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After having a really nice house and going out to eat, is there any point to being rich? Seems like the only point, after buying a nice house, is to buy things to flex on other people.
Being able to afford 100+ kids without 50+ starving to death
>going out to eat
Nigger you're retarded.
post like these just prove that the majority of the cattle wouldn't even know what to do with all this financial freedom
There is. You travel the world, impregnate poor women in different countries, and pay a monthly for each baby. Your genes, trained to make money, are transmitted to them.
Spending your time however you want to spend it.
you have a slave mentality. you need to be told what to do because you are uncapable of thinking for yourself.
>buy house
>buy things
>flex on strangers
>now what?
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I just want to grow peppers in a greenhouse and maybe some other stuff outside and to keep doing that despite it being not profitable. That is if I would be stuck in 6 figure or lower 7 figure hell.
If by some miracle I make 100s of millions I would like and try to start a missile factory to supply the military or something big.
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I am going to be rich and nothing can stop me. There is a point. If you have no money you are hierarchically very low on societal scale. That is why in that stage you have no friends and no hoes wanna fuck. Get rich out of spite. Just so you can roll up in your lambo in front of enemies and ex gf whores to see what life they could have had. That in itself is a very good reason. Also, you have more opportunities. Bored? Go to NYC to have a pizza, see statue of liberty then road trip to Texas. Maybe visit europe and see pompei. You will have access to best shit money can buy. Wanna go to antarctica? Go. Thats why I will be rich
Also, I have graduated human form and I deeply know material world is bullshit but you are here in this reality and knowing this best thing you can do is have fun and troll other tryhard retards with your money. Laugh never becomes boring, its impossible.
Do you guys have an answer or do you just like the sound of your voice? There's nothing worth spending money on after you buy your freedom from the wage cage. Stuffing your house full of crap won't make you happy
good drugs are expensive anon
What would you do if you had all the time in the world and money was not an issue?? Everybody's answer is different. Personally, I am in 7 fig hell. You would not know I have money by looking at me. My cars are all 10 plus years old. I ask my wife if she wants a new car and she doesn't care for it. I realized material things do not make you happy along time ago. I lift, raise my kids, hang and play music with my friends, family... etc. I dont travel because I dont really give a shit.
ensuring your kids will have a good eduction and good future
ensuring your dick will continue to have good pusy
>There's nothing worth spending money on after you buy your freedom from the wage cage
Sure there is.
Save the white race, grow a business empire to create power and influence and generational wealth, pop out a dozen kids and dedicate all your time to raising them the best way possible.
All worthy and ambitious goals, and once you have your freedom you'll have the time to achieve them.
I'll never understand this mindset of "nothing worth spending money on" after making it, there's plenty of shit to spend money on that isn't mindless consumerism or keeping up with the joneses.
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Healthcare for you and loved ones, being able to start a family and raise them in a stable environment, and the increase in overall wellbeing/lifestyle associated with not having lower/middle class financial stress.

If you are hedonistic, then yes, gambling, whores, drugs, parties, and expensive luxuries help you as well.

I've been poor and am trying to at least get to upper middle class. Anyone who says "what's the point of being rich?" is either lying, has never been poor, or is emotionally immature.
Money is what allows you not to be around retards. Fly first class, take a cab everywhere you go when you travel abroad, eat in decent restaurants, live in a good neighborhood where you don't hear retards, etc.
You can't just lump together near a hundred unique European people under the umbrella term of "white", unless you're a kike.
Ignore if tru
>You can't just lump together near a hundred unique European people under the umbrella term of "white
Sure you can, it's a useful category because that's the category being attacked.
I’d rather kind of money that gave me a nice house and eating out everyday, than having no house and working 9-5 for the rest of my life
travel is a pretty good one. Nothing better than being able to go wherever you want and partake in whatever luxury you feel like. Go hike some remote trail and then book an expensive spa afterwards.
>Bored? Go to NYC to have a pizza, see statue of liberty
literally just did that this weekend. Except it was a hot dog and to go to the top of the Empire State building. Feels good to have to money to do that on a whim. Next goal is to have the money to do it flying Business class.
I can buy politicians and armies to shape the world in my image
None of those things will make me happier.
>worthy and ambitious goals
I don't care if I'm worthy or ambitious, I'm just here to enjoy my life and rip in peace. You go ahead and save/raise/build shit, I'll enjoy the fruits of your labor that you chose to donate to lazy fucks like me because you wanted to be worthy and ambitious.
This is it really. Money gives you back time. Having a house and money to live off of frees you from the wage cage forever. I’d rather do nothing every day then be stuck in the wage cage.
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you have 0 passions or hobbies. im very sorry about (((them))) successfully depriving you of searching for something greater through artistic, spiritual and physical pursuits.

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