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Day 4 of snail posting until DOT reaches $100
based snail
you mad?
Selling @ 500 next year
Fren, chill it with the black & white thinking... And please don't project onto me your own madness and ego hurt when you think someone makes fun of your investment, that shows your immaturity and people will notice that. Does the BTC snailposter give a fuck if someone FUDs BTC? No, they just don't give a fuck, they simply snailpost and they don't care because they know BTC will hit a 100k$, they're confident in themselves, unlike you. You literally got all defensive and attacked me for literally calling it the best tech and you mistook it for FUD and even if you mistook it for FUD why did you feel the need to even answer to FUD? Black & white thinking is a symptom of trauma and a few other mental illnesses like personality disorders. I'm not saying you're mentally ill and I'm not saying you have mental health issues, all I'm saying is that you should look at yourself and be aware of what you're doing and how it's coming of and I'm really sorry if this post offended you.

I have like 6k to 7k DOT, I'm not even sure how many I have to be honest. We good fren? And please, if you want to snailpost then just ignore the FUD, if you're really confident about DOT hitting 100$ then why does the FUD matter? The only reason why you'd reply to the FUD is because you're unsure, because there's doubt in your mind and you're making the snailposts based on the doubt, based on the fear that it might not reach 100$. I hope you see I'm not trying to attack you even though I realize it might come of that way. It's just my opinion as a frog
I aint reading this wall of text
Suit yourself
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Polka is the king of Web3 and it is going to get parabolic pretty soon. Strap in.
staking rewards have made the market cap blow up too much for any true parabolism
Is this your first bull run? And what's up with that anon? Are you actually FUDing and doubting your own investment? You don't deserve to snail post. You're literally sending bad vibes towards DOT, please stop, you're hurting us and yourself
calm down pal, 100 bux is inevitable
I have 1000 XRP and am DCAing to 1000 DOT, buying every dip. By the time Trump leaves office, I will be a millionaire and the bossman can suck my ding dong.

Captcha: J0Y8YW
>calm down pal
Again with the projections
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>not FUDding your own coins
What can you even FUD? There's nothing to FUD with DOT except the whales that are whaling on the open governance and "manipulating" the votes. It's not really manipulation if they actually vote fair and square, but still, people like giottodf (https://x.com/giottodf) are power grabbing DOT like crazy.
what's the suicide bag bros?
There are actually things to FUD. The system is great, don't get me wrong. However, implementation and adoption are lacklustre.
But than again, it is not like other altcoins are much better in that regard.
opinion on kusama? is it a better investment than polkadot?
>what's the suicide bag bros?
Not sure

Probably worse but the price will also pump. It's literally a glorified testnet but at the same time the KSM <-> DOT (which is currently still not used a lot because people are still implementing it) was build and that should probably change that with time.
>KSM <-> DOT
KSM <-> DOT bridge*
I've earnt in total 680 DOT equivalent to $5,739 for doing nothing
how much u staking?
>doing nothing
Actually you got it for helping secure the network, that's actually not nothing. Also you got it for being a good boy and holding
3181 DOT, staking payouts dropped from 1.3 DOT per day to 1 DOT after the inflation reduction
how long you have been staking for?
or dont tell. i can just calculate it. thats a pretty decent size stack anon :3
Move it to bifrost if you don't have it on there. You'll get A LOT more. Put about 50% into vDOT and leave 50% in DOT (it's not exactly 50/50 because vDOT is worth more than DOT, so you need to check the ratio). Then put the vDOT and DOT into the LP and you'll get BLP vDOT/DOT and that put that LP token into their farm. You'll get A LOT more than even 1.3DOT per day for doing that... Trust me, I've been doing this for years now and I'm very happy.

Use the projects in the DOT ecosystem, they bring AMAZING value. Don't use centralized exchanges, bigger risk and less profit
The tokeonomics get a lot of fud but I don't know enough to tell if the criticism is valid.

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