careful.Buying a house cash, if you want one, is a good idea. You really have no excuse to take on debt, especially current mortgage rates. You definitely cannot do that responsibly in SF.In SF numbers, $1.2m is absolutely nothing unfortunately, and as a software guy in his to 30s you should be relatively aware of that already. You will not be financially independent there for very long unless you have a $150k+ wage slave job lined up, and realistically in your late thirties there you should be pushing mid $200k+.$1.2m is a job well done to be sure, but it's not a finish line, it's a security blanket.
>>59264479I live comfortably off $1,300 USD/month (excluding rent/mortage) in a city of comparable expense to SF
>>59264494Right, next to the poverty line. That's what I said.
>>59264509EXCLUDING rent and mortgage I saidpoverty line there includes housing no doubt, those people on $15K don't own their home
>>59264479At this point I value my freedom more than some imagined future child and wife I've never met. So assume no family> uncomfortably close to the poverty lineI think I could do it and be comfortable. Maybe not in SF, but in the midwest. What are you REALLY missing out on when spending ~$30kyr? And is the discomfort of working worse than the discomfort of simple (read: "impoverished") living.That's a genuine question - I've always been frugal never poor.I think YES, working is worse. For the vast majorityof human history people lacked so many of our modern comforts. I feel like groceries, warm house, running water, clean environment, and maximum free time to read, drink coffee, learn things, build software, chat with friends online in the evenings full of energy, go on walks in America is anything but uncomfortable.What do you say to that?
>>59264476seems boring, the people are dumb, the food is bad, the ozarks are extremely mid compared to like anywhere in a hundred mile radius of the west coast and the demographics are fuckedbut I understand wanting to live somewhere comfortably so congrats on your current nest eggretirement is kind of a meme but if you can walk off a shitty job, walk off the job
>>59264544you're 30 and have maybe 70 years of life left, more time than you can imaginethis is a time when your wealth will either grow or stagnate/diminish are you going to choose comfort in the present, or options for the future?
>>59264494>>59264509> uncomfortably close to the poverty line> I live comfortablyhmmm
>>59264546All totally fair pointsWtf are you doing in life?
>>59264558BOTH man. Secure my life in LCOL place, and work on building capital.Literally building it. Writing AI software. You can do that locally and bootstrap.Literally the fucking dream. Completely capped downside, limitless upside.Spend 7 years learning to be an owner/operator of a startup OR bust ass at some meaningless SaaS mega-corp, pull down $300k/yr and have $4M...The latter sounds more fun
FUCK all of you you were supposed to post your shit and I was supposed to judge your asses.Dunno why I'm justifyying myself to you going to bed
>>59264453fuck you especially>>59264439
>>59264517People at the poverty line are either homeless or have their housing heavily subsidized. He will not have that liberty. He has/makes too much money, therefore will pay rent and mortgage out of pocket.>>59264544The problem is, you can't "assume no family". Retirement is a pretty long term thing, yeah? If family is any possibility (accidental pregnancy and she won't abort), you have to prepare for it.Financially independent, work when you want, that's fine and keeps things open for the chance. You don't want to "retire" in your 30s and find out in your 40s and 50s you need to re-enter the software field with a massive gap. Rampant ageism will not be kind (it already isn't), and AI on the timescale might ensure your skill set largely will not be marketable. It's rough out there and not going to get better.Close to the poverty line and pretty sure you can do that comfortably, especially in the Midwest, should be manageable if you really commit to it. But I don't believe it will be comfortable long term or leave any room for life changes.I say to most of this, I've been in basically your exact situation and had an extreme life change hit me over the head (family) that made it so, 1, I couldn't honestly support everyone well, and 2, I didn't want to put others through the struggle of being overly frugal their entire life when my earning potential was still high. I recognized it's not for everyone, and it's a struggle rather than a virtue for most.
>Retired at 30 just by being a software fagWhen did you start?
>Coinbase>Charles Schwab>ETrade>Wells Fargo>TDFren :)
>>59264070Honestly do whichever one will put you closer to getting married and having children. Money is good but it's a fucking meme compared to having a family. Nobody ever wished they'd bought more shitcoins on their death bed.
>>59264070I'll tell you one thing, you have about 50% of what you need to start a family, so just focus on building wealth for now and don't fuck it up.
>>59264672The whole point of buying the house cash is to not pay mortgage so your first point is moot. With near zero income you get a lot subsidized by the system rn (no income taxes on cap gains, ACA). Obviously that can change, but also the only threat to those thing on the horizon seems to be a man who is also set on making the rich richer. Not bad of you own assets - should hopefully cancel out.But ok, fine. Point taken, there is risk associated with living close to the poverty line. The mitigation to that risk is:You can always reenter the workforce> Buttt, But, ... your resume gap!!Three mitigations1) continue with the plan of starting a business. Continue developing marketable skills. This keeps you sharp and marketable for a return to the software industry.2) oh yea MAKING MONEY from the business in #1, means who needs to reenter, I'll have enough3) Get any other bullshit job if things go really south. $1.2M with a 3% drawdown accounts for inflation. That means at any point along the journey I *should* have relatively the same buying power as now. I'm at a point of point able to coast off of any bullshit job.
>>59264672Do you resent your family for taking away your freedom?Was your life that meaningless before them that you'd rather be a wagecuck and support some kids and nagging lady than not?They say the happiness was never the status or destination, but the hope we feel during the journey. Do your kids give you hope that they'll turn out "better" than you and through then you'll have some meaning?
>>59264672>>59266226>>59266255Never thought I'd get such reasonable normie ass advice from /biz/ of all places.I never got the kid argument. If your life is so meaningless even after you've "made it", how the fuck is creating another human life devoid of any meaning supposed to fox that? Now you have two problems.Do you just delude yourself into thinking the kid is gonna maybe turn out better than you for 12-24years?Bro. If I can find meaning while retired, then the who of humanity is meaningless and why the fuck you your rope another person into this, all while constrainting your own freedom.
>>59264094>> age35>> net worth$2.2 million>> allocation$55k cash$670k house$200k stocks$1.2 million crypto$460k retirement accounts$23k 3.5 year old car($425k) total debts (mortgage, car loan, credit cards)>> body countMaybe around 30. Only 5 if we don't count hookers. I've been mostly monogamous the last 3 years.
>>59266685>If your life is so meaningless even after you've "made it", how the fuck is creating another human life devoid of any meaning supposed to fox that? Now you have two problems.What is the meaning of life to you then? To have the most cummies and imaginary internet tokens?
When did /biz/ become so fucking soft."Don't quit your day job"I guess it's a good thing that the biggest "risk" to my future is knocking up a chick and having to start a family with >$1M nest egg, an education, and experience in one of the historically highest margin industries of all time.
>>59266707Ok so you "made it". Wtf do? You work?> 5 womenWhy? Are you ugly or somethingWhats the meaning of life for youIm holding of judgement until you can answer so answer carefully
>>59266744>asks for advice>gets extremely butthurt at every single answerI mean what exactly were you looking for? a hugbox echo chamber? why ask a question if you've already made up your mind?
>>59266800>why ask a question*why ask for advice
>>59264070I’m 30>216k Schwab brokerage>97k Fidelity brokerage >71k Ally bank >63k IRA>8k Roth IRA>240k 401k>100k Roth 401k>5k checking>33k HSA>two paid off 30k vehicles>60k in guns>220k in home equityI’m too lazy to add it up but it’s over a mil. I have 1.2 BTC worth of FBTC spread across IRA/brokerages that I rolled over from GBTC when the ETF came out.
>>59266742Idk and I'm sure as hell not going to rope someone else into this until I doMeaning is mostly about the journey. Executing on a vision. Having hope for the future.I've lived in a big city. Wined and dined. Traveled. I did 38 trips in a year.Fucked, dated GORGEOUS, tall, lean, chicks. Women with kind eyes and freckles and soft in all the right places. Hard in all the right places. A lawyer, a therapist, a scientist. Women who have baked for me, cleaned, played video games. Wrotten me cards, planned surprise birthdahs. I've been playing catch and release with the calibre of women you cucks would sell your whole life for... clearly, all these damn "family men" in here. And I was good to them. Loved most of them.I've driven the car. Partied.You know what. It's really not all that great.
34All in BTC$2MM networthbody count 4
>>59266800I didn't ask for bad advice and I'm not butthurt you're butthurt You're the one advocating for an echo-chamber Mr. "Dont Disagree with everyone".Do you want me to go back and mention every point I agree with?
>>59266862You're missing you body count (that's sexual partners, not homocides you gun toting freak)Why the fuck do you have $60k in guns that's interesting. When did you fall and hit your head
>>59266707Also, too much crypto.
>>59266784"Made it" to me is $5 mil NW or higher. I still work like 45 hours a week. Partly because my work is easy enough and partly because I don't have anything better to do. I'm considering taking a year off next year to travel more and live abroad but I'll come back to work part time or something because I hate doing nothing.>Why? Are you ugly or somethingI'm short and probably autistic. I avoided women and relationships for a while but it came pretty easily once I started trying. I have a big dick and can be charming. I have a young gf that worships me but she has no idea how wealthy I really am. If I can still stand her after 2 years, I'll marry and have kids with her.
>>5926694260k in guns isn’t much I know people irl who have 100-200k in them. It’s an expensive hobby.
>>59266913You literally have the mind of a woman. Like a woman you made up your mind, but need social approval, so you schlepp over here with your disingenuous "advice" thread where you proceed to whine about all the "bad advice" you're getting (aka, anything that doesn't align with what you'd already decided before you made this attention whoring social approval thread)Really pathetic.
>>59266885So you went from $400k NW to $2MM in the last 3 years and you're not selling, even tho ur fat?Ngmi. Don't risk your future family anon, it's the only thing in life that matters.
>>59266949I've still got 7 figures in solid assets if we disregard the crypto. Not too bad long term.
>>59266986I want $5MM.
>>59266979Sorry, your advice is garbage, woman.Does it hurt your feelings?"Yes master, good advice master." SeetheWhat good advice has been ignored?
>>59266979This is such a hilarious post.>"You need social approval thats why you're being disagreeable"Being disagreeable is the LEAST effective way of getting social approval dumbass
>>59266950> if I can stand her another 2 yearsBasedYou're doing great but you already knew that which is why you posted on here. But by virtue of that fact you're posting your NW allocations on /biz/ seeking judgment... how great can you really be doing?Why did you post on this thread
>>59266989Yea actually big brain. I was testing you
>>59267037>Being disagreeable is the LEAST effective way of getting social approval dumbassNot what I said. You sought social approval here because in your demented womanlike mind, you thought everyone would side with you. When they didn't you began to become unhinged furiously typing shrill womanlike responses.>>59267037>>59267013You're so butthurt it triggered a double reply, lmao. Delicious that you've also ragequit this thread now twice.
>>59267122Let me know how you would like me to communicate and if you lick my balls maybe I'll change for you
>>59264070Mfer go live in a 3rd world country like a king
>>59267122Im going to rate this maggot a 10/10Goes into thread. Criticizes. Contributes nothing. I like it
>>59267178Ya, if go colonize a Thai babe or something. Have you seen what you can buy in Thailand for yout money.. it's hard to pass up. Or look for a nice girl in the midwest. There are a lot here. Either way have a kid, you're going to regret if you don't and you don't realize what you are missing.
>>59267012$1M BTC$1M VTIYou get your $5M in 7-15 years with zero downside.Your risk to reward is fucking abysmal. Think about it
>>59267178Id rather live in the USAlthough I did watch this porno this morning of a Thai girl blowing this dude on the floor of her little house. And then her fucking MOM walks in and smiles and laughs. The Thai girl keeps blowing the dude. The mom offers him some.pepsi and then she fucking sits down next to them on the floor.After she chats with the guy a bit (while the daughter is doing her things) the daughter hops off and the little old lady starts blowing him.Crazy. All so casualCould never be me tho
>>59267220Why have a kid, I don't get it. They cost $1M literally.Like if I said I had a kid. Everyone here would agree i'd need another $1M to retire. Or if not a mil then selling your life for income.It's really that good?
>>59267072I came here for the same reason as you. To humble brag to a bunch of poorfags and incels lol. $2 mil is essentially the same as $1 mil. If I'm doing great, then you're doing great. Right? But if we're being honest, we ain't shit until we reach 8 figures.
>>59267297I mean with $2k/month passive income you can live like a king in SEA or South America without having to move a finger, I'd try it for a bit, not like you have much to lose but a few months while enjoying foreign lands and women.
>>59264219Retired and financial independent are two different things retard , nothing to nitpick about
>>59267351We ain't shit unless we have power.Even $10m is only 5x the power of $2m
>>59267336Yes, worth all the money in the world. 1 mil for a kid? I get it, Jews want to make it as undesirable as possible, but still easily worth.
>34>$400k>60% house 20% savings/stocks and 20% crypto>100-200
>>59267384Eh, I don't think its for me. I like stability and safety. Infrastructure. Cleanliness.AR, USA > SEAeveryone is different. If that's your goal I hope you make it there bitch
>>59267679This is how your capitalist masters get a world of CONSOOOOOMERISM, a non-frugal wife (i.e. normal) and a kid or two is the ultimate consumption.There's gotta be an alternative.Maybe if I get $3M I'll reconsider it.
>>59267701>100-200That's quite a range? Also housepoor, ngmi
maybe its like 500k 60/20/20and yes i lost count
>>59264360>>59264326SF is really not a great city for heterosexual dating. I would go for Nashville or something like that instead. Mating & Dating dynamics are much more sane anywhere other than SF.
> agemid 30s> net worthidk maybe 500k> allocationRoughly: 350k real estate, 60k stonks, 40k crypto, 10k cash, 40k business. Oh and another 10k of shiny rocks.> body countnot sure, I used to party a lot, never properly sat down and counted. probably around 20.thanks for mining my data
>>59264267From what I understand the AI takeover isn't a meme in the sense that they're still going to hardcore try to implement it, even though it's going to be disastrous. It'll take years before they admit they were wrong, prolly. The problem is AI and Indians
Also a software fag, 7 figs, late 30s.I think I'll retire after this bullrun. I'm thinking of moving somewhere in Europe. Maybe I'll do a startup or maybe I'll just do nothing at all. I'm pretty burned out on work now.
>>59267808don't worry, you're a shit stain you data is worthless.Is that Real Estate primary residence equity or rentals?If its the former ngmi> 40k business> mining my dataWhat do you do, nerd?
>>59267983Maturing is realizing all these women grew up and are probably insufferable. At the very least... just normal and uninteresting. The guy on the right is a fucking king, unironically.I remember saving this picture in highschool thinking "what a loser" while also resonating with it deeply.
>>59264359Many places in the region are comfy. Fay and Bentonville are bith good choices. North east Fayetteville is the best imo.NWA is very different from the rest of the state.
>>59268048Why are they good, chief. I need details.Nicer people? More educated? Safer?And where do you live
>29>1.5m 90% BTC, 10% ETFs (yes I know terrible weights)>inherited house worth 500k>trying to rebalance 150k into ETFs per year, can't dump due to living in country with high marginal capital gains tax>NEET and body count: 0, never even kissed a girl unironicallyI need advice. I have no skills but can go back to school. I don't really know do anything now except jerk off and play vidya.
>>59264212>CS will be done in 2028*web shitting will be done in 2028there will still be demand for embedded and robotics and similar fields
>>59268077I moved here from CT a few years ago.The state is redThe region is purplePeople are friendly imo.Beautiful countryside within and around.Mix of city, suburbs, and rural.Higher IQ than rest of the state due to UofA and Walmart. Also more fit and better looking.Bike trails everywhere. The Waltons like spending money on parks and rec.Cute girls. College chicks in Fay, Cougars in bentonvilleThe region is growing and business seems to be doing well.Majority white with pockets of mexicans and some asians in bentonville.No large black population.White dudes have a good cultural mix and i find it easy to make friends.
>>59264253You fell into a midwit trap. He's correct, he's referring to hookers collectively as a group, from which he had sex with one of them.
>>59264070> 37 also software fag (still wage but I wfh and only work like 10hrs/week and like to code with my bros)> $2MM in crypto> $150k cash> $300k stonks (not including $200k in my 401k)> $750k house (with $250k morty)> Maybe 15, but have gf of 7 years and we have a kid together.Judge me. And whatever you do, don't move to fucking SF for a girl.
>>59268161Whats your goal? Job? Wife?
>>59268161You're in a good spot financially. Keep doing what you're doing and focus on fixing the fact that you're a loser
>>59268266Hey fuck off
>No dev that can jeet>ctoPick up the phone and join the Based Department.HrBwc1Gwptdb4hVFjLp97MbBW2jyzh4R7kBsZT1tpump
>>59264070I can tell you about Omaha because I live here.You're correct about housing, lowballing that a little bit but not by much, probably more realistically 240-250k, if you were going for the 2 story 3 bedroom type deal. I bought my place for a good deal for 230k~ (cheapest house on my block). I come from California where the women are hot, and so the women here are really mid, which is disappointing, but that doesn't sound like it bothers you. It gets cold as balls, like -50 with wind chill in Winter, so your SF ass is going to freeze; this is the biggest thing to get used to.
>>59264070Get galaxis for 200k, wait for 10x, then by a mansion instead of a house
>>59264070(1) Better option(2) I live in SF Bay Area. She sounds annoying.
>>59268321Zuckerberg's kept bitch boy.Are you happy?
>>59268374Damn you may have convinced me to be a wageslave again. Mid women and the cold are my krptoniteThat's good to know. Wtf do you do with your free time? Always post your numbers or gtfo
>>59268347Job and gf and basically being not a deadbeat NEET bum. Can't live another 40 years like this. Problem is I have zero grit to grind through the years necessary to break out of entry level jobs when the temptation to NEETmaxx is so great, and gf is out of the question since 3% SWR wouldn't allow me to afford one anyways. I am a minimalistfag content going on walks and cooking my own food and women are the antithesis of that.
>>592681611. Become fit. This is your first full time job, and it includes a strict exercise routine and a strict diet that you make yourself.2. Teach yourself something interesting and potentially lucrative. Woodworking, welding, electricity, computer science, AI....whatever makes you happy. Start by taking a class.3. Limit masturbation to once a day or less. Limit vidya to 3 days a week or less. Time savings are spent on 1 or 2.Godspeed anon, you can do it. Just make a little progress everyday and everything slowly gets easier.
>>59268381Wow this is why I'm elite and you're a loser. Capitalism is the finest system for empowering the Good Man and disenfranchising the Bad Man
>>59268425My guy you have everything I want and you're not happy.I had everything you wanted and wasn't happy. Maybe we just make a pact?Whats so fucking bad about being a rich NEET you fuck
>>59268421I work remotely, so I work out and read books, play vidya, hang out with friends, that kind of thing. I work maybe 2 hours a day of real work, realistically.31, 35k in the bank, 12k in crypto. I have a 15 year mortgage with 4% interest (the lowest of anyone I've spoken with in my city), and it probably isn't the most rational use of my money, but I put down a lot of extra cash each month, and I'll have the house paid off by the time I'm 34-35 or so.Women? 7, but I became a Christian the better part of a decade ago so that's a stale number.
>>59268425Are you insecure because society doesn't respect you?Remember picrel are the people you're trying to impress. You're trying to seek validation from people with doodoo values, who consume doodoo media, have doodoo thoughts, are affirmed by their doodoo friends, and then have the audacity to believe you're a loser.Just understand you're smart and better than them and you'll never make them see the truth so don't bother.Find ONE good girl with an open mind and fuck the rest
>>59268398Life is too comfy to complain. I have a great family, good friends, lots of time for my hobbies, and don't have nay money issues. Have always wanted to start my own business to fully "solve the money problem" and retire in extreme comfort, but I'm too lazy to actually do it.Knowing that I'd be good at business, but I don't even try makes me unhappy, but enjoying a nice life with my family makes me happy.
>>59268448Because I've gone 30 years without ever touching a woman, being deprived of intimacy and missing every social milestone that other people treat as normal. Could you bear that?
>>59268429gpt-3.5-turbo tier answer
>>59264494>excluding rent/mortageThat's the whole point though.
>>59268448nta but it's very lonely. My sanity bar is draining. The rich neet lifestyle is not great.
>>59264070Arizona is your best bet bud. Strike while the iron is hot, I’m currently looking at a four bedroom two story brick house on 1.5 under 130k
>>59268484Congrats 10/10 lifeNow leave.
>>59268488NoWhy does everyone hate you?
>>59268530>58 pbtidKek what a fucking loser
>>59268488I could help you fix your life 40 year old virgin style
>>59268506I get it. I worked from home, alone in a cold apartment in Man Francisco. My job was meaningless but soul crushingly performative. Surrounded by low morale self-deluding fucks. Forced to dance and do the corpo charade to make ZuckerGatesNadela richer.I burned out doing a 10hr/wk job (but 40hr /wk at home desk) that made $250k/yr. $400k at its peak.There is no such thing as independence. Humans are dependent upon others for psychic survival.For this reason being an "independent thinker" is unhealthy. Especially if you lack the social skills and charisma to speak your true thoughts without alienating yourself from others.Communication skills, and influence are very important if your brain disagrees with the narrative. Otherwise ypu will be intellectually alone
>>59268513Ok, now my turn. We separate this into 2 parts. 1. Girl. What does your gut say about the chick in SF? Lots of girls have weird issues. Some are just facing severe cognitive dissonance between their underlying biology and the vast amounts of feminist propaganda they're exposed to constantly, and some are legit red flags that you need to walk away from. You don't want an anchor dragging your life down, but a wife/kid/family are legit one of the more rewarding experiences you can have in life, so you'll probably want to jump on that train eventually. You have funds and a brain, so unless your body or personality are complete trash, you can probably get top tier, red pilled, trad wife zoomer girl without much issue.2. Job. The AI startup sounds cool, but SF is literally the gayest city on earth. Unless you're already there and have deep roots, go literally anywhere else.
>>59268161Do the schooler for something you have interest and wouldn't mind working within.
>>59268644Congrats first person to ask me a question.1) my gut says I need someone with a personality like hers in my life right now, but she's not the one.2. Fair. I'm pretty liberal, but liberal CITY WOMEN are so unaligned with my values it's unbearable. Also they are a hot commodity and know it subconsciously so most of the pretty ones are entitled as fuck. Or at the very least, noncommital and flighty at any sign of conflict in a relationship because they can just go on dates with new hot rich guys forever.As someone who did alright in the SF dating scene I'm dying to see what it's like elsewhere. But no uggos I want a girl with a body like picrel
>>59268682>>59268161This is actually good advice, although again you'll feel like a lonely freak around a bunch of young college kids.But school is cool. You can afford it.Honestly, idk. The system isn't set up to support people who walk an alt path and lifestyle. The standard pipeline of highscool, college, 9-5, wife, kids, church covers all the socializing you need. Straying from the path requires supplementsHave you tried leaving your house
>>59264070>>59264216>sounds to me like it depends on the girl, anon. Both things could work. Go for the company of the girl I say, but again it depends on her>>59264291>I won't do hot entitled chicks anymore. This girl is maybe a 6/10 lookswise. Suuuper kind, relentlessly positive and supportive, and bubbly. And also really smart. Project Manager at Google.Get the girl, then retire to the midwest. Dating in the midwest is a truly hellish experience. Keep in mind, your California 6 will be an 8 or 9 in Omaha.>>59264345>Pic rel is the kind of woman I want now.>>59264463>what's so bad about rural women?You won't be able to get that kind of woman here anon. Those sorts of women don't care if you're a nerd with internet money. You need to either buy them large amounts of drugs or you need be jacked with tattoos. If you're not at least 6'3" with 240lbs of muscle that kind of woman won't even look at you. Doesn't matter how rich you are. Women in the midwest are extremely stuck up. I don't know why, but they are. I'm a mid-tier white guy with a dad bod and barely any money. The only women I can attract around here are morbidly obese, and most of the time those women won't even give me a second glance. Despite that, I can travel to Southern California and hook up with decent looking chicks who treat me like a human being. I don't really understand it, but it's the truth. Maybe there's just more women out there. Maybe the dudes in California are just extremely low-tier, I don't know. But the fact is that I can actually hook up and flirt with decent looking women there but here it's practically nothing. Make of that what you will
>>59264094>29>$1.1M AUD (~$720k USD)>approximately half in BTC, rest is in retirement, boomer ETFs and stocks, and cash at 5.5%, also a smattering of LINK but it’s such a small amount it barely warrants a mention (little less than 1000 cubes)>10, probably 30+ if I include escorts but IMO body count is only a “legitimate” measure if obtained without (directly) paying for it>last five years I’ve had a girlfriend and have been mostly tied upI would say NGMI purely by virtue of being in Ausfailia, on top of being just an unpleasant place in general, houses really start at about a million AUD across most of the land. In a different country, I might have more of a chance.
5 million is 225k in interest annually. if you can't live off that you're ngmi
>>59268799Sounds like pussy is cheaper but hot pussy is more expensiveI'm 6'3" 180lb fit blonde liberalLoneliness is a concern
>>59264094>> age37>> net worth$4.3 mil >> allocationabout half in my house (paid off), 25% equities, 25% blypto blurrency>> body count3, all asian (1 jp, 1 kor, 1 chi)
>>59268767There's hot single cool women literally everywhere. Organizing your life around finding a woman is desperation tier. I've always had much better quality results doing interesting things and then finding someone by happenstance, whether on tennis court, in library, at gym, shooting pool, dancing, etc. The place to meet interesting people (guy or girl) is doing interesting things. There's literally nothing worse then an uninteresting chick whose life revolves around instagram likes.
>>59264094>age28>net wortharound 1.8 mil>allocation~100k on covered options~150k stocks~150k home equity~100k doge~50k random assorted shitcoins~1.45 mil bitcoin~200k mortgage at 3%~15k student loans at 6%>educationWill graduate with PhD in CS next year>body countunironically khhvHow do I unironically stop being an incel?
>>59268855Tell me about your $2.1MM house. Is it cool or just in VHCOL?
>>59268855Yea didn't need to know the ethnicity, freak.So you live in a $2M house and pay... $70k/yr in property taxes, insurance, and upkeep? Your other assets barely cover that.Ngmi, but you will be happy enough8/10, could never be me
>>59268913Get fit. Pick up an interesting hobby that lets you interact with guys and/or girls in a normal IRL setting.
>>59267740Bro, your brain has been thoroughly fucked. Rethink your priorities and maybe do a little prostrating and repenting of your sins if you haven't already. You need a path, and there is only one right one.
>>59268906> There's literally nothing worse then an uninteresting chick whose life revolves around instagram likes.Agreed> Organizing your life around finding a woman is desperation tierEh. Disagree. 'Socialization' and culture are real things. If you're in a place not finding what you're looking for, then moving to a place more aligned with your values seems fine.Doing "interesting things" for the sake of meeting women is just as deperation tier. You may not be doing those things for that purpose, but you're touting as the solution to people who aren't doing those things already because they don't want to.So maybe the answer is not "do 'interesting' things (as defined by society) to meet women". But instead "become the kind of person who wants to do those 'interesting' things for their own sake, and as a consequence you may meet a woman".Essentially, become more of a normie is your answer
>>59269045> I disagree with you and my opinion is the only right oneNo thanks, but i dig the arrogance
>>59264070Think about your parents tooWant to stay close to them as they get older
Damn I just realized the meaning of life is starting a podcast
>>59268913You're winning at life financially. Have you tried applying your brain to solving your own problem?Regardless, I could fix your life Crazy, Stupid, Love style
>>59264070I admire that you didn't make a retarded thread about how you only have 1 million dollars and feel like you can't quit your job until you have 10 million.
>>59269079I'm not on speaking terms with my momMy dad/step-mom are rich. If they want to be near me when they're older they can move to me. I'd love to get them out of California desu, they spend a lot to be here.
>>59268968I just started exercising in the past few months. Hopefully I can keep this up until I get fit.My only interesting hobby that's not in pic related is flight sims, translating that to irl is expensive since owning a plane is like 400k minimum and Idk if I want to waste my money like that>>59269116I am autistic and don't really understand women. Spending the last 10 years with CS autists in uni really didn't help with that
>>59269128Thanks. Most here seem to prefer that I believe that was true.> $1M ain't shitOk bud. The impoverished among us live better than kings.Picrel is me answering the door for DoorDash back when I was waging and consooooming
>>59269060> become the kind of person who wants to do those 'interesting' things for their own sake, and as a consequence you may meet a womanThis is mostly what I'm getting at, but I'm giving you the freedom to define interesting as something that makes sense to you personally.I used to be skinny fat and play loads of vidya. At some point, I decided I wanted to get really good at tennis. Being brutally honest with myself, playing tennis was much more personally "interesting" because it gave me the opportunity to use my body and mind in a much more competitive way and in different and challenging dimensions than vidya simply can't offer. Sure, it's a normie sport and lots of players are insufferable, but that doesn't really matter to me.Once you get really good at tennis, you basically have your pick of many well-adjusted, fit, hot women, but that was never really the goal to begin with, just a nice side benefit of improving myself at something I like, Just do something like that, but for you.
>>59269074Just giving sage advice. Take it or leave it. I was 30 and childless and happy once too. Your happiness is going to fade and fast. If you're not a vomplete degen you can remain happy if you start a family, otherwise real happiness and love of life will fade into nothing but memories and facades. Good luck, you know the right answer deep down anon.
>>59269169>>59269169Yea women hate men who aren't performing some utility. Men hate men like this tooObjectifying for sure> my only interesting hobby not in picrel...> names a video gameKekKeep up the fitness.
>>59264479Holy shit /bizz/niggers are delusional.
>>59269201Advice is only good if it can resonate with the recipient. So thanks for phrasing this well
>>59269226Yea he could have just typed "I'm too scared to live"
>>59269205Bro what happened to you in your 30s. You gave up on your own future and realized you're meaningless?Sorry I'm not impotent like you
Kek I made 50k from crypto this year starting at 15k and I am better off in middle europe than basically anybody else I know end of 20s. You people with apparently millions of dollars networth still talking like you are barely able to live are hilarious to me. All that money is not worth being as autistic as you are. >bro you cannot live unless you are a billionaireKek
>>59264267Get a job. Apply. Idk about how to prep for tech sales job, but I'm aure you can find resources.You don't need to code to do tech sales.You want to be a consultant? Also can't help you there but it probably starts with finding people who need software, huh?> I thought AI eating jobs was a memeI built and an entire fullstack web app complete with database,auth, clean visuals, job queuing, and OpenAI api integration in 6 hours. It would have taken me weeks to do, with lower quality.It's already radically changing the industry. But it might not eliminate jobs, just make them look very different.Programming changed from pinch cards to typing, but interestingly as it got easier the demand for programmers went up not down.Reducing the cost of something sometimes increases demand, since you can now get more for less.This is part of the problem with climate and energy consumption. People thought making more efficient cars and stuff would help reduce climate impact, but it just means people now just consume more gas.But yea idk I would still learn CS if you can. Or work in the industry. Especially if it speaks to you.Software is just too good of a business model, too high margin (low marginal cost) to warrant going away.Plus all great things are built through compounding... if you've already started dont start over somewhere else. Stay in your lane
>>59269169>>59269211I don't think it's about "performing some utility", it's more about "does this person use their time in a genuinely interesting/creative/fulfilling way? Or do they just waste time on low effort slop?"Why do you like the flight sim? Is it because you operate a technically complex machine? Do you like the concept of flying? Both? Private pilot license is like $20k, which is a worthwhile investment for a lifelong hobby if you're legitimately interested in it. You also get the benefit of leaving your house, chilling with old time pilot bros, learning a cool skill, experiencing IRL flight on a deep level, and who knows what else. I've put many multiples of $20k into my IRL hobbies over the years and have absolutely no regrets about it.
>>59268429Serious retard answerThis is almost as obnoxious as no-coiners telling you people to cash out their entire crypto stack into vanguard ETF's
>>59269273Congrats, European
>>59264479Why does retards always think everyone lives in SF? You can retire with 1.2M in most places.
>>59269378Because I said I was in SF in the OP retard
>>59264094>over 40>link >link>lost count after 100
>>59269358It is about utility. "Wasting" time means you're not "being productive". The criticism is a man must produce.We're saying the same thing
>>59269390Cant follow instructions. Ngmi
Rate this thread
>>59269258My future is bright. Loneliness sets in. It's nice to be alone for a while especially when you're young but it does not last. You know this because you're debating settling down with a woman you're not even attracted to. Imagine the happiness you would bring you and multiply that by 1 million, that is what a child will give you.
>>59269258She would bring you*
>>59264174I’m 29 and cooler than you
>>59269440Ehh opiates seem cheaper. I get we're biologically wired to enjoy kids, but not sure it aligns with my values.But thanks for explaining your take. It makes sense. Sounds like you have no regrets
>>59269456> Doubt
>>59264070>82 posts by this IDCongratulations OP you have convinced everyone that you're a loser
>>59269535Keep consuming and not writing. See how that works out for you
35200 k networth more or lessPut my penis in 4 women i thinkHad mental and health issues all my life that prevented me from achieving anything meaningful, but i have good hope i'm about to come out of this periodI like the frugal approach, you can live frugally with very little, ofc you won't raise a familly but you will escape the rat race and its horrible grip on you
>>59269547You're gonna make it
>>59269569you didn't ask my allocation.I'm going all in on real estate, can have several cheap properties where i live in order to generate 1500$ gross income per month
>dude I’m so rich I just want to le vibe and go to le San Franistan to be a le founder in AI! And if I can’t do that I’ll just retire with the simple folx in bumfuck Arkansas and be a le heckin based manly man living off the land with a trad wife and a doggo and heckin kidderinos! Everyone else here is stupid and beneath me! I’m obviously not insecure even though I’ve posted over 80 times!Faggot.>>>/Reddit/ could all be so simple
>>59269808Wow my life upsets you bitch boy
>>59268927it's pretty cool. HCOL but not california/bay area tier HCOL. >>59268934nowhere close to $70k/year, even if you include utilities, the fuck are you smoking
>>59269852> no where close to $70k/yrDoubt. I bet it's a lot
>>59264094>Age 24>Net Worth $40k>Allocation95% BTC 5% Cash>Body CountOne insane whore my senior year of high school all the way and one bj about a year agoI will either go to law school or become a travel influencer, I'm not really sure what to do.
>>59270382> become a travel influencerWell if this is part of your plan you're not smart enough to be a lawyer.What have you been doing since high school
>>59264094> age33> net worth$7M> allocation100% crypto, around 40/40/20 BTC SOL ETH> body count0
You can buy a really nice apartment in the capital city of Buenos Aires for 200k, with more than 100 m2 square. Usa is stupidily expensive
>>59270697Just why
>>59270801I've looked into it. Mid West seems better than Argentina
>>59268804OP you didn’t judge me. What’s a fella gonna get rated as here?
>>59269367Why is it obnoxious?>>59269430Good thread, but want more n/10 ratings of people.>>59269510Peak retard answer.>>59270801But then you have to live amongst porteno trash. How much for a comfy Bariloche retreat? And how hard is it to buy Argie real estate with BTC?
>>59270656I was being a bit facetious though I do love to travel. I went to college, been working, moved out, the whole nine. Managed to get some dough into Bitcoin during the summer of 2020, COVID radically veered everything in my life off course and really fucked me up socially. I got an interview for a great tech job in California (no idea whether I have a shot at it) but my plan is to go to law school and try and get in with the VC boys. Also we're all making a lot of money here, we need people defending us from the government and whatnot.
>>59264191>LINK/ETHyeah you're fucked anonlmao
>>59268804>>59270867You're fine. Killing it by most standards. Idk enough about your shithole country to really judge you.Most of your networth came from crypto gains though? And not skills-based compensation? BTC was 20k a couple years ago.You're in the awkward phase where its a lot of money but not enough to fuck off with.How much are you making from your JOB? Crypto might be your only hope, but its looking good for you8/10I would be higher if you didn't reply to this thread, get a life.
>>59270904I hope you're having fun
>>59270876You'll make it, but your definition of 'make it' is prob different than minealso fuck lawyers
So far we haven't seen any true retards (except maybe the $7m guy), mostly people just over allocating crypto.This is not too surprising. Obviously this board is going to skew toward crypto. But many are uncomfortable with their >50% NW allocations to crypto.But its understandable. You get suckered into holding, even when you'd rather take some profits due to taxes. Why the FUCK would you take a guaranteed 30% loss. You wouldn't, so it grows. And grow. And suddenly BTC 5x in a couple years and now you have a good problem.Overall good to know /biz/ can somewhat handle money
>>59271038What is my definition of making it and what's yours? I would say my view is total financial freedom which would obviously be nice in my twenties but is definitely on the horizon in my 30's or even earlier if people like Samson Mow and Michael Saylor are right about Bitcoin which I believe they are. Also always the off chance of some Solana shitcoin taking off, I could have pulled $20k from a $35 purchase on one but they rugged the fuck out of it.
kumbuya motherfuckers who's next?> age> net worth> allocation> body count
>>59270812Too ugly to bother trying to pursue relationships.
>>59271403that was more in reference to your allocation
>>59271634Why would 100% crypto be bad? I've been 100% since a net worth of 20k 6 years ago.
>>59264191You are LITERALLY me except I have 16k in link not 40k
>>59264070Congrats, you're where I wish I was.>age32>net worth611k USD>allocation5% cash - getting 4% returns, temporary at 5% to prepare to pay taxes, will drop down to 2%34% tax advantaged accounts in boring mix of index funds61% crypto - 40% btc, 40% eth, 20% altcoinsbiggest altcoins are link, sol, doge, ondo, ada but have a mix of others>body count4, but single for years nowFor my current spending in a rent controlled apartment, I'd need 900k USD to live off 4% and be retired.I just got a raise at work and salary bumped up to 76k USD/year. If I sold all my crypto today, I should be able to retire in 5 or so years. If crypto does a 2x I could retire today.I have 2 financial goals, I want to work on my own gamedev business fulltime, and I want to live in a house instead of an apartment.RE is overpriced everywhere in my country (I'm a leaf), and it would increase my monthly spending by 2x for a mortgage even with 20% down, even if I moved an hour outside a city. If I do hit the retirement number, I'll be at a crossroads between retiring early and keeping my standard of living to chase a gamedev dream VS continue grinding at a job I don't really care about for likely another 10 years to own a house.Crypto going up 3x (and me holding it beyond my retirement number) would allow me to accomplish both goals.Or maybe moving to a different country with less insane costs and less insane people running it, but any kind of permanent visa is difficult to get.
>>59266685Get your shit together and start acting your age.
>>59264291>I need a partner for my sanity though. Someone smart and supportive. But she's also a fucking LIABILITY. She spends all her money and has some weird unknown chronic illness. Spends ~50k/year on a panel of Stanford doctors who all consult with eachother, and are recommending these experimental treatments. Been going on for 4 years. She just took 3 moths of medical leave off work to do some new brain electrification treatment.
>>59271898My shit is together. Is yours?I see the world clearly. I know what I have, what I want, and what I can afford. I have made my wants a reality. I have achieved dreams.What have you done anon?
>>59264070If you move to SF to do the AI start up, can you hire me for entry level data entry or somthing?
>>592717737.9/10You are on the path. Too much crypto allocation for my liking. Not enough income.> full-time Game Dev is my dreamHow many games have you made?
>>59273767Startups don't really have room for people without hard skills sorry anon. If I need data entry I'm outsourcing to the Philippines. Not running a /biz/ charity. But if you Learn2Code maybe
>>59273883Get the fuck out of here with that shit. If I was a fed I wouldn't be going after small-fries on /biz/ I'd be fighting cronyism on the Hill
>>59264320>not having kidsdon't be a fool
>>59264494no you don't
>>59266744Yes, that is a great position to be in, but it is not retirement
>>59264070>>59264094Yeah, I have no clue desu about my net worth or anything. Maybe around 10k? Including items, limited invest of maybe 200 dollars, and parent's car that I use. I am 22 btw. >Majored in polisci from liberal arts college>80k in debt.>Part-time job for local city at 15.99/hr >Parents are willing to support for the time being. SO I have some space but am currently waiting on word back from government applications I sent in over the months since graduation. None have been successful. If I could do it all over again, I would, but obviously it has already past. Waiting on word from military for Officer spot, to hopefully get some footing.
>>59274056>>59274065>>59274090Post numbers or gtfo.And learn to read. That was the scenario in case of a failed retirement, which everyone seems so convinced will happen
>>59274222Our first negative net worth. Why do you want to be a politician
hello guys, ive made some pasta and im gathering a group of frens to share with. if ur interested check out t me cpy_pst, but please be nice
>>59274252To help da jews
>>59264070>>59264094>25 y/o software fag>$125k cushy full-stack remote job>just started investing but paid off student loans>do Typescript/C# .NET and dev ops primarilyCan I still make it? I live in a shithole in the northeast to save money, but idk how much longer my psyche can take it. Lots of 3rd worlders and blacks moving in enshittifying the place. I want to move somewhere nicer but it looks like I need to be a multi-millionaire to get where I want to be.>body count1 but unironically turned down ~10 girls the year I met her and I attempted to try hookups but was wasn't into sex with them. Went on dates and they just felt empty, no real connection and didn't find them that hot. Met my gf and hit it off, and we've been together for almost 6 years and I plan to propose soon.
>>59268799>Maybe the dudes in California are just extremely low-tierYes
Finally, a good fucking thread for a change. Based funny gigachad OP casually steamrolling the limp-dicked betacucks itt.>age22>net worth$45,000>allocation$30k BTC/LINK 80%/20%$15k paid-off car>body count7, hot bitches only>blogLiving like a king, fit and rich in Eastern Europe. Got a job after high school to save up for BTC. Eearned enough, so I quit and after neeting for a year making art, reading books, boxing and lifting decided to go to uni (FREE!!! Amerigolems beware!!!). Philosophy major, it's cool as fuck. Lmaoing @ all the fags here that are stressing out about muh wife, muh kids, muh mortgage, motherfuckers you hear that? That's you dying, one second at a time! I guess no one taught you in school that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Girls are a nuisance atp and I got cooler shit to do than muh wet pussy.>inb4 retarded zoomer faggotKill yourself, old man!And never forget that you've spent your whole life living in the past or the future, while I'm out there in the moment, fucking your future "sweet wife"!
>>592744100/10 unless you give your real answer.Unless that was your answer and you're pro-Isreal in the conflict in which case fineI have no horse in that race.> (OP here - not on wifi)
>>59274461You will NEVER make it to financial freedom through scrimping and saving alone.Move to San Francisco, serve your masters like a good little goy. Collect your $300k/yr and retire in 7 years. You'll be saving $130k a year, working with decently smart people.If you're too scared and fragile to do that, then you get what you deserve. Study liberal ideology so it doesn't repulse you as much.> 25 y/o $0 NW pre-wifed-up conservachad7/10You're doing fine given your age. Do not take your foot off the gas. I hope your girl is a good one, otherwise you're a 4/10. You sound smart enough, but you need an edge. Get to $200k> picrel to upset you, idk
>>59274491Men adapt to what women want. And the women in California don't know what they want or what they can get
>>592746233.6/10, but praying for youLook into stem cell therapy for curing brain damage.I agree with your take on this thread
>>59264070How about a load of Galaxis instead?
>>59275349I like your funny words, magic man!Godspeed, you son of a bitch!Anons don't forget to stop thinking and enjoy the moment once in a while, money is not the goal, it's a tool!Thread soundtrack:
>>59273807>You are on the path. Too much crypto allocation for my liking. Not enough income.Yeah, income has been hard to grow, I'm underpaid for my position but I'm IQ gated on interviewing, so I haven't been successful in getting another job offer.>How many games have you made?I have about 3ish games that were publicly released.
>>59264360>>going for rural women if you have the chance to date in a cityas if dating in SF is an "opportunity" lmaoprobably the egg freezing capital of the world right there bay area is freaking crazy>>59269353>Plus all great things are built through compounding... if you've already started dont start over somewhere else. Stay in your lanemy therapist reached the end of his rope in tech and then had a biz billing $120+/hr to insurance within a few years + his wife working for him billing the same. no corpo BS any more; just a full book of clients in a comfy office and even a great deal of work from home (I've been a 98% virtual client). I think ones "lane" can be broader than we think.
>>59275704(cont) keeps stopping me from posting because it thinks my post is spam.Had 0 financial success with the first 2 games but for my latest game I managed to grow a community of a few hundred people, and that brings in a few hundred/mo for early access and funding the development. Posting constant updates and working fulltime has been a challenge, but I think the game will do well when it's released.
>>59275214Thanks man, worried about how I'll break into a company in SF though. I didn't go to a top school and am still grinding some leetcode but I'm not great or anything, working my way through the neetcode 150 and half way through graphs. The market seems like a dumpster fire. I'd why I'm bitching about it on here, only option is to just apply which I'm gonna start doing today. >$0 NWI mean techincally I have $26k in savings $40k in my 401k and I'm throwing $1000/mo into VOO. Market seems like it's gonna correct soon and BTC is at an ATH so I'm fucked right now but it is what it is.>I hope your girl is a good oneShe rocks, very chill and is up for anything if we have to move or whatever. There's a reason I'm marrying her early, wasn't planning to settle down until my 30s/40s but this seem vital to lock down.
>>59275704>>59275756> underpaid> IQ gated on interviewingPick one. You can't be both. If you can't get another job, then your employer is playing you exactly as much as they should.The fact you actually have released games is promising. And there is no better feeling than stewarding a community around something you've created; that should be plenty of motivation to continue.
>>59276021You're gonna cum your pants once you do get an offer like that.Highly recommend it. It's fun> picrel your future onions coworkers who spend way too much money on ski leases, Palo Alto rent, and Porsche Macans
>>59276098> - onions
>>59276098"onions coworkers"
>>59276111I'm being fucking trolled here
>>59275016Real answer is that I have seen a lot of poor leadership and management, and would like to be one of the good ones. Or at the minimum just competent.
>>59275739You're always going to be able to find counter examples but if you want my advice its the same:Stay in your lane.If you have found some success in something, stay in your lane.> our lanes are probably bigger than we thinkFor sure. And a higher net worth/lower burn gives you room to try, fail, experiment. Just don't ignore your bread and butter.
>>59276098I love you bro, sounds gay as fuck but I really needed someone to tell me this shit. Hopefully I'll see you in SF in a year or two if you do that AI startup, god bless.
>>59276145Idk how you're going to make it while integrating yourself into the political machine that mangles men into the politicians we have today.What polisci major hasn't gone in thinking they were going to "be one of the good ones"?I respect it, but seems at odds with "making it", but desu i don't know anything about how the money flows in politics.Good luck. 5/10?
>>59270966Same Anon, likely a different ID because phoneposting.Yeah most of my gains came from BTC and less from a small handful of alts. It wasn’t really the intent to make so much out of crypto since the portfolio is really unbalanced now, but it’s just how it’s worked out considering crypto has been such a good performer.I work for the state government in NSW, roughly $150k AUD per year ($100k in real dollars) but I’m pretty topped out where I am and there’s nowhere to go from here. Next year I’ll be taking a bit of a step back to do a trade apprenticeship which might be a slight pay cut initially but should result in better pay and job flexibility down the track so later on if I have a family and commitments and all that, it should be easier to manage.Cheers for the rate ya mad lad, 109 PBTID and still going, commendable.
Who's next?> age> net worth> allocation> body count
>>59264094> age25> net worth350,000 USD> allocationOne stock, US Company.> body countZero.
>>59278529> One stockWhich stock and whyAnd why are you a virgin> OP here - back off wifi
>Age25>Networth$2k.>Allocation1k in solana picksbody countvirgin: but girls 18-20 have been VERY receptive towards me and more flirtatious than when I 15-22. Maybe the 30 yo chad meme is true heh.Now I will be waging for and UPS and stacking away my pitiful savings into crypto. I make $1600 a month. I need shitcoin wins. Long term, I will be enrolling in community college in January and will try studying how to be an electrician. Yeah. I'm not a sophisticated high iq chad like you guys going into law or elite jew brotherhoods. I can still make it though. I just gotta figure out how... Be as truthful as you like! God knows how much I need it.
>>59278693>Which stock and whyIt's actually 80% stock and 20% cash. Not going to say the stock.320k stock position and 30K cash position>And why are you a virginI always mess up the timing to ask a girl out, that I think was interested in me. It was when I was working at retail fast food job, there was at least one girl that I should have asked out.Also there was actually multiple other girls that was interested in me but I was not attracted to them, so I turned them down.